HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 93-174 ORDINANCE NO. 93-174 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE, ORDINANCE 90-43, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION, 22-879, TO ALLOW HOTEL/MOTELS IN THE MANUFACTURING PARK (MP) ZONE. (AMENDS ORDINANCE 90-43, SECTION 2) WHEREAS, amendments to the Federal Way Zoning Code text are authorized pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-276 and §22- 516; and WHEREAS, the city Council had reviewed a proposal for a Zoning Code text amendment to allow hotel/motels as a use permitted in the Manufacturing Park (MF) Zone; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council, pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-517, having determined the proposal to be worthy of legislative consideration, referred the proposal to the Planning commission for its review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, having considered the proposal at a public hearing on March 17,1993, pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-523, and all public notice having been duly given pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-521; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning commission submitted its recommendation for proposed zoning text amendment to the appropriate Council Committee; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Land Use Council Committee on April 13, 1993, considered the recommendation of the Planning ORD. NO. 93-174 , PAGE 1 COpy commission and has forwarded the Planning Commission recommendation to the full Council; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Findinqs. The city Council of the City of Federal Way adopts the Findings with respect to these amendments as contained in the staff Report to the Planning Commission dated March 17, 1993, section 2.0 "Issue Discussion," attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference incorporated herein, and further adopts the following Findings: 1. It is consistent with the purpose and intent of MP zones as defined in the Comprehensive Plan to permit hotels in MP zones. It is clear however that MP zones are primarily intended for light manufacturing uses and that other uses should only be permitted where they support the manufacturing function in MP zones. 2. Allowing hotels in MP zones will create diversity in MP zones and is consistent with this County-wide policy. County-wide policies require.that manufacturing/business parks outside of urban centers should become more diverse in their mix of land uses. The city's MP zones are all outside Federal Way's proposed urban center and are subject to this policy. Therefore Federal Way should take opportunities to diversify the range of uses that are permitted in its manufacturing and business zones. ORD. NO. 93-174 , PAGE 2 3. Hotels will not create an adverse impact for other uses in MP zones or adjacent residential zones. Hotels are lighter in terms of traffic generation, noise, pollution, and visual impact than many of the uses permitted in MP zones. 4. Hotels fit well with the character and diverse mix of commercial, retail, and commercial uses that are currently permitted in Federal Way's MP zones. MP zones cover a wide range of industrial, retail, commercial and service activities, whereas many other jurisdictions split these uses into strip commercial, light manufacturing, and heavier manufacturing zones. As such, the Federal Way MP zone is very mixed in character and accommodates a wide range of retail, commercial, and service uses. section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-277 and based upon the Findings, the Federal Way City council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the Decisional criteria necessary for this amendment: 1. The recommendation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in that: The purpose and intent of Manufacturing Park zones is described on page 22 of the Comprehensive Plan. The IIpurpose and intent" states that the zone is intended primarily for light manufacturing uses but ORD. NO. 93-174 , PAGE 3 ORD. NO. does. not exclude services such as hotels which support light the manufacturing and commercial function in these zones. 2. The proposal bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfare in that: The impacts of traffic generation, noise, and visual impact, resulting from hotels are light compared with industrial, retail, and commercial uses permitted in MP zones. Hotels will therefore have no negative impact on surrounding uses in MP zones. While permanent homes are not appropriate in MP zones, hotels provide overnight accommodation in support of commercial and industrial activities, and are therefore an acceptable use of land in MP zones. 3. The the is proposal in the interest best of residents of the City in that: Permitting hotels in MP zones will provide more flexibility for siting hotels in suitable locations without affecting any of the residential zones in the city. for Providing services support manufacturing and business uses will contribute to the services of available to businesses range thereby strengthening Federal Way's economic base. 93-174 , PAGE 4 section 3. Amendment. The Federal Way Zoning Code is amended to add a new Section 22-879 as set out in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, to allow hotels/motels as a permitted use in the Manufacturing Park (liMP") Zone. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the city Council of the City of Federal Way this 4th day of May ,1993. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY W:~im~ WANEY, CMC ORD. NO. 93-174 , PAGE 5 ~ CITY ATTORNEY, CAROLYN A. FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: May 11, 1993 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 3, 1993 ORDINANCE NO. 93-174 kmhlurlotdinlJwte/s.mpz ORD. NO. 93-174 , PAGE 6 LAKE April14,1993 May 4, 1993 CITY OF FEDER-\L WAY PLA..'\"";\Th'G CO:\[\ITSSIO:"{ Pl13LIC HEARI\"G. DATE: MARCH 17, 1993. APPLICA-,~T: CITY OFFEDER.u. WAY. PROPOSED ACTIO:\': AJ\Œ..'"D SECTIO:\'S 22-860 TO 22-8ï8 OF THE FEDER-\.L WAY ZO;-'L'\G CODE TO ALLOW HOTELS IN 1\ lANUF A C TITRlN G PARK Z 0 1\ TI . STAFF: PAUL QUARTER:'1A..~, ASSOCgTE PLA..'\1'<"ER. SEPA STATUS: EXEMPT. 1.0. BACKGROUÑ"D. 1.1. This staff report considers a JegisJative action to amend Section 22-860 to 22-878 of the Feder¿! Way Zoning Code (FWZC) (See Arza.chn.ent A) to permit hote1s in Manufacturing Park (MP) zones. Tne FWZC defines motels and hotels 2.S t!]e saIne u~ (Section 22-1) which is ti.ì:en to be: "a singJe building or group of buildings cont.ai.,-üng individU2..l sJeeping units intended for tr.:.nsient occupancy.. . HoteJs are cuITenüy perinitted in úìe CC (City Center) zone subject to Process I review and in BC (Community Business) zones subject to a Site Pian Review. 1.2. The origin21 request to amend the F\\IZC for MP zones was sub;¡1.Ítted to the Council for legislative action by John KarI on May 7, 1992. V,J Karl has an hotel at the intersection of Pacific RJghway and South 356th, which is b an :MP zone, a.nd operates as a Jeg21 non- cc-:1fo¡-¡r¡ing u~. This hotel W2.S permitted under úìe Ki¡¡g County Zoning Code and bec2.¡ne a kg2.1 non-conforming use as a resu1t oft!]e city's incorporation. On December 8, 1992 the Land Use Committee found that the proposal '",'as wDrÜ~y of 1egisJative co"sideration and instructed st2.ff to prepare a report to Planning Commissio:1 to consider amending the Federal Way Zoning Code to 2ÌJow hotels in Manufacturing Park zones (M?). 1.3. This proposal for a code amendment must be considered pursuant to Process IV FWZC 22-516 through 22-530. Proposals for such JegisJative code amendments must be in¡ôated by the City Council, Cou¡¡cil Committee, or Planning Commission. The criteria for code amendment are found i" FWZC 22-277. . EXHIBIT './1... 2.0 ISSYJE DISCuSSTO:-l". A. The purpose and intent of tbe ~œ Zone Designation. 2.1. Staff finds that permitting hotels in MP zones is consistent \'.it1 t1e Comprehensive PI"". The purpose and intent of MP zones is found on page 22 of the Com¡:);f~hensive PIan whkh states that: . "Industrial Parks ue intended to provide a IDC.õtion for light m211ufacturing, warehouses, 211d processing activities with proximity to resource 211d materia1 suppliers. Bec.;,use the av2.Ï]ability of land for t!¡ese uses is limited, ¡-e:G.i1 uses should be strictly limited. They shouJd be Iceated 0:1 sites fr~ of hazards or sensitive ~a:;;:-c.l uus, where some separation C2.n be maintained from residentia1 J2J1d uses. S¡¡e:;õts ~1d roads ",,'ithin these areas shouJd be adequate to h~1àle Juge vehkJes 2J1d minimize conílicts with trJfic from residential and commercia1 ueas. Industria1 puks should have access tù the regiona1 t¡-2J1sportation system 2..,d public tr.õ,,1sportation syster:1S to exp211d r:1arket 2..,d employment are2S. Sites shouId have moæ tJ'¡"" one arterial access to improve safety 2J1d tr.:.ffic flow". 2:2. Stafffmds tht MP zones are prim2..lily Ì11lended for light m2..l";ufac:-Uring uses, with limited opportunities for suppordng services 2J1d ret2.il activities. Hotels are in keeping with this ruJge of uses and provide a service which supports the main commercial ","ld light manufacturing function of the zone. B. County-wide policies for Business and Industrial Parks. 2.3. The county-wide policies for King Cou."ty require all business parks outside of the "Urban Centers" and "Manufac:-uri.."lg Cenlers" to b=me more diverse in ti¡eir mix of uses. County- wide Planning Policy LU-62 states that: "All jurisdictions should deveJop pJa.¡lning mech211Ïsms to 2.Ssist in the conversion of Business/Office Puks to mixed use area.s. Jurisdictions shouJd encourage inclusion of residential and neighborhood comme¡-cia1 land uses a.!1d opeD. space withL, existing business/office puks". 2.4. Staff finds that a110wing hoteTs in MP zones will create èive¡-sity in MP zones and is consistent with this County-wide policy. The city's MP zones are all outside Federal Way's proposed urban center ~jd ue subject to this diversification policy. Therefore Federal Way shou]d take opportunities to diversify the rcl1ge of uses permjr~ in its manufacturing and business zones. 2 C. Impacts of allowing botels in MP zooes. 2,5. HoteJs will not cre.ate adverse impacts for other uses in MP zones, Hotels have Jess impact on neighboring uses 2...~d generate Jess traffic than m2JlY of the manufacturing and retail uses curTenùy permitted in MP zones. The Comprehensive Plan states th<.t MP z.ones should have access to the region2.1 tr.:.J1spor'~tion system <.nd shoDid be served by more than one ar1erial. A stre.el system of this type is more than adequate (0 accommodate the type of traffic generated by hoteIs. D. Hotels in Federal Way. 2,6. There are eight hoteIs in Federd W<.y whiÒ 2Ie ill ]oc¿ted in t'Je Pacific Highway corridor, except the Exe:cutel which is in the nor'~1¡erly portion of the city center zone. Seven of these 2Ie permitted uses in t'Je CC a.;1d BC zones '",'hiJe one is a "on-conforming use in 2.n M:Þ' zone. City staff is cur-enDy prc.çessing two <.;:>plic<..!Ïons to buiJd new hotels, one in the CC zone (324th/Pacific llighway), and one in a BC zone (348,,1IPacific Highway). The JcIC2.Üon of these hotels is almost enÙTely det.er-nined"by Pacific Higliway's historic role as a major hignway, and in more recent times as a focus for strip commercial uses. ' (A table describing existing hotels in Federd \Vay wiil be presented to the Pla.jming Commission at the public he.a.ring). ' 2.7. Cur-en! city zoning ma1:es provision for hotels 1:1 its BC a.nd CC zer,es. The fact that t'ïeæ ue sewI't--œnforming uses in BC and CC zones 2..:îd only one legal non-confoITl'ing use demonstrates that the City's ZoniJJg Code cuITenùy permits hotels Lî economic2.lly fe<:.sibIe Iocations. E. Other permitted uses in Federal Way's !\-1P zooe. 2.8. M2.JîY of the uses permitted in }..1P zones cre.ate gre.ater impacts th2...'1 do hotels, and 2Ie cle.arly not suitable for locating next to residential are.as (See Ar;cchnoenJ A faT FWZC Secrions 22-861 10 22-8ï8, Pe'771irred uses in UP zor,¿s). Tr,e M:P zone penTDts a wide rcl1ge of uses inducting fabriC2.tion and assembly, warehou~ 2...~d distriqution, a..,îd oê'1er manufacturl11g uses~ The he.avier ma.nufacturing uses are not permir.e.d in' L'1e M:P 20ne where the site adjoins a singJe- fami]y resicknti2.1 rones. Ho\:,'ever because ho~¡s provide tempor",,)' accommodation, they are not as sensitive to neighboring uses as residential are.as. Hotels are t'Jerefore suitable to Iocate in or adjacent to },fP zones 2.Jîd 2Ie sui12bJe for Jocating in }.fP zones adjacent to residential 20nes. 2,9. HOleJs provide a..,î impoí..a..ît auxiJ1ary se,vice to the maJ1ufacturing function and as such should be permined in }.fP zo¡;es. This view is consistent wit'1 L'ïe existing cNe for }.fP zo¡;es (Se:ction 22-873) which permits a range of s~¡J¡:>ort services, inc1uding retaiJ, restaurants, and 3 child care faci1ities. Note four of sectiO:1 22-873 states that the~ ~r...ices must support other uses on the subject property, and their 10C2tion and configuration shouJd not be orient~ to providing services to the gener2l public. Staff recommends that if hOlds 2.re permjtt~ in M1' zones, they should aJso be limit~ to ]ocating on]y where they support other uses on the subject property, and are not orient~ to serving the general public. F. Hotels in other jurisdictions. 2.10. In other jurisdictions, hotds are almost always penrurted in city center and strip commercial zones but there is no consensus 0:1 permitting hote1s in m~,ufacturi¡;g and industrial zones. Federo..! Way has a single generic m~1ufacturing zone, where¿¡ rr;any jurisdictions have chosen to disaggregate this group into strip commercial, light and heavy manufacturing zones (eg: Kent, TukwiIa, San Bernadino, CA). \Vheæ this is the case, hotds 2.re often per_7..itted in strip commercial and light manufacturing zones, but excJuded from zones set aside for heavier manufacturing and industrial uses that have greater impacts on neighbors. 2.11. Because Federo..! Way's MP zones L"1cJude such a diver~ r,;.nge of ]a.."1d u~s which support the primary manufacturing funcrion, staff finds that hotels are w:eptable in MP zones. Hotels fit comfortably with the strip commercial, retail, o.."1d light manufacturing side of the MP character. 3.0. PL.~"'~1NG COMMISSION ALTERI',A TIVES. The follo'Wing alternatives were considertd in deveJopL"1g the r=!11mende::i ,zoning code amendments: ALTERNATIVE A - No Action: 3.1. This option keeps the code for MP zones as it is, excJudi¡;g new hote]s and limiting existing hotels to operàtL"1g as 1egal non-conforming uses. ALTERNA TIVE 13 - Amend Section 22-860 to 22-878 of the Feder?! Way 2on;n" Code to permit hotels in },{P Nanufacturin" Park) zones subject to site p1~"1 review. 3.2. This option permits hotels to locate anywhere in MP zones. Permitting hotels to locate anywhere in MP zones will Je.ad to their providing a service to the general public, will not specifically support the manufacturing function. 4 2. The hotel is cJearly se;:onè2.fY to ë.nd supoortÏve of other uses on the subject propertY allowed in this zone. b. By their locatio;"! ""d confi£uTGtion. they are princiDally oriented to the other ¡¡JJowed use on the subject propertY or their emDJoys 2nd not to the oenerd DubEc. C. It is re.?sonabJe to 2nticiDate t~at there wjJ1 be a èe'1'ëJ1d for t~ese uses from the other aJ10wed busines>es on the subie;:t DrODe¡-;V or their emD]Ovs 2nd that these uses wm be DrinciDally used by these other aJJowed businesses or their emp10vs. 3.3. This option limits hote1s to Iocating in MP zones only where ë"-.ey serve tÌ1e prL1cipaJ usè on tÌ1e site. This is consistent with tÌ1e puipOse 2nd intent of ¡J,e Comprehensive Pl2.!î which suggests that uses oL1¡er Ü:2.!î m"'"1ufactur'J,g s)¡ouJd be limited to p,ovi¿ing a support services. It is aJso consistent with tÌ1e code as it reIates to retëi1, restaurci":ts, ar,d day=e uses which provide a support to principaJ ma-'1ufact>lring u~s in t,!¡is zone. ALTERNATIVE D - Amend Sections 22-860 to 22-878 of t1-¡e Fe.deT2l Way Zenin" Code to mit hote]s in MP (M""ufacturin" Park zor,es sub;e;:t to Site P'2.c1 :<.eview ",1d the f0110w1n" condition: . - . . '\- - . ---:- The site mu~'e-¿i~~t ëccess ~nto ~ minciDal 2.?teT"Íël ëS defined by the Citv of Federd Wã'V:"- ------, 3.4. Tills option limits hotels to locating in MP zones onIy on sites '",.it}¡ direct acc.ess onto prl.1cipaJ arterials as defined by tÌ1e City of Federd Way (S~ Attachment B). 1i15s will reduce tÌ1e potentiaJ for trJfic conflict betw~n the prlvëte cars geneTGted by hoteIs 2.!1d he.?vier L"""2ffic geneTGted by m2J1ufacturiJ':g uses. This option is ëJso consistent wi~l LC,e generd approach taken by many otÌ1er jurisdictions which pernDt hotels in strip comme,ÒJ ë:e.?.S but not L1 he.?ykr m2.!'1ufacturlr,g 2Je.?S. ALTERNATIVE E - CounciJ: ther AJternatives Deve10D"...d by the PJa:::Ù." Commission and CitY 5 4.0. CO;\'CLUSro;o-;s. 4.1. It is roosistent with the purpose and intent of MP lOnes as èeñ~,ed in the Comprehensive Plan to pemÜt hoteis in MP lOnes. It is cJe.ë.I however that ¡"1P zo~es 2Je primarily intended for light manufacturing uses and that other uses shouId onJy be permitted where they support the manufacturing function in MP zones. 4.2. Staff finds that allowing hotels in MP zones will create diversity in MP zones and is ronsistent wiL'1 this County-wide policy. County-wide poEcies require th2.t manufacturing/busÎ11ess parks outside of urb2.i1 centers shouId become l7Iore diverse in their mix of land uses. The city's MP zones 2Je ill outside Feder2l W2.y's propoJSed urban center and 2Je subje>:t to tills policy. Therefore Feder2l Way should t2.ke opport\.i~~::::s to diversify the nn.;e of uses that are permined Î11 its manufacturing 2...id business zones. 4.3. S!2.ff t2.kes the view that hotels will not cre¿t.e an adverse impact for other uses in MP zones or adjacent residentiaJ zones. HoteJs <:e lighter in terms of trJDc geneT2.tion, noise, pollution, and visual impact than many of the uses penn.ined, in }.fP zones. 4.4. Hotels fit well with the character and diverse mix of romrn erciaJ , retail, and rommerciaJ uses that are cuITently penn.ined Î11 Feder2l Way's MP zones. MP ZO;jes cover a wide rcl1ge of industrial, 'retail, rommercial and service activities, wherezs m2nY ot:,::r jurisdictions split these uses into strip comrrierciaJ, light m2...iufacturLig, 2.l1d heavier manufachlring zones. As such, the Federal Way MP zone is very mixed in character and accommodates a wide r..nge of retail, rommercial, 2nd service uses. 5.0 RECOMJ-ffi""mA TIO~. BASED O~ THE STAFF A,"l..\.LYSIS ABO'Y'E, STAFF RECO?>ß1L',DS ALTERXHTVE C: To ameIJd S~tio!lS 22- 860 to 22-878 oftbe Federal Way Zenina Code to pemt boteIs in MP rMaIJufacturin!! Park) ZOIJes subi~t to Site PJaIJ Re..-iew (S~ Attachment C) aIJd tbe folJo...-ina COIJditions: a. The hotel is dearly seconåõ.rv to 2...id suooortive of other uses on the subie>:t oropertv allowed in this lOne. b. By their Jç.çation ~"d conf'o~!õ:ioj they <:e Or1:;c:::ëJIy oriented to the other allowed use on the subie>:t pro'X:IÎV or their employs and not to the £ener2.l public. c. It is reasonable to 2J1ticio¡;te that there wi)] be a demand for these uses from the other allowed businesses on the subiect property or their emo10vs 2J1d that these uses wm be princinaJJY u,ed by the,e other <'::Ç'~'ed businesses or their empJovs. 6 ~ J: ¡¡:; ::; I~ c:;; ... u. Sees. 22-845-22-860. Reserved. DIVISION 10, MANUFACTURING PARK (MPJ' Sec, 22-861. Fabrication and manufacturing-Generally. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject lo lhe regulations nnd notes sel forth in this section: USE '0 '" 15 DIRECTIONS: ""ST. ",d d.." .. nod u.. . ¡:: "í ~ 5 I< IIEQUII<EU YARoS () ò! ~ ~~ "'" ~ ;r~ L( xx "-::1 ::>OJ f-f- J:U "" -" ~!ñ "AXIMl'MS . T/IEN. ".." r.. REGU'-'TlONS USE ZONE-CHART ~ ~ 5 i 1 :.¡ ~ t! ~ ~ ¡; 3 f- ~ ~ " ;'j " "b""",..r .", d.,. ,I"". pi.. ~....".Ii,.. ,.,.. '"0"' "..d ",.. ,h...,..,~. ..bl, .". "'~, E",."", II. ,.. .", '"".., "" '"""" , S".. ..d roo. ....."".., .."', d""luyr.bn. "'~.. """" III'.. om""",, ,.." ~"...d ",. " n" .."h.., luh""",," ",100. .",bly ,~~ I"'~"'" ,~".""u" T..""",,~. ~'..I..'h". ¡.I""",,d ""',,'~.. u',duo.., ~:,';;' s.. I~; 1'0' h... , '0' ¡s~. ",dJ..I..i.," Ie I... d..,lIy w., ,"". ao' ,I.... ,.. :::::;,.."". ,.."". Ulh". .i.,."". ,I..., ,.. :~~f~'i', .1,. ",""". s.. N..".. I P,~...III..dlll",d.",i"'d'" l 11""-"'<11. nUl-",.",. n"'~n"'", "'i"I. .", PI.. R..,.. i. dOk""'d .. ,I ".,.I-".aoo I ~~ :;¡g DOl j~ ~ 8 ê~ ~U ZONE I- G , roo ""h 1.000',. n. "r".."n_, ""',. '" ~ < ,,:;; '"' "¡<¡ ~~ MP I I SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I. 11",""""'..o.,h"'"""II,llioh,¡,h'o',,",""u,"..ym.od:"',b~,," ..,.. "ulldl., ,1...11,,", if: '. Th. ..I,j." """-,,y "". ..., .d",. , ",. d..."y ""'. b. '",h..,.I..dy."",."i..,'h""""...I""...'..dl'",...hl"h."",,. .." ..."d, Of,' .1"... ",m,. ".¡¡,Ii.. ,1.,,11°": ,. Th. '"a....d h..,hl .i" '°, ",.., ""y ,i.., d"i"."'d by lb. oo..",./",..i.. pi"" ..d ,I Th"."..."lh.i,.."..",..i","...,'..w"h..""."II.., """"""."".., .,'h d"l"bl. dmlopm... ", 'h. a,...r Ih. ..bjoct p,opo"y a. ..",bli.h.d b., 'h. ;~"'¡::::¡::;;:p:~;~, m..' 'o"ai. .. I..., , ""0; p""ldoil h....., Ihl, ... n~y b. dmlol'" ,od oo"du""" O" , "'I o'"y .i~ n: ,. Th. 1°' 1100.. d.nnl", Ih. 1.1 wm 1".r.II, a..lad pd.. .. M",h I, 1990: ..d b. Th. 'I'I,H".. h.. '°1 ..,.d "y "",H,.o., I.,.. '°', .1"" ",~b " "'0 ,., d...lo"".", or I.., Ih.. . m., u~l.. Ihl, p""""h. Ih. di",... 0' ",..",u. o"y d...lo,'~" .111 ,1.1"..,.. 'h. ""lul.~1 y'n',I""I,..,~ ",01 b.n".." "'h.. ,lmlloo,IIn..o,ln"""IU".",.o'...n""..hy....I.ool""""",,,,'h..,.."",10.. ".00 ., Ih, ..hj... ,nnl""y "".1 U.. ..,.,. "00" ,.h...,IIy .r Ih. Inol"wd ... ,.,1 d.. ,.1."."",1.00 Ih, ..hj." """"'. .1. .Th"n"",'ol'h""'IUI""lo,""yool""""""""h"""'.m..II,',.d .",~I..,d.",.."""h"h...",..a'h¡,h",.....¡,hO"",~,¡""",""o,,Th. dty...,. ""ul" ,ddillo.,t.. .IInm.' ,Ia,da", roo 0Ii. b,m. ,.d ......11"" n "',. I. ,,~...., .. .."', 'h. p""" ..." .. 'h" ..hj." "rol~"y 100.. Ih. ,dj"", .1,..1. "or"" ."" d,I'in, ..... '""1 10" I~"" ", 'Iio ..'n.d ". or Ih. ..quirod 'ro",..d, ,..<Ii", rrom 'h" ,'...1 too"U,..d O"," ...",) L"""h" "'..m."". ""'pn"",.." roo"" moo....' ".Im.. "'1. u ~:;~:::H::~:~:;::::::::~::~:~::::::::~::;:I¡¡:m;::::: ,..d.""."r""'...ym,""hl,h."hOllm",...,n.IO"..... ,.. d,',II, ..,.,,11., ..qul..d """. ... In"" " '" 'Cron r.rerence.-Rewning Or lhis dislricl 10 be con dueled under lhe Quasijudicial ,ezoning procedure, § 22.296 el se~.; lhe provis¡"ns regarding projed- relaled Quasijudicial rezoning are applicable 10 lhe reLUning orthis dislrict, § 22-298(b); .upplemeotary dislrict regulalions applieablelo ccrtaill dislrkl regulations, § 22-946 el seq. '" 0 ~ " '" ~ ~ ¡ 22.861 1- ~~ '-~ ... ..OYdS Olffin<Vd ~" 0""1111>"" 0 ~ ~ ~ Z " 0 1;1 ~ '" ~ .! ¡g i; :"UlLO.1w.S Z ~ "O~HDIiH ~ S : :E 3"""a.<OO.LO'1 -"'OOOJ.YO SOlS lUOO:öJ.YO """:>SONY! . FEDERAL WAY CODE é 1: ;] .~ . ] ~ g u ~ ~ -"~"~!..Ë-¡5:§'i- 00-51. ~,¡¡p~ ~'E.¡:.1 ~ ~ ~~ i ~]~- ; ~ H!~~~ ~[ Eo< ~ i!ì ~~ Ë~h j .~ ~ "':~~~= tš ~ ] 1i' ~.: H~~ = ~ ~ kš;~§ b -.- -. .;¡~C . . . ,.~~-] .s ~ i H ih!H! 1 ~ i HHh H ~ 1. i~ .!~~~~H ~ ~ ~ Hn15 ~'; 0 ~ ;h¡;~~n~88.~ 1 .. ~ :~~~~~ Ë~ ~ ~~~1¡¡¡~i~~t~t ~ ¡ ~ ~i!~1i f~ ;:;¡ ~~~]iH;,;~Š¡]:Š ~ :Š ]~:U.t~ ~; g ;a];;.:¡.HË:2]~~]~ ~ '; ~ ~U.[ii n ~ H=¡'~~~;~~~8¡~ ~ i ~~~~~~:'f i~ .~~~~~-5~:~E.:Z ~ ~ fi~.;,.. .= >:3 ~H;¡¡H~-5=-~i~~ ;; ~;j~e¡EE,,~ ~~ ;::¡ "-:~"..¡!.'~. -5 ~- "-"'õ"~' 0 n:]EEE~~:5E.~'õ 'õ ~i~'i~nq!> H ~ ~C'õ.nn.e"hH- ..~:onE~'Ë ~: ~ !lilllll~!I~tIJ ]~:~~II:~1 ~~ 00 ~~:.;U~~=~: 51 ~U .~1ia ~iï.!~ U [ ~æ:~'~.:i~:f~:~.i~1:~:~[¡icf~.1 r ~. r ~1r- ¡;~-.: ::i':;; i~U ;N-=-N i~~~i .. uol . ~:H~"Ë IUU jHË~ mn ~nu U.::.::.::.:: I-- I--- I-- 1! " c 0 . ~ ¡ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ¡;: ;¡ a; z 0 ¡:: to ~ ."OO'd MilA"" is 0""1111>"" SNOUV1n~~~ !~~.~~!~i,~- ~ r\ ~]~~fL.:L.;Hê ~ o..¡ ..d.>.:-~'"d "1'")301. ~NOU rn..J.Cn >!v:i1I i-- ô C> ~~. ... '" f- .1 .. Ï~ § ~ ~ ~ .. .==- N ~~~!] ;¡;7¡;~ M f- 1~~~:; :6 '¡::¡:¡::. C> := ~ ~ " -ci ... ¡¡; 9. .. 1546 Sec. 22-862. Same-Miscellaneous. The following uses shan be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zono subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE !J 15 DIRECTIONS: rll""" "", d.-. 10 0,,01 "", , ¡:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r> S~ :;>;1:, "'" U8EZONE CHAltT MINIMUMS , TII>:N, ."... ,., "EGIlLATIONS MAXIMUMS ""'111"<>:11 YA"US '" N ¡¡; b OJ I i': ¡¡; ~ :;¡ 'i æ -0 <;; .. -.¡ r.brimll.. SI.. ..01 ....mbly pl.. .,.~n.I~. "'...., lriml..."I... P... '~.', .mnJl .ibl. .1.dm.l, P,-. """pm..I, u,.~ .~n'I'pil. II... .." ..01 I .,~n""..."".",.. .1011.... .Ibl. ","'p....I. "_0 CI,hll", III, ... ,.."ip"""1 II... l.b""II.. 10 ..01... ..mhl, r.l,rim'... "."....mhly "'h..,,,I,. 0.01 omAll ,~",. r"hom'"", "I wm,","'." ..""",101", ,.h..I.,. 1.""..."1.,,. mil 20' ~~:;o. s.. I~:~ 120' N.1o J. P""m " II .nd III '" d.."lbod I. 112'I.""~22-"', 2'1""-22-,"', S,.. PI.. ""i,'.:',~7':;-';,¡~~',~'il'2:'3W:-'2.JQ I t:: ;:¡ !>' a u g :;:2 I'~ XU ~~ 7n.. 1f.,ljo'.I., .1>: I.. d..,"y ,.". ,o.." 30' .1.._.,. .'." h"II"i., .1.. ",u... ""'". .i", In' .I~,. .,. """ h"n.II", .1.. ",u"., ... 11",. I. I ~~ :':8 fi'.~ :-J~ I I ~ 8 "i'J 9< ~u c "",...h 1,000"1."- .,..... n.., ."., ZONE I- ~ t:: ~ c'. :;1" S~ ~~ MP SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I. If ."1"""" Ih..",h I~~... II, 'ho h.l,hl.'. .1..."", ~y ..."'" In' .h", ... ...,. h"ildl", .I...U.., If: .. Th" ."hJ"" p""""'y d~o nol .dj"l" . ,". d"..IIy ..no; h. >:..h",..""~ly."'.b"IU"""..,..,'""i.I..".."'I'(,,,.,,,hl"",,,"'.. ,".. ........ In' .h.,. .""", h"IIIn., .I...lln.: .. Thn ","...... h.l,h' will n.1 III~k ."y ,low, d,.i"""",' by 'h. m'.p..h...I" "I.n:."" d. Thn "'"n.,.1 11,1,1111. "IIh., In d,",.<I.. wllh .""",,.,IIn, ".,. "' ,"n.I.'.,,' wllh"..',.III"""'.I""',~"'in'hn....""h.."IIJ~I"",,~,,y....",bll,h.,lh,lh. """",nh"""'" pl.". 2, Th.".,.I"I"""",......'"",I.I""I""'I'"n..:p"..ld"lh"w"...'hl.,,..,,~yh, "...I",-I".do...d...I~I"".""",."y.".";r, ...1'h"",III"".,I"O"I",'h..I",.".I...I""y"..I..I"",,,..M...hl,'"00,.,,01 b. Th.""I,U,""'h""",'".".,I."yo",II",,..., 1,,1., h,I,.I"m M".h " '"," r",d",.I""","nl""'".U"",r'"<I""""I.,'hl'I""."'rh.lh.,II,"',., "("""",,,, ..IIyd","""""."'wlll,I",".."I".U"""'I""mly"..I,I,,,,d""I""",I""n""...I.lh,', .1",1"..,n"'""""".I'~I",......"I.....rno""y.."",,,","."""""h..I,.."di~.. U"" ,,"h" """j"d 1""I""'YMd U'" """""",01 ""'",I!Y""h. ",""".." "". "dol,. "lop"....1 "" lb. ...hi..' P"'I~,ly. J. .Th" 0..1 25'""h" ,..."1",,, """'Y.""""'"",""m Ih. "",1.""",1", 1",,1 ".I~I ",," ro.lol" , 3' hl,h "',m ., J' hl,h d.",", ,I,hl "h~"., ...."U"... Th. "'y""",.."""".,I,IIII..."'."II""""'."'...I..olo'",U...".",..,,d",,,,,,,".IIlhi. 1"'m...",y",."""..U..p"kI""".."",'h'"""J."lm"~"yr"""'h..,lj,,",,' .1'~I.I'"'kI""""ld,i,i"""""',,,.yl,,"~,""I',,'h,,...,,...12G'..r"""'I"i,..1 """Y""', OIMII", (n.." Ih" ,1",,1. o.M"y...,lo"""..I.",....',lIy""",""'h"""i"'i""I,,Ily'h.II...I,".U..,.. 1.....""'1."",,, "",I""."..,..""","""""",. ,.",U",,",I,," ,..,.Ii""'" Lr""lh"'I."""U".'I."IP",kI""""I"'kI""""","122"'7."~". r"d,'.II..flh","...'.U"".",'hl,u"'"'7,~'12,. f,"",',.,. r."'"',II,"'U...,.."',U.,,ol,,lhl,u"'"'r,~.I""'.'.".' r",','."."'-h"",.y"~""hl",,,,h'llml!,~"ITl.lO".,..... r,,"""""""""'" """".,1",,1.,.", 172."" "~' '" 0 "- Ž p - '" I~ '" '" '" ,- USE ZÚNECHA. "' Z 0 DIRECTIONS: PIIIST, "," ,I,.n" n,,1 ",.,. TI,"N. """ '0' IIE"UIATIONS ¡:: 'n MINIMUMS M^XlMIiMS ~ E "'"1"""'" y^",," l1 <:¡ 0 1- - ¡;j ~~ ~ 1 ~ USEr'\~~ ~ ~;;; ~ 8 V 'r':;¡:;¡ 9 ~ ~ ¡;¡ 3 ;,;; ... 00 M.,.I"...., an" ...h.. on",.b"", h.. ,rhnnd n~I" h..hn, "101",."" ,q,.I., """"" ,," .,.,;1., ,.,. "',," on" "'h,,,,~I.. '~" nh.;. "","....., """',,,. F.hri~""" ,," ...,..bly . ,~II",. ""I'"nl, "i. onhn""",. lrol, ph.n."..."" on" <lmk. ~,k "",". ,~.',.",I ""p~", F,bnlnh." .m,..~"bly .'Ony'.i", ..I.,.,..""I~I ",',"m,", on" """ .,...1....... ,"lIon~"" i...., I P.."..I,II."d "'... 01",<1"'" In I 1\ 21.""'-n'" , "I-<"-n.",, "."o>-n... n. "ti..1 . Silo p", ....i.. i, d",,""" ," II "-,.r-".",, fOr-d. 1'10:- 90~3. § 2(65,15), 2-27-90) ~~ "g -1' !ì!~ I ~.. ~~ ~ 8 ~~ ~O I I 'n '" J !~ :;¡~ ,;D- SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES n. Any ..,,01, ,r. ,",d", "'., I, v"lbl. "".. ony ".. .If Ih. ..b¡.d P"p"'y ..no' b. m.d,I.... ., ""'.". If Ih., ,...d. ,. ..... "'" GO' in I..,th: ., Th",lnl..,md."",."".m,,',I,"nnl..'. b. Th. "Inlnonm whllh.'". m"",I,"nn I." '. Th. mn.hn'.. whllb .r III. "",',Inti'm I. fiO'. n. Und., 1111. ,odI.n 1111. ,.. mny In"..I. on ..<0""'" .ni<o ,lih,l.. n. """ """. ,n...r "'. I'." 1100' ."n.' Ihl. '" .,,1 n=....,. ..lnd ",I" n"d ",vim I"dil.., ,''",In,n......II,,nl'''.'Lh.,,...lIoo,.....rllll'''''. 1. Th. ,"bind "'.""'y ,,"", bn d..I",d .. Lh.1 "",k I"""", I.',"n, .nd ~n,"' v..lnl om.., .".. wh." 001" ""...11", noW"" ,... ond ..uvill.. ~}. mro" and v."I. .nd .1.."" ,..1".. ." '~I"" ., ", .. ,.o..lbl, ",.. .ny .......Ii.1 ,..". R, lIony..,,"..no',,'ro"'M,nlho'""j"'propc"yl,.llIIln lOa'ol.lowd..."y ..n.."..n olll.." '. Th. h.l,hl 01 II.., ,"""," ,holl no' """I lb' ...... "0"'" ",lIdln, .Im. lion;.' h. Th. Inrod. ,r Ih,,' ,..,ilon " lb, ""..1", 1""".1 ... 1110 '.w d,..Ily ,..", .ha" no' ",m"" úO' In ',n,lII. 9. ""'0"" I 2'01.11" 0' ."". In do'.=,no wh., ,th.. ponvl,I"", 01 lIIi, "'.p'" ,ony npply ,. Ih. ..hl..L p"porty. 10. No'wllll.Lnndl" ony .Ih.. p"vi,l.. "' Ihl. """"" If Ih, ..h¡..1 Prol~"" .Ion, willi .ny ronil,no", P"I..,ly ",I" ro..",.n o~."hlp, ¡, "",.. lIIon . """ ", P""""'" d...lopm..1 non,' h..ppro."llb""h P-,. III nod III, m..lmnon I..' ........ r.,...h p"po..d dmlop"on' will h. no' moo. III", 10.. willi lb, ."",,", """'"",.n' "..I'nnln~1 0'" ,..".10,."." b..I" h..~I.. 110. 1,lI..wln, ,no"l" ., 1'h.p""mlly"IIII""'J,dlorol~"y.'.nyn".,.,,I""""""I",."'i.I '"". h.Th"""",""',"ilY"'"."ml",.~I,I'.""'I.."."I."hll""""..,,lIn,..... ,. Th.."nd"'I",I,"m"'np"".o",I,U","U"""OI"",."n~.""h""",~,,'" dm'olnnonl. LF","Ih,,'"'..m"""n .1."1 I""'.' .nd ",,"n, ""', "'1 22.1316 ,I Mq ~::~:::i:::~:~::::::::::::J::~::::~:::;:::I~~::t¡a;;::::: F"d.LnIl..r.hnlm.y..""'IhI.hnl,hlllm",M,IZI.la...I..q. F"d,LnIl""""'",n"I,I,,",..d.....I",II3I ,I N'I J ~ Q., ¡:; .., M to M ~ '" ~ () 0 to p, Sec. 22-863. Sume-Other. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP.i zone subject to the regulations and noLes seL forth in Lhis section: USE -0 Any'o"""" ".... ,". ..",hly. oJ". t..h,,',..... "'p"I, ..,,1 "'h....I,,<> 1,,"IoU,', "h",""""," ."'~I",.h,, ,...,. ,-, "", I ~ ~ <D ~ l- S ,° ~ ::; ".'~"I'.""'s.", I"".' II. N,""'. s." "'.. N.", .,b', ;¡. ",~.. ilL"" N..'. JO I' ~ "..mol," ,.,1 "'""d.."i"'di.. \I 22.'IIG-22."', 22-"'-""460, ,,"07~22.498 ". ..11'." . "" Pi'.. "",¡.. i. d.."ibod i. ,I 22.'Or-22.'", ~ :.¡ ;;; ,,' '°' USE ZONE C,HAUT TIIt;N, mooo 'or RECUIAT'O"" ':; ::J I MAXIMUMS ~ ~ !:' 8 b ... ~~ :>:" ,-", ~~ '" ~ DIRECTIONS: rlllST, "..1 d,...... ".d.". ¡:: ~ ~ ~ IIEQUII"'O YAIIDS ¡;¡ ~£ a: n:$ r>.. 5~ yo 0'> :;¡:;¡ 70" "",IJ"I.I.,. IE I".d."olly ,.". ""'" '" "'.,,."'. ;;~:~;i., "',. ',,".n. "'h". .Ion,:'" "I..". ... ""'" Io"d,Ii., ,',. ",Ii.". .... ""',,. I 'I I ~~ 1;18 ~~ 3~ ~ 8 (51~ -< ~" c D.""""",.., "" nm,.hy moo 10.,'0 :;.", <:h"ph" ,or,. ~ r! < 0:); ::!~ ~~ ::!~ l MP ZONE I SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I. Thlou""~y"",.'mlL'clund..,Ih'o""'¡u""n'y""",~"""'rull,w;""rt. ""I,,: n. Th. p'oc....o, pn..'",'o, ",U,lli.. .." mn""I.'o u'¡¡;,~1 n.,V", p,~J",~' 10, 'h"",..,".I",II.,'"'h."'~""'.,,,"..'ud",.,II"'I.,"",'~'..",lo.,."..""'",,. ,oIIh. "...Ii"""'n" ".BOI,".'O', 22."0 .nd nAGr, 'h..",h XU"; b, Th.""p"d,.' 'hi. "'... .u", u.., ..d h",I"...~ "n 'h, ..hj~! 1""""'" I. II," .,",."10" ..hJ,d,'n"~"y.n,I'. 'h.d', will hn ""..n'", Ih,n'h. I"'p,d".' .."", "". """..11",,11,, .. 22.AG " n.""" "."". ."" 22."" "'n",h ".R'" ,. """"","-'U""",h",~...II,l".h,.¡,h'"'"o,..d""....ym'~lor..,,","'., "..,. Ioull,II", ",...U"'" If, n. Th,.uhJ."p",p,,'y ,',..."'.dj..i",, h,wd",."".",..: h. .Eocl"",ui'""y"dohullln,I"."..cl"",i.i"",.."II"..,."hl"".."", I..", """", :rO' .h",. "V".,,""""'" "".,,""n; ,. "hnl"""""'h",h'willn"'hlock,n"',I.wod"i,.",,,,, "y 'h.""" ,..,h'n..." pl.":,,,d ,I. "h.I""""", h,i,h'.I. ,IOn.. ", <h"",".., with """',,',,"n, "'" '" <""..""". with d"I,.hl" """,u""""",, Ih"."" ""h",ohj.cl"""",,y,' ,,",h ho"..'Io"h, ,"m,""h.".I.. "1,,, :r. T"'""""'""h""IUi,""""""",d,"""'..,'nn.'h"'n.t,muo'h,,,",I. ,"o,~' on" ",,",in. ,. hi", ,~"" '" :r' hi", d,n... ,i,h,oI,.",i", .."to""". Th. ,ity ."'y '"Iui", ","IiU"nol '" ."If""n' ""'n'.nl, "" 'h, h'nn ."d .."toU", ;r ,hio 10 n.ro."" 10, ""~" th. """"" ."., .. 'h. ..bJ'<! P""~"y '",m Ih, ..lj".., "'ooL I'""""..., ""'In, ".", n"yb.I~"'" In lh. ."ond 2.'0"".'"'1""..1 '",n'y'ml,o"""" ,...... 'h.,.,..,. <. M.y "., n"n'"d o"y .dl,lt, '" "on ." lh. ..hJ~' I""W'y "'0' ",wi", lh, ro. ,"""..,...""""..I"u.",o",'um"",~",,". ,.."Unu"" .n ""'I,n,n} L"""h" I" "".""",o'.ul ""kin, ",I ",,"n,...,.,'", "."7Go'w" "",d.',II,.""""u"",.o'nlhi""'"ry...o"".I.!~.,."". r"d",",."""".""",..'.lhi""""I"""""'O'.,.... r"d",",.,.",lm'y"",",lhiol"l,hthmi"...'ZZ.I04'd.., "',d",I1,..,..""., ",ul.." """, ..,122-1 '" "M, N 0 ",., :;, " - ~ ,~ ~ , 22.563 FEDERAL WAY CODE L . .~ ~ w .;¡ . ] ~ ; ~ : E ~ , . ~ ~ î ! :z: ] " Q . ~ . :. ~ l s: j ~ ~ ~ " ::¡ ~ ~ u ~ Q.c ~ ~~ N~ L-~ S30V¿S a."'","'d 0 "'l."",b31< :§ " Q g ::¡ ~ :z: '3 0 ~ N " ::¡ .. ~ ~ . ii. ~ ~ " ;'11003.:"0 ,ms ;'11003.:"0 3o-VOSa."" ",,"'"O:J1õ.lS dO-'-"a""~ ,a""..,oo :CO1 . " :. ¡ - i ~ ~ .: '" ~ ~ :< ~ " u; z oS 1:; ¡;¡ ">:'°"' "'3,^31< E o""Lob", S.",OUVï.r1:J:i1I Ô ""311 . """ 3mS ,so.-, 3Z" "01 I ~ Q f ~ ~ ~!!~ In!i Hü~ ml! UiH J~H~ - - ô C> -~ ~ ~ .ï iD -= f¡¡ COO ] I::ß .~ .Y~ N .¡¡;~~] <CO> ;::::::¡ ",' - ~H~; 6 .:¡i¡i¡i~ C> := Æ Ò 0 :z: ¡¡; -d ¡¡; ~ i 1550 Sec. 22-864. Chemical manufacturing. . The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MPJ zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: ~ ü, ü, ~ USE "0 Ch'~.~I.ndIP'~'15m".s., I'~ 12u' ,,'a"'d pM' II N,.. 2, s.. vol. ~""'.o N,.. Ivnn, " 2U' I ",."..1,11 ,~IIII...d'K'¡"""n I 1122.38<-22-<11, 22."'-"-"", 22.47&-22,'" ". ,,11..1 , SO.. PI'n "'~.. " d.K';"'" In ,I 22"of-22"'" USE ZONE CHAm' '0" ".,u.lnln, a 10 '°' d,n,lly ,nn, Iha. ,U' ,"'va av, ..n,n hvl""., ,I~ v.li"n, """,. .i.n,'" .I.,vo ..' n""n iml"".. nino onU"", S", Nolo I. '" ~ DlllECTIONS: ruL", ",d down c. Rnd V", " TIIEN, ...... ,,, REG ilLATIONS ~ ~ MINIMUMS MAXIMUMS 5 ¡; REqUillEU YAIIOS :-5 <.'J 0::; - ~ ~~ ¡;j:;!~ '" 1{ !;' \:~ Q 5w t:i ,- '" 0 0" "'> ~ 5" ~ ': ;;¡¡>: :;!:;! 3 g: ~ ¡;j § "'"' I ~t: 1iJ8 [;!~ 3ð t: 8 §~ ",0 0 I Co, ",10 I,UUU ".1\. oc"o.. R,o' ."n, I "' ~ .: 0"' :;1° ~~ :;1~ ZONE MP I- SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I. ".pp..v...u.'ov,hP,~",II,Ih.h""'¡ol..I..",'v""wy..œ"'3ú'.bovo..' o,.,a "vlldln, ,lov.lI,þ, If, ., Th,""J"Ip..p."Iyd"'M¡..U,I..I.wd,n.ily"nn: 10, .,,10 m,vl,'" y.nl.hvUI., 110, .Irod... " I."...... I' Co, ,.,10 ,'u., .I,~, Iv" """"I. 3Ji' .",.. .m." hvl"".. ,'nvnlio", " Th, ""M'od 1001,101 .111 nol ",~k ony vi,., d.."..1.nd liy ".. rom",nh""i.. "Ion,ond ,I Thn In"o..ol h..i,h¡ ,. ,ilh" In .h"on"" wllh """"n"'"",,, " ~....I,'e", wllh"..I,..hl. ".v",,"..nnl ", """,n..IU"""" ",I"",.,,y....... ,,".h.I"y"" ,"m"",h",,'" "Ion. " Th.".vnl"r""n"I".."I~...,.",..II~"""""'I"""".,I"owm'I"¡. v.. ""y I" d",'ol"""""""","".'O", ",¡"""y.",,,. ., Th.I.III...".R"'..Ihnl.lw...I.w,.lIy",.""lp,i","'M.,,hl,IO!OO,.m1 h, Th"I",II"",lh..".I"w"",."y"",II,"""".I"I",..I,,~M.,,hl,,"UO "","ovnl""",."I."CI...U""."""v",'",Ihi'I""""""",.,II~"",'.".."v. "IIY""'I'I""""'.wlll"nl.".i".¡h,'.,vl"'ly"nl,I..",~".",,,I bvn" ,," ""',, .hnll",lIn"".I"",,1 ""lvl"m..'."".o",hy",..h".""",.",I"" ¡hn .i....~"". lI"n"'lhn."h ""I".,."ly.",1 U'" ""..'""",, In"n.lly.1 110. r"'",""v," ,,"d~ vol."",onl." I"" ","J",I "ro,~".,. :J, Th.R"I'.'.'lho~lvi,oICn"'Iy.,,I,.""Iin,r,",.lh"""',m",I'~I..... "'roYl .nd "..I..ln." hl,h"'"n ",,' h"" """, .i,hl.I,"~,i""""'"o,,.T". dry 'MY ,....b. .",liU"",1 " dIIT.."I .,.",1."" ,.. ¡h. b..m .." ",,"'lIon "'101, i, '~""'y 10 '"'00' ,". p"kI" ."no °, 110. .vh ",II'rol~,Iy """ "', .lj."nl """"""k¡""",I""vln,"n""".yh.'~,""I'"Ihn.""",d2.'.Clh"..."b..1 ,.."Iy."I. .,...11", In.." lion"'.." " M,y",'u""I.d."y.dlvlly"",n.""'..vhJ"II".¡~'Iylh",¡"..,...u..~ ""'O "' c.,1n "' "".i".. "'"" C""'" '" 01"", (""U""",,, "n,I ...", Lr"",,", InC"""II.. .I"vl p..kI., ,"" p..kI" "'"', '"' 122,"'0.,.." ~::~::::i::~:~::::".:::i:~:i~:~::::~::;;::::I~;::~:;::::::: r"".lnll" ,'.10., ,",y....nd 1101. h,¡,hl 11",11,'"I 22,¡n,. ,I '.... r" d,I.II. ..",,11., '"'1"i,," y""I.,'" , 22-IIJI .1.., '" 0 7- '/. " ~ .., .., ~ '.564 !'=J~ IZ 10 ,~ I:§.. z [3 ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ '=J " I", ¡ I:;¡ ~ !ii . " ~ " ~ ~ 9 . ~ ¡ ~ ~ ;¿ ¡ ~ ~ :: ;¡ ~ f ?; " ~ " :ij z :> ¡: '-' ~ <5 FEDERAL WAY CO;);:. - . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1 f ~ i ~j :ï ] ~ ~ .. " - ~ ~ j o~..,<-. .,,~ ~ ~ . o~~=-~ ,~ ~ U) ~ r::¡ ~ E-c 0 Z 0 ~ l ~ ~ .f "'f- ¡~!1 Hfii lun j~H~ liiU ¿¿.:.:.: 5!~Yè5 !)""""" C:;¡;t,h:;¡; ¡~OOZlYO "DI. ¡'¡OOZ1,V" .èV""a.--,, ""-1J.~"1!J.' .0 ~HDI.H '"""'-'O~ .un 1!Y:31! ",n'sa" ô CO> 8 g:¡ :¡ N' 5 ~ ~ ~ i::: on i..~ ~ ~~~~] oC> ~:::::::::.~ M =:!lJ. ..,. "E~"~~ 0 .¡¡¡¡¡¡. CO> =- < . -,- ~ Z .: ..,; ~ e ~NOHi SZJHO, ~."OlL Yl.'1::>:rn .0- 5"JOY. ."SIA:;¡; c¡¡ymhsY ~ Q "- 1552 Sec. 22-865. Photogrophic, communicotion, rescorch, ctc. The following uses sholl be permitted in the monufacturing pork (MP) zone subject to the regulations nod notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART (J 15 DIRECTIONS: "KST, ",d d"h" Roo ow. ¡:: ~ ~ " g ¡.¡ 0:; a: i;!~ USE r> 5'" 0"> -0 i;!i;! "'~IMUMS . TIIEN, """ r.. REGULATIONS MAXIMUMS REQUIREO YARDS i'j ;:¡ ¡d Ô U 3 ~~ xu "'" ;;;1" x", ~ 3 :fi .; ~ ¡;; ~ 0: 20' ,..' ",<I).lh'h"IE '.w d'h,lly ..n, 'h.n J~ .I~,. n. "'" hoBdln, ,1,- ,.".n OIh,,- "",Jr. .1.", n- ,.." ho'hlih' .1.. '."Oh. So. No'h ,- I- ¡; g; '" °, '" Com~",.1 S,.. ..ihdo""", ,,1M pho,."",hy, ,,~.. "h'~""- .h'- "ph, 'hd ..bl. ~d'hl""'h'- I',~.. "hh ,,_w, "'M.I..., Nh" "hd.h' , ',"wmh hhd "", d""h"'h'h' ..hl, ,."""..- IT~" Mmo "'.- W",h..h" 'h" ohd 1,,"Ii, 12. ...""r.ali- 10.. HoUnlOh' W...."...- ~",'h. ...."""mli- 10.. ~:~~' s.. I;:;' 120' N... J I P",...I,U "od '" ",d,w,""'lh I II 72.J86--22-"', 72-<31-22-"", 72-476-22-"'", K"'." . S", PI'h "'.i.. .. .'K""" Ih ,I 22-"[-22-39J l ,I I ~~ B§ j5 ~ 8 ~~ ",u '" i'j ~ 0'" ~~ O"~ ::!.. ZONE MP t- SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES """"nlh'" I.. "'P.""" Ih"h,h ",.....II.'hoh."hI.'"I""'"._y..""",'",...,,. .h , ~.. by.",. bondlh' ,I",lihh. II, ~~ "'.i,- ,. Th, ..bj'" p"",..ly d~, mol .<\jh'h , I.. d'h,lly ..ho; s..'22-IJ7G b- ..E",h'...o¡"",y..",.lih"'h,'h,"ru"".I"h,~",¡I".....hl'Ih.",.. " "'- lo" .._1, "'" ,lio', "..hO' lihi"'h' ,'mlmh; ,- Th, iha..."" h,l,hI win hol b'.., .hY ri,w. d..i'h""" by Ihh romp..h'h'i" ,".h; 'hd d. Th. 'h""'~' h",hli. ,Bh.. 'h ,h"h"'" wnh 'W'hh""'h' h'" h' noh"""h' wllh d..,..hl. dh'hlolom.h' Ih Ih' .". or lb. ..b)," ."'""y .. ....bli.hod by .., "ml".hhh,l.. ,.'.h. 2. Thh d...lhp~,,' m..' ,"hliO'h .llml C. hcr..; I'"ridal howm, Ih'. "~ ~y b. 01...101""1 .hd mhd.."" .h . 1", "r 'hY ,¡~ If, ,- Thhl""hh,d"&hh"Ih"olw",lhwrollycrhh"""",...,M..'¡'I""".'hd b. Tbh"""II"h'hh""'ow"""'hynoh""h..lh'oolh',,',,noM.rehl,""O. "..dm""'h~n,..."...II,"h&""'hhdh'IhI""""",.h,lh,oh"""or"..nmh- hlly dml.pmhh' will d.,.~lh' lb. ",hi..d y.nI, "'hd,..". 'hol bhn" 'hd "th.. ,Imll.. di~h,i"h" ""hi"m'h~ "h , .... by ~.. h..h, b...,¡ Oh 'b. "00 'hd ,...- Ii'h .r Ih. ..bi~' P"'""y 'hd 'b. hhl", 'hd Ih"'h,ily .r lbo .",~,.d o~ ahd d,,- ""'000"" hh 'h. ..bj... """"'y. 3- Th.n..I"Jb'"'lb"""h,,,.¡r"hly.n',,"'rtlh,rroonlh"""'_m..'bol'hd- ........ ~d 0000""00 . J' bl,b ""nn 00 J' bl,b d'h", ,I ,hi .b~"h' ......Ii.h. Tho ,"y"""""o"h"ddllihh"..dln"'h""hd."..r..lh.b"~'hd""""hh"'h" "h~""Y""'~hlloh"""h"'h""h'h""'jh""n,,""y&'onlhh",ij"'hl ,t'h'l. P""h' "',,' ddrih' or..' ,,~y b. "~Iiod Ih ,,~ ""'hd 2&' or 110. "'h""" "'00' Yh,d, ".,IIh' Ionon tbh ,t.... 4- I',bll, onlh'-w","n"h hhd ,too..,. ¡hdIiU.. -y 'hdhd. ..no....", 1i,1". ,.dllh.. ro" on. ...'01.", ,.."ily 0111000 c (mhllhh"" on h,,1 Ph'" L...""ho' Ih'..m""h ""OIP""h""" """h""".'"I".IJ7G 01., ""d,..n.,r""""""'h"hlh"""""',., """""",- ~:: ~:~::::¡ ~':';":::';~:~:':'h I~~' ,::,~~:;r~:7.'..'~'~'I~:¡ :;0;.., r..d.un,..,..dlh' ,...o,..dy..d"... '22.IIJI,'~, to 0 /", '/. " - '" '" ~ r MINIMUMS REQUlIIEO Y^"OS '" ~ S ¡¡ 1 '" 0 ¡¡; I- " 0 ::: '" '" ... I P""..LII..dlll",d.",i""'i. I If 22-,8<-72-"" ~:m=g:::::-." ""..1 . 5'10 Pl.. ...~.. i. d'K""'" I. ,I ".'6f-".,.., (Ord. No, 90~43, § 2(65,20), 2-27-90) ~ USE ZONE CHA.... MIJ<IMIIMS tJ ~ ~ 0 u S ~i:! 0" 1-1- xu "" wI" x., VJ Z 0 DIRECTIONS: FIRST, ".. do.." II"" u.. . TIIEN, ."." ," IICGUIATIONS ¡:: ~ ~ " ~ ¡;¡ ~~ USE ~ 5" <7> -0- ¡;¡:;¡ I ~t; :,¡g ~~ -'u t; g §~ .,0 I I -- ., t'J ~ 0'" :;¡o ~~ "'.. ZONE MP I- SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 6. "'unto.. .oo.. ",.IiM.' oud "",." rodllll" mOIl oompl, .11b ,IA.. ,ili., ,ri..,I. odop"'" I. 0..0..1".. wllh lIew ,hop.., 70.106. O. Mo, '0' m.du" ""' ..11"", " u.. .. Iho ,ubi." p"""", 11,., ,.wl... II.. "'. I.... or ...1", ..,;n.. '0"', rum.. " ,,10". 7, ^o","udoolo.,..du"lbo'i""."'..omou,"..nfTlh...hJoelp"..rt, m..llo mudulo"'" .. rollo." If Ihol ro~do I, mo", Ih.. '0' i. ""Ib: o. Tho m,.lmum d.,1b or Ibo m"lulolio. " ,'. b, Tho ml.lmum wldlb orlho moduloU.. I. ,', " Tho m..imum wldlb or Ibo modul.Uo. I, 00', R U.d.. Ibl. 'oello. lhi, u.. ~,'n"udo "" .~..,'" .m.. uUIi,'.. n. ~" ,... 30.. or Ih. "... Om' "'0 or Ihi, u.. .nd 0=""" "loll ul.. oud ...vi" r.,dill.. ulll"", n. mo" thon ,o...r lh. "... Om' ...0 or Ihi, "0, 9. Th. ..hJoel ""..", m..l bo d"',nod.. ,h., In'" ,..",.,,1,,011., ond _..' m'., 0"": ...., .h". ..1.. ","'"., ..10100' u.., ond 0""""0' ~, -" ""01 y,," ,.d .'mll.. r....", ... ,~"'" .. I.. .. ....Ihl. r"m 'u)' ""donll.1 w.. 10. If.., ,.,rtio. or, ",..1... on th. ..lijoct P"lort, I. wllhi. 100' or . low d.n, ,il, W", ""'. .11"" .. Th. hol,hlor Ih,l ",...." ,h.1I unl..- )6' .ho.. ...,... bulldi., .'m. II..: 0' b, Tho Inmdo or lhnl portl.. 01 lb. ,I..,lu" p...llol .. lho 10' d..,il, '0" ,"" nol.._1 60' '0 I.n,'h ,I. """"'2Z,"O".n,."d""mi...hololh"p'o...ion'orlhl.'h.plo'~, '1,,1, .. Iho .ulij,,' P",O"'. 12. ,Nol."h,...d""".'h","""'ooor'hl""".."rlha..b ,ct,ro",,',.~oo wllh 00' ~nll,vo" """"'r nod.. ~".m. o~",hl", ,. I..,.. Ih.. , ocr.., Ih. 1"0,.",1 "0..1""".., m..1 ", o""roy~1 """"h ,,~.. III ~,I Iha m~lmum 101 ~VO,," r.. ...h 1"0,,,,_' d",'ol"~n' will h" nol "oon Ihon 7'" willi lh" ,podO, ""u',,","" da"nnJ.~1 00 0 ,..,.hr.m~ bo.I., b,,"" on Ih. rollo"'" ",...,1.. a. Tha p..~mll, or Iba ..bj,d pro,,",', .. ~, .... ,",via'" nodo, , ".1221 .1 ,..,. b, Tho ""Imllb"ltr "r 'h, ,.",.,od d""lop",".I wit" Iho ...,,"odln, "'.. ,. Th"It.d.."","am"mlm,"~dutill.n"onoro,~..""œolth'P'"'.'od d""opm..'. L ro",..., Inr..m,"on .'eul P""",..d ,","'n, ',"..~.I 22,1376" Mq. ~:~:~::::¡:~:::::::::::~::~:~::::::::&:::I¡¡::::'i:::: ro, da"", or 'MI 000' ..~,d 'hi- bol,hi 100011, ... I 22,)'" " '... ro,do..II""",Un","ulnd,..do,_'22-113I"_q '" ~ .., M t:J ,~ ~ ~ " a t:J '" Sec. 22-866. Hazardous waste treatmeat, storage. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject to the regulations and noLcs set forth in this section: '" 15 DIRECTIONS: PI.ST, "..1 d,.n" 0,.. .".. ¡:: ~ ;? OJ ~ '-' o~ ~ ~~ U5E Q :;~ ,,> -0 ~~ 'lawd..., IP"-' "," "..,. II. ...n' ond P..- "'n.. [nd". "b'. ".. 1',=.. III. .., No'. to ~ °, °' °, MINIMUMS. REqUIRF.D "RDS "' N ;;; ~ g ~ ~ ~~::;;.' 5<. I~: 120' N." J. I """'"",II.~IIII..."..",¡".di" I 1171-""-22-4", 22.431-22.4", 22.410-22-4" ,.. K"..I - S'to p,on ....i.. I. d""i"'" In II 22-"[-22.'.. I ~ ;;; USE ZONE CHAIrr TOlEN, ..".. rot II>:GU,,^TIUNS '?í :;! 20' MAXIMUMS ., " ô'! ~ 0 u 9 .."' ~~ xu "" ~~ ,... IrndJ.lnln, n I. I., d...,ly "n,""n ..- ,...,..,. .,.,. b'lbll", .,.. ",11.,,0"..,. '¡'" '" "1.".,,,- """" b.i""", "I". ",".".5.. N"I. I. ~~ [,)8 35 ro ¡;¡ 8 ~~ ~u ~ ,. ~ n~ ::!" "'¡.¡ ¡}i:1 ¡;¡~ ZONE MP ~ SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I.,.",.,..,n"" II. Irnppoo_'II""'.bp~C,,",u"hnl'hl.r.",.".,"~'mc""""'.b"'." .n . m.. hy .,n,. h.ildln, cl.,.U.", ;e, m.. b"I,. ,. Th. ..bJ'" pro,""Y ",.., MI."J.ln , I., ,Icn'ily "ne; Son I 22,m' b. 'n,h "".I""ynnJ ,h.IUn,'",I,.".n I. In.....cd I'r.".,h I'"""", cl "'I. IUt. "'M'" :Jr, .bm n"",.. b.lblin, .I..,tt"" ,- Th, In".,.~1 h."bI 'III n.1 bl,,- n"y ,¡ow, "".I,nn"'" by lb. ."np..h.n.i,,' pl.,,: "," ,I Tb.""oo"...lb,i,b""",..,I"""...",..,"'h....""",tt",....."", "'.",..", ,lIb,I..lmbl."...I"""""""'h,nnm"r"""",j"'p",I",,y""'1,,"",h,.lby'b,' ....oo",.b"""..pl"" ". "h.d"""I"""""""I"""""'.' ,...,., r, "",": ,...",,1,,1 h".."", U,i,... ""'y '00" ""."'I~I"",lro"d."..I""""".r."y.¡,,;e. ,.'I'h'I"""."'..O"I"'I""""""'"'"lIy"""..I""",,.".,,hl,I~",..",I "."h"','p""",'h"""""""'nnyooo""""."""""""","',,,,h',"''O ".., d...I"I"""""'fl.....,"'h""......I'"'hi. """""I,h. 'h. "'n,," ""r"""",.- "it, don.I.,..."", wIll d,"""¡'" U.. "",."..1 y.,d, """'~'I. "",I """,, .",1 ..Ih" ."""..,I".."".".I""""""""'""nm..hy....b".i""".."I"" Lh.""",,01;'.,,- U.n.rlh,..hj"'I"",.,L".,1 lh.. "",....,,01 i"..".ity.fLh. """".....", "old.. "","",.",. "" tho ..h),,' P""""'y. :I. -ThonnlZO'.rlho"",.i",lr.."¡y,nI,.In"'..from'h..I"",..no'hul,,.,¡ ,,",~I 0,,1 ronOol" n " hi,h hun. .,.' hi,h d.n", .i,hl oh""i., .."In".". Tho dlyo"y..".i...,I,lili..."I",dIlT....I,'""I,nJ,r.,...I",..""d.."Ia"."flhi, i."~."',y""'n,."II""""""""....".II"""J""""i."yl,,,,,,'ho""""'" ,tr,'.I. 1'",""" "",I ,1>1"", ..... ",.y b, I,~",.,II. Ih. ,.."",1 2r. .r "" "..i..d I""" y,nl, .""11,,, 1m... II.. .1...,. ,. 1'."II.",¡"I-w",."..."."d"."""""""'....yl.".,I"",.,."""",,1"iI"'.. rut .". ""id",' "...ity "III",. c ,....Unn"" "" no" p.,o, LF"""","'r""",u""'¡"""'ki"",,,p.'",""".""'I,"'IJ7G"~'. F,..lol.II,,"h' ",.1.11... In Ihl. m"""', ~, I ,".!G""',' "'1. F"d'lnll,.rlh...,.I,Uo".',,'hi.ml".!7,~oI22.IGGI "."" Fonlol.lI"r.,,-, ",",......llhl. "'i,h' "mil, ~.122.104G" ""'. F.. ",1.11. ..,..,"n, "1.",,1 y.,,". ,ne I 22.1" I 0' ~n N 0 /'. Ž " N N ~ ~O2.866 FEDERAL WAY CODE L 3 . ~ " - [ rn r;:¡ Eo< 0 Z 0 ~ rn Z 0 ~ ::J " r;:¡ ¡::: ~ C,) r;:¡ ~ "Ëi~Hl;;;~,5~H]~:'ll.~5!~::~!i ~;~ !.!~'õ~"¡:¡:¡:æ'õll~'~"'~"2~5i¡!g.. ¡:¡:j- ~~~~:~¿~.:~~:~~~i'ï~~~~~~[~f'~~.~ ~!!I -=8':õ i~~!I H~~~ lHi~ mIl ]::: ; H:õ:õ:õ jm ~ ~~ ~ '-.- s;:ov,s ~KI1!h"'d """LOb"" <: a ~ :.¡ ~ z :; 0 ¡¡ ~ = :.¡ ~ rn ::J lH""UVO ~OIS r-- lH"",",VO ,",VOS""..... - .:;¡ :o>L'1J.:>!11!.LS ." .0.!.HOIm ~ ~ .. < " 20"",,",00.1<>1 - ~ 3 .. ;¡ ~ ¡ ",~) 2OJS ~ - ! i!! 5 ~ :; ~ ~ ~ = ¡;: " :i3 z 0 ¡:: [.) 2 ss;:oo", .""^'H Q 02"C1M" S.,"OIlY1Il::J:m Ô ....2H - '------ ~ ,j ] li i . .0:5 ~~~~] ~77¡:J.~ - =iô;:;~~ 1~~~-; - .~ - o! ,~o... 2Z¡SW1 .1 ~ Q ~ 1556 0 '" ,.:. N N 0 N .D "" N ",' ..,. 6 '" 0 Z . ¡;; -E ,¡¡ 0 Sec. 22.867. Warehouses, distribution facilities. The following uses shall be permitLed in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZÚNECHART '" is DIRECTIONS: nRST, ""I d,'n '" O~I.~... TII>:N""",f" IIEGOIATIONS ~ ~ MINIMUÌdS MAXIMUMS 5 ~ IIEtlUlIlF.UYAIIUS ::s ~ ~ ~ ~ ê~ w ~ USE r\ 5w t;.. 0 II ~~ ~ ¡¡ ~ ~ -0 """ :] ::: ::1... W...h'"", ond .100'" ..1, ",..,,10.. "..n ~"",,,.. '" '°' P.'.'~'l' ""'. So, 15.".' II 'o'd. "', p". "°"" "bl, J. "'=.. III..~ II...... IZ "" "" .., I I',,',,'..I.II.~IIII mol",,;I<d" I II :I2.J8<:-""'" ~:gt:;;::~""'",II..1 . SiI, PI" """',. I. d""iI<d " \I "."[-22.JO) ë;¡;J !i:~ "", M¡'; "'~ 75" lC'd;""" " I" low don.ily ,n.. ..", JO' .1",. ". ",." b.i""" ,I~ ..U,n.O"",,. w'","" ,I,.., ... ",..,n ".""i.., ,I,. ..,11",."" N.." I, ~~ ~8 ~~ j;:¡ I -I I 1;: 8 ",~ g.., ~O G If",..",. I,oon "I. It. ,f"", "," "'". '" ~ 0'" ::19 ~~ ::1~ ZONE MP f-- SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I. 1C,""n""'II""",hl',~",II,'h,h,i""..r"""""=Y'm"'3G'.h",,,,. """ h.iI,"", ,1"..Uno, if, ,. Th""I,¡"" """,ty "",. ""'"ij,i,,, ". "'n'ily """ b. "",10 "".,.,,1 y,..1 "h.,U", '10, .I,.d", ,. '"",,01 I' C", ,..10 I' th, "",. I." ",~I, aro' nl"", ""'" h.iI,lIn, ,1.."11..,,, ,. Tho In","."" 10,1,101 will ""' ",~k "'y ,'ow. d"'""",,, "y '10, w""p"""",,, "I"" 0,,1 ,I. ,Th"""""'"",¡,hl"oilh.. """""," wilh..,.......I1",..."""",...,." wllh "".,..101, """,1"1""",1 " 110. "'O" ,r '10, ..loj",' ""I"'y .. ..I"bll.h,,' b, '10, "","""1"".."""",, ,. "10,""""""""""""""I"¡,, "I ",,,, f""", ""..i".,,1 h..w,"" I 10"..""",,1.., ,I"""'I~I ",I """"",.,1 "" " 1..1", "y .i,." iI ...Th,I..III"..,iI"O"i",Ih,I..Iw",h.w,.n",""""I",i".lohl,,".I,1"""",,1 h. Th"I'I'II,"""",.""",w",..'""yø",Li""",'I""""I,.i,whl,,~h ',1""" """"..I"I""""I."CI". 'h""""."""",I",U". 1"""""1"'.1", """,.., """""",. ""y .0",,1"1"""'" .i" ,1"1"",,;,,, U", "",.i",1 y,'"I.I"""'"'I'" ""II"",.. "",1..11", .'",11""Ii""",.i"""ln,l.i"""""I""""'""",m.""".i.""",~"""",."""",1"." Lin"..rU"""j"dl""""'.y""'U"""v""","i"""""'y"CI""I""I""",,"",,1.0,. '01""""",.." 110" ."I,j,,1 I"""""'. :1. ""'°..1 :!r,' "flh, ""1.'",,1 ".,,1 y"n', ""00"" Coo"" U". """,, "",", ", "",1 "'I~I "d o",lni" ,:1' 101,10 b"", ,,3' hi,h .0""0, .,,101 """V"" """""" T", "'yn"IY,~I"i,""""iLi"""""'"f""""'n",,,,,,',r"'h,b"',,""'d"..In",,"iIIhi. ""00..."1"""",,, 110"""""""". "" Ih""";"'I"'I""Iy ",'" "',,01),,'" I .,,...., """"" ""I d",¡", "'"" "",y h, "~"""",, 110, ."",,,1 ",' or lb, "'I"i,'" f""'y""I, ,,,""'" 'n"" 110, ,I,.., ,. ".""""'"'.wo"'h""."",d.",..,.",.."'i,',,,,,,y;""""""o"MY"';'"C",""", """""".¡,I..",..""II",/H,.,. 100"""v..I",, ",." "".., L"""""""""""",,",, """"..,1 "."kh" """..., ".1J75,I~q '"d".".,rlb",..',",,",',lbl".',,",y,~'I22."'!""""" '"d,t.".,r'h"""""'n"'I"""""'r,~'12Z-J55I'I'",, '"d,t",.,rwh"""y"""'Ih¡,...,,hl"",II,~,ITl'IU'5"...... ,"",,,". ""00"'" ,...."1,,,,1 ""1.,,... ZO.II".I ~q N 0 /', ~ C> '0 M ; ,- USE '" i5 DlIlECTIONS, PlMT. ""I db" Iv n,d ",. ¡:: ~ ~ <.:> g ~ ~~ r'\ 5~ 'f ~¡;1 MIN'MUMS "",,'"""" 1MUS ~ § ï ... 15 ::: ~ -0 u. u. 00 1 P,K'" '. 11 ,tWI III ",d""I1,," I, =t \I 2"2-3"'-".411. 2"2-<3'-"."". 2"2-470-""."" KII..I . sn, 1'1.. "'".. " dOK""'" "II ".3of-22-,'" (ör{[l'.fo.-~O-43, §2(G5.20); 2-27-~0) USE ZONE CHA. . T""N. ",," ,.. "BOoI-'TION" ~ "' MAXIMUMS ~ ~ !;' 0 " § i';~ r.~ "'" "", ~~ 1 ~t; ~~ ~~ t;; 8 ~~ ~" -l I ~ '" ~ ~~~ " ~~ l. I--- ZONE MP SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ". H,"."'" ~",Iv ",.Im.., ..d ,""'" ',dIlU" m'" ~mply .nh ,.... ,n'" ,n"""o"""'"""""".."."h RCW,h'p..,70.IOG. n. MAY""' oo,d..'o.y od""'y " "'0 " Ih, ,"bJ,d P""""'y O"II,wl... 'h, ,,- I,"," or ..,k " ...10", ,..... r".." " ,,1m. 7. ^,y"",I"",""d,," 'h"".,.II.lo ",'" ""y""","'h,,,"I,d p'"~ny ,"","~m""""~I,,.',II,.,.""',,'r,""I"o'""'lh"""""-""h, ".'Th"",'"h""""",,'h"""""""""""""" h. 'rh, ,"I"',"",,, .h"h ,,' "'" "",1"1"1.1,,,, ,. '0. ,. ,-", ",",h,,"'" .h'"' ,r".. ,""1"1,,",,,, 10 '.0'. 8. O"d""""""""""",.."",y"""""""".,"""y"m","h""""""",...,, 30"" Ib, "'" 'I'..' "" b' 1"', "" ami """"'" "".n ,.1" "d "m" ",II",.. "U""'"'",,",.. "," 10..""""..,,100"""""""". ,. Th, "UJ",I "",,""y m",' I~ 01..",,", .. "'" ",,' p""",.I..d"', ..01 """",. ..tln, ",no; n".. .h"" ",.. """aU" ",Woo, ",.. 0,,01 "",n'.. ~y «N<O a..' ..n" "'" ,1m"" ,..""" ," """"" .. ", .. ~""'" ""'" "ny ".'donll,1 ."". 10. If o"y ,~,II,," ''a ,"""," '" Ibo "hJ"II"""",ly " ~'U", 100' ,r a low d... "'y ,""a. Ih", ,"h," ,. Tho h",h',' "'0' "",d", ,hall n,,' ....... ". ,h.yo """'" h,,""'n, ,I.... II",: " h. Tho 'n..'" ,r 'h,' p",II.. " Iho ,1"".'0 1'",11,' .. ".. I.. d,.."y ,.., ,"'" .., o'..ml "0' In """". II. 1l"""122"""""."d,..,mh...h"'"'h<lp"vl"",,,,rlh"""I""",~, 'pply" <hn ,""I"'I""IMtiy. 12. N,'~11""',,"'n, ""y ,'h" "",vl."n '" <hI. ",II",. " "" ""1'" I""~"Y. ,lIOn, .IIh ""y ,""II,""", I"'"~'" "" ,, ..mm,n ,~"""hlp. I. I."" 'h.. " ad... "" """""" ,lml'l"n..' ",","'o"pl'",v","h..",h "~,,III a",' 'h, ",."m,n' '"I """""""""" """..m' dnool"""'M".1I1 1m..' """""'" ","."h 'h. .,>Odll, ,"",I""",,'d,,""""""'" ""'.""00..""",....,,.1"" ""'"II"."",nl.." ,. Tho 1"..lm"y lOr 'ho """I"d P"'~'" ", m,y "", ~",I.",I ,ml.. I 22. m' ,I "n. ". 'rh"m"",,"',I"', "'"'" """m.,,' ,1""""""""lw"" "m ""","mil", """ ,.T"""odool,."...m,'m""",,,,',,11"""""""""""""""""'"""",.", ....,1""""".. -L.."".,, l"r,'m.II", ,...,, p"",..,nd ,.."n, ."".'" I 22.137G,'Rq. ~;~:~n::~:~:;:::::::i::::::~::::::::?::::::I¡;::m:::;:: ~:: ;::::n:::,:~,i~n~~~"~;~:;"~~;'~~": f;~I'¡'";:11 ~~IO"" "" ~ ~ .., M t:> M ~ '" ;¡; 0< n 0 t:> M Sec. 22-868. Indust1'Ìallaundry facilities, printing, publishing. The following uses shall be permitled in Lhe manufacLuring park (MP) zone subject Lo Lhe regulalions and noLes sel forlh in Lhis secLion: USE en 15 DIRECTIONS:""'ST,.."""""""""',. ¡:: ~ § " J '" .,0. ¡:¡: "3 tì ~~ »" """ M'NIMUMS HEQUIHEU ,^HIJS ., " or. g :;; ! ~ ¡¡; -0 ,- i5 æ ""."'."""'. ".'~"lfi,a"'Sc'lfiO' ""'],y'"ill, II, No'" 2, "". ".. P"., N"", Wh.'.."I, ..h'. J, ,n.'.",.., I',~.. p"bh.hh.,. "'"", N"", '0 20' OJ> OJ> '..0 I U[ I',,<m I. II .",1111 ""'K"""", I II 22,Jð<-n411 , 22-431-22""", 22.47"-n4" """,11,,1 . Sol. 1'1,. ..~.. I. ".."""",. II 22.3,r-22.3., USE ZONE CIIAU:r . TIIt:N, on.., f.. "t:G"'.ATION" ... ~ :;J 20' I MAXIMUMS ~ ;;.. !:' 0 u 3 ~ì;! ~~ xu gf¡¡ "'... x~ "" 1r."j,'.I.,. It: h.. .'."'y ..",. 'h." JO' .I,,",y. """. h,II.II", .1.. yoU... OIh". "","'" .1".. .y. """. h,II."", "I". y"""",;",, N,'. I. . l l ~~ ~8 ~~ .. 8 ð~ <;;u c I r." ...h 1.000 "1.1\. "r"".. 0"", ...". ~ r¡ < ~~ i~ I; 1- SPECIAL llEGULATIONS AND NOTES I. 1r,1".m,~I'h"""h,.,",...II,'h.h."hl"'.,',",'",,m,y..."":¡¡¡'.h....y. ".,. h"""", o'",u..... '" ., Th"."h}."""""y".....",.""..",.I.."..",y,."" h. t:..h """""'y.nl,buLU., 'h."""",.. ,. I.m"nl "r"'""h ,'U".'"", "". ..._,. "" .h".. .,...,. h,II,Ii., """",..: " Th.'...o.,"" hoi,h' will "., """, "'y yl,., """"""'" by 'h. w"'v,.h,..¡" pl..:""" .1. Th. '""...nl h.i,hl " .ill", I. ,h"",,"', wilh ..""".""" .... '" "",.1.,.., wll.h "".I,.hl. """'1""0.' I. 'h, .... .r 'h. ""i"",""""'y ". ..""",.hn! I.,'h. ",...,."h...I.. 1"". 2. Th. ,I...h',"n.", ""',' .""""" ,,' "",,, r, ""'.: 1"""""" ",w".., 'hi. '" "",y"" ""'I"'~I""".""I"""'"."",'"r""y,',."If. .,"h""",.."."""..I..,II"h.'w",l"wf,lfy"""""""i","'M."h',,"!>O:.,," h. Th'""""""'h",."'..w"'"".ym"U"""."""",,,.',,~M"~h I.'!>"" ""."'I.p"""".."...'h...,"".."",'"lhi"""",""",'h","",,"""f....."". ""y "...I"""",.'will""",...I""'h"""I"I,,,,1 y"nl,'"",I.c"..", 'h"IT""..,'"'h,, .1.,II",Ii""",.ln."""""',""n'."""c.."hy",""",.i..I"..~'",,"".i", "",I "... u"...r'h...hi"""""."y ",," 'h" """""."" 1""'".IIy ,"h" ""'I" ."",...""". y"""""", "" II" ."hi,," p......,ly. 3. Th,""'2li'"r'h",o"i,....,...",y.""."'rti.,r"".'h"""""",,,'lml."',. ".I~I """..."'", . ,,'hl,h ,.,,'" ",J' hi,h"""",."h'"h",,"""""""". Th. d'.y ""Y"O""" """"'"..1 '" """""""....I"n'. ", "",10"=,.".".,,, """",hl. i...~..",yh""""'"""'",kI"""....'h...hj"""""m"yr"m'h,.,."",,' .'",.l"",kI""""""',i"""""."..yh.'~'In"I"'h'.'"","2G',,C'h""I"""" r"..1 y""', "",U.., 10"", "", """'- 1. ",10", ",I"'.w.",h".,,, .."" ."'..." I.."¡¡ili,, '=y "..1""" "~'~'" IIYI", '"dli".. r", "... ",hi"" ...",ily .I1i,~,. """"""",1"""""1"""1 L"""h"i"f"""""""""""'i""""""'kI"""","'122-1:11"'W" P""""""'h. ..,.,.11,., I. 11.1"""""", ~'I21.I&'...., "0. ~:: :::~::::~ ::-h.';'~~';~:;~~"~:~' h':,~~;:r~i:'.'~:;~.~~~~ cl~., """"",...,..,11"""""""1""',"'122"""""0 N 0 "'" Ž () ~ '" '" ~ :r¡ ~ to< 0 Z CI ~ ¡¡¡ Z 0 ~ ~ " '" ~ ~ 0 ~ Q.. ¡¡¡ :.!~'õ~1¡:¡:¡:1!~..]~æ~S¡:~¡:!~3~n~1¡: ¡:¡:~ :~:~:]'~.:~~:¥~~~'~~i=~~1[¡[.t~.~ § 22.665 L ~~ :-¡ .5 ; ~ . i [ '-- "oy¿s "',""¡Yd C""11M" :$ " Û ~ '" ~ Z :; ~ ~ '" .! :r¡ ! ~ ¡ !;1 . " ?i '" g ~ '" ¡¡¡oo:uvo S,,¡s ¡"oo:uvo ¡¿VOSc.,Y1 ""-1.!.o:nus .O¡H"':¡H '0"""-'00 ¡01 . ~ " . :: i = ~ ~ - ,: ~ ~ ~ z ¡: ;¡ ¡¡; z: 0 ¡:: U ~ ""'O"d .~:¡L";" Õ a ""L1M" S..,¡o)~V1.,1::J31l0 h"-"" ,,'"',:¡ms ¡,a". ,z¡s~a1 I ~ Q FEDERAL WAY CODE .. :e t ~tt~ ~~~.: ~!~h ~::'::'f': E~iiê ~~t-EN iH~i . ~ ~1'. !¡¡II !tin û¿¿¿¿ f---- I---- - Ô 0> -,.:. ~ ~ Jô .! ';;4 o-; ] ~ g '~.):Ë N ~;!ì~] =::::::¡ C'Ò =~.!J~ ..,. -1!"'~~" a _¡::N¡::. 0> :=N ~ 0 c Z ;: ..¿ 0; 2 .. 1560 Sec. 22-869, Merchandise, equipment l'Cntnl. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE '" Z 0 DIRECTIONS: rIIlST, ""I 0".. ~ II"" ".... ¡:: ~ E '-' is <.¡ 0'" 0: ~~ r'\ tt~ 'Ý """ USE-ZONE CHAUT MINIMUMS . TII"N, "'..". ,..IIEGULATION5 ""QUIllEU YAIIDS ¡:j :;; j ~ I- ~ ~ -0 l- S M'.".h..""Oi" p'~'15 "".. s.. Ir,o.' n.O ",n'I' II. N".. 2. S.. m,.I".'" 1'".. N".. fa"""".'" .ibl, J. "",,,.,hm1' ",~.., "'"'rm,.' ill.,.. .",0 ,.10,,',"" . ""yi 10 20' ". '" '" I """nl, II ..d '" '" Om,;"'O ,. I II 21.'8G-22,'II, 21."'-22.'00, . 2'2-"'-22-498 "'r,,11,,' . 5,1' 1'1,. 110",. ,.0",,""0 i. II 22."1-,,.'0) MAXIMUMS ~ ~ 0 u b ... "'1:1 ~¡:: i'jg ~~ 70.. ''''OJ.I.I'',. I" ",. d"..,,1' "".. 110.. 30' .1"., ..' ~:::~ï"" .1,. ."uo". Oil",. .1",$' .1".. ... ru ~t; [¡¡g ~!') 3;j t; g ~S "'u G "",...,,, ""0 ",.11. "r ",...11"" .".. "' ~ < 0:;; ::!" .....1': ~~ ZONE MP 1- SPECIAL UEGULATIONS AND NOTES I. .".rrm..dll""",hl',.."nll,Ih"h""hl"",.""'ln"~'1'"".""",.'.h,,"". ."".I..II.II."I...U,...,'" .. Th. ."hj"" ""'1",11' ,10... ",I .d",. . in" d...", """" b. ",,10 ,..",i",I"",1 ,,10,,'11., 'h.,'ru"n"i. ,."",..1 ",..",10 ",10", '"'. Inm ..~I. ".' .10." .m.,. 10.'1011., ,1...11..." ,. Th' 1"""....1 10.1,101 .ill ..1 hi... .", .".. doo'""""" 101' U.. mmpmh..."", "1."",,,,1 d. Th.h"....."lh,l,hl.I..llh..I".h"""""."h.."...""".."."....¡.""'I "ilh "..1",101. 0..,,1"1"""" ,. 110. "m. ., II" ..hj..1 "",...,1, .. ,,""'U,h"" ", 'h. ,."""".10.".1.. "I"" z. 'l'h.d...I""",.", """I.."..nl" ",1...11"""., 1"",1,1,,1 10"., "..1101,...""".", ,1.,,1'1,..1 .00' "".d",I..1 .", . "" "I .., .i,. if. ".Th.I.I"...d.II"I",'h.I"'".ml"""",m.""",",,'wM...hl,I9911.".01 10, Tb. .""11,,,., 10". ...,1 "."",1 "", ."""""" 1.1 ." 1,,1. .",~ M.reh ,. 1990. "",O...I."m""o."rl...lh""r"",...",I,',II"'I"'"""I,h,'h.,II,..,"""."""" "1,.,.1"""""".'""1.1.,."",."110.","",.1",..1,1.,,,1,0010"',,110001.""",.'10", .1",1I.,.II......,.i...,,1 ""1.1"".",.,...." ....10,0.."1",.1."",...1",, II", .Ior ,,~, I..." U". "IU" ,"101'" "...,."""...1 U""",I." "",I '"",...""IU." ""'1"..,,1 """",""", ..10"""""'" lb. ".101"" "'"'0"'. II, Th.. II,"I:<ro' ", 'b. "".1..., ,..", Y"". """", ,....,,110.. ","", 00""'" 1..,1. ...,~,..0.,...,.""'hi,h""m"3'bl,hll.....,.i,h,.b.~".,....,,,,,...Th, "1"".""1"..'"10"""""1.,.1111""""""",""",'10.,,,,,..,,01",..,,".."illb,. ,."~."",I.....on.U"'I""kI.,."..."lh""bj",I"""""','m,,,'h.,,,lj",""I ",".I.".,kI""",d"".b.,."..."~,h..I~."01.'h"".,.02fi'..r'h"",,..1"", ",..,y.""."""" 1m... 'h. ."onl ,. ".hll""""..."h""""O"'m,'b..¡II"."M,I.".",."~.",,,II.¡.,(...11"" ",,"'.. ".I.I""I."."ly ,moo" ,...."""..1.." "..1"..,., L""'h" 1"("'00"". "Iw,,' "..ki.,.", r,,>J., ""', "'..1 22.137G "wq. "'O,'"iI,,"h.,..,..I.U....'.'h¡"""",,~'I"'I.""""'1. '"",',II.,"h""",.U.,,.I.'h""""'1,~,I"."'I.I."1 "",.,.II..,.h.'m"""""'h,.",,,hlbmll,~.I21.lO"""'1. "",.,.11. """"", "q..'",1 ,',,'.,.no 122-1"'" ~,. N 0 :.>: 9- " ~ '" '" ~ .... S50YdS O.."X>!Yd O:õ>!L1MlI ~ ~ .;¡ 5 ~ ~ z. :; 0 !:1 ~ j rn ! ;:¡ S ~ "iö1f~~~ ~ ~ 1: ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ d- ,: '" ¡;; ¡;¡ ~ ~ ¡;; '" tij z 0 ¡:: 0 [3 SS2001ld "'ilAill is O:õ>!lI1h511 SNOUY1Il~:ru .0 § 22.889 L ~~ r~ ; ] s FEDERAL WAY CODE gs ~ . ~ ~ ~ z ~ CI } ~ B r ~!!f I"~i :;; . .." ~ ~t-:N 11111 =""" " û'::'::'::':: rn Z 0 ~ :s ;:¡ " r:< ~ ~ u r:< c.. ¡¡¡ .111O<:1"'YO "DlS c-- .1l100"'YO ""'O.ClI.YI f--- ¡-- 50'"1I"-'OO.La, >M!l! ""'0) 5a)S ô '" -..:. ~ ~ . .j ô .5 ~ '" ] t: g i ..=:;- Ñ ~;~~] ~~1J] ~ - ]~~~; g 5= ~ ò c Z ¡;; .,,; ~ e ¡"Oll.< ins .La, ~ r> '- ]562 Sec. 22-870. Bull< food preparation, servico industries. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject to tho regulations and notes set fort.h in this section: USE v ""J> ""'" ,~,...u,," ',,0"'1... onk.. ,"d ....h"... .",..,..,.... ..n.I...,. ....... .h.... ...,' '" I'" '..'m""I"" ,~.."nrr '" 0> '" ""."""". ""h ,,"om """"'.,"n,. """,I"~œ' """"."",,. Im""Nn.,. p,-. '1' ."". 5<. \"0' II. N..", 2. "', Po.. N,'" "hI.. 3. I',~.. III..~ Nnl. "'. I S P,"....I.II.~lllIm".."iI""l" II Tl-3"'-22-4 II, '2-431-22-"", 22.47"-22.4'6 ". ~II..I . 5".. ",," ",o,w ,. dm,""d I" II ".3.[-22.300 20' USE ZONE CHART . Tm:N, """ ror REGUlATIONS ~ :;¡ 20' I MAXIMUMS tj ~ ~ 0 U § ~~ >:U g~ !;!~ !J) Z 0 DlIŒCTIONS: FIIIST, ",d down ~ U"d "". ¡::" MIN'MUMS ~ ~ ilEQUlllED YAlmS <.:J 0" ~:;¡~"' :¡¡ lÌ 5"' t '"' ~ 0'> ~ z;; :;¡"' b :i1 9 " ~ ~ ~ 7." ".. jo'"'", , IE '..wd..","Y ,.". lh." 30' ,I,.." "'. ..." ",,"",", ..1". ""u,,". "'h.,. wl.",or,' ,I.... "'. """" 10";,,",,,..1.. ",u"". ... N,,"'I. ~~ M8 !.".\j 3~ I .n ~ 8 7,\j ~~ ~ ~ ~ "':); :;¡g ~i:! :;¡~ ZONE MP ~ SPECIAL ltEGULATIONS AND NOTES 1"""'m'"~1 II. ""rrn""'lh""'hl"~"'"'lh'h'.""I..r"'I~'I"'..,""Ym"'Jr""hm.'" "" - æoo hy or',- h"lIdl", .I..,U.", If: moo 10"",. ,. Th. ",hJ~I "'I"ly ,I.~. on' .,lj.," , \"w d,".H, .."", """122.132. h. ""h ~""'I"" ,,01 "h"IU", Ih, .Iro""", I. I"m..." I' r", m" I' Ih, ,,,",, ""'1. I"," ",_I, ,.' "10,,., """"" h"ilill", .1""11",,, ,. Th, ,""...~I h,I,hl will "", hl~' "'y 0'" dnol""",", b, Ih, oom""h...,., "",'" ,,"iI ". T".ln~".","."h'I,.iU,..I"d.."..,u".ith...n.."",II",v...",~...i.I"". .ith .1".1..101" ,'.."I"",,~", I.. U.. """ ..r II" ..hi.d l"vl.,I, .. no',hll,h~1 hy Ih. ~....".h.",I." "1",, 'T",d...I""""",I",v.I""""""'I....lr,"n""",,.id..I,..,.m,'hl...."".,'" "ml,,~1 .....1 .""10",,,1 ." . I.,.r ""y ,i,. If. ".Th.I","""",.n"I",II..h"*""I".r"II."...""""i.."..M"nhl,"'"""...1 h.7'","""II"""""...I"""'I."y""";,....".I..I.."",..I",..M....,,,.""'" F.."",..I"I..".."I..rl"..h"..".....,..I..lhl",""""",".lh.,,;,",..,.r.",....... "ity d...I..",...,,'.11I ""I,n"h" Ih, ,~,v"~1 ",01, ",..I,",,~ ,,",I "..If" ...1 ..110., ,imU..""m".h",.I""1"¡","",',.",m"h"....I",.I,.I""""."U".i,,."dh<n. ,;." "r 110. ..bi.d ",..",Iy ."d lb. ",Iv" ""ill""'".it,"r Ih. ""I.'" "" ...1 d.. .d.""""." Ih. ,"hi'" "m""I,. ,. Th.U"12h'.rlh""'1"I",dr...",y.nI,.",II",r"",'h.,I".,,.."oll~l...1. ""","""I.".I"I""'hl,hl~""""'hi,hd"...,."hL..h..v"",..","u"..Th. "'y ,,"y '"1"1.. "",1011..",,1.. .1i1f...",.I...',,"I. r.. th, loon" ,"d ""'aU",, "'h,. '",.m"..,yl..."m"U""""""",".......L"...hi"","".",yr"",lh""lj"".., .t,mtl"""",.",I,h",..",",..".yh."~"",II"t",."".d2h'..rth.,,,",h"' I,",' y."I, .""U", In.... 110. """,t. 4. ""hll""I"'.w",.".."oo.."I,.."".r",lIitl.....",yl"d..dn..,.'..",yli..",r.."I,"," """'" ",id...I""..,ity"niœ,. c (ro,,"",,~1 "" ..,1"",,) LF""'h",'"r"""U""""VIP",""."d""kI",..m.""22"31.,,~q. P"d."II,.rlh,~",',tI.",I.'hi""I""".'I".¡r"~.,,,,,. P"d,l,iI,.rth.,..",.tI.".I.lhl,,"I""'T,~.12'.lh.'..."'1. P""."II..rwh"I""""Mllh,....,,hihmiL,~.I22.I04..I'.1 P.."I,"II.""."Ii"""1vl~dY""'"...I".1131,'~". " a % :;;: Q ~ .., .., t r- USE ZONE C1W. ~ DIlLECTIONSI_~~".r, ,:,,~'~~,,' ..:::..:~T~>IN' "".. r.., U""UI.ATUIN"_._--.-- -, ------- -----1 ZONE 1-- .... v, MINIMIIM" . M^XlMIIM" 'n r MP ~ ~ ""'I"lIum """" t:: ~. " D'" ,;; ::;¡:! t:.. ,.. Di)¡ ".,00 :ñ.; ,.~ ~'" '" "'" g;",~ "I '~ >:CU io!88 "'i'j USE r>.., ¡}~ ~ ~ ;;; ... 8 ~~ ~J] ~r.. g¡:;, -0 y:;¡:;¡ § ~ ~ ~ § :Con 3~ ¡¡¡~ :;¡~ I SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES '" '" .. I P,ou..I,II,,"" """"m,i"""n l II 72,38<-22-"', 71,<31-22-'60, 71,""-22-<98 ". KU..,I , S,II Pi"n "'~I' " ""..,H,," In II 22",1-22,309 I I I (Qrd, No:9Ò-43, § 2(G5:20f2~27:90) ., Ilnm"Oov, w",.. ',o."n.nln..1 ,..,.,.'.,iliU""",'lo""I'yw,'h ,.... ,"i., ..I""n "'.1""'1 In ."""lnnM wlLh lIew ,h.p"" '.,lOf,. G, M.y .., .,n,l..d ""y "dl..lLy '" V". 0" Ih. "..bl~1 P"'I""ly Ih,,1 i"...."'.' tho .., '"n".or.."I"".."'n..,..,,,,"""."""I"'" ,. ^oy"'oHo.'",I"",..,.th."...I,'hl"f'."'nny.,..."'h.,..b ~lpmI""'y ",..",O","""'ol.""'""'.lIow","'h"lr.."I.I'"",mth""G,,'lnl..,,lhi n, Th.m;nlmvmH"plh.r'h."",I..lnU". ", ,', h, Th. minlmvm wl",h n' Ih. m",..lnU"n I" G' " Th. modmvm wlillh .rth.modvlnUon " W, ft. "Un".,thl..~U."thl,v"."myln"oH."n"=,""",om,...bli"",o"'n,,,,'hn 0." "r tho """ OM' "'" 0' Ihl" "". n..1 .m...o", ",InH ,.1." "n" ..~iœ r~HiLi.. villi"., no n..,. Ih.. "",,"h.,.... n..,..." ,,"hl.o... 9, Th. ,obI." pml""'Y ..v','" "..I,nod '" Ih,,1 lro,' p.,"n" 1....Un, nnil n..n...- ..n.ln, nm..; n.... whor. ""I.. ,.n.II,Un, "..IH." 0'" nnH .,U..III., n"y ~MI no" ..nln .nd ,Imll" ,..Iv". n",~""I", r., ..""..Ibl. f'"n' Any ,.,¡d.nll.I'.n.. 10, "nnYI","'.n.r..Lr",I"'.onth..obj~II"O""'yl.wllhJnIOO'or.",w".., .lLy """, thnn .Ith." ", Th" h.I,hl ", thnl .Iml..m ,h.1I n'" ..~d ,.. .hm ...".,. b.lI",n, .1..., U"", '" h, Th. f...d..' Ihnl ","i." "f Ih" .Irod..,. "",11.1 In Ih. '"w ".n.lLy ",n. ""'" "..1....... ".' In l.n,lh. II. 1I.,....,22.0<G"I,.."lnd"",.",inowhnl"th"p,....i.i""..."hi"h.p'"""y ",'ply.,th....hl~Ip""",'ly. 12. N.'wlLh""""",."y"'h..p"",i.i"n..flhi..~LI...,if'h"'."j"""",,""y",I...., wlLh".y"",U,v."'I'"'I""'y"",'..~,""""",w"....hil',i.,...."""."r,.."....1"" """".",01"..",.."""""",..""",1',,""'.' ""....,h ",.....", """... ,...,¡",..m'..' ,,"'."',. f"....h 1""1".,.1 01""""'1"".'"will h" "..lm..,.LI",..""wlL h'h.'I""" ,."vl"""",'d""'""i.",..".,....-I'y-....h..i',I",""I.,,"'.'..",,wi",..LI..,'.. ., Th'l"oAi",lLy..rll""."lodl""I~"y",""yn"""".I"I..I""""I"".WI.., "'1. h. Th....""!,.""",,y "flh.. "'",.,..." 01......1"""""" wil" ",.. """"""",,, ...... "Th."iI.d..i,..,Lr.m,i"'I""In."d..lili",¡¡.."..r.'"""I""""'h'l""I""'" H.",lol"OO"', LF""'h" I,,',,".",n A'..' p""n. "mI """""""'.'"I 22,137G,'_,. F"d,I"".""h",,.I"".n. I" Ih'...,."",._. I 22,"OG" "", ~; ~:::ii::¡ ~h,,;.~~~~:~:~n I~~" '::i~hl';¡";';;:'.!;:'¡;'%:~ :î';,. F"d.I"""""HI.""",I"dy""",-I22-'I3"'~" '" ~ ;:¡ t:J M '" t'" " ~ (') 0 t:J M Sec. 22-871. Recreation; vocational, trade schools. The following uses shall be permitted in tho manufacturing porI, (MP) zone subject to tho regulations and notes set forth in this section: MINIMUMS IIE4UlllED YARDS ~ ¡;¡ § I ~ ~. ~ ~::.,. s.e I~~ 12.- No"" rAmmm'ol \S'" ,~,.olion ,Inn locilily. ""e.. V~nli"nol 01 1'",. ',"de"h~l. ,ihle ,,=., II.,~ No'" I ",.. .,hl, I',m.. ilL.., No'" , ~ ", C> ';0 I 1'""...1.11 ond III "" d"",'..1 i" I 1122.""'-12.411, 22."'-"""", 22.47'-"'4"'" "Ii..' . S", I'lon Roo.i," i. d""i"'" in II 22."r-22."" USE ZONE CHAItT . TlIEN, 8<1"' 'or IltGlllATIUNS MAXIMUMS ~ ~ ~ 8 § ..-' ~~ :Co ~~ rn Z 0 DIRECTIONS: rlllST, ,.." dn.n In On" 0", . ¡:: ~ ~ '-' 2 ¡;¡ ~~ ¡;SE Q ~.~ ::'> -0 ::1::1 20' IIn"jolnin,.!E 10. d,n,ily ..n. <h.n ,,' nl~,.." or",. 1i.II,lIn, .1" ",Unn. ou..,. ."",'K,' ",~", no' ;,::~ï'n, oln- ...U"". Soon N,,'. I. 7." \.11 ~~ :':8 e~ j;:¡ ~ 8 ~~ ~U ~ Jo> ~ C>~ ""-' I"~ g~ ...: ZONE MP ¡- SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 1"""'ORlnrnl II. .IIn",n..ol'.h"""hl',~..II,lh.h.i,h'"r."ro",".~y'n,""J:i'nh...n. 0" n mo. hy or.,. h.lhli" nl....Unn, 'f, ."nb",". n- Thn"hjndl'rnl~"y"~"""n"joinnl""d,...ily..nn: 5<001,22-1'" b. En,h ,o"I,rnlyor" n.I"LlI""'O"'."""""",...", I'"""h i'Ihn '1".'- ,I..... "'" ""01, :;f, "h",n "orn,. bo'hU" .I.,.b"n: ,. Tho I"".m-" h",hl.UI ,,01 bl~k ...y ,i,.. """"""", by Ih, WOOI",h"..., 1,10,,; "n" ,I. 'rhn I"","'MI h,i,hl;. .1110.. ", ".."n"'" .1110 """"",U,,, ...' or ",...i"',,1 .1110 "..hnhln ,1"01"1"""" I.. Urn ""n "f U'o ..hj," "'.W'y n. ,,"'h",hMI hy Ih' """I",b",.i.. 1,1".. ,. Th.",mh'I'",n..I"..,.""..'"i""II""':,n,,,,:l'ro,¡"," h".,'" "i,.. o..~yl" ".,.h'I'Mln,,"ronol,"."oonl.ln'nny,',.oll. n. 1'100 'nl".... ",O,,'n, ". 1.1.". In.f,lIy "'""'" ,,".' ," ",,", 1,1""""" h. Th. n"l'lknnl 10"' "nl o~"." n"y """"""" 1,,1.,1"1. .'nœ Mn~h I. """, """n"I"I""",""f",.'h".."""""I."h""",,,,",'h.lh"'h'.,"'of.."""" "1,y'I""I"I"~"'.III""",...i".Ih.on,,.i,..I,,,o,,","'I.w,~n"'I'","" "",',,",,' ",..II"""""..I"..nl"'I""""."'.""""onhymonh"'"h..rn'",,'h..,,.."..II"n. """ oflho..hi'" ,""«'y...." U...",I" ",n...' """""'y,,"h"I"""""" ". "',,"'.- ",1"1"",..1"" 110" ",h¡,ct ""'I,.,ly. :;. Th,o"'2I,'""h,m"i,..'lrn,,,y..,,I,,"',Ii.., I",rn 110"""",00""" , "",I. """",I n",lm"I"i.. "'J'h,,h ..."'",,:;' 101,10"""" ,i,hI"I"~,in,","I",i,,n Th, "ly",ny"",',"",hllll",...I..""O.""I.",...I"""f""""""""""'""'h"..iflh" ""~"",y""""'lh"I""kl"""""""'h....bj"'I"",~,,y,,,,...'ho""1"..,,1 oI,..".. I'..,ki", "",I ,Id,i", """. "~y Ion 1",..1..11" ¡h" ..,.".,12<,'0' 110" ".,,',,"1 """'y""I,,"""'" b"", II", """,,- u """11..","1""""'1,,,,'1 Lrorn""'inf"""","'I""P",ki""'I""ki""""""'22-""nl~" r.,dn'nil"I'h""""lioonl..'h""'".,y,~..I"""""""" ~:; ~:~::::¡ ::-':n\'~~';1;:~:'::' I~~' h:,~.:~;r~:7,'~.'¡-~"I~:~ :'¡";", r",".'nil...,..d""""IIn",."I",,"I"-I1""~". N 0 ".., '/. " ~ N N ?>. O.S;I I I N'.~~ ô I S30V" ",;m¡vd ~ "",c,b"" :;; "1 U ~ ~ !< z 0 ~ ~ ~ - U) I :;¡ ¡ ~ ".)'6"'i~~~~ gl; ~¡:.II ~ """,""oow, ~I 1¡! ~I~ " ~ II ~ I SS3JO"d "'L"" ë os",'b"" ssoll.n'1~:rn-o L"OO:;.LVO ""IS .."OO:;.LVO UVosa.,y! ~ ~ " ",'")SO$ ~ ."0"" SZ!Sla' I ~ Q FEDERAL WAY CODE ~ U) ~ [i I;. t;h z 1~ 0 ,,:. ~ > ~ ! i ~ 'g ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ,; ~ õ ~ ~!!~ ifJ~ 1~~~! 11m H~~l ¡".n ."". ~ :f::: : Jm¡ r U) z 0 ~ :;¡ -:¡, ,~,._- . 0 coo. 0 ~ ~~;;;~~;¡.iq. ~ ~ ~ [1!i-H~ ~~ ¡ Iln!ijln!!.l l¡lûm¡¡ it 52 H~~~~=~~~:;~~~ ~~:,š~~~~!~ ;:ê ~!;:¡:;:æ~~;¡~¡¡:¡¡:.;:~:P~¡!~E¡: ¡:n :1'" .:itn:!' J..ti:~ in' ¡...] - - - "v'" ô '" r---..--. ~ ~ ~ - .j ô .: ~ "" ] t:.g L.":5 C;¡' ~~~~] "" ;:::::::::.~ M =.1 1.1. ...,. r- 1~~~~ 0 .¡:¡:::::. '" := ~ 0 c Z ¡;: -ò ~ e ~ 1566 Sec. 22-872. Sale of bulk Hems. The fonowing uses shan be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: VJ Z Ô DIRECTlONS:FlIIST,',"dd'o"""~I...", ¡:: ~ 8 " " <.¡ c" ~ :;1~ r> 5'" 0'> :;1:;1 MINIMUMS USE ZONE CHART TOlEN, ",." ,.. IIEGUI.ATIONS HEqullum YAltOS MAXIMUMS USE ~ § -0 "" m -1 u." ,,"'iI Si'" .",...r .:a" i.mbe" "ri.o, ."i,'; ,I.,,; 1'... "d .ihl. r,."h"" ,,-, .i.ctri,,' "d II,... """", II,. No.. ",.."",1 I "','ph,. I'",. ""'.,I",i", ..hl, """. ""', I',~" r"'w",h., III..~ "", "Ih.. .,' N,h. "<0""'" 9 ..,.ph.. \Vh"I..",. "",,"',,1 ,.1, ", ..".., "",k ~~~~~.... I~::: 120' No" J. ~ g; r. j ~ ;Ii p' 0 " § .. 8 z~ 9< "'" E ~ c'" :;1° ~~ :;1~ ZONE MP ..::1 ~~ X" 0" ~~ ~~ ¡,¡g c~ jð :g ¡¡; ':! :;1 SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I, "opprov"" Ih,""" 1"~0..1I, Iho hoi,.. ora ,,",,'.m may ""o",,;¡¡;' ahm ov. ",°'° holldi", 01""'0", ¡¡; a. Tho ,.hJoct "'"'~"y d,~. ..1 ..ijol" " ',,0 "o".ily "",,; h, Eo" '""01",, '0,,1 .h.lli., Ih, ,1..01,," " ""01°""" I' ", oooh I'll" ,"", I." ..._1, Jr,' 01"... ,v"", h.iI,iI" ,:""",,; o. Th. ""...."" h.I,hl will 'ol hl~' ""y ,I.w, d..I",o"'" "y u.. "m",.ho",i.. "1.,,;.,,,1 .. T".I"...",..lhol,h"..ilh,','",""","',wilh""""","""..."""".,.In,,1 wllh,I,.I",IoI"""""I""""'i"l"o"",orlh,..I'¡"'I""I",I,,,.,..'.IoIo.h..I",II" """I"nl"".I" "1",, 2. Thodoo..I"I",.."I"""""""¡"""....I".."..;p"'¡",'dh,,wo,o,lhi""""'rlo, dovolop'" "",I "",1..'..1 ". ,1"lo'a"y ,i,., ¡¡; ., Th. ",1 Ii".. ",Ii"',, tho ",I 0°'° ',wr.ily "..1", "i", '0 M.mh I, ,"",,; 0"" h, Th"I",iI...I"..".I"o""..ya"""..""loI",','..'.roMonhl,J!P,n. "" d".I'I"""" "r ,... ""0" II "". u""" Ihi, Im""",h, u.. ,Ii,..,.,., rom",". "II, do..lo"m"'lt will ,I.t"ml.. Ih, ",ui",1 ,...1, '"",'.rn,m .,,1 h'If" .ml .11... .'"II..,lim.".i""""'n.i""'."~".orn.oliyo...Ii""..h,,...d,,,,'h.,¡..."I'",. Ii.. or Ih. .uhj",1 "rol~,ly ood tho ..1"'0 ."d ¡,,"'nolly 0' "'" ""'I~"" ." ."d do, 'ol°l',..o"l.. Ih" ..,h¡..II'rol~"" :I. "lioli..12iI'.'lh. "'1.1,..1 ,..",1,.,,1,.""""r"""'h...",, ,'I,m.", "",...r. ",ol~l.mla."rol..:I'hl,hlo""...: ,hl,h"....",'i,hl"',."""",..",1i.".Th" dlY"""""""",hlllh"",I..,Ii"..",I,"",'""I.'"'lonl"'",,.ml,,',,,""",."'hi, '.,woo.."""""",,, 1""""kI",."""", I"" ",h,o<1 1""1'.'" ","" ili,.'",..", "".'I"""",.",',Io',i,'",.."."'uyh..I,~,'..""U"'.."..,,,,,....['h",."",,1 ,.,.,.., ".,'. ","',..,t"'""..,'",-,,, t"",Im",1 ,m """1""'" P,o..., I,ll ,"" 11I","mll""'". ""':lRG-""'I, 72,m-"'4r~, "h' 1'1"" '1i",..~'¡:'S:-;"¡;';~'i~'i¡";;i;~¡':"22'3G9 Fo"U..,I.'o'malio.al".I."kJ",oodr"".,"m,'..I".IJ""~q :::~~:::::::¡:~:;::".::::::::::~:::':::::~:::¡~~:¡::'i:::::: Fo,d,lall.,ro"'lma,m..dlhl.h.¡,h<"m¡I.~'122,1O4G."", Fo,d,loll...,..",., "".I"dy"d., ". 122,1131., "" 20' ,... ".<\ieI.,.,.IE low don,lIy ,..ft limn JO' ol"on .v, h:;¡~ï,., .1" on"on. OIh.., 01..,:",' 01.". ov' ;:~:~ïl', 01.. ",lio.,Seo Nolo " I r", ..,h I,OOn "1'1\. ""'" noo, ..m., '" 0 /. :;:, " '" '" t .§ 22-572 r ~~ N ~ SJOYëS "_""""VA C:¡"L1b~ :§ ~ U ~ :;:;J ~ Z - 0 i;1 N " :;:;J ~ ~ 0 ~ ¡¡ i § ~ " -"'OO;t~~ -"'OOZ¡YO "."VOSa.,Y:¡ S>i:UO,1&LS '0 ¡H<>JSH """"""'00 "'" . ;¡ ~ ë '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ;;: " :i; Z 0 ¡:: C) ¡;j S53"""d "Sl^~ 5 OS<L1b~ SNOUVï11~:ru .0- ',""'OIS ¡SO'" ""'S "'" - I r,¡ Q '" :> FEDERAL WAY CODE !;I UII! ¡ ¡ ~ jl!111 ¡\ ~ <,s i~,sn"-~: ~¡~gË~~~' z ~k¡;ftr:~gH :; 1 " H~!.!.~ §~ ~ ~.¡i~jjj.,j.~_.J~j ~ ~ ~_:_= ~¡!!~6i f_~ :s -s".:'i~.p'Ell! ;¡ ! Ë "S>'~ë ,= ~ ~~~~~l~!~t~] ¡ i ~~}!:llt II ¡:: "',s,s,s.!'¡:E..~ " ~ q.~.ïI" ~~ ~ '¡"--~..~-~~f~ - -,,~õ~EE~." ~5 .5':H.~~Ë~i~: ,§ ,§",;s.'~~..:" "" .~E=E";"r."'" - -Ë.ïi~;¡s.p' :E~ ~ ~~~~~]~¡i~~~~i i~~l1!f!~~ 11" 0.. qHÊ,s:~3'rõ8.:.! "'~"5,sëH'~ '0; en -;'.~U~=~:~H5~,~h"HH~~ ~n :~.Å.:i~:~1~~.JÅi:j:~i~}.t..,] i ~[ ~ .f- ¡:~~.; !r~¡ mil f::: ~ n~H Jæ¿¿¿ - - - """'" ~ .. ,j =17 ] E -~ . ..:5' ~~~!] õ;;;;;;~ =~ IJ. - ~~~~~ '¡:¡:¡:. =- -, -,- ~ . ¡;; '" ,¡; 0. 1568 ô '" ~ "" co:. ô '"' .,,; <0 õ;> 6 ~ ¿, '" 0 z -ci e Sec. 22-873. Itcstaurants, day care, commel'cial enterprises, ctc. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zona subject to the regulations and notes sot rorth in this section: rn 15 DIRECTIONS: PlRST, ".01 d,., .. "od ,". ¡:: ~ Ë " ¡¡ ¡;¡ ~~ USE Q ~~ V i:!i:! ", '" <D "","'m.I .ith ,.,,:., ~""dly"" ,~..,". Ih,. on f><"""" "",N,... . ""y,,""'" ""'y So, N,,', . II.,:"..,.",. """"".",. ~;:~;':::.::~" ,'..,"'",.., N"... . "",,,, oo""" h,h~", ..""",m. ,.."co. p",. ,I~," "" ".,1,....... MINIMUMS IIEqUlltED YA"DS '" ~ I- S 1- Z ~ I :5 ;;; 20' I P""ml,"'od '"mdm,,1"":. I \I Tl.3",-n<ll, Tl."'-22."~, 'H"-22.4"".",:;..I. s,.. PI.. ""':" :, duu:"'d :. \I 22.,.I-n3'" '" ~. '1" Woo. s", I".' II. N,.. 2. "'. 1'0.. N,'" .,101, :0. p,~., "I. .., N,.. , USE ZONE CHAnT .. TIIEN, ...... r.. ">","!.ATIONS MAXIMUMS ~ 20' ~ ;l !;' 8 b .... ~~ :x:u u'-' ~~ 76... Ir,dj""",.!E ",. ,I,.."y ".., Ih,.:oU' "I~..." ".", hull,lh., .1.. ",tI.... OIh". .:..,"" "I.", ",. ~~:~;',.. ..I~ "","',.",. N,I..I. ~t; ~8 en' 35 1;; 8 ~~ ~u ZONE I-- ~ ~ < ø, o~ ~g &i:! ::!~ MP SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 11010"..1."" 11. Ir.pp..,odlhoo"hP""..,",'h.h.l,h"'.'l"",",."",ym~d:JS'.b"..,. u" . a.." hy .oo,. h,lIdl", .I,..U..,. ;r: a,..""'" " Th"u"j«Iprol""y"~.."",lj",..I,.d'"'it.y",.,, """,22."'" ". E.'h'~I'I'~IY',"I'.""""'h."ru<lu""I"""""I'I"',""hl"h'.,,~. .1.'1. ,,.. oo,,~I. ::ro' ,,1m.. .."",,' ""1010.. .Ino."""; <. Th.. ,."....~I h."ht .:11 .,1 "'~' "'y ,'ow. ...:,."...II.y 'h. w..p"h.".'" p"..;."d ,I. Th.""",.,~lh""",...",..,I.d""",..,.ith.."......Ii.."......,o....1.,.,,1 .IIh"..,...IiI.,I.,..I"""""'I"'h.",,..'U,,..lij""".I""y'",',"IiIi,h~lhylh, """",.10,..,:,.. "Ii... 2. Th.,I.,.I"""""""",.,..",.",..I,...,r"",.."""""".IIi..w..,,,"""..."..yli< """""~I""."."",,,,'.I,,," ..I..""",y.""'" ". Th. 1..1 H,... ""Ii..'", Ih. 1..1 .", ".."lIy ",..1.,,1 ",:.., ,.. M""h " I""". ....,1 h.Th,.""Ii""",..""",.....,I.."you"Ii""".",..,I"""".'M""10',""'" ,."".",r""...".."'"110..".".."..,.., "". "....."."h"...,Ii""", ..1....""". ..IIy """,..",..",,.111","""'" ",. """,..,1 y."I. ,...".",.,.." " ,rr..",..,..'h..' ",.;¡""Ii""",'.""I,.",.."......",..<u..hy",,,,"",',.I....~I..,,'h..,""..,11",. """.."h""'j"""""",y.."'h..,.."...,d """..IIy""",,'",.."" ".. " """,. ,d'I"""".' '100 ""'i"". ""'I""Y. :to Th."..""".""""""',~lrno..,y""1.,,",,,.,r",,.'h,""""""""'""..1. ..,,~.. ..... 00""'" " :t' ",,10 ,."", ",:t' ¡,;", ,I....." .:,hl ,.,..."", ...,.Ii,::.." Th,' <IIy ""'y ""u:....I,::U",..I."::"".."..",,.."',I.. ",.1...". "..1.."..:: ..,,"'10.. I' "~""'.Y ," ",ro. ",. ,...",.., ..... 0" '100 .,Ii).' I""I""Y """, 'h. ..li"",1 .'""LI°"""".."',hl"",."",no.y".I~... I.'ho..<",,d"6'urlho"'I'""I ,..",y""I, ,Ii""", 'M" "" .1",1. Iw.::"""""""""'" u I '1 I L""'H"""I"""::""""'I""""""I"'kiO""","' 22"J7""~'" ...".,.II."flh,..,ol.::.....,..,¡,;"".,...,,~,'22."!H""', ....d"'",,"h.....,,"....I.'hl"."""1.~, 22-"""'~' ...d."",.r.h..,....,....~I'h:.h","'h...;¡.~"~,-",,,;,,,.,. ...d.,.lI"..,."Ii..".,..""ly...".... 22-r"".I~" '" 0 '/. Z Q 00 '0 j "".5,3 FEDERAL WAY CODE L :~ ~ '0 s¡ ¡¡¡ r:J E-< 0 Z 0 ~ ¡¡¡ z 0 ¡:: j ;:;¡ " r::< ~ ~ '" r::< ¡:.. ¡¡¡ r ~!!§ :~~~ . '.~~~ . }n~~ i~~: ~{~~I ¡¡¡ii ~uu J~'::'::':: '---,--- S,".dS """",..d a""LoM" i~ 15 ~ I~ ~ ¡~ ~ I~ ; 1:5 ! ~ ~ ! lJ!OO:;'¡'YO ""JS - ~"OO:U'O ,o..osa.,y¡ r------ ",,!1J.omUS dO ¡;;",'" - iD."""DO .LeO ! ¿ 9 . '< ~ ~ ",<0' iCJS ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ g ~ " ti; z: 0 ¡:: [.) ~ SS300.d ""'"i" Q """Lobi. S.'IOIrnJ103èl .0- "":;:¡¡ f- ~ I- .j Æ f~ ] !.: h%H ~771~ t--=if;;~~ !~~~; "- .~ ....- ~ ¡,o". 'ZJS .LeO I ¡,,¡ r> :n => - 1570 ô '" ,.:. N N íD M L':Ï <:> '¡;¡' '"'" M ... 6 '" ô z " .¿ ~ ~ Scc. 22-874. Officc usc. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MPJ zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: '" 15 DIRECTIONS: FIRST, ",d d..n '" Ond.N, ¡:: -0; ~ 5 ~ 0 g ~ ¡;¡f A: !!i~ USE ~ ~~ -0- If ::!::! MI~IMUMS. REQUIRED YARDS ~ § :e ! ~ ;;; ... ~ Olli«," ~:~~' SN I~ 1'0' N... , Si.. pl~ ~~,. "'" "bl, "~,, II.", N... 2 P." "0.,, "~,, '",'N No" 10 I ;; -.J ~ I P",... I. II 'ndlll U,d'K""'" in I II 22,""""""', 22,"'-"'"", 22,<70-",'" '" ,,11..1 , SiI' Pl'n ..~.. i, d'K""'" in II "".1-",'0} USE ZONE CHART ., TIIEN, ".... I" REGUlATIONS MAXIMUMS .~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 § ..[;1 ~~ :0:0 "" ~~ '0' ,... 1I.""'in'n,.IE ,.. d.n,lIy onn, th,n '0' ....,. ..' "'" b,ndl""", ,.Uon "'h". .i.., 36' .I~.. ... ~::'~~i", .,.. ,..10". :;.. N.",. I . I I $~ !¡¡8 ~3 ~ 8 z~ ~< 0>0 0 ZONE - " tJ ~ cO> :;1" SiS (Y~ ::!.. MP SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES p" mod'œl. I. No b.lldln, on 'h. ..bj"i pro"",iy ~1 hm -" th.n I'" or ,.. ,.... 0.., d~'" 00". "N "Nplnd by omœ.... "'n",,,omœ, " If .ppro.,,' Ih...,h P",... II, ih, h",bl.r, ,i""i", '~1 "'.... 36' ,b,.. ." , roo ",h ...,. b,n.... ,1...II.n, If. '00.., n. or n, Th. .,h '" Pro"""1 dN' noi .o\).'n . '0' d,.,lIy ,.no; """ 0.., h. E..h ~,.;",I yn'" .h.iU., "'. "",I." " "",.... " roo ",h " th. ,i"', ..... iu" ,,_". 36' .0..., .,."" b,n,lI.. "...lIon, Oth...,.;.., , ,Th, ".tt....d h",hi .11' noi b',,' ony ri.., d""","d hy "'. romp..h","" roo mh '0' pl.n, .nd 'qn,.r",.. d, Tb.lnm._'h.i.hli"i",.,in.h""""'"h""",ndin"..."...",...ni Ooo,...n. "'¡'hd"i"bl.dm,.""""i ", ih,."..Ilh"'hj"'p"""ly.. ,,"bll'h"'¡b yth, romp"h....,..",." ,. Th' dm'"",n... ....i ""..i" .. 'n..i , .tt.., "..rid.d h.".", ihl, ,., ,~y b. dm,.,~1 ..d rond....., 0" . ",I .r ony .... ,r .. Th".i IIn,. d.Onln, th. I.i ....I."',lIy tt..... ""OJ '" M..,¡, " '~". ond b, Th, .""II..ni h.. noi o.n'" ony "..II,u"., ,.i" ,." ,in~ Mo~h " "". P" d...lopm~" .r ".. Ibon . o~" ...,.. U.i, """"..h, ",. dl_"', .r ""=", ,Uyd...I'p.."i.iII d.i."",,, ih, ....",',~I y.""'o.d,..,,, ond b,... ond olb.. ,imU.. dim.",'...' "".,,,,""." on 0 ~oo by œM bo.'" h."'" nn "'. "M ...1 ,~. U.n .r Ib, ,.b ~i p""',iy "d ih. ,",.~ ond Inten'"y .r ih. poo".... ... ~d d. ..Iopm~i on Ib, ,.hj... pro".,iy. " Th,O"I"'or"'"""ui"..¡rmniyo,,I,...nJn,rmmth,.tr..i,m..ibol.nd, ...pod ond ron"in . " hi,h ..."" ,," hl,h d".., ."hi .b"",ln, "","'Uon. Tho "iy "'"' ~I.'," .."UlI"..1 00 dlll""i ,"'"d.nI, r", th. h,~ ond ",,"'"nn " ihl. " n_'M.,. .. K'..n 'h. "".." .,,"' on Ibo ,.b '" l'm,"'ly r'..n Ib, ~U.~nl ",.... Po",.. ond d,"'" no.., '~1 b, ,~"'" in Ih, ..ro"d ,.' or ih. "",I'" r..nl y..d, """"" rrom Ih, ",..1, Imnlin""" nn n..i p.,,) L'"ol"" Inr"",Uon "",i ,,,<In,.nd ,,"'n,'~"" ..,\ ".1376" Nq, -~;~:~::::¡:~:;::::::::~::~ :~::~~::'1::: I ~~::~:",:::::: 'o'd,"U..r"'i"""""'bJ"""h1;/'mU,...I:n,IO"'i..." P"d,..II"""dln",q.l"dy..d',..,I22.lIJI'iMq. N 0 Z ~ '" - ::¡ .~ 122-874 ~~ ~ - S"VdS ""'>nrVd 3 -. o""lIlb.,. Co) i§ ~ ~ 0 8 N '" ::;J .! ~ i ~ ""m~mI.LS ~ ¡¡ '0 "HO!3H = ;:( .... < " J.> OO:aJ.V~ NOJS Á'OO:aJ.V~ SdV""a¡«1 SOV>!,^O~ J.O'1 0 ] 15 . !;¡ , >- ~ ~ ~ ""'","OIS 1 ~ ~ " " '" ::¡ '!: '" ¡;; " ã; ~ ¡:: C) [:;j S~"""d hI"^"" ë o""lIlb.. SNOUYII1::>:rn .0 "NO.' SZJS J.O'1 ~ IÌ FEDERAL WAYCODE e ~~ .~ . j >, L-~ .. . ~ oq. - ~ '53.:; -g 5!. n.~: 0 . "",E!.'~ II. gs:~ ~~.~-l>~in:,~=. E-< i~.. ~~~~. - - ;; [,:'aE~"..:.~ 0 o'~ ~ ~ ~. 0 " . ~~ '-:E- i~.'b -"~.'o~,- Z ~:1 '.Ê~~. ~ ~ f:~~~; n ~1>:;E ~~':S ,~::.,;;"'1:! Zi"b :O~E.- 53:-'-11-'- < e ¡-: !..!~:..~ =..:;~~ l ~ ~ CI) i~'; ]~~~ ¡, ~ :: HHië i~ Z :E q..;;-šU :¡ !. 5 H.!:H~ ïj g :'l~~~~~~== ~ ~ ~ ~~JZ~. n E-< =. ..eo.... . - ~ -"-1' .= < ..HHh.~~ g ~ ; :Wil~ ~~ ....1 :'i."'.~~.: = : '2 ~ã1~~!. "õ ::> ':.õn-g~~]:; 1 = E t_d~Ê I' " ~§:¡:;:;~:~. f . ~ ~H!ii Êï ~ ,<-5-55~.!1-" ~ 0 ~ .=;:n- ~E ~ ;¡æ:~..~;g¡~ . ~ :~~~~-!:~ 5-;; .:~-~~~E'fE " !. '!.>,!.o¡.. -E ~ ~H:£-¡';¡~1>io" .. õ5~~..E!.'i: ~.š ;S ""'=""8,'ï" 5 :" .~.õ.E' Õ' " -gi...EEe.--. - "!>:t-q~El> ,: ~ ~o-""~:'o'" -. 1'~.1 =. r:¡ p :-;H.§~ =i~H 1!'R:;~~3 ~~. ~~ ~ õ'Hpl h;-. 8,"] .:>;~~ e! ~õ ~ d~ ~" 0'" ..de">'1" "1- '.. -~. ""~ ~'õ~#t;:1:.Lt.t.~'~.HEt t;:~ : š~ ~ ò,; .:.~~: ~. ~,;i.; ~~f[~1ò~,;.] r ~u! ~--~ ~~~!! e~~. . iTI~~ = ~t-"-~ iH~i .u,! . E~~~i ;~~]i ~g~l ü~.~ !~HÏ ]~~~; ~~H~ Û':':':': I-- I--- r--- I!V21! I- ô '" -r;.:. ~ ~ I- .E ~ ~ ] t: g 1:8i~ N .~~~.. "" =¡:¡:¡:~ "i '- =iPJ~ '" .- .~~,.. Ò 'RRR' '" "- ~ ò ~- ~ Z 0: .,,; ~ 9 ~ 1572 Sec. 22.876. Public transit shelter. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: (f) Z 0 DlIl.ECTIONS: rlnsy. ".. d.wn In .... ..., ¡:: ~ @ '" 0 ¡;j §~ USE r'\ 1?~ '0 'r' :;¡:;¡ MINIMUMS REQUIfiEO YAIIOS ~ l- S . I" i'5 c: ~ ¡;¡ Publl"'.."IIN.", IN... ,b,"" u u 0 ~ '" -I '" I P,..."I," ..0 '" '" d'Kli,"di. I 1\ n"""""'41I, 2'l""-n"~. 2'l.47&-n... """",., . 5". PI.. ""now,. d""',",, i. 1\22,"[-22.3.. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(65.45). 2-27-90) USE-ZONE CHART ,. T"EN. ..".. rot REGUlATIONS MAXIMUMS ~ ~ ;:;, !:! 0 " {-o 0 0-1 ..~ ~~ :<" "" .on: !;J:;; 10"'" 110' .I~," .y- ."". b,,",II., .1", ,"II"" I t'" <n: o¡g Q,., 1~ 1;; g §S "'" """ IN...", N.", I 'I I "' ~ ~ Q"' :;¡§ ¡;;~ 001< n:.. ZONE MP I. M"yln.w" '."'..nd I.r""".¡;"""'h.."" "'.,..". SPECIAL HEGULATIONS AND NOTES Lr.,..."'n'.""""..,'.,.."'."", ..,ki.,....., ,.. I "-"'G., "', -r".,I.".."h."'.I."'..'.'bi"""'""~'I22-I"JG,'.",, r.,.,I."""h."",I.II'."nlh¡""""r,~'I,:z.",,.I..... "',..I"',,'wh.lm.,..œ.. Ihl. hol,h' hm",~.12'l-10'G.,...., ""."""""""."""""'IY."",'~I22"""'~n r-- N a :?'. Z C> ~ '" '0 ?; o' ~CC. -l.! 7G. Puulic utility. The following uses shall ue permitted in the manufaeLuring park (MP) zone 6uujeelto the regulations and notes set forth in this section: 'ò ~ USE-ZÖNÉ CHAnT '" :r. Ó IDlIŒCTIONSI "'1ST. "..101...... 0,..1 .... ¡:: ~ 8 <.:> Q:i1 ~ ::!~ USE ~ 5'. <75' V ::!::! ZONE MP .. TI"'N....,.. ,,, """UI.ATU'NS M.xIMIIMs 1- MINIMUMS 13 J ¡;¡;> 5~ ~~ i'; ~ .' 0 0 3 ""I,UII"':II Y^""S --:;¡ ~~ :':0 "'" ~~ ~.. ~8 B~ j;j .. 8 ,,~ g< ",0 ;; ! ~ ~ 3 ... ~ ~ :;¡ SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES lho",ml,ml II. """,m'mllh,"",hlo,~..II.'h,h,I,h<,r"'N"'mm""","""""'m'"..' ....,..~h, ..,.."lmlldl.."I",U...."" a'~ h...i., " To," ,.hjocl "ml"" ,h~. 001 ..lj,l.. , ". ,1,..,11, ,....".; ,,~tZ'.1II16 h. E..'hm"'i""""..h",U",'h".",.",ml,'",,w'fflll'I"""'h r'h".'"" "1"'1' I"",."ul.;¡r,..h..",..""", 10,'100,.., "....U",; ,. TIm I..a....,,' h,I,h' .iII ", 101", ..., ",.. 01,."......... 10, lh, W"I",h,""'" ,,,,,;...., ,I. ""1..,,,...,,1 h"I,h".,IIh.. ,..,100".."".1110..",..,..01'".......,..,.,. ".., .Ilh 01.."..101, 01"""1"""'" I.. Ih" ,m.. ,r '10, .,hjnd ""I~"Y ,.. ,"U,hh.h"" hy Ih, ,"""ml"..,.. "I... 2. ^"r",..'"r"",".,"lh,I,""ffl,.r.D'I.."",'h",",LI~"""""L,d".I,",... "Tlm..'..I.."",I""'h,r""....,I.",,,..I."', 10, Th, ..I..'m..., .Id'h .lth, ..,,10,1,",.. ,. " ',""m..h......I"",..r'h,..",',"U..",.;)!',. :0. Th, ,fLy ..,.., '~I.'m ",hh"om,II,..I."""" no 10,""... , ,,'" hy "'" 0,..1. ,. ""'"m",..,r,,',.,'.m.. lh,"hj," """"'lyi..,"',, i..',r, ". ",...'ly woo. 'h.. ,ill"" ,. Th,lmi,h"r II",' ",.".," .10,11 m" ,'w',,1 ", ..0""" .."",,' 10,1100,.., "10",,. ""..;,,, h. Th..r""..'",r 1I"",...u......r 1I".l..nl..", "",..11,,1 ,.. II.., L..""..lly " .....I",IL ...., ,"~I ..' 'n "..,'h. ". U,r"'.t2,.""",..,.U..I.",...I..,.h..,..lh,,pm,I.I,,....flhl.dmp""'"oy 'l'I"y,," 'h....hj~'"""~",, 6. N,'.fLh.I....,II", n"""".."..wl.h.....rlhl""""..,11""...h¡," """.., y,..h"" ."h",y"""',....""pn"~'IY""""""""""",w"""h,,,,"',,,,""..nr"""',"" p"I..,.."".....",...."'l.....'h""",..wnllh....,hPn~.."I...."h,.....Im....h" nw.,",.r..,...'h",..,.,.~ld",I"""",'.IIII...n"l,..""'h"..7."."h""""',iL', n","""'..nl",""m,..~,......,"...hy.,..."h,..,.,h"""",,'.h,',,"...I..,."""", .. Th.p,"""n"",r'h"."joclpml~",U'nn,""""'."'I"""'..n,""12'.1221,,' ..~ 0" Th.. """""I1/"'iLy "r OJ.., I""""'" """,I"p",.,,'."h 'h,' ...,""""Ii.., ..,,'.. ,. 11... .110,,1,..1,.., ",,/II, ""I,nl. n"" ..lili....""" ""'I'." 'I"'" ,,' '10'.""'1...,.,1 ,,..,..,,,""""," "..I]..lnl" ,IE I... "..,", ,....'ho.. 3U' nl..'n ..y. ;:~;~;,., ,',. ,ntl.. 011",. .1..,"'" ,I..,..,. "...' h.",U... ",. ,.lInn. "'" N", " U ". .. U' 7... !'uhli, ."tll, ISI.. pIa, ,,",.. I".. .10,1. 1'-. U,.~ N"" I N.... .., M t1 M ~ ~ >< (') 0 t1 '" ~ '" -> .... Tl -I I 1""""'"""'"1..."..",....,.. ~ !In.3'''-22.<''. n.43I-22.<"'. n.476--22-". on' ~U..I . 5". PI,.. Ron.. ¡. .'K""'. i, II 22,301-".300 L""",", ,.r..ma"..alo.l """",."""",,"',",'..1 ".1370d R', .",..laU.",...",.la",...'.lh""'.,.",..'I".I."",""'" ~:; =:~::::¡ ::;:'¡'.::':;~::~',\::~' ,::,~.t:;r~",'~.':'~.%.~ ~;";., .", d".U, ",a..U.., ",.1.." ""'" ...1".11" ., .., (Qrd:-No. 90-43, f2(65:50), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-877. Government facility. The following uses shall be permitted in the manufacturing park (MP) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHAUT '" 15 DIRECTIONS: rIllST. ".d dv.n In n... v... ¡:: ~ ~ '-' 15 [;! ~~ USE r'\ ~~ -0 L( ~:;1 i 1- ZONE MP . TOlEN. mv.. 'v, REGULATIONS MAXIMUMS MINIMUMS ~ ::'! ~ "'~ :;1" ¡}~ ¡;¡~ ~ ~ 1;' " ° b ... l,"qUlltED YA"OS ~~ 0:0 ~~ o:~ ~~ M8 !i1~ ~<j ~ 8 ~~ ",0 I ~ ;;; ~ § ~ 0 ::: ~ 0: SPECIAL UEGULATIONS AND NOTES IJvln,mln~1 I'. Jr""rov~llh'nv,hP,~v,.II.Ih,hvl,hlvCv,,",vl",v.wymv~I3&'.buvvvv. u, 0 a... by 0"" bvlhll., vlmllv". If, ~'n "','v. .. Th, ."hj~','ro,..ly ,,~v m,I ml¡..'n 0 I.. "",vlly ,..v: """"".'."'0 h. ."""'"",vl"'ly""'"bvlll,,,'hvvl,""v,"',"',,vv.~I'C",v..hr'h..,,", ,I "'1 I",n "'_'V or,' .1"". .""",. hvll,II., .1,v"U".: v. Th. h,avn.'" 10.1,101 will onl bl~' "'y vlv.. ,lv.I""""" by "'v mm""h....", "I...,."" ". Th.'."v...~lh."htl'vlll",'"vh"","""ith.v""vmh..,....",o'...1.'n,,1 with ,1..1...101" ,lml'I""""I',, Ihv ",." vr lh" onbj".1 I"VI",ly ,.. ...,1010.10"" by 'h. vv"'l"vh"..lvv 1,lv". 2, A"y C.vmlv vr" .Imd"" Uml "","'v GO' ", ,.",110 m",ll~ m""vl,,"" oo Ivll..,. n. Th.mln¡m"""I"dh..rlh.m~lvlnUv,,'.: '. U.Th.m",I","""',IIh..rU"",,,lv'nUu,,'." v. Th, "v..lo..vm ,101110 ..r 110. m"lvl.U.." I. ,,'. a, Th""y'nny '"'Ivl" ml"'IInn.1 '"ml.v."I",.., hvn",".. " "., I"v". .10,.1. t. """YI",II....vr,vl",d",.""'h""hjv"I""~"y',,IIh'.. InO'vCnlv"I.,,",', ...nv,lhv. vllhn" ". Thv h.i,hl..r IImi .Imdv" .10..11 "..1 "....,1 If" ..1",." "......,.. ,..,1,1.." ,.1..... U..,,:v, h. Th.h,a..I....rlb"I """.... vClhv",",lv", ""...11,,1 I.. 110,.""d""",I, """',1..", ""I"v~lc.u'i..h'",U, r,. 11nf"'v'22"""".,lln""I"""'""wlml"lh""""".I",,.,,rlhlv.h"l""""'" ""l'lylulimoohj~II""""'Y' ". Nvl."h.ln""'n, "",..lh"",n..I.I." "rlhl.."""n, Iflh..vhJ"'r' "1""".1..., wllh .."."U,".O'I""I.,ly v,,""""".,." "",mhl,o, 1.1.."" 110".. r."",v. U,. 1""I.....I"""'I""""'"""...II"""".m.."I"",..'.hl'"~.."',,,,,IU,.""""'v...I..' a,~'n"r",oovh ",."",.1 ,1.,.1"1""",1 will ".""1,..".".",,,.... wllh 110, 'I~"" ,""vi,."",,' dnln,mln..' "" . "..,.h,.m.. b.nl., boo"" .00 lb, '""vwl,,, "I..".. n, Th. ",v.I"'IlY vmv oobjv" ""'I",ly In "'" ",n ..,vl...." on"" I ".1221 vI "'1. b. Th"v"'l'n'iI,iI",..rlh.I'"""n~I"vv<I","."'lwilhlh,"'rov"d,,,...," " "h"iI.., "."".I...nkh"I""".""lulill"""""rv,.",,"wnr'h'1"'1."" ,1""'1",."""" O' O' :~;t~~',~: .1~;i:31 D ."". "".00' .1"".,, ~:;;:Îln, nIno 'nll"n 0"'... .Inn.ar.' "I.,.v "v. n'.,. hvn""" el" "U""."" Nvle" G...m~nl ISiln ra."", rlon rnri,'. l'nv. .'ble lo,~. II,... N... .. Nv'" '" ,.... õ '/, '/. " ~ '" -1 '" Lrv""",'ncv""v"."v'"., "..'i.,v",1 r.."'" ....., ","'.IJ7G,..".. rv""'v".vrlh",..'.Uvnvlnlhl.uln""".""nl".....I,,.. r...I."".v"h.",ol,U",..lnlhl"".,nry",."'.IfiO','n"l. r.,",'.".vrwhnl."""...llhl.hn"hll""Il",,'22.IOIO""n. F.,dvl,"v..,n"""",..irnd""'",.,"'.11.1Ivl~" I t I I r,."" " II ,..1 III m """,...d i" I "22.>""-22-"'. 22-"'-22.100. 22.47"-22.1" ". "U..I . 5", PI.. "".". I. d",o""" ,. .¡ ,2.,sf-"."" ~ ..., ..., ~ (Ord. No. 90:43, § 2(G5.52), 2-27-90) -",- ¡ ........~_. r -.~. -<,ubllc parks. .ole following uses shall be permiLLed in Lhe manufacLuring park (MP) zone subjecL La Lho reguJaLions nnd noLos seL forLh in Lhis ~~M: .' '" ~ DlIŒCTlON6:flIIST."..",...tofi..."'." ¡:: . ~ ~ <.:> g ¡;¡ ~; YSE Q =~ <I> V ¡;¡:;¡ MINIMUM" ""'11"1"'" ..IIIIS ~ ;; § ] :0: ;¡¡ ~ ~ USE ZONE CHAllT TIIEN. ,,"'0 r.. REGULATIONS MAXIMUMS "'bl",~,k' I~I""",IN"O Wi" ... """".i.", .. 0 ~o. by"" b..io ~ :;¡ ~ ~ 0 " § ~~ ...... §~ !;]&; 0: -1 en I ~ p""""11 0'" 1\1... d..,,'bod I. II 21.380--22.411. 21.431-".4..,. 21.47&--22-4" ". "tò..1 . Silo PIon R..'.. " d,..,i"'" i. ,I 22-,.f-22-"" (Or(["No. 90-43, §2(65.55), 2-27-90) I 1 ~~ 0)8 §~ 1 -\ -.- t: 8 §~ ~" ~ a::; ¡)~ &~ ::!~ " """"mi.", .n' œ" by œ.nl,noi.. .... , 22.137" ,I ,,'<t. - i ZONE MP 1-1 SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 1. .Thl. "17 orill ".loml.o Ih.",.d",.Iro,.......d rodm,...'" lbo..1'" o.d.... I ,r Imp...om.." orithl. ",b pMk ....", .. ,ho r",.orinl r....", .. Tho .1.. .n" '..oU.. or Iho Wk; b. Th. ..llhbo,hnod I. whl,h II i, """"'; ~ Tho.-oo..,..,.....o,rlhO'.'"hbo"""",'nWhi'hl"'i,,""'O'dlhO"Iy,,"'i" ....h.l" d. Th, bo., 1.1""" .r ,h, p.htò,. 2. nor....' 22.1" ".... .. "",mi.. wh.I ",.., p".i,i... .r ¡hi, ,h.pl.. m.y ."Iy to ¡h...bj.dp..,."Y. Lr.."h.. l.r..moU" ,"'.1 p..kI.. 0'" ,,'kI..........,'22."16,I".. "',d...Il. ,flho "",10"." I.Ihl,œl.."","O , 22-"" "..... :::: ~:::::::¡ ~.:.\o:.~';'::~:.:ï 1':,': ,::,~~~IT~¡;'.o ~:¡.~,~;~ ~;";... ..., d..."".",,"" ,....,..d ,.nl.. ... 122.1131 ,l ~. '" '0 t .., '" '" M ~ '" ?< (') 0 '" '" SECTION 079 -- HOTEL OR MOTEL DIRECTIONS: m:¡r,n:ro""",,,rrdLœ. THEN, ao<oss lor REGUlATIONS '" Z '" ~~ 8 00 ~., USE ~ g~ QÖ~~ W !:! '" I-< 0 ..J MINIMUMS :-1 f~ I ~ e ~ b '" '" ., ..J "-11M_' H.. 6, s,.."", "",""" N- Soo ,«.,b.. '-II. SooN..1 1 Proem, I and " are desenbed In Chap'en US, "" and lS5respeetIVely. S"e P'an Review Is dne"bed In Chap'.. 175. MAXIMUMS cJ """ 0:> 1-<1-< XU 0:> -'" WI-< X'" ". ""_,'" "'Iop-,"" JO'......_~.. "",".. ,......... """......,,' """~n.' """.. ,...".... I W>< "", ~~ ~ð D I USE ZONE CHART L- for 0"" "'enna.on about par>øng and p....ng 81"', ,.. Chap'" 105. for de'~" or 1M regulatIons In"", category, ,eo cnop,"' 95 for de'.'" or ..a regula.ons """, category, sea Chopla, Q¡ for del~" or wnatmayaxceed",,' nalg"""'" 'aa Chop,", 115. forde",sregw"grequ'edynrd" ,aa Chap'er 115. >< ~~ '" W U < Q:); Wo "'Z s¡¡ a", W< .,.. E I'M""co ... '.01.,-- ... I ZONE MP s p OCIAL ROO ULA TI 0 N S AND Noms 1,11...................-11.....1",01._..,......",...................,,_", A. Tho._........,.",...................-: D. ""-"""""""",,,,-"""""""«-""...__œ-""'.......-- "",".. ........... C.Tho...........,...........b""'...."""""..."."""""""""-'" D. Tho"""""'¡"'."""'."""""""""""'_M-._.......lnblo__.'" ...oI.......;.ct........,.,.,.,ublJo,",...."""""""""", 2.1I""-"""",",_-",M-"'M"""""""""""""""-"""'" -""",_U""""""'M_"...a"""""",,""""'......œ.-"-"""""'-" "'-"'u-"""--"""". ,. M¡""'" "'...........,«-" JO' ".....-............ ."......., A.Tho""""'_""""""""'.". O.Thominl-""""""""""""". C. Tho-""""""",,"""""""'. ,.n.""""""""-,""'¡"'w"',,,,- ..........-...-:.-...........-- """"-"""""",,,,-,""""""""""""""""__"""'M"""""""'" _œ..."""""-. S.'-, ,"""_~"'b/M""_""'_"-"""""""" -- .~-"........ .. ".""22-'" "u. ....................,......... ",........,... ..,....... """,-""""", 1.Tho""-""""m.- """".dor.... " """,>"",.......,,,. PAGE 1