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C ITY AY LDING- 33530OF FirstFEDERAL South Way -BU I PERMIT federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspection Requests 661-4140 -661-4000 ADDRESS:321 S 309TH ST NO.: 082104-9073 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:OSF NJ PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PARKNOOD CAMPUS, LOT 118 DOVER CONTRACTORLENDER MORRIS HOMES INC MORRIS HOMES INC 10627 51 18TH ST 10627 SO 18TH ST BELI_EVUE NA 98004 BELLEVUE #A 98004 w 661-1981 661-1981 DI.D?:X REC?:X PLM?:X ftt-t_ 13T--PROP-� 't TYPE Of NORK:NFV USF:RES ls�Nil .I" 0 R Z CENSUS CATEGORY... .:101 I OCCUPANCY GROUP--- --- A3 TYPE Of CONSTRUCTION - :5N OCCUPANT LOAD------------ ©V 0: OAD--- --------- 0: 0.- 0: 0: FUEL TYPES.:GAS fA#9 ............. 6 GAS PIPING.: 100 ft HOOD..........: 0 FURV< IOOK..: I DUCT 0021 ..... 0 CAS HNT...,: 1 0000 STOVES...: 0 CONV BURNER: 0 FURNAOOK ..... 0 68Q ........ : 0 Rift..,...,..., 0 GAS DRYER-: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS RANGE......: 0 (:10,000 CFN: 0 GAS LOSS..: 0 > 10,000 CFM- 0 374-9778 453-959C' a/6'� 1)I'D II -0 PERMI-1 0915 15SVED: 10/05/93 BY., FC EXPIRES: 04/03/94 09; i Irk "I X i I CORP PLAN .......... :SR FEES Sf REQUIRED PARIING,.: 2 SPRINKLEPS? ...... PLAN CHECK DEPOSIIJ S 731." L$ 5f 00 PUB #KS PLCK(Sf)..93 i 40.00 5f Al 9JAT wsi- F 01. 0 FINAL PLAN CHECK ... t 0.00 st, INWING PERMIT .... 8 1126.00 rift SJOE .......... 10.00 ft NATER SERVICE -JR, tiBCC SURCHARGE .....+ 4.50 REAR..........: 5.00 -ft SEVER SF.RVICE..:fED NEC APPLIANCE FEES.* $ 48.00 19 PLUMBING FIXT .... 939 S 91.00 INKRV SURFACE: 0 sf SENSITIVE AREAS?.:N RADON KIT ......... 93 S 10.0 BOILERS/COMPRESSORS VIATER CLOSET •......: 3 URINALS.. .... 7o TOTAL FEES S 2061.40 0-3 HP......: 0 8410 TUBS..........: 2 DRINKING FOUNT_: 0 3-15 NP.....: 0 SHOVERS............. I SUMPS- ......... 0 15-30 HP....: 0 LAVATORIES.........: 4 VAC aPFAXERS ... : 0 30-50 HP..... 0 SINKS ........ I DRAINS..,.....,. 0 5f HP,......: 0 0159 HASHERS..,....; I LAMM SPRINKLERS: 0 FUEL TANKS-------__ ELEC ITR HEATERS...: 0 OTHER FIXTURES.: 0 ABOVE GROUNO. 0 LAUM OSHR OUTLTS ... I UNDERGROUND.: 0 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE If AU NORK 15 STARTED, RESIDENTIAL AND GRADING PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR AFTER DATE Of ISSUANCE, I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FUPNISEO BY "I IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST Of NY XNOMLEDGE AND THE APPLICAPtE CITY Of fERERAI NAY REQUIREMENT'.- VILt BE NEI. 3 kk� <v FIELD COPY —ggqw I I .. moo CDO193 SETBACKS &;FOOTINGS Date By G FOUNDAT.1 1 ;WALLS Date 7- _ jj 53 By 1211;i PLUMBING GROUNDWORK Date j% / - BY :11,t/ UNDERFLOOR FRAMING. Date By SHEAR WALLS Date B PLUMBING ROUGH -IN Date / — 7 - 53 By /*/L/ 7GASPIPING c� Date MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN _ _ Date I ' By i-. - MECHANICAL (OTHER) Date By/ -1r,00'' FRAMING ./'�� Date By INSULATION e' X 13 /N , TQ Hc�i� �inJ Date GWB - 1ST LAYER Date By 7 7w 2ND LAYER Date11 By 7 SUSPENDED CEILING Date By PLANNING FINAL Date By .......... ENGINEERING FINAL Date By FIRE FINAL Date By BUILDING FINAL Date — —G BY AGE• /��1 OTHER Date By 70THER Date By CDO193 Mph City of Federal Way 4� �,-���EIVEMPPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AUG 191993 PLEASE PR/NT CITY OF FEDERAL WAY S APPL/CAT/nN ,J &- v " � " / Oq 15 TTE LOCATION""-- Address �v f /8 �4 i�tasoo ?— 1 Tenant (if known) Lot # Assessor's Tax # v�y"Levy- 2oZ3 Building Owner Name ,� Address No..;s ,o C, 106.2 SSE- / jo City l�r vA,, C State L,14 Zip 9F00-1 lPhone Nature of Work /V,6.-) �yG� APPLICANT Name (F,M,L) Address Z /D6 2- 7/� ff City ellle I./ State �� Zip of plOo y Contact Person I 9 Day Phone Other Phone Fax -70,A,l I 661-1gel 9 Y -096a BUILDING 'CONTRACTOR> Company Name oma.5 C Address sem z;do.,e City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax Contractor's # (card must be presented) Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No ARCHITECT Name Address 43-1 ,1 CityG on CON ver IState Zip SF�6 6 p Contact Person Phone Fax 2©6 - 6 9s-6fe LEGAL DESCRIPTION / of /d �Gi���✓ovr/ G-'.c..�, r'I�, .s Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492 (Rev 4/93) APPLICANT Name (F,M,L) Address Z /D6 2- 7/� ff City ellle I./ State �� Zip of plOo y Contact Person I 9 Day Phone Other Phone Fax -70,A,l I 661-1gel 9 Y -096a BUILDING 'CONTRACTOR> Company Name oma.5 C Address sem z;do.,e City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax Contractor's # (card must be presented) Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No ARCHITECT Name Address 43-1 ,1 CityG on CON ver IState Zip SF�6 6 p Contact Person Phone Fax 2©6 - 6 9s-6fe LEGAL DESCRIPTION / of /d �Gi���✓ovr/ G-'.c..�, r'I�, .s Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492 (Rev 4/93) BUILDING 'CONTRACTOR> Company Name oma.5 C Address sem z;do.,e City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax Contractor's # (card must be presented) Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No ARCHITECT Name Address 43-1 ,1 CityG on CON ver IState Zip SF�6 6 p Contact Person Phone Fax 2©6 - 6 9s-6fe LEGAL DESCRIPTION / of /d �Gi���✓ovr/ G-'.c..�, r'I�, .s Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492 (Rev 4/93) ARCHITECT Name Address 43-1 ,1 CityG on CON ver IState Zip SF�6 6 p Contact Person Phone Fax 2©6 - 6 9s-6fe LEGAL DESCRIPTION / of /d �Gi���✓ovr/ G-'.c..�, r'I�, .s Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492 (Rev 4/93) LEGAL DESCRIPTION / of /d �Gi���✓ovr/ G-'.c..�, r'I�, .s Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492 (Rev 4/93) RUCTURE ing Use City % posed Use Zip Contact Permit includes: P1 Building 0 Plumbing ( Mechanical ❑ Other Type of Work: X Residential ❑ Commercial a New ❑ Addition ❑ Remodel C3, Garage ❑ Number of Units _ ❑ Shed 13,. Deck ❑ Other Enter 1st Floor /SSS sq ft Area Basement— sq ft 2nd Floor `%L sq ft Decks 'jr sq ft 3rd Floor sq ft Garage sq ft Existing Floor Area Proposed Total Area / sq ft sq ft Water Availability ❑ Sewer Availability ❑ On -Site Septic System Availability ❑ Project Valuation Conv Burner a— Zoning kms, p{'c 4 f Lot Size �2- / f Existing Bldg Valuation $ Wood Stoves �TDER Name Address P e City State Zip A ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Contractor Name Address City % State Zip Contact Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No PL MING CONTRACTOR Contractor Name Address i Urinals Lawn Sprinklers City b,, State Zip Contact Phone Fax _ / Sumps Lavatories Unit Heater Washing Machine Drains Total Fixture Count / —3, ; License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNT Water Closets 3 Sinks Urinals Lawn Sprinklers Bathtubs .2 Dish Washers Drinking Fountains - Other Showers 30-50 Tons Electric Water Heaters Sumps Lavatories Unit Heater Washing Machine Drains Total Fixture Count / —3, ; .................................. . .. .. . ..... MECHANICAL; UNIT COUNT ......................... Fuel Type (electric/other) G. ; s Gas Dryer Air Handling < = 10,000 CFM 15-30 Tons Length of Gas Piping Civ Range Air Handling > = 10,000 CFM 30-50 Tons Furn <100K BTUs Gas Log Unit Heater 50+ Tons Furn > 100 BTUs -- Fans w Miscellaneous Fuel Tanks Gas Hwt / Hood Boilers Above Ground Conv Burner a— Duct Work 0-3 Tons Underground BBQ's Wood Stoves 3-15 Tons Total Unit Count DISCLAIMER: I certify under penalty of perjury that the information furnished by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and further that I am authorized by the owner of the above premises to perform the work for which permit application is made. I further agree to save harmless the City of Federal Way as to any claim (including costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred in investigation and defense of such claim), which may be made by any person, including the undersigned, and filed against the City of Federal Way, but only where such claim arises out of the reliance of the City, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of the information supplied to the City as a part of this application. Owner!Agent:Date: � 46 CITY F FEDERAL BUILDING P MIT NO: PERISSUED: 335300Firstt Way South FEES: Federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspection Requests 661-4140 BY: 661-4000 STORIES........: 2 REQUIRED PARKING..: EXPIRES: ADDRESS:321 S 309TH ST NO.: 082104-9073 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NSF - N/ PLUMBING 6 MECHANICAL PARKNOOD CAMPUS, LOT SIB OWNER CONTRACTOR NORRIS HOMES INC NORRIS HOMES INC 10627 SN 18TH ST 10627 SN 18TH ST BELLEVUE NA 98004 BELLEVUE NA 98004 661-1981 661-1981 874-9778 453-9598 NORRIHI099LC LENDER BLD93-0915 10/05/93 FC 04/03/94 BLD?:X MEC?:X PLM?:X FLR--EXIST--PROP--- DWELLING UNITS: 1 COMP PLAN ......... :SR FEES: TYPE OF WORKAEN USE:RES 1ST.: 0: 1355:sf STORIES........: 2 REQUIRED PARKING..: 2 SPRINKLERS?......:? PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT.* $ 731.90 CENSUS CATEGORY ..... :101 2ND.: 0: 1185:sf HEIGHT.....: 0.00 ft HAZARD CLASS...:? PUB NKS PLCK(SF)..93 $ 40.00 OCCUPANCY GROUP---------- 3RD.: 0: O:sf VALUATION---------- REQUIRED SETBACKS------- FIRE FLOW....; 0 gpi FINAL PLAN CHECK...* $ 0.00 :R3 : : OTHR: 0: O:sf EXIST..$: 0 FRONT.........: 20.00 ft BUILDING PERMIT....* $ 1126.00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION----- 8SMT: 0: 1284:sf PROP ... $: 238148 SIDE..........: 10.00 ft WATER SERVICE..:FED SBCC SURCHARGE.....* $ 4.50 :511 : DECK: 0: 96:sf REAR..........: 5.00:ft SEWER SERVICE..:FED MEC APPLIANCE FEES.* $ 48.00 OCCUPANT LOAD------------ GAR.: 0: 418:sf RECEIVED.:08/19/93 PLUMBING FIXT.... 93* $ 91.00 0: 0: 0: 0: TOIL: 0: 4338:sf IMPERV SURFACE: 0 sf SENSITIVE AREAS?.:N RADON KIT ......... 93 TOTAL FEES $ $ 20.00 2061.40 FUEL TYPES.:GAS FANS..........: 6 BOILERS/COMPRESSORS WATER CLOSETS......: 3 URINALS........: 0 GAS PIPING.: 100 ft HOOD..........: 0 0-3 HP......: 0 BATH TUBS..........: 2 DRINKING FOUNT.: 0 FURN<100K..: 1 DUCT WORK.....: 0 3-15 HP.....: 0 SHOWERS ............: 1 SUMPS..........: 0 GAS HNT....: 1 WOOD STOVES...: 0 15-30 HP....: 0 LAVATORIES.........: 4 YAC BREAKERS...: 0 CONV BURNER: 0 FURN>100K.....: 0 30-50 HP....: 0 SINKS ..............: 1 DRAINS.........: 0 BBQ........: 0 MISC..........: 0 5+ HP.......: 0 DISH HASHERS.......: 1 LANK SPRINKLERS: 0 GAS DRYER..: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS FUEL TANKS--------- ELEC NTR HEATERS...: 0 OTHER FIXTURES.: 0 RANGE......: 0 <:10,000 CFM: 0 ABOVE GROUND: 0 LAUN NSHR OUTLTS...: 1 GAS LOGS...: 0 > 10,000 CFM: 0 UNDERGROUND.: 0 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE IF NO NORK IS STARTED. RESIDENTIAL AND GRADING PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF ISSUANCE. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISED BY ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNONLEDGE AND THE APPLICABLE CITY OF FERERAL WAY REQUIREMENTS WILL BE MET. OWNER OR DATE AGENTJ �,Ar"`-'----------------------------------------------- FILE COPY