HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-2016 2017-2018 Proposed Biennial BudgetMayor's Office
City Council Special Meeting
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Presented by Brian J. Wilson,
Chief of Staff
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2015 -2016 Highlights
Downtown Development Initiatives
PAEC groundbreaking (July 2014)
Town Square Park Opening (July 2014)
King County Public Health Clinic remained open in 2015 -2016
Maternity and nutrition services
Service to 13,700 low income women and children
Increased accessibility to city government
Neighborhood Connection Meetings (over 500 attendees)
City Newsletter publications reaching over 34k residents
Channel 22 (New Day FW, public meetings, events)
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Manage city resources in a responsible and responsive manner
Enhance the customer service culture and can -do attitude of city
Implement Mayor /City Council policy and direction effectively
and efficiently
Facilitate Council decisionmaking and policy development by
providing unbiased, thorough, and professional analysis
Implementation of the City's Economic Development initiatives
Reinitiate Feder
Way branding initiative
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2017 -2018 Goals /Objectives (cont.)
Reexamine City revenue and expenses options to ensure
sustainable operations and comparable salaries for City employees
Coordinate planning efforts with Sound Transit to bring light rail
and enhanced bus service to Federal Way
Lead and coordinate the City's role in local, regional, and federal
Lead and coordinate proactive and effective communications with
citizens, the news media, and employees
Communicate the City's vision, mission, and goals as well as day -
to -da service information to constituents and ke stakeholders
Federal Wa
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2017 -2018 Mayor's Office Budget
Council Executive Assistant /Human Services Coordinator
6o% Community Services Housing Assistant
4o% Executive Assistant to Council
Priority for position to be located in Council Offices
Selection process ongoing for Admin. II in Mayor's Office
Position to be hired in 2016
6o% Economic Development Assistance
4o% Mayor's Office Administrative Assistance
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Mayor's Office- Highlights /Changes (cont.)
Decrease of $89K in intergovernmental services due to decrease in
election costs
Decrease of $79oK due to one -time IT equipment purchases and less
large system implementations and upgrades over 2016, offset by IT
equipment purchases scheduled for replacement
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Proposed 2017 — 2018 Budget
Brian J. Wilson, Chief of Staff
Mayor's Office
brian.wilsonw cityoffederalway. com