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Council PKT 04-07-2015 Regular
• co T atri fit --'-,.to, +C' Federal Way % it M y3C „„, 799o_?0S CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Council Chambers - City Hall April 7, 2015 — 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Certificate of Recognition to Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Board Chairwoman Susan M. Streifel b. Briefing by Former Federal Way Mayor Mike Park • Proposed Park/Korean Garden • Recent Visit to Shantou, China c. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report • State of the City Report • Business Connection Meeting Report(March 24th) • Neighborhood Connection—April 23`d 6:00 p.m. Adelaide Elementary • Police/Fire Basketball Game Recap • Welcome New Community Development Director Michael Morales 4. CITIZEN COMMENT PLEASE COMPLETE A PINK SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval;all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items maybe removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: March 17, 2015 Regular and Special Meeting Minutes ...page b. Monthly Financial Report—January/February 2015 ...page 19 c. Vouchers— February 2015 ...page 35 d. Dumas Bay Centre/Knutzen Family Theatre Re-Carpeting ...page 95 The Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. 6. ORDINANCES First Reading ...page 97 a. Council Bill #672/Ordinance to Ban Recreational Marijuana Related Businesses An ORDINANCE, of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to prohibiting all recreational marijuana-related businesses including retail, production, and processing. First Reading/Enactment* ...page 102 b. Council Bill #673/Ordinance Establishing a Moratorium on Recreational Marijuana Related Businesses An ORDINANCE, of the City of Federal Way, Washington, imposing a one-year moratorium on recreational marijuana-related businesses and other activities involved in the retail, production, and processing of recreational marijuana; establishing a work group to develop a work plan; and setting a date for public hearing. *Council will consider Item 6(b)only if Item 6(a)does not move forward. 7. COUNCIL REPORTS 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION • Potential Litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) 9. ADJOURNMENT The Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 7,2015 ITEM#: OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes of the March 17,2015 Regular and Special City Council Meetings? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE:N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stephanie Courtney,.City Clerk DEPT: Mayor's Office Attachments: Draft minutes from the March 17, 2015 Regular and Special City Council Meeting Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A N/A CITY CLERK APPROVAL: i Committee Council 110' N/A N/A CHIEF OF STAFF: Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL# ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING(ordinances only) ORDINANCE# REVISED—10/01/2014 RESOLUTION# ,,,,,,_ r--,AsT,B,„-„,„ o. !tic - 1�ederal Ways:°' 5Tt"Prsary y v: ` .�C 7 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Council Chambers - City Hall March 17, 2015 — 5:30 p.m. www.citvoffederalway.corn 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 5:35pm Mayor Ferrell called the Regular Meeting to order at the hour of 5:35 pm City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge,Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney,Councilmember Susan Honda,Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. City staff in attendance: Chief of Staff Brian Wilson, City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Flag Salute was led by Cathal Ridge. 3. SOUND TRANSIT — PUBLICATION OF THE DRAFT EIS FOR THE FEDERAL WAY LINK EXTENSION PROJECT Sound Transit's Government and Community Relations Officer Chelsea Levy thanked the Mayor and City Council for hearing their presentation tonight. She briefly discussed the possibility of ST3; then handed over the meeting to South Corridor Development Manager Cathal Ridge,who distributed to Council and audience members the Federal Way Link Extension Draft EIS Summary brochure for route and station alternatives and impacts for review and discussion. Mr. Ridge reviewed meetings and discussions Sound Transit has been a part of for Stakeholder and Public Outreach including: 100 Property Owner Meetings; 5 Public Open Houses; 45 Community Briefings; 40 neighborhood drop-in meetings; 200 technical coordination meetings; 25 Interagency working group meetings; 25 briefings to City Council/Committees; 5 Capital Committee Briefings and 1 Sound Transit Board Action. He noted once published there will be a 45 day comment period,and it is imperiative comments are made on the plan during this time. He estimated the time frame thru the end of May. All comments received will be review prior to the final EIS and the Sound Tranist Board will make a recommendation on Final Design in 2017 and construction 2019. He then reviewed each of the alternatives with the Council and highlighted the similarities between the options and the differences. In response to Councilmember Celski question regarding which factors are weighted more heavily, he state he selected the seven factors used for this report from a long list. He noted he is not aware that any factor would be more important than the other. Mayor Ferrell asked when the public comment period would open; Mr. Ridge estimated early April. Councilmember Moore would like to encourage more public meetings. Mr. Ridge stated Sound Transit will be having two upcoming public hearings in early May at Federal Way Community Center and Highline Community College. Information will be sent out to all households within'/2 mile of any of these alternatives. He encouraged citizens to look at the information and make comments or email comments during period time. Councilmember Maloney thanked the representatives for the phenomenal presentation and clear presentation of the options. She noted she continues to be concerned with the HWY99 alignment and the impact on our city and the development we are encouraging. She stated her personal preference would be the third alternative. She also stated she was asked by a community member if Sound Transit is meeting with property owners regarding selling their properties. He noted they have been proactive meeting with any property owners who are potentially affected by any one of these alternatives. Now is the time to become aware and get on the record—ST has spent time with them to walk them through this process and get comments on the record. He also commented on conversations regarding the acquisition process and noted there are many, many years between now and when the property would be impacted. The next steps were outlined as the following: • Early 2015 Public Draft EIS • Early 2015 Public Comment Period — Public Input • Mid 2015 Identify Preferred Alternative— Board Action • Mid 2016 Publish Final EIS • Late 2016 Select Project to Build — Board Decision • Late 2016 Record of Decision— Federal Transit Administration Decision • 2017 Final Design • 2019 Construction • 2023 Revenue Service to Kent/Des Moines Councilmember Honda asked for clarification on what part of the project is currently funded. He noted with the recession current funding covers the first 2.5 miles to Kent/Des Moines area.Councilmember Assefa-Dawson thanked Mr. Ridge for presentation. She feels it is cost effective to go down 1-5. She asked if there is a timeline difference for construction. He noted construction is largely based on cash flow for project. Project timelines are pretty similar across the board. In response to Councilmember Celski's question regarding which factors are weighted more heavily, he stated he selected the seven factors used for this report from 100's of factors the EIS brings forward. The complete list is incorporated into the Environmental Impact Study. He noted there is no weighting process or formulation criterion. It is simply in the eye of the beholder as to each factor and their importance over the entire project. Deputy Mayor Burbidge stated this is a very impressive snapshot, with a lot of helpful information. In response to her question, Mr. Ridge clarified the mailing would go to%mile or any of the alternatives or approximately 26,000 different households. This will also give citizens opportunity to make online comments. Deputy Mayor Burbidge stated she would like to see this information added to city webpage or a link directing citizens to the Sound Transit site. Chelsea Levy responded to further questions about the south corridor, noting it is a high capacity corridor from Federal Way to Tacoma. All discussions are currently at a higher level with possible alternatives and possible cost estimates as that portion is not funded. Mayor thanked both for their presentation. No public comment was given. 4. BRIEFING — STUDY LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR TRANSPORTATION Rick Perez briefly overviewed the Level of Service which is defined through letter grades (A best, F worst). The Growth Management Act required a Level of Service Standard and also requires concurrency for transportation including plan for growth, project prioritization;and determine need for mitigation for development. Federal Way's History of Level of Service(LOS)was originally approved in 1995 and amended in 1998. It's not just about measuring cars it's measuring people(cars, buses) and factoring that in. Fehr&Peers Consultant Chris Beiland, noted LOS is measured with city travel demand forecasts and future traffic volumes.Traffic analysis software uses travel model data to calculate LOS. For example, widening roads and how much land are you needing to use, along with additional factors such as economic development, pedestrian friendly, and signal timing. Mr. Beiland further noted regional assumptions in the 2040 model which include: • Transit service double from existing conditions • Light rail completed between Seattle and Tacoma • Large percentage of growth contained in designated centers • Major highway projects completed a. SR509 Extension b. SR167 Extension c. 1-5 HOT Lanes d. Triangle project completion e. New 1-5 City Center Access f. All existing TIP projects completed He also noted that despite those improvements vast majority of trips will still be using cars and the failure to meet the demand on freeways will spill over onto city streets. Options for reconciling LOS needs with available funding are: • Increase level of funding • Revise land use assumptions to lower travel demand • Revise capital project prioritization to fund capacity needs, or • Lower LOS standard to meet available funding Although improvement in level of funding seems to be the best option; future growth results in additional traffic so that maintaining the current LOS standard will not be possible without additional widening on large roads such as 320th. This would include Right-of-way impacts; costs to provide additional capacity; pedestrian environment(timing of crosswalks); signal timing; and urban form. He provided information on Level of Service (LOS) methods used in the region and gave more site specific information for various intersections and corridors in the city. In conclusion of the presentation Mr. Perez reviewed the Mayor's recommendation. He also noted the Draft Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element will go to the Planning Commission in early May; 1st; Council on June 16 . The to Land Use/Transportation on June 1 and come to Cou Ju Use a portation Council Committee o u e , overall goal is to meet the legislative mandate of adoption by July 1st to maintain transportation grant funding eligibility. Councilmembers thanked Mr. Perez and Mr. Beiland for their joint presentation and asked various questions about traffic in the downtown core, emergency vehicles access; and signalization of the lights on 320th. No public comment was given. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION • Potential Litigation Pursuant-to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) • Property Acquisition Pursuant to RCW 12.30.110(1)(b) Due to the length of the Special Meeting, Council did not adjourn to Executive Session. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; Mayor Ferrell adjourned the Regular meeting at 6:53 p.m. Attest: Stephanie D. Courtney, CMC City Clerk Approved by Council: OJPPST$u/, 04)4 Fedara Way - 1414 m Anniversary 1 (. 90_2 At CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Council Chambers - City Hall March 17, 2015 — 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the Regular Meeting to order at the hour of 7:06 pm City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge,Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Kelly Maloney,Councilmember Susan Honda,Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. staff in Wilson, City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall and City Clerk City sta n attendance. Chief of Staff Brian Wilso , C ty y y y Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Flag salute was led by Lawrence Garrett. DEPUTY MAYOR BURBIDGE MOVED TO AMEND TONIGHT'S AGENDA TO ADD AN ITEM TO AGENDA ITEM 9 EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PROPERTY ACQUISITION PURSUANT TO RCW 42.30.110(1)(b); COUNCILMEMBER BURBIDGE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda Y es 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Mayoral Proclamation—State Champions FWHS Boys Basketball Mayor Ferrell invited Head Coach Jerome Collins to the podium to accept the Proclamation naming March 18th as Eagles Day in Federal Way in celebration of the team's recent 4A State win. Mayor Ferrell read and presented Certificates of Achievement to each of the members of the team and the coaches. Coach Collins thanked the Mayor and Council for the recognition and reflected on a great season and his pride in this team; he is looking forward to the next season. b. Recognition of Outstanding Youth Athletes • Federal Way High School Boys Basketball • Todd Beamer High School Girls Basketball Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 11 March 17, 2015 Mayor Ferrell was also pleased to welcome each member of the Todd Beamer High School Girls Basketball Team and present them with Certifications of Achievement for their 3rd place finish in the State Championships. Coach Alexander thanked the Mayor and Council for the recognition and also thanked the team for their hard work this season and looked forward to next season. c. Mayoral Proclamation —St. Patrick's Day (this item was presented later in the meeting) d. Advancing Leadership Youth "Co-op with the Cops" Executive Director Lawrence Garrett was pleased to brief the Council on the February 21St Advancing Leadership Youth Event "Co-op with the Cops". He noted each year the students of ALY choose a brand and this year they chose the Federal Way Police Department, not because it was easy or fun, because it was needed and important and they want to make a difference in the light of recent events in the country. Our Police Department asked ALY to produce a positive social media message. The event and the video were a huge success and brought together police and youth. Advancing Leadership Youth Participant and Federal Way Youth Commissioner Anastassia Kostin briefly highlighted this event and this project from the youth perspective. Ms. Kostin also presented Chief of Police Andy Hwang with signed artwork from the event. e. Recognition of Multi-Family Recycling Ambassadors Councilmember Duclos welcomed Candy Castellanos, Waste Management and the Federal Way residents who are among the first 20 Recycling Ambassadors. These enthusiastic volunteers provide neighbor-to-neighbor outreach and encourage recycling at their apartment complexes.This program is a cooperative effort created by Waste Management and Public Works Staff following a "train the trainer"model. Ms.Castellanos welcomed and presented the residents in attendance with certificates for their outstanding efforts. Mayoral Proclamation—St. Patrick's Day Mayor Ferrell read the Irish American Heritage Proclamation and gave historical background on St. Patrick's Day and the many accomplishments of Irish Americans. He wished everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day. f. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report • Federal Way's 25th Anniversary Celebration Steve McNey Community Outreach Coordinator Steve McNey reported on the 25th Anniversary Celebration which will occur over the weekend of June 18th-21St Beginning on Thursday there will be a family friendly carnival located at the Town Center III site(Former Target property)with a 5-story Ferris wheel. The main programmed event will be held Saturday, June 20t at Town Square Park and will include various musical performances including the Federal Way Symphony. He noted the city is looking for sponsorships and promotions in the business community at any level including: Gold Level ($1,000 and up); Silver Level($500 and up); and Bronze Level($250 and up). Mr. McNey stated this is a busy weekend with US Open in Tacoma. The goal is to attract not only community members to these events; but those staying in our city and the region for the US Open. • State of the City Address - April 1st 11:30am Mayor Ferrell noted he will be giving the State of the City Address on Wednesday, April 1St at 11:30 a.m. at the Twin Lake Golf and Country Club. • Neighborhood Connection Meeting April 23rd 6pm -Adelaide Elem • Business Connection March 24th 7:30 am—Courtyard by Marriott Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 11 March 17, 2015 Government and Communications Coordinator Chris Carrel reported on the upcoming first Business Connection meeting which will be held Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30 a.m. at the Courtyard by Marriott. He encouraged the business community to attend and give input to the Mayor and Council as well as the Chamber which will also be in attendance. He further noted the first two Neighborhood Connections have been scheduled, the first being Thursday,April 23rd at Adelaide Elementary School. He noted these meetings last year were a huge success and encouraged citizens to attend to hear updates on the many projects in the city and to give feedback to the Mayor and Council on issues important to them. • 30th District Town Hall Meeting Recap (March 14th/City Hal) Mayor Ferrell was pleased to report over the past weekend the 30th District Legislators held a Town Hall Meeting at City Hall. The event was well attended and great questions were raised by citizens in attendance. • Day Shelter Update Chief of Staff Brian Wilson gave a brief update to Council regarding efforts for a Day Shelter. He noted ongoing meetings between himself, Greg Vicars, City Vision; Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto, Sound Alliance; and Community Services Manager Jeff Watson. Discussions include exploration of partnership opportunities in the community; and ways to support, augment, and enhance services for people without homes. Primary needs which could be addressed at such a facility could include: Warm & dry place during the day; safe place to rest; ability to have clean clothes; shower, and personal hygiene services; mail address; referral to other services; meals; and "wrap around services". • Police/Fire Basketball Game—April 4th 12pm Parks Director John Hutton and Federal Way Lions Member Dick Mayer reported on the 7th Annual Federal Way Lions Police/Fire Basketball game on Saturday, April 4th at 11:30 a.m. at the Federal Way Community Center. Entrance is free and there will be appearances by the Easter Bunny with photo opportunities.They encouraged citizens to come and cheer on the Police and Fire Department as they battle for bragging rights. All donations raised will benefit the Hellen Keller Foundation. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Greg Vicars, City Vision, submitted written comment read by Mayor Ferrell thanking the Mayor and Council for reinstating Human Services funds. Jim Blanchard, Executive Director of Youth Resources,thanked the Mayor and Federal Way Council for the only funding source they receive. He estimated 75 youth in the community who will use these services this year. The program engages youth and work towards assistance, referrals, for mental health counseling.They have also implemented the National"SafePlace"Program in Federal Way for youth. Sara Oh, Owner of Kumon of Federal Way, invited Federal Way students in grades K-5 to a city Spelling Bee. The event will take place April 22nd at Ace Montessori and is free to attend and to participate in the event. She gave her contact phone number and asked interested students to pre- register. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 11 March 17, 2015 Mark Koppanq, Parks Commission Chair, noted he is very excited about moving forward with the Town Square Park Design presented and encouraged the Council to approve the item on tonight's Agenda approving the 30% Design. He also supports including a Veteran's Memorial at the Park. Betty Taylor, spoke about transitioning the National Night Out event held in multiple neighborhoods across the city into one large city event held at a park. She also feels a Day Shelter for the Homeless will not address all the needs or solve this very large problem. She also stated the lighting in the city is not adequate for safety. Mayor Ferrell asked Police Chief Andy Hwang to speak to the National Night Out suggestion. Chief Hwang stated the event has been historically been really successful in neighborhoods to allow for block party type of events where neighbors can share food and meet each other. He noted there are 30+ neighborhoods that participate and has heard positive feedback. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval;all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: March 3, 2015 Special and Regular Meetings b. 2015 Asphalt Overlay Bid Award c. S. 304th Street @ 28th Ave S — 100% Status and Authorization to Bid d. Safety Improvement Project— Project Acceptance e. Mayer Right of Way Lease Agreement Extension f. 2015 Annual Report— NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit g. Waste Management/Cedar Grove Composting: Processing Surcharge h. Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) Target Zero Team (TZT) Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL) Memorandum of Understanding i. Inclusion Scholarship Program j. Arts Commission 2015 Work Plan DEPUTY MAYOR BURBIDGE MOVED APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A-J AS PRESENTED; COUNCILMEMBER CELSKI SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Confirmation of Michael Morales as Community Development Director DEPUTY MAYOR BURBIDGE MOVED TO CONFIRM THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF MICHAEL MORALES AS THE CITY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR; Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 11 March 17, 2015 COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Town Square Park 30% Design Parks Director John Hutton displayed"then and now"pictures of the park depicting the blighted area before it was transformed into the current heavily used green space. These photos also included the grand opening of the current park and an overhead view of the entire block. He discussed the important planned elements for the new park under the Mayor's direction may include amenities such as: • Great Lawn with many trees that will provide shade and color • Children's Play Area • A spray park • Restrooms • Walking Paths • A formal place for the public to gather for community events • Space for future Veteran's Memorial (efforts of our local Veterans advocacy groups) Director Hutton noted the project will be on time and within the 1.5 million dollar budget and will serve as the heartbeat of the vital and vibrant downtown core.Construction is tentatively scheduled for June 2015 with an opening date of 2016. Mr. Hutton and Deputy Director Steve Ikerd "walked" the Council through the graphic of the 30% design and highlighted each feature.Along with the amenities listed above the thoughtfulness of the plan was described including a design which protects the view corridor of Mt. Rainier; large open space for gatherings both on the great lawn and on an area with pavers, groves of colorful tree groupings along the walking path, a future covered shelter area, retaining the popular basketball court; and future location of a small coffee or ice cream shop. Councilmember Honda noted the Parks Council Committee reviewed these plans for the first time recently. She noted not all elements shown here will be available upon opening. Funds may need to be raised for additional play equipment for all abilities. She is also pleased to see a Veteran's Memorial as a part of the design; and noted it may be designed and funded by Veteran's Groups. Councilmember Celski thanked Mr. Hutton and Mr. Ikerd for the presentation. He is excited to see the designs moving forward,and agreed he would like to see the Veteran's Memorial be a destination and place for people to gather. He would like to see the location adjacent to the great lawn to accommodate large crowds. He also questioned Mr. Hutton on the surface of the circular path around the park and locating a possible coffee shop or place for parents. Mr. Hutton reviewed the options which are being considered for the pathway. He also highlighted the areas which may be able to house future development of a coffee shop or small frozen yogurt/ice cream shop. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson is also excited about the park plan and echoed the idea to have handicap accessible areas. She would also like to see if a fire pit may be possible somewhere in the design. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 11 March 17, 2015 Councilmember Moore also agrees with the suggestion to research a potential fireplace area. He would like to continue to request play features for all children including disabilities. COUNCILMEMBER HONDA MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN OF TOWN SQUARE PARK AND RETURN TO THE PRHSPS COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND THE FULL COUNCIL AT THE 85% DESIGN COMPLETION FOR FURTHER REPORTS AND AUTHORIZATION TO BID; COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes c. Resolution of Support for a WSU Medical School Chief of Staff Brian Wilson gave a brief presentation to Council regarding the proposed Resolution. He reported on many statistics which support the increased need for medical schools in Washington. He noted of the Washington residents who attended medical school in 2013-14; two-thirds left the state to do so. He stated Washington State University's proposed Community-Based Medical Education (CBME) model is the best approach to meeting these needs and provides medical students with field experience in a variety of community settings. Chief Wilson also noted a WSU Medical School affiliation with local health care providers would benefit the City of Federal Way and area residents affected by the ongoing shortage of physicians and the school would serve Washington's education and health needs now and in the years to come. Councilmember Maloney gave background on her experience in working with Physicians and shortages in the area.This industry has shortages in both rural and urban areas due to many different reasons. She noted she wrote a personal letter of support as she feels strongly about this issue. COUNCILMEMBER MALONEY MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL; COUNCILMEMBER CELSKI SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes d. Resolution of Support for a New Mental Health Facility in Pierce County Jeff Watson, Community Services Manager briefed the Council and noted the shortage of inpatient beds in the region for those individuals with mental illness is at a critical need. In partial response to that need, Franciscan Health and MultiCare have come together in partnership to build and operate a 120 bed facility in the city of Tacoma for voluntary and involuntary patients with mental illness. This Resolution supports the Hospitals Certificate of Need which they have provided to the Department of Health. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 11 March 17, 2015 COUNCILMEMBER HONDA MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A NEW MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY IN PIERCE COUNTY; COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS SECOND. Councilmember Celski asked for clarification if there is any financial stake in this motion. Mr.Watson clarified this is purely as moral support. Councilmember Duclos and Councilmember Maloney both noted they have written personal letters of support for this item. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes 7. ORDINANCES First Reading: a. Council Bill #670 Ordinance to Allow Recreational Marijuana Related Businesses AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to marijuana-related Y Y, 9 9 marijuana-related adding new sections FWRC 19.220.150, and 19.240.190 and adding new chapter FWRC 19.280"Marijuana-Related Businesses"(Amending Ordinance Nos. 09- 610, and 13-754) Senior Planner Stacey Welsh gave a presentation to Council regarding 1-502 and retail marijuana- related business. She noted 1-502 was passed by voters in late 2012 with an approval rate of 53%in Federal Way. The City Council enacted a moratorium on marijuana-related businesses last October which is set to expire in May 2015. The state has specified no more than five retail outlets may be allowed within the city limits. Ms. Welsh noted the overall Code Amendment objectives are intended to align with 1-502 and Washington State Liquor Control Board(WSLCB)licensing requirements and set zoning designations within the city. Included in the amendments are separation standards including the State's minimum 1,000-foot separation from sensitive uses: Elementary and Secondary Schools; Playgrounds; Recreational Center or Facility; Child Care Centers; Public Parks; Public Transit Centers; Libraries; and Game Arcade Open to People under 21. She also displayed city maps with areas designated for possible locations. A New Chapter"Marijuana-Related Businesses"would be added to the FWRC and it would address issues regarding growing operations; home occupation; signage; security; and open access for inspections. If approved the proposed ordinance would take effect May 6, 2015 following the expiration of the current moratorium. COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE APRIL 7, 2015 COUNCIL MEETING FOR ENACTMENT. Councilmember Maloney commented on recent conflicting comments made at the federal level; and the pending legislation which may include a possible revenue sharing package. She feels we need to wait on this until the state and federal directions are clarified and Council can make a more informed decision. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 7 of 11 March 17, 2015 Councilmember Celski believes the Council needs to move forward and not wait any longer for legislature. He noted in October 2014 he stated his concerns about public safety,youth, DUI,edibles, families and image of our city. He also referred to specific clauses in the ordinance which refers to the "best interest of our city and our citizens". He also cited another section that discusses"health,safety, and welfare of our city". He feels allowing marijuana in the city is a slippery slope and therefore does not see one positive to allowing marijuana in the city. Deputy Mayor Burbidge feels this issue is very challenging. She also feels the main focus is health and safety, and is concerned with studies showing impacts of use on young people. She would also like to see how the city can deal most effectively with marijuana use, including the black market. She might support extending the moratorium to learn more and see what neighboring cities have done and statistics which might be available. She noted Fife and Kent have both enacted a ban. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson has been doing research on Washington and Colorado and she has found exposure and use has increased since 1-502 has passed. She is concerned over the impact on young minds with irreversible damage. She also believes allowing it sends a mixed message to youth. She sees no positive benefit in allowing this zoning including the social, public health and public safety cost will all increase. Councilmember Honda also noted this is a difficult issue. She has been, and continues to ask questions of staff. She stated selling marijuana to underage individuals is a felony. This is a big concern and she would like to see the laws enforced and education needs to be key. If approved she believes laws regarding marijuana should be strictly enforced including no smoking in public, no driving while impaired, sales in licensed stores only and only for those over the age of 21. COUNCILMEMBER HONDA SECONDED THE MAIN MOTION. Councilmember Duclos noted she also has concerns and this is a sensitive issue. She noted the voters did approve 1-502 and she had hoped during the moratorium the Council would have had more Study Sessions to gather more information, public input to see the pros and cons on this topic. Councilmember Moore asked Ms. Welch to summarize 1-502. Ms. Welch noted 1-502 is very expansive; in which it allows personal use recreational marijuana and outlines the Washington State Liquor Control Board as the licensing agency. Mayor Ferrell noted the number one priority of this city and his administration is Public Safety. However he was elected to be responsive to citizens and the voters approved 1-502. He restated his recommendation which is to follow the vote of the community and move forward with zoning designations. Councilmember Maloney restated the importance of what 1-502 included and what is being discussed tonight;which is zoning. 1-502 legalized the possession and use of recreational marijuana;it does not require cities to zone for it. She read from the American Academy of Pediatrics which recently reaffirmed it position against legalizing marijuana due to it's effects on youth. She gave additional supporting statistics and concerns. The motion failed 2-5 as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge no Councilmember Celski no Councilmember Assefa-Dawson no Councilmember Moore no Councilmember Maloney no Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 8 of 11 March 17, 2015 First Reading/Enactment: b. Council Bill #671 Establishing a Moratorium on Medical Marijuana AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, imposing a one year moratorium on medical marijuana-related businesses, collective gardens,dispensaries, and other activities involved in the sale, manufacture,or distribution of medical marijuana; establishing a work group to develop a work plan;and setting a date for a public hearing. Senior Planner Stacey Welsh gave a brief presentation to Council regarding this moratorium and the history. She noted last October the Council enacted a moratorium on marijuana-related businesses that will expire on May 5, 2015. This included both retail and medical. The proposed Ordinance will establish a one-year moratorium on medical marijuana-related businesses, collective gardens, dispensaries, and other activities involved with the sale, manufacture, or distribution of medical marijuana. This will allow the State Courts and Legislature time to consider the issue of medical marijuana. The proposed ordinance would take effect May 6, 2015 following the expiration of the current moratorium. Ms. Welsh described the work plan and noted a public hearing will also be held on April 21, 2015 to hear public comment. COUNCILMEMBER CELSKI MOVED TO SUSPEND CITY COUNCIL RULE 2.2(8) TO ALLOW FIRST READING AND ENACTMENT OF THE ORDINANCE IN ONE MEETING; COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the Ordinance Title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER CELSKI MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE; COUNCILMEMBER MALONEY SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS MOVED TO SUSPEND COUNCIL RULE 2.1(1) TO CONTINUE THE REGULAR MEETING PAST 10:00 PM; COUNCILMEMBER MOORE SECOND. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes Second Reading/Enactment: c. Council Bill#669 2015 Budget Amendment/PACC Fund AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to budgets and finance, adopting the Amendment to the 2015/2016 Biennial Budget. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the Ordinance Title into the record. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 9 of 11 March 17, 2015 COUNCILMEMBER DUCLOS MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CELSKI. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Deputy Mayor Burbidge yes Councilmember Celski yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Moore yes Councilmember Maloney yes Councilmember Duclos yes Councilmember Honda yes 8. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Duclos reported last week she toured Auburn Youth Resources,which is supported by Federal Way Human Services funding. She listed many informative facts including over past two decades South King County has the highest number of low income populations.We are the poorest region in King County with the highest number of families living below the poverty line,and the largest number of single parent households. 58% of the need for homeless youth is in South King County; however only 39%of funding to meet these needs makes it to South King County.The cities of South King County need to join and ask where all the money is going when our area has the largest need. Councilmember Moore thanked Councilmember Duclos for her report and noted he would support a Council resolution. He reported last week was Americorp week; a very valuable service that Federal Way Public Schools offers. He thanked the 60+ members which serve this year in this exceptional program. He reported on visiting a community Jazz Event in North Bend and would like to see events such as this come to Federal Way. He is excited for all the possibilities in the city and with the Performing Arts and Conference Center. Councilmember Celski thanked the Mayor for the St. Patrick's Day Proclamation as he is proud to be 118th Irish. He spoke regarding the Federal Way High School Boys' Basketball State Champions and the earlier presentation tonight to the team and coaches. He feels it was an exciting season and is very proud of their accomplishments and feels they are a team to watch in the coming years. He to announced the next Land Use/Transportation Council Committee is Monday, April 6 at 5:30pm in p Y Council Chambers. Councilmember Honda reported on the Homemade Trade Event sponsored by the City. She noted it was a wonderful event;where everything had to be made and then traded, no cash was exchanged. More events like this to come in the future. She encouraged citizens to attend Blue Poppy days which is coming up in May. She thanked the Park Pals for the French Lake Dog Park clean up, noting the park is well used and a great place for people and dogs.She reported Auburn Youth Resources has a house that can house children 10-18 which can be housed for up to 90 days and licensed by the state; however they have lost their funding and it is currently sitting empty. She would like to see the funding restored. She also noted Police/Fire Basketball game is coming up in the beginning of April at the Community Center. Councilmember Maloney met recently with the Mayor, Chief of Staff and Mr. Joe Wilczek who is the President and CEO of the Franciscan Health Systems and a Federal Way resident.She noted he is a great resource in the future;she thanked him for his contributions to the community and congratulated him on his retirement.She attended the Chamber Luncheon and the Chamber/City Quarterly meeting. She is continuing to work on the University Initiative and is hopeful to make an announcement soon. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson reported on her attendance at the Committee to End Homelessness meetings where they are discussing and moving forward with the strategic plan.The goal of the plan is "Homelessness is Rare, Brief and One-Time". She noted this is ambitious but many people are working on this plan and revising it. She noted this is all timely with tonight's discussion on Auburn Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 10 of 11 March 17, 2015 Youth Resources and the Day Shelter. Deputy Mayor Burbidge thanked city staff for working so diligently on so many intense issues happening in the city. She attended a meeting of the South County Area Transportation Committee in SeaTac where the King County Metro long range plan was discussed. They are working on forming two advisory committees and would like to make sure the city has effective representation for our community. She was in Olympia this afternoon where she testified before the House Committee for the Tourism Promotion Area legislation. She noted the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee retreat has brought together many agencies in our community including Wild Waves, Pacific Bonsai Garden, Rhododendron Garden and the Aquatics Center. She noted the discussion raised awareness of the wonderful opportunities in the community and the new opportunities on the horizon. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:16 p.m., Mayor Ferrell announced the Council would be recessing into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the listed items. • Potential Litigation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) • Property Acquisition Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) (added item) Council returned to Chambers at 10:44 p.m. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; Mayor Ferrell adjourned the Regular meeting at 10:45 p.m. Attest: Stephanie D. Courtney, CMC City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 11 of 11 March 17, 2015 COUNCIL MEETING DATE:April 7,2015 ITEM#: IG� CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT:FEBRUARY 2015 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the February 2015 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE:FINANCE,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE(FEDRAC) MEETING DATE: 03/24/2015 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Ade Ariwoola,Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: • February 2015 Monthly Financial Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the February 2015 Monthly Financial Report as presented. 2. Deny approval of the February 2015 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMEND: ION: MAYOR APPROVAL: I� , 3 ! IRECTOR APPROVAL: ;;j, i 4is Comm' ee uncil 17 ii=/Date Initial/Date Initial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: rg �/%j /I� ..h►Vi ittee Council ,ritial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "I move to forward approval of the February 2015 Monthly Financial Report to the April 7, 2015consent agenda for approval. " - 40.141 410.40-____ 4.Aw Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION:"I move to forward approval of the February 2015 Monthly Financial Report." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL# ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING(ordinances only) ORDINANCE# REVISED—1/2015 RESOLUTION# CITY Of A. Federal Way February 2015 Monthly Financial Report -Highlights The following are highlights of the February 2015 Monthly Financial Report. Detailed financial information can be found in the February 2015 Monthly Financial Report detail. General&Street Fund Summary Revenues are above the year-to-date budget by $520K or 18.5% with all revenues on target or above year-to-date budget except for property taxes, gambling taxes, state shared revenue, court revenue, public works permits& fees, and interest earnings. Sales tax, criminal justice sales tax, gambling taxes, and state shared revenue have been reported differently for 2014 and 2015. The taxes and payments reported in December are paid in February, and therefore we are showing the payments in February. Expenditures are below year-to-date budget by $44K or 0.7% with all departments below estimates except for City Council, Mayor's Office, Community Development, Human Services, Law, and Police but General Fund total expenditures are still below the year-to-date budget. Some of the expenditure saving's are due to timing of payments. City Council is over year-to-date budget by $2K primarily due to increase in association dues. Mayor's Office is over year-to-date budget by$8K primarily due to increase in temporary help. Community Development is over year-to-date budget primarily due to timing of consulting services for comprehensive plan. Human Services is over year-to-date budget by $10K primarily due to increase in clean air assessment cost. Law is over year-to-date budget by$6K primarily due to timing of outside legal services.Police&Jail is over year budget by$19K primarily due to an increase in overtime for Police and outside jail services needing an increase in appropriation. Property tax is under 2014 year-to-date actual by $20K or 18.6%and below 2015 year-to-date budget by $21K or 16.6%. This is primarily due to timing of receiving payments. Sales tax exceeds 2014 year-to-date actual by $159K or 13.3%and also exceeds 2015 year-to-date budget by $180K or 15.3%. Retail sales (increase of$70K or 10.2%), services (increase of$27K or 11.1%), construction (increase of$44K or 47.6%), wholesaling(increase of$23K or 48.2%), information(increase of$5K or 10.6%), and government (increase of$11K or 101.6%) account for the majority of the increase compared to year-to-date 2014. Additionally, criminal justice sales tax collected county-wide also exceeds 2014 year-to-date actual by $17K or 7.9% and 2015 year-to-date budget by $18K or 8.7% which further indicates overall sales tax revenue growth. Community and Economic Development permits and fees are above the 2014 year-to-date actual by $392K or 176.3% and above 2015 year-to-date budget by $288K or 88.3%. Significant permit revenues received year-to-date include Federal Way High School, Kitts Corner Apartments, and Crestview West Apartments. Court revenue is below 2014 year-to-date actual by$7K or 3.0%and also below 2015 year-to-date budget by $39K or 14.3%. Traffic and non-parking fines, parking infractions, dui & other misdemeanors, and criminal conviction fees account for the majority of the decrease. The enhanced signage, lighting, and continued enforcement activity is the primary reason for the reduction. Park & General Recreation Fees is above 2014 year-to-date actual by $23K or 24.0% and above 2015 year-to-date budget by$28K or 31.3%. Senior trips and tours revenue increased through the efforts of staff to market and promote the programs. Designated Operating Funds Revenues are above the 2015 year-to-date budget by$199K or 10.0%. Utility tax,hotel/motel lodging tax,and state shared revenue have been reported differently for 2014 and 2015. The taxes and payments reported in December are paid in February, and therefore we are showing the payments in February. Expenditures are below 2015 year-to-date budget by$31 K or 1.8%and are primarily due to timing of payments. Utility tax revenues received year-to-date as reported on the monthly financial report totals $782K and is $98K or 1 1.1%below 2014 year-to-date actual and $144K or 15.6%below 2015 year-to-date budget. The following is the comparison of 2015 year-to-date actual to 2014 year-to-date actual utility taxes by category: Electricity—current YTD decrease by$92K or 18.7%. Gas—current YTD decrease by$5K or 2.2% Cable—current YTD increase by$3K or 2.0% Phone—current YTD decrease by$3K or 76.4% Cellular—current YTD decrease by$1K or 5.2% Real estate excise tax 2015 year-to-date revenues of$307K is above 2014 year-to-date actual by$152K or 98.5%and is above the 2015 year-to-date budget by $167K or 119.9%. There were 165 taxable residential sales(total sales$39.0M/$193K tax), and four commercial sales(total sales$22.6M/$112K tax). Red light photo/school zone cameras 2015 year-to-date net revenue totals$151K and is below 2014 year- to-date actual by $147K or 49.3%. This decrease is due to the Traffic Safety Fund paying directly for 1 Lieutenant, 7 Police Officers, and 3 City Traffic positions. Federal Way Community Center continues to increase revenues while controlling expenditures. 2015 year-to-date operating revenues total $311K, which is above the 2015 year-to-date budget by$8K or 2.5% and also above the 2014 year-to-date actual by $2K or 0.7%. Major revenue increases are in daily drop-ins,youth athletic programs, aquatic programs, and fitness classes. 2015 year-to-date operating expenditures total $298K, which is below the 2015 year-to-date budget by$8K or 2.6%and on target with 2014 year-to-date actual. Increases in personnel cost is due to increased service levels to meet higher demands. The increase in supplies is due to repairs and system replacements now that the facility is 8+ years old. The decrease in utility costs is due to energy efficiency efforts and the City's utility payment is behind by one month when compared with 2014. The 2015 year-to-date revenues over/(under) expenditures of positive $13K is better than the 2015 year- to-date budget of negative$3K and above 2014 year-to-date actual by positive$10K. To date,no operating subsidy has been used. Projected ending fund balance earmarked for capital reserves by the end of this year is$1.5M, and year-to- date with 1.6M. Dumas Bay Center, is showing higher revenues year-to-date of$27K or 29.8% compared to 2014, and expenditures are over 2015 year-to-date budget by$4K or 3.8%. 2015 year-to-date operating revenues total $118K, which is $28K or 31.7% above the 2015 year-to-date budget, and above 2014 year-to-date actual by $27K or 29.8%. The increase from year-to-date 2014 is due to an increase in rental activities as a result of the marketing plan that was commissioned in 2011, the Google AdWords campaign put into action from the marketing plan as well as securing the return of returning overnight retreat groups. 2015 year-to-date operating expenses total $107K, which is $4K or 3.8% above the 2015 year-to-date budget and $11K above 2014 year-to-date actual. The increase in expenses over year-to-date 2014 is due to an increase in goods and services for the operation as well as the increase in rental activity for the first two months. 2015 year-to-date revenues over/(under)expenditures of$11K is above 2014 year-to-date performance by $16K. The budgeted year-end ending fund balance is $42K compared to the current $266K ending fund balance which includes funding for capital maintenance that have not yet been fully spent. Surface Water Management Fees—2015 year-to-date revenue of$67K is above 2014 year-to-date actual by $15K or 28.1% and above 2015 year-to-date budget by $9K or 16.1%. This is primarily due to rate increase. Federal Way February 2015 Monthly Financial Report -Detail q, VIAL& EE �� =2014 ` � f '.., et t, A4G►al Y * e' orb ,� Ymlit0 r SUMMARY Annual Annual.~- a Aua►tai Q� '"r`[ - ) wr0'1i (Lhnfavawi&, ' � ''''M''' '''''I'`''''� . `Budget. Actual Actual o.:. Bute �, Budget Actual $ " Beginning Fund Balance $16,240,295 $16,240,295 $16,240,295 $12,844,685 $ 13,264,105 $13,264,105 n/a n/a Revenues: Property Taxes 10,077,000 10,233,416 123,118 10,342,770 124,434 103,756 (20,678) -16.6% Sales Tax 11,614,000 12,173,288 1,193,962 11,962,420 1,173,279 1,353,180 179,900 15.3% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,913,000 2,138,405 208,616 2,123,430 207,155 225,163 18,008 8.7% Gambling Taxes 145,000 176,068 10,613 155,000 8,889 6,300 (2,589) -29.1% State Shared Revenue 2,171,000 2,355,979 84,490 2,483,000 89,045 84,197 (4,848) -5.4% Leasehold Tax 6,000 6,693 1,880 6,000 1,686 2,304 619 36.7% Court Revenue 1,431,000 1,370,107 237,387 1,551,550 268,803 230,291 (38,513) -14.3% CED Permits&Fees 2,100,577 3,059,772 222,082 2,572,000 325,954 613,689 287,734 88.3% PW Permits&Fees 317,000 368,797 56,433 317,000 44,532 36,793 (7,739) -17.4% Business License Fees 252,000 267,293 38,260 259,000 37,073 45,870 8,797 23.7% Franchise Fees 1,041,000 1,070,983 266,771 1,050,000 261,544 271,205 9,661 3.7% Passport Agency Fees 55,000 64,750 12,050 65,000 12,097 13,325 1,228 10.2% Park&General Recreation Fees 937,000 992,680 93,962 937,000 88,691 116,487 27,795 31.3% Police Services 765,000 1,058,716 81,360 984,000 75,618 107,672 32,054 42.4% Admin/Cash Management Fees 520,314 520,314 86,719 375,896 62,649 62,649 0 0.0% Interest Eamings 31,000 17,534 2,960 31,000 5,234 2,843 (2,391) -45.7% Miscellaneous/Other 219,000 332,703 33,289 278,600 27,876 59,027 31,152 111.8% Total Revenues 33,594,891 36,207,497 2,753,952 35,493,666 2,814,558 3,334,749 520,191 18.5% Expenditures: City Council 389,913 355,579 139,947 367,442 160,609 162,551 (1,942) -1.2% Mayor's Office 1,287,346 1,336,396 171,189 1,273,803 250,682 258,769 (8,087) -3.2% Community Development 2,863,861 2,697,364 368,945 2,296,033 383,438 383,866 (428) -0.1% Economic Development 364,864 131,364 22,919 308,289 51,484 30,474 21,010 40.8% Human Services 778,640 811,456 78,476 690,378 70,280 80,465 (10,185) -14.5% Finance 999,938 962,916 134,353 908,534 151,725 143,586 8,139 5.4% Human Resources 1,066,541 969,381 261,812 864,837 103,212 99,387 3,825 3.7% Law 1,624,308 1,471,143 238,496 1,158,387 193,451 199,693 (6,242) -3.2% Municipal Court 1,687,470 1,670,089 248,896 1,304,387 214,702 207,270 7,432 3.5% Jail 4,159,831 4,004,632 343,021 4,276,614 712,769 722,258 (9,489) -1.3% Police 22,987.085 23,898,496 3,691,214 18,011,044 3,070,883 3,080,696 (9,813) -0.3% Parks&Recreation 4,213,996 3,960,905 456,795 3,468,027 421,810 414,377 7,433 1.8% Public Works 5,292,730 4,630.788 478,713 3,870,327 400,099 357,255 42,844 10.7% Total Expenditures 47,716,523 46,900,509 6,634,776 38,798,102 6,185,144 6,140,647 44,498 0.7% Revenues over/(under)Expenditures (14,121,632) (10,693,012) (3,880,824) (3,304,436) (3,370,586) (2,805,898) 564,688 -16.8% Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In Red Light/School Zone for PD,CT,TR 1,096000 1,093,212 - - - - - n/a Utility Tax for Designated Programs 1,343000 1,140,135 952,337 498,000 - - - n/a Utility Tax for Operations 3,893,000 3,893,000 600,000 7,245,493 - - - n/a Utility Tax for Prop 1 Voter Package 2,980,187 2,931,304 486,592 - - - - n/a One-Time Transfers In/Grants/Other 331,450 520,168 43,153 157,427 1,553 1,553 - 0.0% Total Other Financing Sources 9,643,637 9,577,819 I 2,082,082 7,900,920 1,553 1,553 - 0.0% Other Uses: Contingency Reserve Funds 27,000 - - - - - - n/a 1-Time Transfers Out/Other/Unalloc IS 3.218.464 1,861.000 - 5.602.968 870,130 870.130 - 0.0% Total Other Financing Uses 3,245,464 I 1,861,000 I - 5,602,968 870,130 870,130 - 0.0% Total Fading Fund Balance $ 8,516,836 I $13,264,102 I$14,441,553 $11,838,201 $ 9,024,942 $ 9,589,630, nla n/a, DES GATED OPERATING 2014 201 \ 'iL: Tli .',01).04t vs Actual DS S��[MAItY AaiiiUit ^°Annual %I'U Annual `l 'kT13 1'.14T 1 voral/(I tfav'orabie) -: '�1 . „ ... .. , A ..,•0"Actual' Actual l3ty4 eb.. 1311,*t... , 'ts?a. .F,Sk `a14 Beginning Fund Balance $18,232,684 518,232,684 $18,232,684 $18,791,166" $21,407,792 $21,407,792 n/a n/a Revenues: Utility Tax 9,711,581 9,308,402 679,923 9,808,966 715,629 604,036 (111,592) -15.6% Utility Tax-Prop 1 Voter Package 2,840,419 2,720,475 199,895 2,868,824 210,796 177,903 (32,893) -15.6% Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 195,000 231,828 12,812 200,000 11,053 15,336 4,283 38.8% Real Estate Excise Tax 1,800,000 2,062,722 154,517 1,900,000 139,510 306,782 167,273 119.9% Property Tax-King Co Expansion Levy - 181,880 17,762 155,000 15,137 7,705 (7,432) -49.1% State Shared Revenue 495,000 496,470 40,252 509,000 41,268 40,112 (1,155) -2.8% Traffic Safety(Red Light/School Zone) 1,455,000 2,460,189 403,797 2,123,643 348,559 491,119 142,560 40.9% Federal Way Community Center 1,643,500 1,851,260 309,028 1,818,500 303,614 311,238 7,624 2.5% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 635,251 644,049 90,603 635,251 89,269 117,577 28,308 31.7% Surface Water Management Fees 3,456,000 3,462,003 51,979 3,820,000 57,354 66,590 9,236 16.1% Refuse Collection Fees 287,517 305,742 53,052 302,517 52,493 49,643 (2,850) -5.4% Interest Earnings 15,300 106,674 2,412 11,800 3,535 3,535 - 0.0% Miscellaneous/Other 27,768 27,881 0 27,768 4,722 4,722 - 0.0% Total Revenues 22,562,336 23,859,575 2,016,032 24,181,269 1,992,937 2,196,297< 203,361 10.2%, Expenditures: Arterial Streets Overlay Program 1,696,031 1,415,175 11,887 1,515,500 12,730 11,097 1,633 12.8% Utility TaxAdmin/Cash Mgmt Fees 48,000 48,000 8,000 - - - - n/a - Solid Waste&Recycling 499,412 461,717 51,757 470,101 52,697 58,542 (5,845) -11.1% Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 227,034 58,786 2,630 200,300 8,961 3,270 5,691 63.5% Traffic Safety(Red Light/School Zone) 625,000 627,787 106,037 2,123,644 358,695 340,047 18,648 5.2% Utility Tax Proposition 1 - - - 2,841,965 454,082 454,082 - 0.0% Debt Service(Debt&Admit]Fee) 1,995,392 1,985,446 6,070 1,039,573 3,178 - 3,178 100.0% Federal Way Community Center 2,205,049 2,174,104 298,543 2,288,724 306,206 298,360 7,846 2.6% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 695,146 728,379 95,979 708,071 103,076 106,959 (3,883) -3.8% Surface Water Management 3,940,196 3,132,984 377,053 3,691,931 444,322 440,193 4,129 0.9% Total Expenditures 11,931,259 10,632,378 957,955 14,879,809 1,743,947 1,712,550 31,397 1.8% :Revenues over/Nader)Expenditures",:;'; 10,631,077 13,227,197 1,058,077 9,301,460 11144.090.. ,483,74t; 234,757 94.3% Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In: Utility Tax forDBCOper/Reserves 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 - 0.0% Utility TaxforFWCCOper/Reserves 554,275 301,944 - 380,000 - - - n/a Utility TaxforFWCC&SCORE Debt - 25,169 - 1,838,813 - - - n/a Utility Tax for Arterial Streets Overlay - - - 1,013,000 - - - n/a I-Time Transfers/Grants/Other 13,964,796 14,128,588 42,358 176,200 13,000 13,000 - 0.0% Total Other Sources 14,631,071 14,567,701 154,358 3,520,013 125,000 125,000 - 0.0% Other Uses: Ongoing Transfer Out Traffic Safety(Red Light/School Zone) 1,141,725 1,138,937 - - - - - n/a Utility Tax to FWCC Oper/Reserves 554,275 301,944 - 380,000 - - - n/a Utility Tax to FWCC&SCORE Debt - - - 1,028,040 - - - n/a Utility Tax to DBC Oper/Reserves 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 - 0.0% Utility Tax to Arterial Streets Overlay - - - 1,013,000 - - - n/a Utility Tax to Transportation Capital - - - - - - - n/a Utillity Tax to General/Street Oper 5,236,000 5,033,135 1,552,337 7,763,493 - - - n/a Utility Tax to Prop 1 Voter Package 2,980,187 2,931,304 486,592 - - - - n/a I-Time Transfers/Other/Unalloc IS 15,366,404 15,102,476 516 4,590,773 41,965 41,965 - 0.0% Total Other Uses 25,390,591 24,619,796 2,151,445 14,887,306 153,965 153,965 - 0.0% Ending Fund Balance Arterial Streets Overlay 1 308,702 187,170 100,000 - 346,029 n/a n/a Utility Tax(non-Prop 1) 2,615,082 2,710,593 1,630,163 2,036,581 - 3,203,151 n/a n/a Utility Tax-Prop 1 Voter Package 905,665 834,603 758,737 1,029,459 - 558,424 n/a n/a Solid Waste&Recycling 183,884 204,137 251,440 188,499 - 195,479 n/a n/a Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 195,300 400,296 237,251 245,300 - 412,437 n/a n/a Federal Way Community Center 1,586,740 1,573,471 1,607,917 1,546,514 - 1,586,347 n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund 2,492.758 3,500,515 3,102.708 2.492,757 - 3,652,274 n/a n/a Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 3,286,857 3,550,864 - 2463,084 - 3,858,297 Paths&Trails 14.440 196,665 180,973 178,439 - 205,154 n/a n/a Strategic Reserve Fund 3.000.000 3,382,044 - 3,000,000 - 3,382,680 Debt Service Fund 39,444 73,485 5,397,549 838,683 - 73,507 n/a n/a Surface Water Management 3,628.141 4,491,213 3,616,597 2,563.978 - 4,122,942 n/a n/a Dumas Bay Centre Fund 155,929 181,200 323,168 42,039 - 265,854 n/a n/a Total Ending Fund Balance $18,104,2381 $21,407,788 $17,293,672 $1.6,725,333< $ - $21,862,575 n/a n/a Sales Tax Compared to year-to-date February 2014 actual, sales tax revenues are up by$159K or 13.3%. Compared to 2015 year-to- date budget, year-to-date sales tax revenues went up by $180K or 15.3%. There is usually a two month lag in sales tax revenue. The sales tax reported for December 2014 is paid in February 2015. ®CAI;RETAIL SAS VEl9IJI✓S 5 N,„':::` . T Fe17.* yg` D ,. : ` i4 FavorobleItJnfavorable) js - 201t4, ; 2015= ��� mange from 2014 2015 Ai to l vs I3udggt gi, Month i!ACt M r ntit g Actual 4r `. & 4 5.--,,,:,,,,a,., 3.. .' Jan $ - - - - - - j - Feb 1,193,962 1,173,279 1,353,180 159,218 13.3% 179,900 15.3% Mar 885,403 870,066 - - - - 1 - Apr 878,261 863,047 - - - - - May 995,299 978,058 - - - - - Jun 928,710 912,623 - - - - - Jul 980,780 963,791 - - - - Aug 1,1 27,275 1,107,748 - - - - . - Sep 1,062,818 1,044,407 - - - - Oct 1,042,609 1,024,548 - _ - - - - Nov 1,082,321 1,063,573 - - - - - Dec 1,995,852 1,961,279 - - - - - -agiritifill,.,;I $pi.i493ff,3b $;,-,'.1,173,279 ..$ , 18O 159 l'''7--''''''' $ i''''11#.400 1 153° Annual Total $ 12,173,288 $ 11,962,420 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMP ON Off'S,A1 T�GQLLEcrJONS$� . ,.- , �` � '� '` �awlrabMeJz�1'awrstWe}� � C?un)j nt 2014 t 2Q1$ chang:,1 fi b 2014,„, , 2 G 1i,, :. , ,DPeb, ki .'`::`VTfFeb' , , I ,sue- ,,, a 211/n ; Retail Trade $ 686,760 $ 756,819 $ 70,059 10.2%Up$73K-Motor Vehicle&Parts Dealer,Building Material&Garden,Gasoline Stations,Clothing and Accessories,Sporting Goods,Hobby,Books,Miscellaneous&Nonstore Retailers, Electronics&Appliances, Food&Beverage Stores Down$3K-Furniture&Home Furnishings,Health&Personal Care Services 243,052 270,064 27,012 11.t%Up$32K-Administrative&Support Services,Educational Services,Hospitals,Ambulatory Service,Amusement,Gambling,Accomodation,Food Services&Drinking Places,Repair& Maintenance Down$5K-Professional/Scientific/Tech,Social Assistance,Performing Arts,Personal&Laundry Services Construct 92,513 136,523 44,010 47.6%Up$46K-Construction of Buildings,Heavy&Civil Construction Down$2K-Specialty Trade Wholesaling 47,358 70,184 22,826 48.2%Up$23K-Wholesale Trade,Durable&Nondurable goods Trans p/Utility 263 381 118 44.9% Infonmtion 49,208 54,409 5,201 10.6%Up$5K-Telecommunications,Broadcasting,Publishing Manufacturing 19,116 14,178 (4,938) -25.8%Down$5K-Wood Product Manufacturing, Government 10,996 22.172 11,176 101.6% Up$IlK-Executive Legislative,Other,Economic Programs Admin Fin/Insurance 42,473 26,103 (16,370) -38.5%Down$16K-Real Estate,Rental/Leasing /Real Estate Other 2,223 2,346 124 5.6% $ 1,193,962 $ 1,353,180 $ 159,218 13.3% !, f� '`r _ S�SAICeI 'F;t�.�'Ct3Mt?A11;16,rk�'- A �� A 'T1 bruary,' Y m ` Clrg f`rorri 20 1,, ADtOIt ge-riwe,204 _, _5 :75 i $ , nation _. 1 YFD Total Sales Tax $ 1,193,962 $ 1,353,180 $ 159,218 13.3% S 348th Retail Block 112,053 142,334 30,281 27.0% Up$31K Retail Automative/Gas,Retail Building Materials, Retail General Merchandise Down$1K Retail Eating and Drinking The Commons 130,483 157,113 26,630 20.4% Up$28K Misc Retail Trade,Retail Eating&Drinking, Electronics&Appliances,Retail Apparel Down$2K Communications,Retail General Merchandise S 312th to S 316th 80,829 81,172 343 0.4% Up$1K Retail General Merchandise Down$1K Retail Automative/Gas Pavilion Center 61,194 61,721 527 0.9% General Decrease Hotels&Motels 11,187 21,381 10,194 91.1% General Increase FW Crossings 40,316 45,605 5,289 13.1%Up$6K Misc Store Retailers Down$1K Retail Eating&Drinking Gateway Center 19,607 21,381 1,774 9.0%Up$2K Telecommunications Utility Tax(Total 7.75%) The utility taxes year-to-date is $98K or 11.1% below 2014 year-to-date actual and $144K or 15.6% below 2015 budget. There is usually a two month lag in utility tax revenue. The utility tax reported for December 2014 is paid in February 2015. llllA �.. " e4e14o-elate Uiru, °el�irnary_ j . ,,1,.. rabtel(Unf'avora ife) 201 2111 2 ge front-411.4 -_, 2015 tua1 vs Budget, . " Month Actual Budget fkActual $Var,, xz&lu'Var ..ar °,,%"VRr Jan $ 811 $ 855 $ 777 $ (34) -4.1% $ (78) -9.1% Feb 884,440 932,669 787,079 (97,361) -11.0% (145,590) -15.6% Mar 1,575,600 1,661,519 - - - - Apr 1.054,848 1,112,369 - - - - May 1,083,815 1,142,916 - - - - Jun 931,334 982,120 - - - - - Jul 839,850 885,648 - - - - - Aug 471,087 496,776 - - - - - Sept 1,307,637 1,378,943 - - - - - Oct 597,086 629,645 - - - - - Nov 801,768 845,489 - - - - - Dec 2.499,540 2,635,841 - - - - - YTD Subtotal $ 885,251 $ 933,524 $ 787,856 $ (97,394) -11.0% $ (145,668) -15.6% Rebate (5,433)1 (7,100) (5.917) (484) 0.0% 1,183 -16.7% YTD'Total $ 879,818 1 $ 926,424 $ 781,939 •$' (97,878):, -11-1% $ (144,485) -15.6% Annual Total $ 12,028,877 I $ 12,677,790 n/a n/a 1 n/a n/a n/a • The City of Federal Way provides a utility tax rebate for qualifying individuals that have paid for Utility bills within the City of Federal Wa who are 65 years or older,disabled/unable to work,and qualify as low income during the affected calendar year. Y� Y q Y g Y This is an annual program that opens January 1St and closes April 30th of each year. The City has processed 58 rebates at a total cost of$6K for the current year. Electric and gas utilities are affected by weather in addition to the regular population and service growth. When the weather is mild, people use less electricity and heat. UTILITY ' Year to-elate ebrua$ Qy 3 Fu ]alrler(LJ fa arabLe) Utility 2014 4'P;., Chauge.'rom 2Oi4 Type 4 t-: .etual lil 'Df Electric $ 490,017 $ 398,386 $ (91,630) -18.7% Gas 225,785 220,736 (5,050) -2.2% Solid Waste 1,463 - (1,463) -100.0% Cable 132,643 135,323 2,680 2.0% Phone 3,495 823 (2,671) -76.4% Cellular 27,279 25,872 (1,407) -5.2% Pager 87 - (87) -100.0% SWM 4,482 6,717 2,235 49.9% Tax Rebate (5,433) (5,917) (484) 0.0% ta YTll Tt3ta, _'; 8,�?�,y$l$�.� !s:9, ' • �; �'l,$7 )•:.'' Proposition 1 Voter Approved Utility Tax 2015 Year-to-date Prop 1 expenditures total$454K or 16.0%of the$2.8M annual budget. Current life-to-date Prop 1 Utility tax collections total$23.1M and expenditures total$22.5M. r 015 ;;;;;141't': 2w �p _ � f- s •gig Beginning Balance: 1,045,433 1,045,433 1,002,600 834,603 n/a OPERATING REVENUES January 191 183 193 175 1,604,024 February 208,518 199,712 210,603 177,728 2,091,460 March 371,467 355,781 375,182 - 2,363,415 April 248,693 238,191 251,180 - 2,192,378 May 255,523 244,732 258,078 - 1,996,074 June 219,573 210,301 221,769 - 1,868,128 July 198,005 189,644 199,985 - 1,760,755 August 111,064 106,375 112,175 - 1,529,633 September 308,291 295,273 311,374 - 1,577,060 October 140,770 134,826 142,178 - 1,746,903 November 189,027 181,044 190,917 - 1,631,598 December 589,297 564,412 595,190 - 2,692,030 Total Prop I Revenues: 2,840,419 2,720,474 2,868,824 177,903 23,053,458 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Public Safety Improvement Positions& Costs: Police Services(includes I Records Specialist,8 Patrol Officers,4 Detectives,1 Lieutenant,&4 Traffic Officers) 2,322,522 2,293,555 2,214,883 356,682 16,716,779 Court Services(includes.50 Judge,1 Court Clerk,and Pro Tem Pay,Public Defender contract,1.5 Prosecutors) 392,683 384,718 371,090 68,485 2.833,663 Total Public Safety Improvement Costs 2,715,205 2,678,273 2,585,973 425,167 19,550,442 - Community Safety Program Costs: I Code Enforcement Officer - - 101,268 16,438 335,295 I Code Enforcement Assistant City Attorney 69,341 57,124 58,052 - 474,989 1 Parks Maintenance Worker I&Security 113,555 115,482 96,672 12,476 807,617 Total Community Safety Improvement Costs 182,896 172,607 255,992 28,914 1,617,901 Indirect Support-HR Analyst 44,586 42,924 - - 291,695 SafeCity M&O 37,500 37,501 - - 245,929 Subtotal Ongoing Expenditures 82,086 80,425 - - 537,624 SafeCity Startup - - - - 189,066 Other Transfer-Prop 1 OT for Police - - - 600,000 Subtotal Other Expenditures - - - - 789,066 Total Prop] Expenditures: 2,980,187 2,931,305 2,841,965 454,081 22,495,033 Total Ending Fund Balance: $ 905,665 $ 834,603 5 1,029,459 $ 558,425 '$ 558,425 Real Estate Excise Tax Compared to 2014 year-to-date 7 ti ter ESTA'T'E t li%lc 7* 1x11 S i actuals, collections are up $152K or � ., 'dear to-clate4h tuFebr ark �v\y 0,w 98.5%. January thru February's ! AC • Favorable] fawral . 4. Vi 2015 C tge from 2414, ' 201s Aetu tlts#i ngot.receipt of $307K is above January ` °-i' -- .", •;. ° thru February 2014's actual by Jan $ 80,758 $ 76,309 $ 155,922 $ 75,165 93.1% $ 79,613 104.3% $152K or 98.5%and above Janurary Feb 73,759 63,201 150,860 77,101 104.5% 87,659 138.7% thru February 2015's projections by Mar 115,740 137,352 - - - - $167K or 119.9%. Apr 111,351 103,142 - - - - May 443,295 233,794 - - - - January thru February 2015 Jun 123,166 181,069 - - - - activities include 336 real estate Jul 238,862 188,959 - - - - transactions, of which 167 were tax Aug 183,011 140,148 exempt. There were 165 taxable Sep 115,931 116,474 - residential sales(total sales$39.0M/ Oct 164,305 148,173 - - Nov 138,305 172,173 $193K tax), and four commercial Dec 274,168 339,227 - - - - sales (total sales $22.6M / $112K YTD Total 154,517 139,510 306,782 152,265 98.5% 167,273 119.9% tax). Annual Total $ 2,062,721 $ 1,900,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ! a a I,b11G1N�G TA f iiiEV1±1`1I� Ycar +ate thru February " Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax :,-z r i�rabeIWnf� abte.) 2014 2015 Change from 2014 -,,,,4015-Ac,t„td,''.,„ ttdget - Hotel/Motel lodging tax received -.<--,1M1ontTl - .. -- _ v tt _'*:'% ,,,,Aeit ,, $ -a year-to-date 2015 is $15K and is Jan $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - - above 2014's year-to-date Feb 12,812 11,053 15,336 2,524 19.7% 4,283 38.8% collections by$3K or 19.7%. 2014 Mar 13,343 11,511 - - - - - year-to-date receipts are above Apr 16,109 13,897 year-to-date,projections by $4K or May 18,548 16,001 38.8%. The lodging tax reported Jun 16,268 13,163 Jul 17,341 14,961 for December 2014 is paid in Aug 24,493 21,131 - - - - - February 2015. Sept 29,629 25,561 - - - - - Oct 31,115 26,843 - - - - - Nov 21,655 18,682 - - - - - Dec 31,525 27,197 - - - - - 1D Total:ktillt114,812 S 7 .1 ii,053 S S . 15;336 $ 2,524 ":19.7% $n-" 4,283 ' 38.8%t Annual Total $ 231,828 $ 200,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Permit Activity BUIL.Dl1' G'&I,APD USE ERIVILTS AND k .S(CD) Building, planning, and zoning Year-todate..,., February 2015 .4x,,; - Favorable), favorable permit activities are above 2014's al'°- 2014 2015 Change from 2014 2015 Actual vs Budget year-to-date activity by $392K or � t o $ . . Va, Month Actaal� Budget Actual $ /o 176.3%. Compared to year-to- Jan 124,209 177,173 100.841 (23,368) -18.8% (76,332) -43.1% date budget, permit activity is up Feb 97,873 148,781 512,848 414,974 424.0% 364,066 244.7% $288K or 88.3%. Mar 316,207 266,903 - - - - Apr 285,407 221,867 - - - -Some significant permits for May 492,934 275,919 - - - - - 2015 include: Federal Way High Jun 393,869 330,940 - - - - - School, Kitts Corner Apartments, Jul 279,842 190,173 - - - -and Crestview West Apartments. Aug 334,299 271,066 - Sept 254,523 196,954 - - - - - Oct 185,981 169,946 - - - - Nov 141,806 150,035 - - - - Dec 152,822 172,244 - - - - - YTD Total $ 222,082 $ 325,954 I $ 613,689 1 $391,607 1763% $":287,734:I 88.3% Annual Total $ 3,059,772 $ 2,572,000 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a I n/a Police Department The total overtime budget of$779K consists of$767K for City overtime and$12K for billable time. Compared to 2015 year-to-date budget,City portion overtime is$27K or 21.5%above annual projections. Compared to year-to-date 2014 actuals, City portion overtime is above 21K or 17.5%. Including the increase in billable overtime, total overtime increased by$16K or 10.8%. The January-February overtime increase of$21K above 2014 year-to-date actual is due to an increase in shift call in overtime due to major incident responses and several major incidents that carried forward from December 2014. � � t Ye rr fn dateyIthru Z eta u8 eir a'6orable PD Ov 'me T 3 2fl .1 1 I han a from 201 015 Aetual tis I3 dlnet. , •$. ''it tr „v5°# Xeair ro-bate thru l ebruary a Jan $ 69,247 $ 63,491 $ 92,125 $ 22,878 40.4% $ 28,634 45.1 *,2014,. 2015 ' Feb 63,022 62,595 61,090 (1,931) -3.1% (1,504) -2.4% l .f Actual ' " . Mar 63,508 59,691 - - - - - Training $ 1,965 $ 2,177 $ 213 10.8% Apr 70,836 61,840 - - - Court 12,869 6,460 (6,409) -49.8% May 123,628 65,892 - - - - - Field Oper 101,073 131,013 29,940 29.6% Jun 54,966 53,453 - - - - Other 16,362 13,565 (2,797) -17.1% Jul 117,348 79,157 - - - - City Portion 132,269 153,215 20,947 15.8% Contract/Gant 23,104 17,699 (5,405) -23.4% Aug 44,461 58,901 - Traffic School 4,227 4,362 135 3.2%- Sep 60,145 62,559 - - - - - Oct 54,038 77,178 - - - - - Billable 27,331 22,062 (5,269) -19.3% - YTD Total $ 159,600 $ 175,277 $ 15,677 9.8.% Nov 75,138 54,228 - - - - Dec 58,708 68,171 - - - - - ( � on 914269 '126,086 153,215 20,1:4I T 3 � 27130 t 5% Billable 27,331 1,713 22,062 (5,269) -20.7°A 20,348 1187.6% -., dotal 159,6 127,799 '175,2 $;I5.6 7� 10.8% 47478 37 2% Billable $ - $ 10,287 $ - $ - - $ - - Annual Total'. n/a $779,155 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Jail Services The total jail budget is $4.28M and is comprised of$4.28M for SCORE Jail maintenance & operation assessments and alternative programs and debt service is being paid for by SCORE reserves in 2015. The increase in the 2015 maintenance & operations assessment is due primarily to an increase in average daily population in the SCORE jail. At the original 2007 projections, the Average Daily Population (ADP) was projected at 60 in-mates, which was the 3rd highest, out of the seven member cities. In 2015 based on 2014 activity, ADP is projected at 93 in-mates. In 2012, the budgeted ADP for Federal Way was 60, but actual ADP was never below 65, and at one point ADP was above 105. In 2013, the budgeted ADP for Federal Way was 90 ADP, but actual ADP was never below 75, and at its height ADP was about 90. In 2014, the budgeted ADP is 95, and year-to-date the ADP at its highest point was 95, and at its lowest was just above 75 ADP. When ADP increases, the jail costs increase. Renton which was once the highest in 2007,is now second behind Federal Way. In 2015,the budgeted ADP is 93. Jail and Alternatives to Confinement 2014 2015 Annual Actual Annual Budget" YIi)Budget Annual Actual SCORE $ 3,852,676 $ 4,276,614 $ 712,769 $ 712,769 Other Jail&Alternative Programs 151,957 - - 9,488 Subtotal M&O 4,004,633 4,276,614 712,769 722,257 Subtotal Debt Service 941,823 - - - Total S. 4,946,456 '$ 4,276,614 I $ 712,769 I $ 722,257 Traffic Safety-Red Light/School Zone Traffic Safety Red light & school zone enforcement revenues are accounted for in the Traffic Safety Fund to be used for, but not limited to,prevention, education, and enforcement efforts related to traffic safety and compliance with traffic control devices within the City, including maintenance and operations costs. Currently there are a total of 14 cameras at 11 locations(8 of these cameras are red light and 6 are in the school zones). The original 4 red light cameras were activated in October 2008 and an additional 4 cameras were activated February 2010. The original 4 school zone cameras were activated February 2010 and an additional 2 cameras were activated December 2010. Payments to ATS include$4,354/month per location plus supplemental fees for check processing. Year-to-date 2015 red light photo net revenues total $151K which is below year-to-date 2014 actuals by $147K or 49.3%. This decrease is due to the Traffic Safety fund paying directly for 1 Lieutenant,7 Police Officers,and 3 City Traffic positions in the 2015/16 budget. �� y Red ,ig i emi��/c�hoo, Zone Enforcement �� y y ���r 2014 rf y kftli 0 2015 a Va'rtance � � Novo (UnfaworablTe r0 fN 41,/,,,r"ag ent �K 1 et y Gro ff rPayments Salaries& ! Net Mont ...- ev"e to,AT evenue Reven F,�o ATS V1 ages` ,, Revenue an %Va:,:-:5,fi.17,,,,,F.,,Z, 4,4 Jan $.---237,957 $ (53,038) $ 184,920 $ 214,295 $ (52,250)1 $ ( -75.6% $ 116,987) $ 45,058 $ (139,861) Feb 165,840 (52,999) 112,841 276,824 (52,250)1 (118,560) 106,014 (6,827) -6.1% Mar 142,210 (51,500) 90,710 - - - - - - Apr 217,687 (52,250) 165,437 - - , - - - - May 236,325 (52,250) 184,075 - - - - - - Jun 188,911 (52,250) 136,661 - - - - Jul 216,469 (52,250) 164,219 - - - - - Aug 150,826 (52,250) 98,576 - - j - - - - Sep 158,498 (52,250) 106,248 - - - - - - Oct 293,834 (52,250) 241,584 - - - - - - Nov 193,494 - - - - (52,250) 141,244 Dec 258,137 (52,250) 205,887 - - - - - >f 111 Total .:.$ 0 ,797.:. 06,037 . $. I . 1. 91,1;'19 $'(104,500 `S(235,547 S K151,072, ,,,,„„,..4 6,68'' ' �;.: X19.3„% Annual Total $ 2,460,189 $(627,787) $ 1,832,402 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Annual Budget n/a n/a 830,000 n/a n/a n/a - n/a n/a Court Court revenues are $7K or 3.0%below 2014 year-to-date actuals and $39K or 14.3%below 2015 year-to-date budget. The negative variance is mainly due to decrease in traffic & non-parking infraction, parking infractions, dui & other misdemeanors and criminal conviction fees. COURT REVENUE " ,,:,,,-4,, Year-to-date'thruFel uat:y .., Fawrabte/(Linfayorable) COURT Y�IUI 2014 i 2015 Changefram 2©1d 20.15 1ctua vsBudget Yearto-datethruFebruar Manih' Actual 1 Budget Actual $ % $ %, . XnvoraG7a#dIn/rtvxrtrbla January $ 109,519 $ 123,805 $ 96,176 $ (13,344) -122% $ (27,629) -22.3% 2014 201- ,hcratteirorr 2fll . a February 116,497 131,692 122,939 6,442 5.5% (8,753) -6.6% Actual Acton! r,. March 129,654 146,566 - - - - - Civil Penalties $ 3,553 $ 2.751 $ (802) -22.6% April 147,229 166,432 - - - Traffic&Non-Parkin 127,318 116.745 (10,573) -83% May 93,923 106,174 - - - -Parking Infractions 5,490 2,295 (3,195) -58.2% June 96,695 109,308 - - - - - DUI&Other Misd 19,796 16.156 (3,639) -18.4% July 115,118 130,133 - - Criminal Traffic Misd 84 76 (8) -9.7% August 97,223 109,904 - - - - - Criminal Costs 26.695 28.789 2,094 7.8% September 95,064 107,464 - - - - - Interest/Other/M is( 17.777 19,921 2,144 12.1% October 115,331 130,374 - - - - Criminal Cony Fees 12.177 9.491 (2,685) -22.1% November 80,622 91,138 Shared Court Costs - 10.816 10.816 n/a December 104,880 118,560 - - Services&Charges 13,127 12,074 (1,053) 8.0% probation 11,369 13,307 11,176 (193) -1.7% (2,131) -16.0% Subtotal 5 226,016 5 219,115 $ (6,901) -3.7',, Probation Services I).369 11.176 (193) 1.7% 237,385 $ 268,803 $ 230,291 $ (7,094) -3.0% $ (38,5t3)� 143°f° Y I D Total $ 237,385 $ 230,291 $ ,(7,094) -3,0% Probation 56,981 66,693 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Annual $ 1,370,105 I $ 1,551,550 n/a n/a I n/a n/a I n/a Federal Way Community Center The Federal Way Community Center Fund was established as a special revenue fund supported by user fees and designated utility tax transfer. 024 5 ` 015 ti Y"TD 8 tti el vs,etual4ic edes a1 Way a � E P tXttap al YID 7 Fa Taal 1a is 8hle) i fpm IIJ ent a f$udet„ €.. Actual:` Actual... . ..: Budget'; Badge Ae iral 3u ? : °o z Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,597,512 $1,597,512 $ 1,597,512 $ 1,636,738 $1,636,738- $ 1,573,469 n/a n/a Operating Revenues: Daily Drop-ins $ 310,000 $ 322,506 $ 58,684 $ 310,000 $ 56,408 $ 60,910 $ 4,501 8.0% Passes 770,000 806,926 137,484 850,000 144,824 125,839 (18,984) -13.1% City Employee Membership Program 31,000 31,272 2,098 31,000 2,079 2,537 458 22.0% Youth Athletic Programs 45,000 52,129 8,004 45,000 6,910 12,719 5,809 84.1% Aquatics Programs-Lessons/Classes 126,000 146,722 19,573 136,000 18,143 20,032 1,889 10.4% Childcare Fees 9,000 6,296 1,326 9,000 1,896 678 (1,218) -64.2% Fitness Classes/Fitness Training 105,000 142,504 26,885 130,000 24,526 30,826 6,299 25.7% Towel/equipment Rentals 4,000 3,076 686 4,000 893 480 (413) -46.2% Pool Rentals/Competitive-Lap Lanes 16,000 19,999 5,468 16,000 4,375 6,296 1,921 43.9% Rentals 195,000 221,578 38,177 195,000 33,598 34,785 1,187 3.5% Merchandise Sales 7,500 9,486 1,890 7,500 1,494 1,702 207 13.9% Concessions/Vending - 62,069 4,450 60,000 4,302 9,902 5,600 130.2% Interest Eamings/Other Misc - 1,698 134 - - 367 367 n/a General Park/Rec-Facility use charge 25,000 25,000 4,167 25,000 4,167 4,167 (0) 0.0% Total Operating Revenues 1,643,500 1,85I,260:` 309,028 1,818,500 303,614 311,238 7,624 2.5% Operating Expenditures: Personnel Costs 1,368,880 1,402,491 221,918 1,404,524 234,134 235,814 (1,680) -0.7% Supplies 142,500 220,507 23,976 167,500 27,922 25,573 2,350 8.4% Other Services&Charges 172,500 150,869 10,159 197,500 13,300 16,242 (2,942) -22.1% Utility Cost 385,000 263,664 21,592 360,000 29,481 20,732 8,749 29.7% 20,500 25,444 1,699 20,500 1,369 - 1,369 100.0% Capital - - - - - - - n/a Intemal Service Charges 115,669 111,129 19,278 - - - - n/a Total ®p 0 2,205,049 2,174,104 298,623 2,150,024 306,206 298,360 7,846 2.6% • • a a ®i (561i-549) (322,844) 10 ,405 (33.1,524)' ' (2,592)^ 11287$ (15,470) ' 546 � i V F4 103.54 84.6,,4. 994%'"' 104,4% rla .,...... Other Sources : Utility Tax-Reserves - - - - - - - n/a Utility Tax-Operations 554,275 301,944 - 380,000 - - - n/a Grant/Other Contribution - - - - - - - n/a Total Other Sources 554,275 301,944 - 380,000 - - - n/a Other Uses: n/a Capital/Use of Reserves/Grants 3,500 3,140 - 138,700 - - - n/a Total Other Uses 3,500 3,140 - 138,700 - - - n/a Net income (10,774) (24,041) 10,405 (90,224) (2,592) 12,878 - 15,470 596.8% Ending Fundllalance . . l 1,586,738 4$11;;573,471;.Sra1,607,9l7 S 1,546,514 54,634,146= $ 1,5$6,347 The operating revenue budget includes $1.79M in user fees/program revenues, $380K contribution from utility tax for operations,and$25K use charge from General Fund Recreation for use of the facility. Year-to-date operating revenues total$311K which is$8K or 2.5%above the 2015 year-to-date budget. In comparison to 2015's year-to-date budget: • Daily Drop-in revenues are $5K or 8.0% above the projected revenue. This increase is due to above average attendance during weekends, local school breaks and holidays. • Pass revenues are $19K or 13.1%below the projected revenue. The decrease is due to no longer selling the 3-month and 6-month passes which collected significant funds at the beginning of the quarter, but pass revenues will be collected in a more graduated or consistent manner moving forward, as a month to month payment. • Youth Athletic Programs are $6K or 84.1% above the projected revenue due to a strong start in 2015 for Kidz Love Soccer, Shooting Stars Basketball & Homeschool P.E. classes. • Aquatic Programs are $2K or 10.4% above the projected revenue. Swim lesson enrollment is very good with nearly all classes full and classes being added to accommodate waitlisted participants. • Fitness Classes are $6K or 25.7% above the projected revenue. The increase is due to high enrollment in Personal Training Programs and Silver Sneakers. • Pool Rentals/Competitive Lap Lanes are up $2K or 43.9% above the projected revenue. The increase is mainly due to local swim clubs and swim teams now using the center more. • Rental Revenues are up$1K or 3.5%above the projected revenue. All rental business for the l s`quarter of 2015 has taken off in much the same way as 2014, with higher than normal inquiries and bookings for meeting rentals, special event rentals,and birthday parties. • ConcessionsNending is up $6K compared to 2014 revenue. The increase is due to the Splash Café opening in February 2014 of last year. Year-to-date operating expenditures total$298K which is$8K or 2.6%below 2015 budget. Federal Way Community Center has recovered 104.3% of operating expenditures compared to the year-to-date budgeted recovery ratio of 99.2%. In comparison to 2015's year-to-date budget: • Personnel Costs increased by $2K or 0.7%. The increase is due to increased service levels to meet higher demands. Membership totals for January and February of 2015 are at an all-time high. We are also contributing more payroll dollars to the personnel budget with the addition of FWCC.Manager,and promotion of FWCC Supervisor. • Supplies are $2K or 8.4% higher than projected. Budgeted repairs and system replacements have been a bit higher than normal.The Community Center is now 8+years old,so some of this is anticipated. • Other Services & Charges are$3K or 22.1%above the projected spending due to increased contracted repair needs in the early part of 2015. • Utility Costs are $9K or 29.7% below the projected spending due to Facility staffing efforts to improve energy efficiencies in the building.Also we are behind by one payment compared to 2014. The annual City's utility tax contribution to the Community Center is scheduled to provide $380K for operations; no utility tax contribution is needed to cover maintenance and operations. The chart below provides a history of year-to-date revenues,expenditures and utility tax operating subsidy. FWCC Finance Performance YTD February 2015 $1,800 ............................................_................................................._............... $1,600 $1,400 $1.200 o $1,000 �_ --- _.. _.. >_ $800 •$600 $400 $200 ($200) YTD 2010 YTD 2011 YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD 2014 YTD 2015 YY Rev $258 $266 $280 $289 $309 $311 111Exp _......_..$290......__... .............$290............ ...._..._$277 $306 $299 $298 =Ending Fund Bal $244 $773 $949 $1,198 $1,608 $1,586 YY Operating Subsidy $31 $24..._... ($3) $17... ..._ ($10) ($13) --- Dumas Bay Centre Dumas Bay Centre Fund year-to-date revenue of$118K is $28K or 31.7% above 2015 year-to-date budget and $27K or 29.8% above year-to-date 2014. The increase from year-to-date 2014 is due to an increase in rental activities as a result of the marketing plan that was commissioned in 2011,the Google AdWords campaign put into action from the marketing plan as well as securing the return of returning overnight retreat groups. Year-to-date operating expenses total$107K,which is$4K or 3.8%above 2015 year-to-date budget of$103K. Expenses are above by $11K compared to 2014 year-to-date due to an increase in goods and services for the operation as well as the increase in rental activity for the first two months. Ending fund balance for Dumas Bay Centre Fund is a positive $266K, of which a balance of $258K is earmarked for repairs and maintenance. We increased pricing by 10% in September 2014 to offset the increased cost of operations. ,,,: 2014-- 2 9 t vs twat , lt Aa ��<.: Bu cc e ' Bugetp A >4 e ._ Beginning Fund Balance $ ',212,979 $ 212,979 $ 212,979 _$ 302,859 $ 302,859 $ 181,201 n/a n/a Operating Revenues: In-House Food Services 275,000 269,423 36,262 275,000 37,013 52,137 15,124 40.9% Dumas Bay Retreat Center 360,251 374,625 54,341 360,251 52,256 65,440 13,184 252% Knutzen Family Theatre - - - - - - n/a Total Operating Revenues 635,251 644,049 90,603 635,251 89,269 117,577 28,308 31.7% Operating Expenses: _ In-House Food Services 244,822 256,842 31,961 234,646 32,405 33,894 (1,489) -4.6%I Dumas Bay Retreat Center 365243 394,574 53,318 390,024 59,830 62,220 (2,390) -4.0% Knutzen Family Theatre 85,080 76,963 10,699 83,400 10,842 10,845 (3)1 0.0% Total Operating Expenses 695,146 728,379 95,979 708,071 103,076 106,959 (3,883) -3.8% nnesReoveryRatt 91`.38°o}f S 88.42% 945 0% 89.72% 86 60% ; 109.93" �;127,--',:24,42e5„,-;',",-.;E 476.5%1/ Transfer In Gen Fund-Pump Station - - - - - - - n/a Transfer In Gen Fund-Pump Station M&O 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 0.0% Transfer In Utility Tax 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 - 0.0% Total Other Sources 116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 , 116,000 - n/a Marketing Study&Implementation - - - - - - - n/a Pump Station M&O 4,000 - - 4,000 - - - n/a Repairs&Maintenance 109,153 63,448 436 300,000 41,966 41,966 - 0.0% Total Other Uses 113,153 63,448 436 304,000 41,966 41,966 - - Net Income '6 (57,048) (31,778) 110,189 (260,820) 60,227...;? 84,652, 24,425 40.6% $ 15 ,331 $181.201• S-323';168 -440354*- 8 363,086'° 65853 ::(97,233)' Self-Insured Health Insurance Fund Self-Insured Health year-to-date contributed revenue is $690K. Currently the revenue is generated from the employee paid contribution (range from $32 to $128 per employee per month) and the employer paid contribution (range from $640 to$1,798 per employee), varying depending on number of dependents. Self-Insured Health Insurance Fund year-to-date expenditures are $3.1M for prescription services,medical services, stop loss,and professional services. The ending fund balance for the program is$1.0M. Self Insured Health Insurance Fund - 2015 Description 2014 - 2015 Adptd Bdgt" Jan Feb" YTD Total Annual. Actual` " Health Insurance Premium-Employer Contribution Revenue 3,958,828 4,196,691 327,676 327,186 j 654,862 Health Insurance Premium-Employee Contribution Revenue 214,481 17,844 I 17,306 35,149 Health Insurance Premium-COBRA 4,812 8,529 - - Transfer In from General Fund for Pre-Funding - - - -I Total Revenue and'TransferIn -4,178,121" 4,205,220--:-:,345,519' 344,492 690,011 Prescription Services 498,763 429,342 30,800 53,964 84,764 Medical Services 1,982,077 1,448,346 79,226 165,169 I 244,395 Health Insurance-Stop Loss 366,348 428,945 22,625 29,986 j 52,611 Professional Services&Other 299,610 308,145 17,760 21,917 39,677 Total Expenditures for Self Insured Health 3,146,799 2,614,778 150,410 271,036 421,446 Excess of Re+enues overI pendltures 1,031,322 1,590,442 195,109 73,456 268585 The City will maintain a reserve in the amount not less than 16 weeks of budgeted expenses as recommended by our consultant. Current average of 16 weeks, 0.97M,we have spent year-to-date 2015 $421K,with an ending fund balance in the fund of$1.3M. Performing Arts& Conference Center(PACC)and Downtown Square Park Performing Arts & Conference Center (PACC) year-to-date revenue and beginning balance is $9.0M. This does not include all revenue sources expected for the project. Since adoption of the project,PACC expenditures total$1.6M. 308 Performing Arts&Conference Center Anntiai;1014 2015 Adopted , YTD Feb2,„015 (PACC) :-„ ', ,� �, triRttdBet_.., Beginning Balance 8,340,000" ,'. 8,383,571 Transfer In-LIFT&Utility tax from Completed 4,209,763 - - projects Transfer In-Real Estate Excise Tax 525,000 - - Transfer In-Utility Tax 5,210,000 - - Private Co ntrib ution - 613,204 Interest 3,115 - 1,630 Total Beg Bat,Revenue&Transfer In 9,947,878 8,340,000 8,998,405 Expenditures 8,340,000 - Other Temporary Help 3,776 - - Land Redevelopment Analysis and Land Use 76,675 - - Application Lloyd Enterprises Demolition 120,689 - - JZ Works Naming Rights 32,000 - 16,260 Lorax Partners Design Development 1,331,167 - - Supplies - - 19 PACC Director Search - - 19,875 Total Expenditures 1,564,307 8,340,000 36,154 Total PACC Balance; 8,383,571 8,962,251 square park available funds is $2.5M. Total year-to-date expenditures for the project total $3K. Since adoption of the project, Downtown square park expenditures total $349K. 303 Downtown Square Park Annual 2014 2015 Adopted YTD Feb<2015 Budget Beginning Balance-Real Estate Excise Tax 140,000 - 2,492,427 Transfer in -Real Estate Excise Tax 2,698,751 - - Total Beginning Balance &Transfer In 2,838,751 - 2,492,427 Downtown Square Park Expenditures 346,324 - 2,547 Total,Expenditures 346,324 2,547 Total Downtown Square Park Balance 2,492,427 - 2,489,880 FUND ACTIVITY SUMMARY :4;t$AN,f6, ;":.'';:MI56' -s.52, l Wi:Viii'• '5::'":''- ::iiirnet ':::14(t6t1i4iiiii6i.' Required viiiii: iusto:,,,,t,i-,,i- f*ONm40::- 1n4i:06;:-..'-.'.-- -- - --' - "- --.,-',.. .:1 v*,, ', ,;,1,,:,,,6,-. ' .' :,.. ,,,,,,..,... ,,,,,,,.. '. ,--., . ,40trz. .„..;. .k.,::4,,,,gutagaitigtoertie- -'.n:..*ii.FxPe1.11-0-,4,?' wInoorq0-1(toss): 2544aw',,v qtFlkotovtNoi.- 001/101 General/Street Fund $ 13,264,105 $ 3,336,302 $ 7,010,779 $ (3,674,477) $ 9,589,628 $ 9,500,000 Special Revenue Funds: 102 Arterial Street 308,705 48,422 11,097 37,325 346,030 100,000 103 Utility Tax(*) 2,710,594 604,557 112,000 492,557 3,203,151 2,500,000 106 Solid Waste&Recycling 204,135 49,886 58,543 (8,657) 195,478 - 107 Special Contracts/Studies Fund 435,062 22,287 4,000 18,287 453,349 - 109 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 400,296 15,411 3,270 12,141 412,437 200,000 110 2°4 for the Arts 293 - - - 293 - 111 Federal Way Community Center 1,573,469 311,238 298,360 12,878 'J-,,%i1iii. 3* 117' . i0100,960: 112 Traffic Safety Fund 3,500,515 491,806 340,047 151,760 3,652,274 1,500,000 113 Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 3,550,864 307,433 - 307,433 3,858,297 2,000,000 114 Prop 1 Utility Tax 834,603 177,903 454,081 (276,178) 558,425 - 119 CDBG 48,926 396 73,240 (72,843) _ 120 Path&Trails 196,664 8,490 - 8,490 205,154 188 Strategic Reserve Fund 3,382,044 636 - 636 3,382,680 3,000,000 . - Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 17,146,170 2,038,465 1,354 637 683,828 17,829,997 10,800 000 2111 Debt Service Fund ' 73,486 20 - 20 73,507 $1,039,5'73** Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 333,060 147,748 1,993 145,755 478,816 - 302 Municipal Facilities 199,943 38 38 199,980 - 303 Parks 4,713,424 23,031 27,442 (4,411) 4,709,013 - 304 Surface Water Management 2,511,316 425 12,828 (12,403) 2,498,914 - 306 Transportation 8,211,839 53,756 171,708 (117,952) 8,093,887 - 307 Capital Project Reserve Fund 480,167 90 - 90 480,257 480,000 308 PACC Capital Fund 8,383,571 614,834 36,154 578,680 8,962,251 - Subtotal Capital Project Funds 24,833,320 839,922 250,125 589,797 25,423,118 480,000 , . Enterprise Funds: 401 Surface Water Management 4,491,216 71,919 440,192 (368,273) 4,122,943 690,000 1 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 181,201 233,577 148,925 84,652 265,853 500,000 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 4,672,417 305,496 589,117 (283,621) 4,388,796 1,190,000 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 1,346,299 157,474 776,623 (619,149) 727,150 1,200,000 502 Information Systems 3,939,001 351,588 378,464 (26,876) 3,912,125 3,939,001 503 Mail&Duplication 218,850 21,455 10,051 11,404 230,253 218,850 504 Fleet&Equipment 6,463,398 389,484 295,511 93,973 6,557,370 6,463,398 505 Buildings&Fumishings 1,825,372 87,747 57,342 30,405 1,855,777 1,825,372 506 Health Self Insurance Fund 1,031,753 690,217 421,668 268,549 1,300,303 $970,000*** 507 Unemployment Insurance Fund 1,912,291 41,486 9,707 31,779 1,944,070 250,000 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 16,736,963 1,739,452 1,949,367 - (209,915) 16,527,048 14,866,621 ' oi44'A,11Fu0,1i "$ 76,726,461 '$ S,259, 5 S 11,154,025 S (2-alS94,367)1S-;c:41,73,832,094 ,'Si 37,876,104' *The Fund balance prior to any adjustments or depreciation. **The Debt Service Fund shall maintain adequate reserve in accordance with the bond ordinance or a minimum of one year debt service amount. In 2015 we have budgeted transfers into this fund to increase the fund balance. ***The Health Self Insurance Fund will maintain a reserve in an amount not less than 16 weeks of budgeted expenses as recommended by our consultant. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 7,2015 ITEM#: 5c, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: VOUCHERS - Feb. aot5 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the Vouchers in the total amount of$2,401,887.67 COMMITTEE:Finance,Economic Development,and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: 03/24/2015 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Ade Ariwoola,Finance Director DEPT: Finance I,the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way,Wash'• .on,and that I am . .thorized to authenticate and certify said liens. gral122, F- low Finance Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMMEND ON: MAYOR APPROVAL: le DIRECTOR APPROVAdale" 3/f�"f i$ / Commi-ee uncil iS �— mtial/Date Initi. n.te Initial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: f / .� :j 4,1. y / C`, "e Count'✓ ' fal/Date Initi. 'late COMMITTEE RECOMMENDAATION: I move to forward the Vouchers to the April 7, 2015 consent agenda for approval. 01 4.011112° I (-11411r4-1P 61-ati(- Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: -I move to forward the Vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL# ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING(ordinances only) ORDINANCE# REVISED-1/2015 RESOLUTION# City of Federal Way-Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total ACCOUNT PAYABLE-ESCOM $3,517.35 244809 2/27/2015 REGION 1 ELCA, 2/12/2015 42998 $992.43 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DEPOSIT& 244949 3/13/2015 HEBERT,LAURA 2/27/2015 14598 $2,407.50 PKDBC-CONTRACT CANCELLED 245033 3/13/2015 SEATTLE UNIVERSITY, 2/27/2015 14599 $117.42 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT LE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE-RECREAT $463.79 244659 2/27/2015 CHANG,CHUN SOO 2/11/2015 1618837 $44.99 PRCS-REFUND DUE FROM REG MEMBE 244721 2/27/2015 HARDTT,LEEANN 2/11/2015 1618838 $30.00 FWCC-REFUND CLASS DIDN'T MEET 244833 2/27/2015 TAYLOR,MICHELE 2/11/2015 1618839 $10.00 FWCC-REFUND COULDN'T ATTEND TH 244846 2/27/2015 TREEHOUSE SUMMER CAMP,2/18/2015 1622952 $160.00 PRCS-REFUND 46378/79 MOVING 244754 2/27/2015 LEE,LOREEN 2/18/2015 1622953 $28.00 PRCS-REFUND 46281 BAD WEATHER 244716 2/27/2015 GRIFFIN,ANGELA 2/18/2015 1622954 $18.00 PRCS-REFUND 46281 BAD WEATHER 244751 2/27/2015 LASTELLA,CARLA 2/18/2015 1622955 $28.00 PRCS-REFUND WEATHER 244681 2/27/2015 COOLIDGE,MARY JANE 2/18/2015 1622956 $28.00 PRCS-REFUND 46281 BAD WEATHER 244910 3/13/2015 CHAN,SHAN HO 3/2/2015 1630656 $76.30 FWCC-CANCEL PASS.CREDIT CARD 245007 3/13/2015 PENA,MARIA 3/2/2015 754060 $40.50 FWCC-REFUND ADVERTISING $1,255.07 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $388.79 DBC-GOOGLE AWARDS CAMPAIGN 244820 2/27/2015 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 12/26/2015 1206406 $778.68 FWCC-RFP FITNESS EQUIP LEGALA 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $87.60 PRCS-CONSTANT CONTACT MONTHLY AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES $48.27 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/4/2015 284803 $48.27 PWST-GRASS SEED AIRFARE $699.90 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $398.70 LAW-PRIMA CONE FLIGHT PROCTO 244827 2/27/2015 STIEBEN,JOHN 2/18/2015 STIEBEN 2015 $25.00 PD-HUMAN TRAFFICKING CONF. 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $276.20 PD-ORBITZ:CRIMES SUPV TRNG J ANIMAL LICENSE $50.00 244694 2/27/2015 ENG,WHITNEY 2/17/2015 112-05143 REFUND $50.00 PD-PET LICENSE OUT OF JURISDIC ASPHALT&ROAD OIL $1,925.19 244728 2/27/2015 ICON MATERIALS INC, 1/13/2015 50-2062733 $408.33 PWST/SWM-ASPHALT MIX 7 Key Bank Page 2 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244750 2/27/2015 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC, 1/31/2015 12041801MB $733.06 PWST-EZ ST 50#BAGS(54)- 244728 2/27/2015 ICON MATERIALS INC, 1/13/2015 50-2062733 $408.32 PWST/SWM-ASPHALT MIX 244658 2/27/2015 CESSCO-THE CUT&CORE ST(1/15/2015 3473 $227.65 SWM-PARTS FOR ASPHALT SAW 244658 2/27/2015 CESSCO-THE CUT&CORE ST(1/21/2015 3491 $147.83 SWM-ASPHALT SAW BLADE ASSOCIATION DUES $28,229.99 245074 3/13/2015 WA STATE AGRICULTURE DEF2/25/2015 R THOMAS $33.00 SWM-R THOMAS PESTICIDE LICENSE 245074 3/13/2015 WA STATE AGRICULTURE DEF2/27/2015 E FISHER $33.00 SWM-E FISHER 2015 PESTICIDE LI 245074 3/13/2015 WA STATE AGRICULTURE DEF3/4/2015 G NEIFFER $33.00 SWM-G NEIFFER 2015 PESTICIDE L 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $40.00 LAW-2015 WASMA DUES SAUTHUR, 244805 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND REGIONAL CC8/4/2014 2015027 $25,562.00 PSRC-7/1/14-6/30/15 DUES ASSES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $204.00 CD-IAEI MEMBERSHIP SZPEK,WLS 244857 2/27/2015 WA DEPT OF LABOR&INDUS2/8/2015 4985 $50.00 PD-F MARTIN EXPLOSIVE USER LIC 244825 2/27/2015 SPILLMAN NW USER GROUP,1/21/2015 JANUARY 21,2015 $100.00 PD-SPILLMAN USER CONF. 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $64.99 PD-KIZOA MEMBERSHIP WEBSITE US 244822 2/27/2015 SOUTH KING FIRE&RESCUE2/19/2015 01928 $40.00 PKM-2015 OCCUR.PERMIT 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $300.00 CD-2015 APA CONF REG.&DUES J 244743 2/27/2015 KIM,RICHARD 2/12/2015 KIM 2015 $270.00 PD-2015-2017 IAAI DUES R KIM 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $55.00 PD-IALEFI:MEMB RENEWAL K SUMP 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $150.00 PD-IACP MEMEMBERSHIP DUESA HW 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $50.00 LAW-2015 WASMA DUES A J PEARSA 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $30.00 LAW-2015 WASMA DUES 244892 3/13/2015 AWC DRUG&ALCOHOL TEST2/18/2015 02/18/15 $1,215.00 HR-AWC DRUG/ALCOHOL CONSORTIUM ATHLETIC SUPPLIES $784.76 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $209.95 PRCS-WIRELESS MIC HEADSETS FOR 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $199.00 PRCS-QRTLY BLAST RELEASES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $348.02 PRCS-2 FANS FOR GROUP FITNESS 245012 3/13/2015 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC,2/20/2015 51852931 $27.79 PKM-0O2<50LBS F Key Bank Page 3 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total BOOKS,MAPS,&PERIODICALS $171.22 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $51.00 FWCC-SEATTLE TIMES 6 MO PAPER 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $69.22 MO-FBADV SEAHAWKS RALLY 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $51.00 FWCC-SEATTLE TIMES 6 MO PAPER BUILDING MATERIALS $8,613.23 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 1/27/2015 9650692461 $444.58 FWCC-HALIDE LAMPS 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 1/28/2015 9652158768 $346.16 FWCC-CFL PLUG INS LAMP HOLDER 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 1/28/2015 9652342230 $735.48 FWCC-BALLAST KITS 244804 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND HARDWARE,11/29/2015 1687 $591.30 FWCC-DOOR EXIT DEVICE 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/3/2015 9656721009 $257.16 FWCC-BALLAST KIT,GERMICIDAL B 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/9/2015 9660615528 $251.31 FWCC-STORAGE CABINET 244804 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND HARDWARE,12/10/2015 1718 $949.39 FWCC-ALARM KITS 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/11/2015 9663884832 $181.12 FWCC-HID BALLAST KIT 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/6/2015 284830 $45.94 FWCC-HAMMERITE SPRAY 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/17/2015 9668686059 $130.49 FWCC-FLOOR BOX COVER 244872 3/13/2015 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(2/19/2015 0000001558 $512.13 FWCC-PADLOCKS LOCKSMITH SERVIC 244831 2/27/2015 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 2/11/2015 30633554 $15.59 PKM-HEX KEY SET 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(3/2/2015 285267 $41.14 PKM-PAINT SUPPLIES 245040 3/13/2015 SHOPE CONCRETE PRODUC-2/9/2015 9954448 $106.87 PKM-GRATE/CATCH BASIN 244932 3/13/2015 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/13/2015 9234127 $1,054.64 PKM-SANI HYDRANT 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/13/2015 9665706991 $68.00 PKM-SILVER/DEMING DRILL 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $360.82 PKM-WATER FILTER FRENCH PARK 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 3/2/2015 09297 $132.33 SWM-PVC FITTINGD FOR S 356TH W 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $354.62 PKM-MO CONST.SUPPLIES 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 3/1/2015 11995 $13.49 PKM-PAINT SUPPLIES 245037 3/13/2015 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, 3/12/2015 4433-7 $58.58 CHB-FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 244759 2/27/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/12/2015 23435 $11.33 CHB-COURT CAB/COUNTER GROMETS Key Bank Page 4 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $30.59 PKM-COURT DOOR STOP 244872 3/13/2015 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH2/3/2015 0000001234 $387.09 PKM-LOCKSMITH SERVICES 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/12/2015 9664355808 $699.51 PKM-MONITORING SWITCH 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/18/2015 9669394687 $807.62 PKM-ELECTRIC STRIKE 244872 3/13/2015 AARO INC DBATHE LOCK SHI2/20/2015 0000001572 $25.95 PKM-RIM CYL LOCKSMITH SERVICES BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL $100.00 244737 2/27/2015 JOE'S HAIR DESIGN, 2/13/2015 01-98663 REFUND $50.00 FI-REFUND BL-BUSINESS CLOSED 244712 2/27/2015 GOLDEN BANNER, 2/13/2015 01-98716 REFUND $50.00 FI-REFUND DUPLICATE BL PMT CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $11,299.94 245072 3/13/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2015 9740580231 $3,728.12 IT-01/14/15-02/13/15 CELLULAR 245060 3/13/2015 T-MOBILE USA INC, 3/2/2015 830401935 $49.45 IT-02/15 CELLULAR SVC 245072 3/13/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2015 9740580230 $4,081.02 IT-01/14/15-02/13/15 DATA 245072 3/13/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2015 9740580231 $3,441.35 IT-01/14/15-02/13/15 CELLULAR CEMENT $1,352.08 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/21/2015 450187 $707.22 PWST-CONCRETE SUPPLIES 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/29/2015 451158 $535.46 PWST-CONCRETE SUPPLIES 244848 2/27/2015 ULTRABLOCK INC, 1/31/2015 0029843-IN $109.40 PWST-BLOCKS FOR SALT BIN CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $18,022.94 244864 2/27/2015 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR LI1/28/2015 1801 $246.32 SWM-WORK PANTS E FOX 244864 2/27/2015 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR L12/7/2015 1812 $343.74 SWM-WORK CLOTHES GILLESPIE 244768 2/27/2015 NEIFFER,GARY 2/11/2015 NEIFFER 2015 $190.00 SWM-BOOT ALLOW.NEIFFER 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $40.17 SWM-WORK PANTS 245046 3/13/2015 STIEBEN,JOHN 3/3/2015 STIEBEN 03/03/15 $93.83 PD-UNIFORM ALLOWANCE T-SHIRT/ 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $98.53 PARKS-WORK PANTS 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 1/23/2015 13993 $490.56 PD-NEW JUMPSUITS MAIRS,MATSUY 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 1/28/2015 14028 $26.55 PD-CPL STRIPES POTTS 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 1/30/2015 14058 $1,075.29 PD-JUMPSUIT REPLC-TILFORD,M 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/3/2015 119219 $169.67 PD-BOOTS K SCHULTZ- Key Bank Page 5 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/3/2015 14077 $1,923.92 PD-PATROL JACKETS- 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/3/2015 14078 $42.16 PD-PON CORPORAL STRIPES- 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/4/2015 114283 $3,733.95 PD-(11)REVERSE GORTEX RAINJAC 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO P2/4/2015 115586 $196.99 PD-SHIRTS,M HENRICH 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/4/2015 118544 $178.43 PD-BOOTS C SHUPP 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/4/2015 119273 $118.25 PD-HOLSTER A SEDER BERG 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/4/2015 14098 $63.24 PD-VILLANUEVA CORPORAL STRIPES 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/5/2015 14122 $63.24 PD-UNIFORM PATCHES 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/6/2015 119875 $191.61 PD-BOOTS T MATSUYAMA 244847 2/27/2015 TSENG,BENJAMIN 2/6/2015 TSENG 2015 $248.10 PD-BICYCLE GEAR TSENG 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/9/2015 14152 $539.84 PD-JUMPSUIT REPLACEMENT F MART 244647 2/27/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/9/2015 14153 $528.89 PD-JUMPSUIT RPLC T PAU- 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/12/2015 117290 $17.47 PD-NAME TAG WIGGUM 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/12/2015 119907 $152.48 PD-UNIFORM PANTS VANRUTH 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $60.23 PD-REPLACEMENT BIKE SHOES- 245071 3/13/2015 VANRUTH,COLE 3/2/2015 REIMB SUPPLIES $97.65 PD-SUNGLASSES BIKE PATROL 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/4/2015 14099 $100.00 PD-BOOT ALLOWANCE.WEDEL 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/16/2015 14213 $568.31 PD-REPLACEMENT JUMPSUIT.BASSA 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/16/2015 14214 $21.08 PD-CPL STRIPES.VILLANUEVA 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/19/2015 14265 $21.08 PD-RIGGLES SPECIALIZED POLICE 244899 3/13/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/20/2015 122177 $176.19 PD-HOLSTER,TIE,EMBLEM.PRICE 244899 3/13/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/20/2015 122616 $178.43 PD-BOOT ALLOW.CHI 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/20/2015 14276 $794.97 PD-RAIN JACKETS UNIFORM ROOM 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/23/2015 14290 $550.79 PD-REPLACEMENT JUMPSUIT.TAN 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/23/2015 14291 $264.44 PD-JUMPSUIT.GUILLERMO 244901 3/13/2015 BRATWEAR, 2/24/2015 14304 $550.79 PD-JUMPSUIT SEDERBERG Key Bank Page 6 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $82.13 PRCS-FITNESS STAFF UNIFORMS 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $124.03 FWCC-ARIAT WATERPROOF BOOK R. 244866 2/27/2015 WHISTLE WORKWEAR, 2/7/2015 270950 $305.20 PKM-WORK BOOTS,JACKET RICHEN 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $284.66 PKM-BOOTS,PANTS 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $42.38 PD-REIMBURSE CIS CLOTHING- 244652 2/27/2015 CASTRO,HEATHER 2/12/2015 CASTRO 2015 $500.00 PD-CIS CLOTHING ALLOW.H CASTR 244644 2/27/2015 BENJERT,JULIE 2/18/2015 BENJERT 2015 $500.00 PD-CIS CLOTHING ALLOW BENJERT 245019 3/13/2015 PURCELLA,ADRIENNE 3/5/2015 REIMB CLOTHING $155.11 PD-CIS CLOTHING ALLOWING 244806 2/27/2015 PVP COMMUNICATIONS,INC,1/29/2015 20760 $963.00 • PD-G BASSETT TRAFFIC UNIFORM H 244766 2/27/2015 MORRELL,WILLIAM 2/6/2015 MORRELL 2015 $163.20 PD-BOOT ALLOW.MORRELL 244912 3/13/2015 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIOI1/28/2015 210440 $223.12 PD-CIS/DETECTIVE SHIRTS 244895 3/13/2015 BASSAGE,BRIAN 3/4/2015 0491342 $200.00 PD-REIMBURSEMENT FOR 2014-2015 244899 3/13/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 112/13/2015 121336 $42.65 PD-UNIFORM BELT MCCALL 244899 3/13/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 12/17/2015 113417 $262.80 PD-SIU UNIFORM.MICKELSEN 244646 2/27/2015 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 81/28/2015 114616 $17.47 PD-NAME TAG EXPLORERS COMMUNICATIONS $3,271.70 244656 2/27/2015 CENTURYLINK, 2/4/2015 206-z04-0609 472B $94.81 IT-02/15 PHONE/DATA SVC 244909 3/13/2015 CENTURYLINK, 2/19/2015 1331023237 $20.46 IT-01/15 PHONE/DATA SVC 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION12/24/2014 2D6417-1214 $108.82 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION1/21/2015 2D6417-0115 $87.27 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION2/18/2015 AMERICALL $83.33 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A 244851 2/27/2015 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, 2/2/2015 Y6163838B $5.82 IT-02/15 PAGER LEASE 244656 2/27/2015 CENTURYLINK, 2/4/2015 206-z04-0609 472B $853.31 IT-02/15 PHONE/DATA SVC 245068 3/13/2015 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, 3/2/2015 Y6163838C $17.21 IT-03/15 PAGER LEASE 244909 3/13/2015 CENTURYLINK, 2/19/2015 1331023237 $184.15 IT-01/15 PHONE/DATA SVC 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION12/24/2014 2D6417-1214 $108.81 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A Key Bank Page 7 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION/21/2015 2D6417-0115 $87.27 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUTA 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION2/18/2015 AMERICALL $83.33 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION12/24/2014 2D6417-1214 $108.82 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALLCOMMUNICATION1/21/2015 2D6417-0115 $87.27 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A 244885 3/13/2015 AMERICALLCOMMUNICATION2/18/2015 AMERICALL $83.34 PW/SWM/CHB-AFTER HR CALL-OUT A 244867 2/27/2015 VV1MACTEL,INC., 2/1/2015 000733478 $80.00 IT-01/15 PAYPHONE SVCS 244851 2/27/2015 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, 2/2/2015 Y6163838B $6.30 IT-02/15 PAGER LEASE 244656 2/27/2015 CENTURYLINK, 2/4/2015 206-z04-0609 472B $948.12 IT-02/15 PHONE/DATA SVC 245068 3/13/2015 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, 3/2/2015 Y6163838C $18.65 IT-03/15 PAGER LEASE 244909 3/13/2015 CENTURYLINK, 2/19/2015 1331023237 $204.61 IT-01/15 PHONE/DATA SVC COMPUTER HARDWARE/EQUIPMENT $45,864.67 244835 2/27/2015 TECHNOLOGY EXPRESS, 2/2/2015 181490 $1,278.96 IT-INFOCUS IN3128HD- 244951 3/13/2015 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPAN2/23/2015 55537177 $28,376.46 PD-RR GETAC BWJ117 INCLUDES: 244951 3/13/2015 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPAN2/23/2015 55537177 $5,431.86 PD-RR GAMBER JOHNSON 2nd GEN V 244951 3/13/2015 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPAN2/23/2015 55537177 $6,305.68 PD-IT SPARE GETAC BWJ117 INCL 244951 3/13/2015 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPAN2/23/2015 55537177 $603.54 PD-IT SPARE:GAMBER JOHNSON 2n 244951 3/13/2015 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPAN2/23/2015 55537177 $3,868.17 Sales Tax CONCEAL PISTOL LIC-RENEW-CITY $14.00 244640 2/27/2015 APARIS,DEREK R 2/11/2015 03-82715 REFUND $14.00 PD-REFUND CPL OUT OF JURISDICT CONCEALED PISTOL LIC-STATE $810.00 244640 2/27/2015 APARIS,DEREK R 2/11/2015 03-82715 REFUND $18.00 PD-REFUND CPL OUT OF JURISDICT 245075 3/13/2015 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN3/4/2015 MARCH 4,2015 $792.00 PD-REMIT CPL FEES COLLECTED' CONFERENCE/SEMINAR REGISTRATI( $19,196.00 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $15.00 MO-GOOD EGGS MTG. 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $325.00 LAW-LERA 38TH ANN CONF R CALL 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $135.00 CD-IEDC TRNG WATSON 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $730.00 CD-2015 APA CONF REG.&DUES J 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $125.00 PD-PLE TRNG A SCHOLL COURT ROO Key Bank Page 8 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244992 3/13/2015 NOEDEL,MATTHEW 3/4/2015 M COFFEY $1,000.00 1 PD-PROCESS&RECONSTRUCTING SH 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $125.00 PD-PLE TRNG A PURCELLA COURT R 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $250.00 PD-PNWDI-IAI TRNG J VENDERVEE 244858 2/27/2015 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE2/6/2015 20114616 $75.00 PD-ACADEMY TRNG- 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $455.00 PD-GRANT WRITING J NELSON 4/1- 244858 2/27/2015 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE2/6/2015 20114616 $6,126.00 • PD-ACADEMY TRNG- 244868 2/27/2015 WLEEA(WA LAW ENFORCEME2/4/2015 1410 $600.00 PD-EXPLORER ADVISORS 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $495.00 PD-UNDERCOVER ASSOC TRNG J STI 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $770.00 LAW-PRIMA CONF REG.T PROCTOR 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $750.00 CD-WABO TRNG SZPEK,WILSON,SP 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $39.00 CD-RCW/WAC TRNG SZPEK 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $300.00 LAW-WABO TRNG C FREEL- 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $42.00 PARKS-CERTIFICATION/BAT RENEW 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $25.00 CD-WADOE-COASTAL TRAINING 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,460.00 CD-2015 APA CONF REG.I CONLEN 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,460.00 CD-2015 APA CONF REG.B CHAPIN 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,460.00 CD-2015 APA CONF REG.S WELSH, 245044 3/13/2015 SPOKANE POLICE DEPARTME3/4/2015 9/14-17/2015 $600.00 PD-ADV.K-9 HANDLER'S COURSE 245070 3/13/2015 VAN METER&ASSOCIATES 1N3/6/2015 01-19316 $150.00 PD-J HAGLAN FIRST-LINE SUPV.T 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $200.00 PD-WA NAFTO NATL FTO CONF B KL 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $289.00 I PRCS-WRPA ANNUAL CONF REG C.G 244739 2/27/2015 JOHNSON,TIM 2/19/2015 JOHNSON 2015 A $200.00 ED-ATNI CONVENTION JOHNSON 244739 2/27/2015 JOHNSON,TIM 2/19/2015 JOHNSON 2015 B $100.00 ED-WEDA CONFRENCE JOHNSON 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $700.00 PD-OPEN SOURCE INV.L TIROUX& 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $195.00 CD-WA IAAP CONF PIETY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $18,620.17 Key Bank Page 9 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244863 2/27/2015 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRIII/29/2015 51566 $741.35 PKM-CLEAN CRUSHED GRAVEL 245061 3/13/2015 TOPPERS INDUSTRIES INC, 2/19/2015 9516 $2,500.96 PKM-TOPPER TYPE II WETLAND FLO 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE 12/20/2015 285096 $51.20 PKM-HYLEBOS BOARDWALK SUPPLIES 244812 2/27/2015 ROAD CONSTRUCTION NORT1/26/2015 AG 14-098#5 $5,789.97 PWST-#5 SAC.MIDDLE SCHOOL PED 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072128/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $7.62 PKM-YELLOW HOT SHOT LOAD 100PK 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $188.22 PKM-SOFFITT SUPLIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $386.16 PKM-CARDBOARD ROLLS 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/14/2015 449701 $157.68 PKM-CONCRETE SUPPLIES 244769 2/27/2015 NETEX CANADA NETTING,IN(1/26/2015 2362 $8,217.20 PK/MT-NETTING FOR SAGHALIEAN 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/28/2015 451052 $579.81 PKM-CONCRETE SUPPLIES- CONSULTING CONTRACTS $193,464.12 244695 2/27/2015 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 11/17/2014 111097 $4,321.52 CD-CRITICALAREA ORDINANCE UPD 244839 2/27/2015 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF2/3/2015 2015-4718 $7,732.98 HR-CD DIRECTOR RECRUITAG14-12 244695 2/27/2015 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 2/6/2015 112526 $5,623.20 CD-CRITICALAREA ORDINANCE UPD 245056 3/13/2015 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF3/3/2015 2015-4769 $7,339.01 HR-CD DIRECTOR RECRUIT&INTER 244929 3/13/2015 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 2/4/2015 112477 $537.74 CD-ENVIRON.RV MIRROR ESTATES- 245056 3/13/2015 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF2/17/2015 2015-4747 $9,125.54 HR-CD DIRECTOR RECRUIT&INTER 244890 3/13/2015 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCI2/23/2015 027944 $907.90 CD-05-07851 GEOTECH ENG.REVIE 245056 3/13/2015 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF2/25/2015 2015-4763 $1,294.62 HR-CD DIRECTOR RECRUITAG14-12 245056 3/13/2015 THE GREG PROTHMAN COMF2/25/2015 2015-4764 $6,500.00 HR-CD DIRECTOR RECRUIT AG14-12 244836 2/27/2015 TEST AMERICA LABORATORIE2/11/2015 58083737 $192.00 SWM-WATER SAMPLE TESTING 244915 3/13/2015 COMMERCIAL SPACE ONLINE3/1/2015 83872 $100.00 CD-MARCH 2015 PROPERTY DATABAS 244968 3/13/2015 KPG INC, 2/4/2015 17915 $27,398.81 PWST-01/15 1ST @ 328TH INTERSE 244888 3/13/2015 AQUATECHNEX,INC., 2/16/2015 5440 $265.00 SWM-AQUATIC PLANT MGMT STLK AG 244837 2/27/2015 TETRA TECH,INC, 1/23/2015 50878178 $18,741.47 PWST-28TH AVE S.ENG.SVC. AG 245054 3/13/2015 TETRA TECH,INC, 2/26/2015 50889390 $23,614.08 PWST-28TH AVE S.ENG.SVC. AG Key Bank Page 10 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244747 2/27/2015 KPG INC, 2/4/2015 17615 $1,572.71 PWTR-ENGINEERING SVCAG13-146— 244691 2/27/2015 EFELLE MEDIA, 1/24/2015 19548 $135.00 CDED-TOURISM WEBSITE SVC AG13- 244691 2/27/2015 EFELLE MEDIA, 2/24/2015 19766 $135.00 CDED-TOURISM WEBSITE SVC AG13- 244746 2/27/2015 KPG INC, 2/4/2015 17515 $74,458.52 PWST-PAC.HWY HOV DESIGN SVC A 244971 3/13/2015 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC, 1/28/2015 34554 $1,407.14 ' SWM-12/14 ON-CALL ENGINEERING 244888 3/13/2015 AQUATECHNEX,INC., 2/16/2015 5441 $265.00 SWM-AQUATIC PLANT MGMT N.LAKE 244954 3/13/2015 HUITT-ZOLLARS INC, 2/27/2015 1510480121 $1,796.88 PWST-01/15 PANTHER LAKE TRAIL CONTRIBUTIONSIDONATIONS-PRIV $-237.63 244944 3/13/2015 GRIB,DINA 3/5/2015 05-08514 REFUND $-237.63 PW-05-08514 ROW REFUND GRIB D CORPORATIONS-GENERAL $75.00 244637 2/27/2015 AMERICAN INT'L MEMORIALS2/10/2015 01-99336 $75.00 FI-2015 BL OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS COURT-AUTO THEFT PREVENTION $7,048.42 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $7,048.42 FI-02/15 AUTO THEFT PREVENTION COURT-CRIME VICTIMS $1,455.83 245016 3/13/2015 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS(3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,455.83 02/15 REMIT CRIME VICTIMS FEES COURT-DEATH INV ACCT $125.35 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $125.35 FI-02/15 DEATH INVESTIGATIONS COURT-HWY SAFETY ACT $198.93 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $198.93 FI-02/15 HIGHWAY SAFETY COURT-PSEA JIS $17,652.89 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $17,652.89 FI-02/15 PSEAJIS FEES COURT-SCHOOL SAFETY ZONE $1,019.83 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,019.83 FI-02/15 SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY COURT-STATE PORTION $42,869.70 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $42,869.70 FI-02/15 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT-STATE PSEA 2 $20,854.10 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $20,854.10 FI-02/15 PSEA COURT FEES#2 COURT-STATE PSEA3 $477.94 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $477.94 FI-02/15 PSEA COURT FEES#3 COURT-TRAUMA BRAIN INJURY $1,348.93 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,348.93 FI-02/15 BRAIN TRAUMA INJ. COURT-WSP HIWAY ACCT $710.83 Key Bank Page 11 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $710.83 FI-02/15 WSP HIGHWAY COURT-TRAUMA VICTIMS $3,610.53 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $3,610.53 FI-02/15 TRAUMA VICTIMS CPL LAMINATION $5.00 244640 2/27/2015 APARIS,DEREK R 2/11/2015 03-82715 REFUND $5.00 PD-REFUND CPL OUT OF JURISDICT CUSTODIAL&CLEANING $15,230.32 244641 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/10/2015 1987863175 $69.52 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 244641 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/17/2015 1987874529 $73.17 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 244889 3/13/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3/3/2015 1987897402 $69.52 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 244889 3/13/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/24/2015 1987885912 $69.52 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 244642 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/2/2015 1987848202 $25.08 FWCC-FLOOR MATS SVC 244642 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/2/2015 1987848203 $49.38 FWCC-LINEN SVC 244642 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/16/2015 1987870994 $25.08 FWCC-FLOOR MATS SVC 244642 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/16/2015 1987870995 $49.38 FWCC-LINEN SVC 244889 3/13/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3/2/2015 1987893788 $25.08 FWCC-LINEN SERVICE 244889 3/13/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3/2/2015 1987893789 $49.38 FWCC-LINEN SERVICE 245050 3/13/2015 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE3/1/2015 6052 $3,733.11 PKM-02/15 JANITORIAL SVC AG14- 245050 3/13/2015 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE3/1/2015 6207 $416.35 PKM-02/15 JANITORIAL SVCAG14- 244908 3/13/2015 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN1/31/2015 43561 $255.00 DBC-JANITORIAL SVC AG13-168- 245086 3/13/2015 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET C2/6/2015 61234 $1,889.00 CHB-CARPET CLEANING SVC AG13-0 244653 2/27/2015 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN1/31/2015 43524 $4,897.79 DBC-JAN 2015 JANITORIAL SVC AG 244641 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/10/2015 1987863174 $160.61 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 244641 2/27/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/17/2015 1987874528 $91.19 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 244889 3/13/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE3/3/2015 1987897401 $15.42 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 244889 3/13/2015 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/24/2015 1987885911 $79.69 DBC-LINEN SERVICE 245025 3/13/2015 REGENCY CLEANERS, 12/31/2014 2854 $779.53 PD-DRY CLEANING SVC AG14-024- 245025 3/13/2015 REGENCY CLEANERS, 2/28/2015 2908 $693.12 PD-DRY CLEANING SVC AG14-024- Key Bank Page 12 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245025 3/13/2015 REGENCY CLEANERS, 1/31/2015 2885 $1,004.86 PD-DRY CLEANING SVC AG14-024- 245050 3/13/2015 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE3/1/2015 6052 $516.89 PKM-02/15 JANITORIAL SVC AG14- 245050 3/13/2015 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE3/1/2015 6207 $57.65 PKM-02/15 JANITORIAL SVC AG14- 244883 3/13/2015 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM S1211912015 955761 $135.00 PKM-3/1-5/31/15 ALARM DEPOSIT/BONDS PAYABLE-PW $4,200.00 244944 3/13/2015 GRIB,DINA 3/5/2015 05-08514 REFUND $4,200.00 PW-05-08514 ROW REFUND GRIB DR DEPOSIT-CD-BLDG OTHER BLDG RV $15,932.56 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5/1/2014 2014-FED-APR A $8,959.18 CD-05-07678 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(6/5/2014 2014-FED-MAY $2,302.42 CD-05-07631 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(6/8/2014 2014-FED-JUN $330.00 CD-04-05578 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(8/25/2014 2014-FED-JUL $4,340.96 CD-05-07881 PLANS REVIEW CONSU DEPOSIT-ENVIRON REVIEW $907.90 244890 3/13/2015 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCI2/23/2015 027944 $907.90 CD-05-07851 GEOTECH ENG.REVIE DP COMPONENTS $1,662.74 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $7.64 IT-REPL BLOWOUT FUSE 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $9.84 IT-MISC HDWR F/PACKCAMERA 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $688.76 IT-IPAD FOR A PEARSALL 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $688.76 IT-IPAD FOR STEVE MCNEY 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $208.03 IT-PRINTER PD TRUCK 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $59.71 IT-PRIVACY FILTER FOR MONITOR EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE $1,805.00 244911 3/13/2015 CHI,MIKE 2/24/2015 BT202 $1,805.00 PD-TUITION/COLLEGE/REI N BU RSEME ELECTRICAL PERMITS $444.40 244632 2/27/2015 ADT LLC, 2/11/2015 14-103938 REFUND $28.80 CD-REFUND PERMIT CANCELLED 244878 3/13/2015 ADT SECURITY SERVICES INC3/2/2015 14-100997 $28.80 CD-PERMIT CANCELLEDBY CONTRACT 245032 3/13/2015 SEATAC VILLAGE SHOPPING G/5/2015 14-101212 $358.00 CD-PERMIT ISSUED,NO WORK DONE 244877 3/13/2015 ADT LLC, 10/11/2014 14-105278 $28.80 CD-PERMIT CANCELLED BY CONTRAC ELECTRICITY $93,381.06 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $176.98 PWTR-01/15 199 SW 311TH PLACE- 1 I Key Bank Page 13 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244803 2/27/2015 'PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $378.45 PWTR-01/15 S320&32ND AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $645.93 PWTR-01/15 S288TH ST&PAC HWY 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $24.52 PWTR-01/15 32932 7TH CT.SW- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $169.83 PWTR-01/15 S282ND ST&MILITAR 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $33.54 PWTR-01/15 2140 SW 356TH- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $128.71 PWTR-01/15 32400 SR 99 NE CRNR 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $261.34 PWTR-01/15 727 S 312TH STREET- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $148.52 PWTR-01/15 21 AVE SW&334TH- , 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $133.97 PWTR-01/15 3460 SR 99 SW CRNR- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $268.70 PWTR-01/15 23 AVE S&317TH 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $15.25 PWTR-01/15 1ST WAYS&334TH S 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $391.25 PWTR-01/15 31847 PAC HWY S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $65.19 PWTR-01/15 8TH AVE S&DASH PT 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $305.51 PWTR-01/15 35202 ENCHANTED PKW 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $165.03 PWTR-01/15 PAC HWY S&S 330TH 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $60.89 PWTR-01/15 31910 GATEWAY CNTR 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $538.69 PWTR-01/15 31200 SR 99 SE CRNR 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $334.38 PWTR-01/15 35505 PAC HWY S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $35.61 PWTR-01/15 3420 SW 343RD ST- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $238.52 PWTR-01/15 S 336TH @ WEYERHAEU 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $270.04 PWTR-01/15 S 320TH ST&23RD A 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $220.32 PWTR-01/15 36201 MILTON ROAD- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC 2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $804.20 PWTR-01/15 S 336TH&PAC HWY- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $100.00 PWTR-01/15 CRNR S 316&23RD A 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $257.87 PWTR-01/15 SW 324TH&11TH PL 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $117.01 PWTR-01/15 36111 16TH AVE S- Key Bank Page 14 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PVVTR 2015 01 $133.68 PWTR-01/15 21ST AVE S GRID ROA 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $200.91 PWTR-01/15 35007 16TH AVE 5- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $227.51 PWTR-01/15 S 314TH&20TH AVE- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $11.07 PVVTR-01/15 35909 1ST AVE SW FL 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $50.77 PWTR-01/15 STAR LK RD&MILITA 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $226.85 PWTR-01/15 S 348TH&PAC HWY- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PVVTR 2015 01 $202.23 PWTR-01/15 1000 SW CAMPUS DRIV 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $76.07 PWTR-01/15 CAMPUS DR&6TH AVE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $32.94 PWTR-01/15 VARIOUS LOCATIONS- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $826.82 PWTR-01/15 320TH ST&PAC HWY- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $10.98 PWTR-01/15 308TH ST.&2ND AVE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $22.82 PWTR-01/15 1300 S 334TH STREET 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $70.73 PWTR-01/15 S 333ND&1ST WAY S 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $309.67 PWTR-01/15 SR 161&356TH- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PVVTR 2015 01 $10.98 PWTR-01/15 36600 PAC HWY S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $352.31 PWTR-01/15 33645 20TH PL S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $104.22 PWTR-01/15 HOYT RD&340TH- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $65.81 PWTR-01/15 1ST AVE S&330TH S 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $105.11 PWTR-01/15 33507 9TH AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $112.08 PWTR-01/15 S 322ND ST&23RD A 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $133.51 PWTR-01/15 31130 27TH AVE SW- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $11.07 PWTR-01/15 115 S 361ST PL FLAS 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $196.67 PWTR-01/15 SW 340TH ST&HOYT 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $243.52 PVVTR-01/15 33401 38TH AVE 5- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $10.98 PWTR-01/15 32731 HOYT RD FLASH 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $154.72 PWTR-01/15 32400 STATE RT 99 S Key Bank Page 15 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $22.21 PWTR-01/15 35654 9TH AVE SW 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $632.58 PWTR-01/15 32400 SR 99 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $454.76 PWTR-01/15 32400 SR 99 SE CRNR 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $45.22 PWTR-01/15 3318 SW 346TH PLACE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $10.98 PWTR-01/15 SW 308TH ST&4TH A 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $51.65 PWTR-01/15 33405 6TH AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $11.26 PWTR-01/15 2510SW 336TH IRRIG 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $80.36 PWTR-01/15 21ST AVE SW&DASH 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $56.24 PWTR-01/15 35106 21ST AVE SW- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $103.83 PWTR-01/15 34800 21ST AVE SW- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $269.68 PWTR-01/15 23RD AVE&320TH ST 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $253.97 PWTR-01/15 NE CRNR S 312TH&2 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $11.08 PWTR-01/15 32562 SW HOYD RD FL 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $157.50 PWTR-01/15 33325 8TH AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $360.50 PWTR-01/15 1453 S 308TH STREET 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $192.51 PWTR-01/15 1405 S 312TH STREET 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $149.02 PWTR-01/15 34018 PAC HWY S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $107.94 PWTR-01/15 34921 16TH AVE S 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $31.88 PWTR-01/15 HWY 509&21STAVE- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $238.19 PWTR-01/15 824 SW 361ST ST- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $44.45 PWTR-01/15 31020 14TH AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $10.98 PWTR-01/15 SW 329TH WAY&HOYT 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $316.59 PWTR-01/15 SW CRNR 312TH&PAC 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $159.47 PWTR-01/15 34010 20TH AVENUE- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $44.38 PWTR-01/15 491 S 338TH STREET- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $47.78 PWTR-01/15 2510 S 336TH STREET Key Bank Page 16 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $464.70 PWTR-01/15 30390 PAC HWY S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $34.95 PWTR-01/15 29829 23RD AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $96.60 PWTR-01/15 18TH AVE&S 312TH- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $39.34 PWTR-01/15 3 296TH PL&MILITA 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $117.18 PWTR-01/15 21ST AVE SW&325TH 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $267.67 PWTR-01/15 S 348TH HOV LANE- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $40.82 PWTR-01/15 S 316TH&PAC HWY- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $326.25 PWTR-01/15 33800 WEYER.HWY- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $69.95 PWTR-01/15 SW 340TH&35TH AVE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $230.40 PWTR-01/15 1790 SW 345TH PLACE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $360.13 PWTR-01/15 32000 PAC HWY SE CR 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $336.94 PWTR-01/15 S 348TH ST&1ST AV 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $28.37 PWTR-01/15 515 S 312TH STREET- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $310.98 PWrR-01/15 S 320TH ST&WEYER. 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $49.62 PWTR-01/15 1414 S 324TH STREET 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $138.10 PWTR-01/15 31455 28TH AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $30.62 PWTR-01/15 2613 S 275TH PLACE- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $106.21 PWTR-01/15 21ST AVE&356TH SW 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $255.45 PWTR-01/15 322ND ST&23RD AVE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $233.55 PWTR-01/15 312TH ST&23RD AVE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $120.58 PWTR-01/15 288TH ST.&18TH AV 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $375.42 PWTR-01/15 21ST AVE SW&344TH 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $87.11 PWTR-01/15 316TH ST&20TH AVE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $82.89 PWTR-01/15 304TH ST&MILITARY 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $60.74 PWTR-01/15 33220 ST.WAY SOUTH 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $113.42 PWTR-01/15 1ST WAYS&336TH S Key Bank Page 17 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $77.50 PWTR-01/15 34836 WEYER.WAY S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $104.83 PWTR-01/15 2999 SW 314TH ST- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $327.99 PWTR-01/15 33099 HOYT RD.SW- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $27.93 PWTR-01/15 28516 24TH AVE S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/2/2015 PWTR 2015 01 $136.87 PWTR-01/15 35896 PAC HWY S- 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/4/2015 400000885485 $429.00 PWTR-NEW FLASHER ON 16TH AVE 244803 2/27/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/9/2015 300000009526 $17,314.15 PWTR-01/15 NON-METERED ELECT 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $699.98 DBC/KFT-01/15 3200 SW DASH PT 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/19/2015 300000001234 $60.31 SWM-34016 9TH AVE FLOOD GATES- 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $43.66 PKF-01/15 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $349.03 PKM-01/15 31132 28TH AVE STLK 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $1,399.97 DBC/KFT-01/15 3200 SW DASH PT 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $32,000.93 FWCC-11/14-01/15 876 S 333RD Z 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $161.56 FWCC-01/15 876 S 333RD ST.LIG 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/11/2015 220006034841 $135.02 PKM-726 S 356TH ST#MOBIL 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/17/2015 220003675349 $45.46 PKM-726 S 356TH ST#BLUE ELECT 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/17/2015 220006034841 $35.29 PKM-726S 356TH ST#MOBIL 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $1,507.08 PKF-01/15 SAC PARK RR FIELD LI 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $24.27 PKF-01/15 1ST AVE&CAMPUS DR. 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $26.63 PKM-01/15 2410 S 312TH BEACH R 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $13.97 PKM-01/15 2410 S 312TH STORAGE 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $190.20 PKM-01/15 2410 S 312TH WOODSHO 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $915.82 PKF-01/15 2645 S 312TH ANX-RR/ 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $13.03 PKF-01/15 2645 S 312TH SEWER L 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $10.98 PKF-01/15 28156 1/2 24TH HERIT 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $2,868.32 PKF-01/15 33914 19TH AVE SAG F Key Bank Page 18 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $13.73 PKF-01/15 34915 4TH AVE MARKX 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $34.41 PKF-01/15 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $9.28 PKF-01/15 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $603.99 PKF-01/15 21ST AVE LAKOTA RR B 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $233.60 PKF-01/15 2410 S 312TH STLK ST 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $121.25 PKF-01/15 726 S 356TH BROOKLA 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $190.10 PKF-01/15 726 S 356TH BROOKLA 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $12,979.74 CHB-01/15 33325 8TH AVE Z00453 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $735.43 PKF-01/15 600 S 333RD EVID.BL 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $400.78 PKCP-01/15 S 324TH BLDG A- 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $701.69 PKCP-01/15 S 324TH BLDG B- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FEES-PAS: $-907.90 244890 3/13/2015 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCI2/23/2015 027944 $-907.90 CD-05-07851 GEOTECH ENG.REVIE EXPEDITED PLAN REVIEW FEES $-15,932.56 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5/1/2014 2014-FED-APR A $-8,959.18 CD-05-07678 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(6/5/2014 2014-FED-MAY $-2,302.42 CD-05-07631 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(6/8/2014 2014-FED-JUN $-330.00 CD-04-05578 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(8/25/2014 2014-FED-JUL $-4,340.96 CD-05-07881 PLANS REVIEW CONSU EXPLORER DONATIONS $5,096.27 244714 2/27/2015 GRACE CHURCH, 2/16/2015 2014 ADOPT FAMILY $5,096.27 PD-2014 ADOPT A FAMILY PROGRAM FILING&RECORDING FEES-INTGOV $176.00 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $94.50 PW-TITLE/LICENSE FOR VEHICLE 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $81.50 PWFLT-VEHICLE REGISTRATION FIRST CLASS POSTAGE $2,346.04 244799 2/27/2015 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV1/31/2015 4170803 $2,285.48 FI-01/15 POSTAGE&COURIER 244699 2/27/2015 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR.11/28/2014 2-859-88133 $60.56 MO-FLAG PICTURE SHIPP TO SN.M FOOD&BEVERAGE $15,306.86 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $22.86 CD-CRITICAL AREAS ORDIN/FOOD 244849 2/27/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/5/2015 107114 $167.91 PRCS-DAUGHTERS NIGHT OUT SUPPL Key Bank Page 19 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244905 3/13/2015 CAFFE D'ARTE LLC, 2/24/2015 296768 $40.00 HR-COFFEE&COFFEE SUPPLIES 244814 2/27/2015 SAFEWAY STORE#1555, 1/21/2015 720601-012115-1555 $37.02 PRCS-PIRATE PARTY SUPPLIES 244814 2/27/2015 SAFEWAY STORE#1555, 1/22/2015 432674-012215-1555 $13.77 PRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $67.59 FWCC/PRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $43.80 PRCS-KID ESCAPE PIZZA 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $9.83 PKDBC-OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,251.16 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $65.73 CC-COUNCIL RETREAT SUPPLIES 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $11.98 PD-FOOD FOR ECAT VOLUNTEER- 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $24.56 PD-OFFICER RETIREMENT SUPPLIES 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $48.50 PD-ENTRY LEVEL ORAL BOARDS LUN 244708 2/27/2015 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/2/6/2015 6114457 $373.58 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/7/2015 173549 $93.35 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/8/2015 228492 $24.84 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/10/2015 303865 $63.05 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/10/2015 331789 $49.44 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/11/2015 372934 $106.07 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/14/2015 139081 $88.72 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/15/2015 194849 $84.54 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/16/2015 246204 $46.12 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/17/2015 378055 $91.91 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/19/2015 477301 $10.56 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/26/2015 114394 $400.60 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $202.78 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/23/2015 159687 $11.63 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/23/2015 195301 $96.23 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 20 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/24/2015 215580 $57.57 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/24/2015 261353 $86.99 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/26/2015 016258 $35.90 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/27/2015 114766 $199.22 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 244938 3/13/2015 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/2/27/2015 6158280 $128.88 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/3/2/2015 115938 $165.07 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/20/2015 003266 $19.21 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/22/2015 096115 $3.49 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/22/2015 138419 $39.66 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/31/2015 262691 $117.50 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/31/2015 289600 $47.92 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K1/31/2015 326884 $5.99 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/2/2015 021871 $72.52 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/2/2015 051582 $52.42 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/2/2015 106174 $137.79 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/3/2015 106240 $365.61 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/4/2015 106543 $275.92 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/6/2015 107260 $317.69 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/7/2015 107580 $166.52 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/9/2015 047352 $26.08 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/9/2015 108313 $290.86 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/11/2015 108959 $685.83 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/11/2015 110928 $8.82 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 244938 3/13/2015 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/2/11/2015 6123111 $718.54 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/13/2015 109682 $447.13 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&02/13/2015 109693 $12.80 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 21 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/13/2015 298349 $19.40 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/14/2015 110126 $148.76 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/14/2015 306499 $78.87 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/15/2015 110511 $217.03 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/15/2015 391332 $127.99 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/15/2015 401661 $15.98 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/17/2015 002452 $33.45 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/17/2015 014247 $78.93 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/17/2015 047515 $6.00 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/17/2015 1111150 $200.70 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/17/2015 111288 $39.69 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/18/2015 111509 $357.86 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/19/2015 107467 $9.04 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/19/2015 111844 $450.44 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/20/2015 112224 $267.99 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/20/2015 170634 $37.84 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/20/2015 225229 $16.47 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/21/2015 112645 $266.96 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/21/2015 234804 $9.09 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/21/2015 262642 $28.00 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/22/2015 315139 $57.88 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/23/2015 113337 $162.20 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&02/24/2015 113677 $185.55 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/25/2015 120176 $18.76 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 245022 3/13/2015 QFC CUSTOMER CHARGES-K2/25/2015 125213 $27.02 PKDBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 244938 3/13/2015 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICf2/25/2015 6151977 $521.98 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 22 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244789 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-FWCC, 2/17/2015 FWCC-02/17/15 $87.58 FWCC-WINCO-PIZZA FOR STAFF 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $63.65 PWST-OPEN HOUSE SR99 PH5 1/28/ 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $19.38 PW-OPEN HOUSE SNACKS 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $193.13 PRCS-COFFEE FOR DROP IN SERVIC 244771 2/27/2015 NORRIS,ELIZABETH 2/9/2015 NORRIS 2015 A $101.07 PRCS-COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 244771 2/27/2015 NORRIS,ELIZABETH 2/9/2015 NORRIS 2015 B $175.18 PRCS-COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 244849 2/27/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/13/2015 109887 $141.11 PRCS-FDUB VALENTINE'S DANCE 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/22/2015 113087 $18.03 PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPICS EVENT 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $56.98 PRCS-COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $190.51 PRCS-VALENTINE DINNER DANCE F 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $19.45 PRCS-FDUB BOARD GAMES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $21.70 PRCS-INTERVIEW LUNCH SPLASH CA 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $95.75 PRCS-YOUTH COMMISSION DINNER 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $25.05 PD-FOOD FOR DETECTIVES- 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $42.71 PD-FOOD FOR DETECTIVES WORKING 244767 2/27/2015 MOUNTAIN MIST WATER, 1/29/2015 005992903 $55.96 PD-BOTTLED WATER 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $18.99 PD-SHEET CAKE FOR ORTA- 244988 3/13/2015 MOUNTAIN MIST WATER, 2/28/2015 077665 $30.48 PD-02/15 BOTTLED WATER 245020 3/13/2015 PWF PROCESSING, 3/1/2015 101679 $1,064.34 PD-BOTTLE WATER SVC . 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $63.16 PD-ENTRY LEVEL ORAL BOARDS LUN 244719 2/27/2015 HALL,DEBBIE 2/27/2015 HALL 2015 $65.35 FI-DEPARTING EMPLOYEE RECEPTIO 244701 2/27/2015 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SE1/31/2015 4557 $91.00 P0-01/15 SCHL MEALS FOR OFFICE 244934 3/13/2015 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SE2/28/2015 4590 $94.25 PD-MEALS FOR POLICE OFFICERS 244651 2/27/2015 CARREL,CHRIS 2/24/2015 REIMB $4.99 MO-LUNCH W/FW MIRROR EDITOR 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SC2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $75.96 PRCS-SEAHAWKS RALLY CAKES 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SC2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $99.54 MO-ALL CITY SOUP FEED SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 23 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $17.97 MO-ALL CITY SOUP FEED SUPPLIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $34.12 MO-LUNCH MEETINGS J.F.&STEVE 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $7.65 MO-LUNCH IN OLYMPIA 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $42.29 MO-LUNCH MTG J.F.&MARTIN MOO 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $10.94 MO-WORKING STAFF MTG. 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $15.32 MO-WORKING STAFF MTG. 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $23.77 MO-ALL CITY SOUP FEED SUPPLIES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $94.08 MO-WORKING LUNCH B WILSON,T J 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $36.94 PW/SWR GREEN LIVING WKSH 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $18.82 PW/SWR TOOL LIBRARY ORGANIZING 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $41.74 PW/SWR REFRESH F/WM INTERNS 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $25.35 PW/SWR SUPPLIES F/WORM COMPOST 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $18.00 SWR-CUPCAKES 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $105.11 HR-PACC DIR INTERVIEW FOOD 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SC2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $43.25 HR-CD DIR INTERVIEW FOOD 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $19.62 HR-CD INTERV PANEL LUNCH 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $215.46 HR-PACC DIR INTERV PANEL LUNCH 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $158.34 IT-CD DIRECTOR INTERV PANEL LU 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $44.85 HR-PACC INTERVIEW SUPPLIES GASOLINE $34,875.39 244702 2/27/2015 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTf1/30/2015 AR10403 $14,833.63 PD-01/2015 VEHICLE FUEL- 244696 2/27/2015 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS(DBA), 2/15/2015 42890CT $470.02 PD-02/15 FUEL FOR POLICE VEHIC 244930 3/13/2015 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS(DBA), 2/28/2015 43896CT $547.47 PD-02/16-02/28/15 VEHICLE FUEL 244935 3/13/2015 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(1/30/2015 AR10403 $14,833.63 PD-JAN 2015 FUEL 244696 2/27/2015 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS(DBA), 2/15/2015 42889CT $32.32 PWFLT-VEHICLE FUEL 244935 3/13/2015 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(1/30/2015 AR10404 $4,002.82 PWFLT-01/15 FLEET FUEL Key Bank Page 24 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244930 3/13/2015 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS(DBA), 2/8/2015 43895CT $155.50 PWFLT-02/12/15-02/28/15 VEHICL HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM $400.00 245084 3/13/2015 WEINS,MICHELLE L. 2/26/2015 HR 2015 $100.00 HR-DEDUCTIBLE REMIB.2015 244705 2/27/2015 FIX,TAMARA 2/13/2015 FIX 2015 $100.00 CD-MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE FIX 244649 2/27/2015 BYKERK,ANDREA 2/12/2015 BYKERK 2015 $100.00 CD-MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE BYKERK 244850 2/27/2015 UPTON,SHAWNA 2/17/2015 UPTON 2015 $100.00 PW-MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE UPTON HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES $4,545.65 244913 3/13/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/10/2015 GT2744219 $169.07 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244913 3/13/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/10/2015 NT2744219 $117.80 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/30/2015 GT2741079 $202.27 PKDBC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/30/2015 NT2741079 $234.94 PKDBC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244938 3/13/2015 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/2/1112015 6123111 $198.45 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/30/2015 GW2741000 $427.43 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 1/30/2015 NW2741000 $517.63 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/3/2015 9656238921 $39.30 FWCC-UTILITY BLADES 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/5/2015 9659106281 $21.04 FWCC-BROOM 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/6/2015 GW2743198 $233.51 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/6/2015 NW2743198 $131.17 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244913 3/13/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/20/2015 GW2747223 $326.36 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244913 3/13/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/20/2015 NW2747223 $487.08 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/24/2015 9675415484 $11.16 FWCC-BROOM BRACE 244913 3/13/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/23/2015 GT2747673 $42.27 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244913 3/13/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/23/2015 NT2747673 $54.77 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/3/2015 GT2741886 $414.22 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 244675 2/27/2015 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 2/3/2015 NT2741886 $917.18 CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INSURANCE-STOP LOSS $29,985.63 244717 2/27/2015 GROUP HEALTH, 1/21/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 A $26,990.05 FEB 2015 OPTIONS/ALLIANT PLUS Key Bank Page 25 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244718 2/27/2015 GROUP HEALTH, 1/21/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 B $2,995.58 FEB 2015 HMO SELF FUND COOP INVESTIGATIVE EXPENSES $9,066.05 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $1,017.63 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $9.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02120/15 $216.00 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $78.07 PS COVERTACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/,20/15 $388.33 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $34.31 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $31.18 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $216.00 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $37.43 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $255.40 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $492.51 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $20.10 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $596.11 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $3.50 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- 244672 2/27/2015 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 2/20/2015 PD-02/20/15 $718.39 PS COVERT ACCOUNT- Key Bank Page 26 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244668 2/27/2015 CIS FUND-BRIGIT CLARY, 2/19/2015 CLARY 2015 $636.02 PD-REPLENISH CIS FUND 244670 2/27/2015 CIS FUND-ED FADLER, 2/19/2015 FADLER 2015 $49.20 PD-REPLENISH CIS FUND 244669 2/27/2015 CIS FUND-CHRIS NORMAN, 2/19/2015 NORMAN 2015 $217.37 PD-REPLENISH CIS FUND 244671 2/27/2015 CIS FUND-JOHN STIEBEN, 2/19/2015 STIEBEN 2015 $4,017.50 PD-REPLENISH CIS FUND LAND $2,595.00 244704 2/27/2015 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUI2/12/2015 874-420982682 $492.75 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 244704 2/27/2015 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUI2/21/2015 874-420982858 $109.50 PWST-SR99 PH V TITLE REPORT 244828 2/27/2015 STOKES LAWRENCE PSA, 11/21/2014 191277 $1,500.00 FI-LOAN DOC.FOR CREDIT SVC 244704 2/27/2015 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUH/8/2015 874-420982039 $492.75 ED-TARGET PROPERTY TITLE REPOR LEGAL NOTICES $681.00 244821 2/27/2015 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/30/2015 561830 $175.00 HRCK-CITY NEWSPAPER AG12-006- 244685 2/27/2015 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER1/31/2015 3296638 $506.00 FWCC-RFP LANDSCAPE LEGAL AD LODGING $550.91 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $232.83 LAW-PRIMA CONF HOTEL DEPOSIT- 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $119.90 PD-POLICE MOTORCYCLE SCHOOL G 244739 2/27/2015 JOHNSON,TIM 2/19/2015 JOHNSON 2015 A $87.30 ED-ATNI CONVENTION JOHNSON 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $110.88 PD-FLAMINGO HOTEL 1ST NIGHT DE LOW INCOME SENIOR UTAX REBATE $7,181.04 244855 2/27/2015 VOLLAND,CAROL 8/7/1963 VOLLAND 2014 $87.63 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244785 2/27/2015 PERRY,AGNES 1/12/2015 14 PERRY $143.45 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244784 2/27/2015 PATTERSON,WANDA 1/19/2015 14 PATTERSON $123.59 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244755 2/27/2015 LEE,SUNG S 1/30/2015 14 LEE $79.90 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244662 2/27/2015 CHO,YOUNG A 2/24/2015 CH,YOUNG-2014 $65.60 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244661 2/27/2015 CHO,KI HYUN 2/24/2015 CHO,KI 2014 $40.63 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244663 2/27/2015 CHOI,MUN HWAN 2/24/2015 CHOI,MUN H.-2014 $62.38 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244665 2/27/2015 CHUNG,MASIA 2/24/2015 CHUNG,M.-2014 $160.51 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244666 2/27/2015 CHUNG,NAN HWA 2/24/2015 CHUNG,N-2014 $66.78 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244674 2/27/2015 CLEAVINGER,GLENN&ROSE2/24/2015 CLEAVINGER-2014 $72.54 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE Key Bank Page 27 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244710 2/27/2015 GEYMAN,CAROLYN H. 2/24/2015 GEYMAN-2014 $132.46 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244711 2/27/2015 GILLIES,MARJORIE 2/24/2015 GILLIES-2014 $61.10 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244726 2/27/2015 HOHAGEN,HANS J. 2/24/2015 HOHAGEN-2014 $336.90 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244727 2/27/2015 HUGHES,N'GUY 2/24/2015 HUGHES-2014 $139.70 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244729 2/27/2015 IN,CHONG Y 2/24/2015 IN,CHONG-2014 $70.92 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244730 2/27/2015 INGRAM,PATRICIA M. 2/24/2015 INGRAM-2014 $154.99 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244741 2/27/2015 KIM,CHONG HUI&JONG UN 2/24/2015 KIM,CHONG-2014 $55.29 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244753 2/27/2015 LEE,HYUN D&SOOK Y 2/24/2015 LEE,HYUN-2014 $55.85 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244811 2/27/2015 RO,CHUNG JA 2/24/2015 RO,CHUNG-2014 $59.13 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244817 2/27/2015 SEREDICH,NADEZHDA 2/24/2015 SEREDICH-2014 $74.15 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244818 2/27/2015 SIMONSSON,MICHAEL 2/24/2015 SIMONSSON-2014 $116.02 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244643 2/27/2015 ASHCRAFT,JOHN W. 2/9/2015 14 ASHCRAFT $184.03 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244752 2/27/2015 LEBER,JOAN 2/13/2015 14 LEBER $186.65 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244777 2/27/2015 OH,KEUN&YEON 2/13/2015 14 OH $93.94 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244782 2/27/2015 PANTOJA,GABRIEL 2/13/2015 14 PANTOJA $178.74 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244783 2/27/2015 PARLOG,NANCY L 2/13/2015 14 PARLOG $126.08 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244816 2/27/2015 SEO,BOK S 2/13/2015 14 SEO $67.07 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244834 2/27/2015 TAYLOR,RICHARD 2/13/2015 14 TAYLOR $55.80 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244639 2/27/2015 ANDRIYENKO,PETR 2/17/2015 14ANDRIYENKO $50.14 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244660 2/27/2015 CHEY,MYONG SUN 2/17/2015 14 CHEY $40.18 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244667 2/27/2015 CHUNG,TUK JA 2/17/2015 14 CHUNG $40.76 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244673 2/27/2015 CLEARY,MARGARET 2/17/2015 14 CLEARY $147.21 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244763 2/27/2015 MCJUNKIN,DONNA 2/17/2015 14 MCJUNKIN $98.94 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244781 2/27/2015 PANICOV,ION&PARASCOVIA2/17/2015 14 PANICOV $41.48 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244808 2/27/2015 QUON,MICHAEL 2/17/2015 14 QUON $112.65 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244893 3/13/2015 BAILEY,GENEVA 3/11/2015 BAILEY 2014 $241.04 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE Key Bank Page 28 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244900 3/13/2015 BOLAR,EMMA 3/11/2015 BOLAR 2014 $144.76 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244904 3/13/2015 BURRIS,PEGGY D. 3/11/2015 BURRIS 2014 $160.59 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244922 3/13/2015 DAVENPORT,NOLA 3/11/2015 DAVENPORT 2014 $194.62 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244936 3/13/2015 FITZPATRICK,MARION 3/11/2015 FITZPATRICK 2014 $171.11 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244946 3/13/2015 HARMON,EARNEST L 3/11/2015 HARMON 2014 $75.44 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244962 3/13/2015 KENT,HELENE 3/11/2015 KENT 2014 $147.08 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244963 3/13/2015 KERNS,SALLY 3/11/2015 KERNS 2014 $182.56 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244974 3/13/2015 LEE,BOK H AND SEUNG K 3/11/2015 LEE,B 2014 $122.60 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244977 3/13/2015 LEVIN,PATRICIA 3/11/2015 LEVIN 2014 $199.95 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 244990 3/13/2015 NEVERS,SHERYL 3/11/2015 NEVERS 2014 $217.14 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245023 3/13/2015 RAGAN,MARIANNE 3/11/2015 RAGAN 2014 $91.24 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245026 3/13/2015 REGEZA,MARIYA 3/11/2015 REGEZA2014 $17.93 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245029 3/13/2015 SAYLER,ROBERT 3/11/2015 SAYER 2014 $310.91 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245047 3/13/2015 STOKES,SHELLEY 3/11/2015 STOKES 2014 $26.29 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245048 3/13/2015 STURGIS,DOROTHY J 3/11/2015 STURGIS 2014 $286.44 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245053 3/13/2015 TATSUYOSHI,HUA SUN 3/11/2015 TATSUYOSHI $68.09 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245064 3/13/2015 TROUT,MICHAEL 3/11/2015 TROUT 2014 $37.04 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245066 3/13/2015 ULMER,MARGARET J. 3/11/2015 ULMER 2014 $238.67 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245079 3/13/2015 WARRIOR,GWENDOLYN 3/11/2015 WARRIOR 2014 $230.77 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245085 3/13/2015 WEST,CAROL 3/11/2015 WEST 2014 $42.64 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245089 3/13/2015 YARROLL,JANICE 3/11/2015 YARROLL 2014 $331.58 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE 245090 3/13/2015 YUN,DUCK H 3/11/2015 YUN 2014 $59.36 FI-2014 UTILITY TAX REBATE MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT $156,164.73 244918 3/13/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 11/5/2014 443149 $1,311.48 PWST-BLOCKS FOR BRINE SYSTEM S 245034 3/13/2015 SECOMA FENCE INC, 2/11/2015 10516 $628.86 PWST-FENCE REPAIR MATERIALS 244917 3/13/2015 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIE3/3/2015 W209233 $574.28 IT-DBC-ACC 5 ENTERPRICE LI Key Bank Page 29 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244917 3/13/2015 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIE3/3/2015 W209233 $1,980.00 IT-DBC-5.0 MEGAPIXEL 3-9MM 244917 3/13/2015 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIE3/3/2015 W209233 $242.66 Sales Tax 244879 3/13/2015 ADVANCED COVERT TECHNO2/25/2015 2014411 $16,185.00 PD-OCULUS RECORDER- 244879 3/13/2015 ADVANCED COVERT TECHNO2/25/2015 2014411 $1,537.58 Sales Tax 244983 3/13/2015 MACHINERY POWER&EQUIP2/6/2015 S2268901 $103,150.10 PWST-CATERPILLAR MODEL 420F 4E 245062 3/13/2015 TRAILER BOSS, 2/24/2015 FT997111 $19,757.00 FLT-2015 OLYMPIC 20TDT-2 40,00 244686 2/27/2015 DAVID A CLARK ARCHITECTS 11/20/2014 758 $6,672.58 DBC-DESIGN CONSULTING SVC- 245006 3/13/2015 PACIFIC FIRE&SECURITY, 2/28/2015 47688 $3,768.44 DBC-FIRE PANEL UPGRADE AG14-18 244917 3/13/2015 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIE3/3/2015 W209233 $162.86 IT-DBC-JUNCTION BOX FOR THE 244917 3/13/2015 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIE3/3/2015 W209233 $81.47 Freight 244917 3/13/2015 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIE3/3/2015 W209233 $81.47 IT-DBC-WARRANTY 244917 3/13/2015 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIE3/3/2015 W209233 $30.95 Sales Tax MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $482.33 244645 2/27/2015 BLEVINS,MELINDA 2/11/2015 BLEVINS 2015 $61.08 PRCS-12/1-2/10/15 REIMB M BLEV 244931 3/13/2015 ETTINGER,ROBERT 3/3/2015 ETTINGER $216.72 DBC-MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $13.73 CC-KC COUNCIL RPC MEETING 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $41.17 CD-MILEAGE-RECORDS MANAGE. 244939 3/13/2015 FRANKLIN,SCOTT 2/25/2015 FRANKLIN 2015 $149.63 DBC-02/02/14-02/21/15 FRANKLIN MINOR DP SOFTWARE $1,126.01 244678 2/27/2015 COMPUCOM SYSTEMS INC, 2/9/2015 62643625 $1,126.01 IT-PD-ADOBE ACROBAT XI PRO SIN MINOR EQUIP-MISC $9,119.53 244975 3/13/2015 LEED, 2/9/2015 02091501 $260.50 PD-HOLSTER&SWAT BOOTS BERTUC 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $105.49 PD-TACTICAL TAILOR-EQUIP. 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $352.05 PD-PRINTER REPLCMT#6303&RAD 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $109.49 IT-TV STAND 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $17.52 IT-CABLE VGA FOR MC 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $985.49 IT-TV FOR MC COURT#1 Key Bank Page 30 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244774 2/27/2015 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 1/14/2015 37734 $137.90 PKM-TRACTION PAD 244774 2/27/2015 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND,2/5/2015 37735 $37.36 PKM-SURFACE LABELS 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $109.40 PKM-CHEST OF DRAWERS FOR FASTN 245002 3/13/2015 ONG,CUONG 2/23/2015 REIMB PRINTER $153.29 IT-REIMB BROTHER MFC-L2700DW N 245015 3/13/2015 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMI2/25/2015 230061 $6,344.54 PD-TSR X26P BLK CLASS III LASE 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $303.28 IT-PRINTERS FOR EVIDENCE ROOM 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $31.26 PW-SWM/TO HOLD SALMON FOOD 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $11.77 SWM-SALMON ART DISPLAY 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $72.60 SWM-INSPECTION TRAILER SUPPLIE 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $87.59 SWM-SWM INSPECTOR FLASHLIGHT MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS-INTERGOV $18,709.27 244966 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:12/31/2014 54710 $7,374.00 SWM-WRI WATERSHED BASINS AG#06 244744 2/27/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV152119/2015 11003117 $248.50 IT-01/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- 244965 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:2/27/2015 11003149 $248.50 IT-02/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- 244860 2/27/2015 WA STATE PATROL, 2/2/2015 115005166 $70.00 HR-01/15 BKGRND CHECKS 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $22.56 HR-MINOR WORK PERMITS 244744 2/27/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE2/19/2015 11003117 $248.50 IT-01/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- 244965 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£2/27/2015 11003149 $248.50 IT-02/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- 244967 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY RADIO, 2/21/2015 00439827 $164.25 IT-PD REACTIVATION FEE 244967 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY RADIO, 2/21/2015 9559 $9,885.66 IT-02/15 PD RADIO MAINT/REPAIR 244744 2/27/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£2/19/2015 11003117 $99.40 IT-01/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- 244965 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE2/27/2015 11003149 $99.40 IT-02/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- MISC SERVICES&CHARGES $8,039.77 244859 2/27/2015 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SEC2/3/2015 15-007190-RDU-DS $11.50 PD-EMPLOYMENT CHECK SVC 244979 3/13/2015 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 2/28/2015 1470204-20150228 $249.76 PD-02/15 LEXIS NEXIS SVC 245063 3/13/2015 TRANSUNION RISK&ALTERN3/1/2015 837597 $110.00 PD-02/15 SEARCH SVCS 245042 3/13/2015 SPECIAL INTEREST TOWING,2/25/2015 15-2667 $196.00 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC CASE 15-266 Key Bank Page 31 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244780 2/27/2015 PACIFIC RACEWAYS, 2/5/2015 150306F $750.00 PD-DRIVING TRNG TRACK USAGE 244945 3/13/2015 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES,2/28/2015 15-007 $150.00 PD-POLYGRAPH TESTING SVCS 244933 3/13/2015 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC2/4/2015 111 $1,346.85 PD-GUN RANGE USE 244698 2/27/2015 EXPRESS TOWING LLC, 2/9/2015 0000002 $179.00 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 244698 2/27/2015 EXPRESS TOWING LLC, 2/9/2015 0000003 $179.00 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 244698 2/27/2015 EXPRESS TOWING LLC, 2/9/2015 0000004 $179.00 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 244684 2/27/2015 D J TROPHY, 2/10/2015 240268 $118.75 PD-RETIREMENT PLAQUE S ORTA 244636 2/27/2015 AL'S TOWING, 2/10/2015 78498 $198.19 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 244891 3/13/2015 AUBURN VALLEY TOWING, 3/3/2015 72684 $396.92 PD-15-1373 TOW CHARGES 244875 3/13/2015 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W12/20/2015 12473 $392.01 PD-VEHICLE TOW CASE 15-2464 244875 3/13/2015 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W2/23/2015 12485 $196.00 PD-VEHICLE TOW CASE 15-2567 244651 2/27/2015 CARREL,CHRIS 2/24/2015 REIMB $99.00 MO-DROPBOX CLOUD STORAGE ANNUA 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $24.95 MO-FLICKR PRO 1 YR MEMBERSHIP 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $71.14 CC-FRAME FOR 2010 COUNCIL PHOT 244745 2/27/2015 KING COUNTY RECORDS,ELE2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 25,2015 $1,112.00 CD-RECORDING FEE ACCOUNT FUNDS 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $99.00 CD-IBC PLANS EXAMINER TEST 244733 2/27/2015 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC1/31/2015 LCM3443 $883.82 PD-01/15 RECORDS STORAGE SVC 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $105.00 PRCS-SR TRIP MUSEUM OF FLIGHT 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $25.50 PRCS-SR TRIP HARBOR MUSEUM&B 244935 3/13/2015 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(2/20/2015 AR10420 $903.36 CDHS-MLK 2015 CUSTODIAL&SECU 245072 3/13/2015 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/12/2015 270889166-00001 $63.02 PD-WATPA GRANT 1/13/15-2/12/15 NATURAL GAS $19,553.03 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $1,582.29 DBC/KFT-01/15 3200 SW DASH PT 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $381.49 PKF-01/15 600 S 333RD EVID BLD 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $15,747.69 FWCC-11/14-01/15 876 S 333RD 0 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $417.06 PKF-01/15 726 S 356TH BROOKLA Key Bank Page 32 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $791.15 DBC/KFT-01/15 3200 SW DASH PT 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $101.81 PKF-01/15 31104 28TH AVE S HAU 245018 3/13/2015 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,2/23/2015 PARKS 2015 01 $531.54 PKM-01/15 31132 28TH AVE S STL NON GOVT DP SERVICES $9,067.25 244978 3/13/2015 LEXISNEXIS, 2/28/2015 3090179577 $341.64 IT/LAW-02/15 WEST LAW SVC- 245035 3/13/2015 SELECTRON TECHNOLOGIES2/16/2015 2625 $6,940.00 IT-IVR RENEWAL FOR VOICE PERMI 245035 3/13/2015 SELECTRON TECHNOLOGIES2/16/2015 2625 $659.30 Sales Tax 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $25.08 IT-TIVO SVC FOR PD#1 244744 2/27/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£2/19/2015 11003117 $397.60 IT-01/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- 244965 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE2/27/2015 11003149 $397.60 IT-02/15 NET SVCS AG14-105- 244997 3/13/2015 NOWYR INC., 3/1/2015 100789 $160.00 IT-REDUNDANCY INTERNET SVC 244924 3/13/2015 DMX MUSIC, 3/4/2015 51432271 $70.67 IT-03/15 ALL DIGITAL MUSIC 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $75.36 IT-DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,562.93 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/17/2015 1184995-0 $201.83 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244920 3/13/2015 D J TROPHY, 1/22/2015 240166 $79.17 CK-NAME PLATES FOR COUNCIL DIA 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/12/2015 1183907-0 $62.03 MO/CC/ED-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $28.45 IT-SUPPLIES 244776 2/27/2015 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/6/2015 754389515001 $73.95 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/12/2015 1183907-0 $62.04 MO/CC/ED-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/20/2015 1186507-0 $28.19 PRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/24/2015 1187119-0 $68.77 FFWCC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $104.13 FWCC-LEGEND DATA MEMEMBERSHIP 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/24/2015 1187741-0 $25.53 PKADMIN-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244869 2/27/2015 WORKPOINTE, 2/6/2015 14782-1 $113.32 CD-FILE FOLDERS 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $27.86 CD-CALENDAR REFILL PAGES 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $19.02 HR-BINDER DIVIDERS Key Bank Page 33 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/5/2015 1180601-0 $149.47 CD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/9/2015 1180601-1 $7.27 CD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/12/2015 1183448-0 $171.27 CD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/16/2015 1183448-1 $96.84 CD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $75.54 LAW-DATE STAMP 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/6/2015 1181420-0 $98.64 LAW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/27/2015 1188102-1 $55.47 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/17/2015 1185035-0 $17.48 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/19/2015 1186051-0 $22.89 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/20/2015 1186727-0 $48.63 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/25/2015 1188102-0 $45.50 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/19/2015 1186046-0 $279.27 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/12/2015 1183907-0 $62.03 MO/CC/ED-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/26/2015 C1184773-1 $-14.02 FI-RETURN HOOK 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/3/2015 1190283-0 $64.75 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/6/2015 1181148-0 $54.75 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2015 1182303-0 $51.87 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/12/2015 C1181148-0 $-23.49 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/17/2015 1180772-0 $36.03 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/17/2015 1184773-0 $157.92 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/17/2015 1185157-0 $47.07 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/19/2015 1184773-1 $21.33 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/20/2015 C1184773-0 $-17.73 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/23/2015 1186980-0 $157.68 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR PAYROLL 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $2.18 PWST-LAMINATE POUCH OPERATING RENTALS/LEASES $10,595.91 Key Bank Page 34 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244733 2/27/2015 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC1/31/2015 LCV4475 $2,367.64 CK-01/15 RECORDS STORAGE SVC 244840 2/27/2015 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR,1/31/2015 IVC0001426 $4,828.27 PD-01/15 ANIMAL SHELTER SVC 244894 3/13/2015 BALLI ROAD LLC, 3/1/2015 1779 $3,400.00 PD-03/15 SUBSTATION RENTAG14- OTHER DEPT-CLAIMS GUPL $125,053.67 244856 2/27/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH2/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2,2015 $26.50 LAW-RM REIMB DED NEW CINGULAR 244679 2/27/2015 CONNELLY LAW OFFICES,PL2/23/2015 13-02-352-788 $125,000.00 LAW/RM-IN TRUST FOR SABRINA MA 245073 3/13/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHG/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $27.17 LAW-RM-NEW CINGULAR REIMB DED OTHER MISC REVENUE $5,229.44 245057 3/13/2015 THE RIDGE HOA, 2/13/2015 01-99475 $2,929.73 SWM-REFUND OVERPAYMENT FOR INS 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $1,840.28 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $1,684.37 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $-1,224.93 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $-0.01 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $-221.79 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $-221.79 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $16,451.77 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $38.49 CD-OPEN HOUSE-SUPPLIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $143.06 PWST-CASE WHITE OIL ONLY PILLO 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $4.36 PW-SWM REPL TOOL FOR MACRO SAM 244854 2/27/2015 VILMA SIGNS, 2/10/2015 1036 $91.98 PWFLT-VEHICLE GRAPHICS 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 1/26/2015 9650022685 $46.43 PKM-EXIT SIGN 244872 3/13/2015 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(2/18/2015 0000001505 $219.33 PKM-LOCKSMITH SERVICES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $56.00 PKM-CUBICLE KEYS 244849 2/27/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&Ci1/29/2015 104244 $28.75 PRCS-DAUGHTER'S NIGHT OUT SUPP 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $291.50 PRCS-DANCE COSTUME FOR RECITAL 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $305.51 PRCS-FUN EXPRESS DAY CAMP SUPP 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $-244.36 PRCS-FUN EXPRESS CREDIT DAUGHT 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $17.50 PRCS-BALLOONS DAUGHTERS NIGHT Key Bank Page 35 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $45.95 PRCS-DAUGHTERS NIGHT OUT/KID E 244814 2/27/2015 SAFEWAY STORE#1555, 2/3/2015 804948-020315-1555 $23.94 PRCS-DAUGHTER'S NIGHT OUT SUPP 244789 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-FWCC, 2/17/2015 FWCC-02/17/15 $10.94 PRCS-TARGET-ITEMS FOR PIRATE 244789 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-FWCC, 2/17/2015 FWCC-02/17/15 $9.66 PRCS-WALMART-ITEMS FOR KID 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $100.00 PRCS-DAY CAMP TACOMA RAINIERS 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $214.80 PRCS-FUN EXPRESS DAY CAMP SUPP 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $10.95 PRCS-DAUGHTERS NIGHT OUT/KID E 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,034.73 PRCS-BEST BUY TABLET FOR SUMME 244800 2/27/2015 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 2/9/2015 G138580 $43.18 PKDBC-SENSOR ELECTRICAL SUPPLI 244870 2/27/2015 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 2/10/2015 15-109 $67.02 DBC-(8)ROOM PLAQUES WITH BRAI 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS S02/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $38.74 PKDBC-OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $70.05 DBC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $40.38 DBC-REPLACEMENT SUPPLIES KITCH 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $2.32 DBC-RETURN MAILING TO CLIENT 244788 2/27/2015 PETE'S TOWING SERVICE, 2/20/2015 381336 $246.37 CD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 244786 2/27/2015 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES INC2/5/2015 0A057301 $131.38 PD-K9 FOOD 244786 2/27/2015 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES INC2/5/2015 OA057302 $203.64 PD-K9 FOOD 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $56.55 PD-ATHLETIC TAPE FOR DT- 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $32.82 PD-REPLACE BROKEN TAPE SUPPLY 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $7.65 PD-SEATBELT BUCKLE STOPPER- 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $2.45 PD-PLATES FOR ECAT VOLUNTEER- 244993 3/13/2015 NORMED, 2/26/2015 12378-692852 $804.22 PD-GLOVES 244921 3/13/2015 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES, 2/26/2015 INV0913938 $426.30 PD-EXAM GLOVES 244903 3/13/2015 BROWNELLS INC, 1/30/2015 10915142.00 $351.79 PD-WEAPONS REPAIR SUPPLIES 244903 3/13/2015 BROWNELLS INC, 1/30/2015 10915142.01 $621.94 PD-BUFFER RETAINER 244999 3/13/2015 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/9/2015 754389439001 $98.44 PD-USB DRIVES Key Bank Page 36 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2015 1182672-0 $171.81 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244903 3/13/2015 BROWNELLS INC, 2(12(2015 10714453.01 $144.31 PD-WEAPON REPAIR SUPPLIES 244903 3/13/2015 BROWNELLS INC, 2/16/2015 10965235.00 $463.45 PD-WEAPON CLEANING SUPPLIES 245065 3/13/2015 ULINE, 2/20/2015 65436353 $496.05 PD-PAINT EVIDENCE ROOM 244973 3/13/2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGET2/23/2015 0271230-IN $545.00 PD-POLICE TARGET SUPPLIES 244973 3/13/2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGET2/25/2015 0271403-IN $77.88 PD-POLICE TARGET SUPPLIES 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $21.90 PD-OFFICER RETIREMENT SUPPLIES 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $175.20 PD-SRO UNIFORM BIKE SHOES K SM 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $704.30 PD-MARTIAL GEAR&B&H PHOTO SU 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2(25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $15.22 PD-THE LOCK SHOP EXTRA KEYS MA 245008 3/13/2015 PETTY CASH-MC CHANGE FU2/27/2015 MC-2/27/15 $43.09 FWMC-Bins for X-ray machine 244961 3/13/2015 JOHNSON-COX COMPANY, 2/28/2015 000064769 $219.00 ED-10X13'LOGO ENVELOPES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $36.86 EOC-CERT TRNG REFRESHMENTS 244789 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-FWCC, 2/17/2015 FWCC-02/17/15 $93.60 FWCC-WALMART-RAFFLE GIVE-AWA 244789 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-FWCC, 2/17/2015 FWCC-02/17/15 $19.69 FWCC-DICK'S SPORTING GOODS- 244950 3/13/2015 HEE YANG,GHEE 3/3/2015 REIMB $142.13 PRCS-CARABINEERS ROCK WALL REI 244872 3/13/2015 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(2/25/2015 0000001655 $25.84 FWCC-LOCKSMITH SERVICES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $52.19 PRCS-FEB 2015 POS SPLASH CAFE 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $262.58 PRCS-BLACK DIAMOND CLIMBING GE 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $338.70 PRCS-REI CLIMBING EQUIP. 244720 2/27/2015 HALL,PAM 2/5/2015 HALL 2015 $236.24 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/12/2015 1182672-1 $5.42 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/25/2015 1188018-0 $465.54 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 244916 3/13/2015 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/25/2015 1188026-0 $546.62 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $40.46 PD-POCKET PRESS WA ANIMAL CONT 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,229.74 PD-COMM.EVENTS&BOOTHS SUPPL Key Bank Page 37 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 2153793 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $28.96 PD-ADV YOUTH PD PROJECT SUPPLI 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $88.70 PKM-POSTERS LAMINATED HYLEBOS 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $110.00 PKM-PLAYGROUND STICKERS 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $2,640.00 PKM-DOGGIE WASTE BAGS 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $207.94 PWST-HAND PROTECTION GLOVES 244849 2/27/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/2/13/2015 109887 $63.55 PRCS-FDUB VALENTINE'S DANCE 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $16.41 PRCS-FDUB BOARD GAMES 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C2/22/2015 113087 $3.37 PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPICS EVENT 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $136.00 PRCS-BURKE MUSEUM,STARPLEX CI 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $10.95 PRCS-LEARN 4 LIFE SUPPLIES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $22.00 PRCS-STARPLEX CINEMAS-BRUNCH 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $123.01 PRCS-MEDALS NW TROPHY FOR BB A 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $33.00 PRCS-STARPLEX CINEMAS DINNER& 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $13.52 PD-PHONE CASE FOR WORK- 244720 2/27/2015 HALL,PAM 2/19/2015 HALL 2015 $120.51 PD-FLASH DRIVES 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $19.49 PD-FLASH DRIVE FOR INSTRUCTOR- 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $52.53 PD-FRAMES FOR CALEA- 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $5.00 PD-TRANSFER FEE FOR PAYROLL ER 244719 2/27/2015 HALL,DEBBIE 2/27/2015 HALL 2015 $35.35 Fl-DEPARTING EMPLOYEE RECEPTIO 244849 2/27/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/1/29/2015 104245 $45.32 MO-SEAHAWKS RALLY SUPPLIES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $89.90 MO-FLAGS JAPAN&N KOREA 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $66.76 PW-SWR SUPPLIES/WASTE MGMT- 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $112.09 SWR-RECYCLING CONTAINERS 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $41.37 SWR-RECYCLING CONTAINER STICKE 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $98.46 HR-SERVICE AWARD FRAMES PARKING/TOLLS $196.00 Key Bank Page 38 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $6.00 CDHS-PARKING HUD MTG 2/4/15 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $15.00 P W-PAR KI NG/RTOC 245019 3/13/2015 PURCELLA,ADRIENNE 2/26/2015 REIMB PARKING $16.00 PD-PARKING FEE FEDERAL COURT I 245019 3/13/2015 PURCELLA,ADRIENNE 2/24/2015 REIMB PARKING 2 $17.00 PD-PARKING FEE FEDERAL COURT T 245071 3/13/2015 VANRUTH,COLE 3/2/2015 REIMB SUPPLIES $73.00 PD-PARKING FEDERAL COURT TRIAL 245059 3/13/2015 TILFORD,TRAVIS 3/4/2015 REIM PARKING $64.00 PD-REIMB PARKING FEDERAL COURT 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $5.00 PRCS-BURKE MUSEUM,STARPLEX CI PD-CLAIMS AUTO $2,670.10 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE11/22/2015 25914 $118.31 LAW-RM-PD6353 OFF PETERSON/GRE 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE11/30/2015 25953 $378.61 LAW-RM-PD6353 OFF PETERSON/GRE 245036 3/13/2015 SETINA MANUFACTURING CO2/9/2015 94822 $742.96 LAW-RM PD6353 OFF PETERSON;RM 244960 3/13/2015 JIM'S AUTO REFINISH/COLLIS2/19/2015 4CB37836 $1,430.22 LAW-RM PD6471 PIT;RM-PD;RSK# PD-CLAIMS GUPL $198,524.20 244856 2/27/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHQ/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2,2015 $1,294.68 LAW-RM REIMB DED HUMPRHEY'S 1/ 244856 2/27/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHQ/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2,2015 $94,650.21 LAW-RM REIMB DED HUMPRHEY'S 1/ 244856 2/27/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTHQ/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2,2015 $279.25 LAW-RM REIMB DED HUMPHREY'S 1/ 244856 2/27/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHQ/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2,2015 $1,106.00 LAW-RM REIMB DED SAVARE 1/12/1 244856 2/27/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHQ/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2,2015 $4,212.50 LAW-RM REIMB DED WALLING 1/12/ 244856 2/27/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHQ/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2,2015 $713.01 LAW-RM REIMB DED DE LATORRE 1 245073 3/13/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH3/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $6,223.00 LAW-RM SAVARE REIMB DED;2/5/1 245073 3/13/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH3/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $12,143.00 LAW-RM WALLING REIMB DED;2/5/ 245073 3/13/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH3/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $77,172.50 LAW-RM WALLING REIMB DED;2/5/ 245073 3/13/2015 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH3/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $730.05 LAW-RM DE LATORRE REIMB DED;2 PER DIEM MEALS $779.79 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $9.79 PARKS-LUNCH WHILE AT TRAINING 245083 3/13/2015 WEDEL,MIKE 3/3/2015 FBI BOMB WEDEL $210.00 PD-FBI BOMB SQUAD TRNG M WEDEL 244984 3/13/2015 MAIRS,MANUEL C 3/3/2015 CMVCI MAIRS $190.00 PD-CMVCI MOTOR VEHICLE CRIMINA Key Bank Page 39 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244896 3/13/2015 BASSETT,GRANT 2/18/2015 BASIC BASSETT $115.00 PD-BASIC POLICE MOTORCYCLE SCH 244815 2/27/2015 SCHMIDT,DAVID 2/17/2015 ADV TRVL SR TRIP $115.00 PRCS-ADV TRVL SENIOR TRIP 3/3/ 245038 3/13/2015 SHINES,DIANE 3/6/2015 SNUG SHINES $140.00 PD-PER DIEM D SHINES SNUG QTLY PLAN CHECKING FEES $434.30 245045 3/13/2015 ST LUKE'S LUTHERAN CHURC3/2/2015 FEBRUARY 24,2015 $434.30 CD-OVERPAYMENT DUE TO INCORREC POLICE SERVICES-INTGOVT $364,890.20 245031 3/13/2015 SCORE, 3/1/2015 1164 $356,384.50 PD-03/15 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN 244965 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE2/17/2015 3001146 $8,505.70 PD-01/15 DAJD KING CO.PRISONE POSTAGE/DELIVERY SERVICES $1,803.63 244630 2/27/2015 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INO/28/2015 MMFWA0006130063 $62.50 LAW-LEGAL MESSENGER SVC 244873 3/13/2015 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN12/28/2015 MMFWA0006130064 $62.50 LAW-MNTHLY SRV CHRG;2/28/15 244630 2/2712015 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN11/28/2015 MMFWA0006130063 $62.50 LAW-LEGAL MESSENGER SVC 244873 3/13/2015 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN12/28/2015 MMFWA0006130064 $62.50 LAW-MNTHLY SRV CHRG;2/28/15 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $15.32 PKM-SHIPPING FOR ELECTRONIC PA 244799 2/27/2015 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV1131/2015 4170803 $544.16 FI-01/15 POSTAGE&COURIER 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $196.05 CD-PASSPORT POSTAGE 244799 2/27/2015 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV1/31/2015 4170803 $798.10 FI-01/15 POSTAGE&COURIER PRINTING/PHOTO SERVICES $3,959.12 245000 3/13/2015 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/17/2015 1760035526 $23.01 ED-MOUNTING OF FAKE CHECK 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-Fl, 2/17/2015 FI-02117115 $5.99 PW-SWM STEEL LAKE LMD MTG-REFR 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $5.00 PW-SWM STEEL LAKE LMD MGT 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $35.91 PW-SWM BBQ SUPPLIES/STEEL LK- 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $73.50 PW-SWM FOOD FOR BBQ-STEEL LAKE 244920 3/13/2015 D J TROPHY, 3/2/2015 240386 $12.00 FWCC-NAMES PLAQUE ENGRAVING 244907 3/13/2015 CASCADE PRINTING DIRECT 2/13/2015 13323 $240.90 FWCC-GUEST WAIVER 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $98.55 PRCS-OCCUPANCY SIGN 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $69.95 PRCS-STEPS OF THE SCALE HANDBO 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $5.99 PW-SWM N LAKE LMD MTG-REFRESHM Key Bank Page 40 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $3.99 PW-SWM NL LMD MEETING 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $28.37 MO-POSTER PICTURES 244700 2/27/2015 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC2/13/2015 112 $438.00 PD-GUN RANGE USAGE 244933 3/13/2015 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC3/2/2015 113 $197.10 PD-GUN RANGE USAGE 244801 2/27/2015 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:1/28/2015 141609 $705.60 HR-BUSINESS CARDS 245013 3/13/2015 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:2/25/2015 150076 $266.66 HR-BUSINESS CARDS 245013 3/13/2015 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:2/25/2015 150098 $263.10 HR-BUSINESS CARDS 245013 3/13/2015 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:2/25/2015 150155 $1,220.58 HR-2X3.5 BRILLIANT WHITE 245013 3/13/2015 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:2/25/2015 150199 $264.92 HR-BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $247,752.67 244787 2/27/2015 PETEK,PHD,THOMAS C 1/31/2015 8853 $300.00 PD-PSYC.EVALUATION 244654 2/27/2015 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE AR12/1/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $6,300.00 DBC-02/15 KFT MANAGEMENT AG09- 244633 2/27/2015 ADURO,INC, 1/1/2015 5166 $1,431.40 HR-WELLNESS PROG.SVC AG12-128 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $2,475.00 IT-WELLNESS REWARDS GIFT CARDS 244732 2/27/2015 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS.1/25/2015 15-3 $2,135.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244735 2/27/2015 JANSSEN,FUMI 0. 2/10/2015 02/10/15 $110.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244742 2/27/2015 KIM,CHUL JOON 2/10/2015 02/10/15 $100.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244765 2/27/2015 MONIES DE OCA RICKS,MAR2/10/2015 02/10/15 $123.75 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244732 2/27/2015 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/10/2015 15-22 $1,617.50 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244862 2/27/2015 WALTERS,MOIRAC. 2/17/2015 02/17/15 $120.00 MC-INTERPRETER 244748 2/27/2015 KVASNYUK,NIKOLAY 2/17/2015 02/17/15 $110.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244742 2/27/2015 KIM,CHUL JOON 2/20/2015 02/20/15 $100.00 MC-2/20/15 INTERPRETER SVC 244756 2/27/2015 LIM,VANNARAS 2/20/2015 02/20/15 $110.00 MC-2/20/15 INTERPRETER SVCS 244813 2/27/2015 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY,ALMIRA2/20/2015 02/20/2015 $110.00 MC-2/20/15 INTERPRETER SVC 244687 2/27/2015 DODD,ESCOLASTICA ROSA 2/20/2015 022015 $110.00 MC-2/20/15 INTERPRETER SVC 244687 2/27/2015 DODD,ESCOLASTICA ROSA 2/24/2015 02/24/15 $110.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC Key Bank Page 41 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244742 2/27/2015 KIM,CHUL JOON 2/24/2015 02/24/15 $100.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244765 2/27/2015 MONIES DE OCA RICKS,MAR2/24/2015 02/24/15 $110.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 245028 3/13/2015 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY,ALMIRA3/2/2015 MARCH 2,2015 $110.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244925 3/13/2015 DODD,ESCOLASTICA ROSA 3/3/2015 03/03/15 $123.75 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244964 3/13/2015 KIM,CHUL JOON 3/3/2015 03/03/15 $100.00 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 244874 3/13/2015 ABOU-ZAKI,KAMAL 3/3/2015 030315 $100.00 MC-03-03-15 INTERPRETER SVC 244956 3/13/2015 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/25/2015 15-35 $1,311.25 MC-02/15 INTERPRETER SVC 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $11.85 MC-LANUAGE LINE 244982 3/13/2015 M J DURKAN INC, 2/1/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $5,474.66 MO-01/15 MILEAGE&02/15 LOBBY 244842 2/27/2015 THUILLIER,JENNIFER 2/2/2014 201505 $60.00 SWR-GRAPHIC DESIGN RECYCLE EVE 245058 3/13/2015 THUILLIER,JENNIFER 2/27/2015 201506 $220.00 SWR-SRE SPRING MAILER,FAMILY 244902 3/13/2015 BROWN,JEFF 2/28/2015 2015-04 $5,034.15 SWR-COLLECTION PROCUREMENT SVC 245087 3/13/2015 WILDER,SAMANTHA 3/2/2015 WECFW64 $548.58 SWR-01/15 RECYCLING PROGRAM AG 244898 3/13/2015 BLUE SKY SERVICES, 2/15/2015 14950 $250.00 SWR-GREEN LIVING WORKSHOP SPEA 244707 2/27/2015 FLOYD,PFLUEGER&RINGER2/4/2015 40651 $1,599.95 LAW-LEGAL SVCS AG13-033- 244707 2/27/2015 FLOYD,PFLUEGER&RINGER2/4/2015 40652 $535.20 LAW-LEGAL SVCS AG13-033- 244664 2/27/2015 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP,LLC, 2/4/2015 5585 $367.50 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES AG 13-009- 244664 2/27/2015 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP,LLC, 2/4/2015 5586 $8,496.00 LAW-JAN 2015 LEGAL SERVICES A 245081 3/13/2015 WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SE2/17/2015 45393 $1,221.55 HR-OSHA/MSHA CALIBRATION&AUD 245049 3/13/2015 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 2/25/2015 72086 $4,291.50 LAW-LT.NEGOTIATION LEGAL SVC 244676 2/27/2015 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY2/13/2015 48963 $344.93 CK-FW REVISED CODE#19 CODIFIC 245001 3/13/2015 OLBRECHTS&ASSOCIATES,13/5/2014 JANUARY 2015 $774.00 HRCK-01/15 HEARING EXAMINER SV 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5/1/2014 2014-FED-APR A $8,959.18 CD-05-07678 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(6/5/2014 2014-FED-MAY $2,302.42 CD-05-07631 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(6/8/2014 2014-FED-JUN $330.00 CD-04-05578 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 244688 2/27/2015 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(8/25/2014 2014-FED-JUL $4,340.96 CD-05-07881 PLANS REVIEW CONSU Key Bank Page 42 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244791 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288113 $300.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244797 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288154 $150.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244792 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288206 $300.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244793 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288256 $175.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244796 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288258 $150.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244798 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 92/4/2015 288275 $150.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244795 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288321 $150.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244883 3/13/2015 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM 512/19/2015 955742 $184.50 PKM-3/1-5/31/15 ALARM 244883 3/13/2015 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM S12/19/2015 955743 $79.50 PKM-3/1-5/31/15 ALARM 244779 2/27/2015 PACIFIC FIRE&SECURITY, 1/30/2015 47615 $667.95 PKDBC-REPLACE FAULTY DUCT DETE 244819 2/27/2015 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREES2/11/2015 280 $1,328.25 PRCS-SOCCER REFEREES AG13-122- 244686 2/27/2015 DAVID A CLARK ARCHITECTS 11/20/2014 759 $566.44 MC-COURT CONSULTING 244824 2/27/2015 SPECTRA ANALYTICAL INC.,C1/30/2015 96580 $120.00 SWM-WATER SAMPLE TEST 244836 2/27/2015 TEST AMERICALABORATORIE2/6/2015 58083682 $56.00 SWM-WATER SAMPLE TEST 244836 2/27/2015 TEST AMERICA LABORATORIE2/10/2015 58083707 $112.00 SWM-WATER SAMPLE TEST 244836 2/27/2015 TEST AMERICA LABORATORIE2/11/2015 58083733 $180.00 SWM-WATER SAMPLE TEST 244836 2/27/2015 TESTAMERICA LABORATORIE2/11/2015 58083735 $192.00 SWM-WATER SAMPLE TEST 245043 3/13/2015 SPECTRAANALYTICAL INC.,02/10/2015 96831 $120.00 SWM-FECAL MF/WATER 244654 2/27/2015 CENTERSTAGE THEATREAR12/17/2015 FEBRUARY 17,2015 $3,000.00 CD-TEG-JACK AND THE BEANSTALK 244713 2/27/2015 GOLDEN WOOD,LLP, 2/6/2015 178 $2,250.00 MO-CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC- 244738 2/27/2015 JOHNSON,STEPHEN G 2/9/2015 FEBRUARY 9,2015 $1,250.00 MO-CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC AG12- 244947 3/13/2015 HAWKINS&CRAWFORD,PLL(2/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $31,850.00 MO-02/15 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVC A 244985 3/13/2015 MCCCABE,PATRICK 1/7/2015 2015003 $65.70 FWCC-CLIMBING CLASS 1/22/15 245024 3/13/2015 RASOR,EVA EDLA 3/2/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $617.00 FWCC-PERSONAL TRAINER SVC AG13 244953 3/13/2015 HUGHES,JOSHUA 3/4/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,281.00 FWCC-PERSONAL TRAINER SVC AG14 244942 3/13/2015 G FORCE FITNESS LLC, 3/11/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $2,072.00 FWCC-PERSONAL TRAINER SVC AG13 Key Bank Page 43 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244955 3/13/2015 HUNT,JEANETTE 3/11/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $1,083.00 FWCC-PERSONAL TRAINER SVC AG14 245039 3/13/2015 SHOOTING STARS, 3/12/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $504.00 FWCC-BASKETBALL TRNG SVC AG14- 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $795.00 PRCS-PROFESSIONAL LIC FEES GRO 244928 3/13/2015 EARTHCORPS, 1/31/2015 5107 $1,457.98 PKM-URBAN FORESTY SVCS AG13-05 245077 3/13/2015 WA.DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,1/31/2015 011535-15-KCWC-HQ $210.00 PD-JAN 2015 WORKER DAYS 245017 3/13/2015 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 2/24/2015 JANUARY 2015 A $2,044.50 PD-01/15 INDIGENT FEES ACCRUED 245017 3/13/2015 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 2/24/2015 JANUARY 2015 B $216.00 PD-01/15 ELECTONIC HOME LOCKDO 245017 3/13/2015 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 2/24/2015 JANUARY 2015 C $50.00 PD-01/15 WORKCREW SCREENING 244638 2/27/2015 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIC1/31/2015 INV00018598 $52,250.00 MC-01/15 RED LIGHT PHOTO AG#15 244731 2/27/2015 INSLEE,BEST,DOEZIER, 2/6/2015 205398 $36.80 PWST-HOV PH V LEGAL SVC AG14-1 244731 2/27/2015 INSLEE,BEST,DOEZIER, 2/6/2015 205399 $2,275.00 PWST-HOV PH V LEGAL SVC AG14-1 244775 2/27/2015 NORTHWEST ROOF SERVICE9/24/2014 064414 $1,964.44 CDHS-EHR KILLDALL BAL,AG14-04 244775 2/27/2015 NORTHWEST ROOF SERVICE2/17/2015 064314 $1,074.50 CDHS-EHR GORHAM BAL. AG14-048 244680 2/27/2015 CONNELLY ROOFING AND, 12/3/2015 254 $14,645.63 CDHS-ERH MIKELAG14-059- 244717 2/27/2015 GROUP HEALTH, 1/21/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 A $20,066.35 FEB 2015 OPTIONS/ALLIANT PLUS 244718 2/27/2015 GROUP HEALTH, 1/21/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 B $1,850.40 FEB 2015 HMO SELF FUND COOP 244677 2/27/2015 COLIN BAENZIGER&ASSOCh1/26/2015 JANUARY 26,2015 $2,375.00 PACC-DIRECTOR SEARCH SVC AG14- 244740 2/27/2015 JZ WORKS LLC, 2/11/2015 3 $16,259.84 PACC-NAMING RIGHTS SVC AG14-14 244914 3/13/2015 COLIN BAENZIGER&ASSOCIi3/7/2015 TRAVEL $664.44 PACC-DIRECTOR SEARCH SVC AG14- 244914 3/13/2015 COLIN BAENZIGER&ASSOC1/3/7/2015 TRAVEL $1,074.58 PACC-DIRECTOR SEARCH SVC AG14- 244914 3/13/2015 COLIN BAENZIGER&ASSOCIi3/7/2015 TRAVEL $590.22 PACC-DIRECTOR SEARCH SVCAG14- 244923 3/13/2015 DAVID A CLARK ARCHITECTS 2/24/2015 776 $831.61 PKM-DRAFTING IT FLOOR PLANS 244958 3/13/2015 JG MCDONALDANDASSOCIA2/12/2015 1813 $396.00 LAW-RM A.BUTLER AUTO DAMAGE; 244794 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288207 $150.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244686 2/27/2015 DAVID A CLARK ARCHITECTS 2/9/2015 771 $2,353.66 CHB-MAYOR'S OFFICE COLOR DESIG 244876 3/13/2015 ACE FIRE&SECURITY SYSTE2/13/2015 954404 $98.00 PD-MON RADIO 2/5-4/30 Key Bank Page 44 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244883 3/13/2015 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM SI2/13/2015 954404 $98.00 PKM-2/5-4/30/15 ALARM MONITOR! 244690 2/27/2015 EDD,DALE 2/21/2015 FEBRUARY 21,2015 $427.00 PRCS-CPR/FIRST AID CLASSES AG1 244761 2/27/2015 MAYBERRY,MITCHEL 2/23/2015 JANUARY 07,2015 $1,348.00 PRCS-MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES AG14 245027 3/13/2015 ROACH GYMNASTICS, 1/5/2015 2161 $4,321.80 PRCS-RECREATION GYMNASTICS LES 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $319.50 PRCS-DJ DAUGHTERS NIGHT OUT 244648 2/27/2015 BROADCAST MUSIC INC, 2/2/2015 26028810 $804.00 PRCS-2015 MUSIC LICENSE 244989 3/13/2015 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CC3/3/2015 5400 $5,000.00 CDHS-CDBG TECHNICALASSIST.AG 244791 2/27/2015 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2015 288055 $150.00 PKM-PARK CLOSING/SECURITY AG11 244883 3/13/2015 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM S12/19/2015 955741 $120.00 PKM-3/1-5/31/15 ALARM PUBLIC WORKS-INSPECTION DEPOS $2,500.00 244757 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 2/11/2015 05-08153 REFUND $2,500.00 PW-REFUND 05-08153 DEPOSIT BAL PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS $3,126.59 244814 2/27/2015 SAFEWAY STORE#1555, 1/27/2015 722842-012715-1555 $6.18 FWCC-CAFE SUPPLIES 244650 2/27/2015 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF2/3/2015 204726 $31.28 FWCC-CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY AG14-0 244650 2/27/2015 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF2/10/2015 205046 $156.22 FWCC-CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY AG14-0 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $343.58 FWCC/PRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $411.86 PRCS-CAFE RESALE 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $511.71 PRCS-CAFE RESALE 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $118.95 PRCS-CAFE RESALE 244919 3/13/2015 COSTCO/HSBC BUSINESS SO2/26/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $494.04 PRCS-CAFE RESALE 245067 3/13/2015 UNITED GROCERS CASH&C/3/4/2015 116714 $59.60 FWCC-CAFE RESALE 244887 3/13/2015 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL, 2/4/2015 7004361923 $993.17 FWCC-MASTERLOCK FOR RESALE PW INSPECTION FEES $-1,387.75 244757 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 2/11/2015 05-08153 REFUND $-976.00 PW-05-08153 LLOYD INSPECTION 244944 3/13/2015 GRIB,DINA 3/5/2015 05-08514 REFUND $-411.75 PW-05-08514 ROW REFUND GRIB DR RENTAL CARS/GROUND TRANSPORT $50.09 244739 2/27/2015 JOHNSON,TIM 2/19/2015 JOHNSON 2015 A $25.09 ED-ATNI CONVENTION JOHNSON 244827 2/27/2015 STIEBEN,JOHN 2/18/2015 STIEBEN 2015 $25.00 PD-HUMAN TRAFFICKING CONF. Key Bank Page 45 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total RENTAL OF FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT $2,464.82 244998 3/13/2015 NW EQUIPMENT SALES INC, 2/27/2015 1502092 $1,007.40 PKM-BOOM LIFT RENTAL 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $300.00 PWST-STUMP GRINDER RENTAL 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $-0.08 PWST-STUMP GRINDER RENTAL CRED 244723 2/27/2015 HEAD-QUARTERS PTS, 1/30/2015 3508 $578.75 PKM-SANICAN SVCAG12-014- 244948 3/13/2015 HEAD-QUARTERS PTS, 2/26/2015 3606 $578.75 PKM-SANICAN SVCAG12-014-- REPAIR&MAINT SUPPLIES $13,495.93 245078 3/13/2015 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 2/25/2015 007569 $16.41 PKDBC-DUSTPAN 244697 2/27/2015 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-1/30/2015 9181308 $477.30 PKM-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 244697 2/27/2015 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC"1/30/2015 9181309 $113.35 PKM-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 244655 2/27/2015 CENTRAL WELDING SUPPLY 11/31/2015 01268814 $12.32 PKM-WELDING SUPPLIES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE 2/3/2015 284763 $44.16 PKM-PAINT SUPPLIES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/4/2015 284804 $52.77 PKM-MOLE TRAPS,CHIP BRUSH 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/10/2015 284898 $13.78 PKM-CABLE TIES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/10/2015 284907 $12.30 PKM-FOAM SEALANT 244759 2/27/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/11/2015 02577 $63.01 PKM-PEENED GRIP,IN CLIPS 244759 2/27/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/12/2015 02660 $86.30 PKM-PULL PIN W/CLIP 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $28.27 PKM-COIL BURNER STOVE REPAIR 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/26/2015 02456 $17.09 PKM-SUPPLIES 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/26/2015 285209 $6.69 PKM-SCREWS 245078 3/13/2015 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 2/27/2015 007573 $21.88 PKM-SPRAYER 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/27/2015 285218 $33.76 PKM-WEEDER,SQEEGEE,DUST PAN 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $59.03 PKM-DRILL BIT 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $21.33 PKM-EPDXY MIXING NOZZEL 244932 3/13/2015 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/3/2015 9191447 $155.36 PKM-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 244932 3/13/2015 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/11/2015 9223356 $197.75 PKM-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 244932 3/13/2015 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/14/2015 9239641 $123.14 PKM-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 46 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/17/2015 285045 $36.63 PKM-PAINT SUPPLIES 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/19/2015 285075 $19.67 PKM-GRAY PRIMER 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/19/2015 285080 $110.54 PKM-SCREWS/BOLTS 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/20/2015 01896 $15.58 PKM-SUPPLIES 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/20/2015 09532 $62.68 PKM-SUPPLIES 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/24/2015 02141 $70.63 PKM-CONCRETE BLOCK 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/25/2015 285198 $37.21 PKM-DRILL BIT 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $44.80 PKM-SANI CAN SUPPLIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $84.86 PKM-BLOCKS STAIR STEP FOR DENN 244778 2/27/2015 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 1/21/2015 13421 $1,330.04 FWCC-POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13-00 244778 2/27/2015 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/2/2015 13548 $1,201.49 FWCC-POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13-00 244778 2/27/2015 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/5/2015 13611 $968.51 FWCC-POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13-00 245003 3/13/2015 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/13/2015 13707 $881.48 FWCC-POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13-00 244986 3/13/2015 MCMASTER-CARR, 2/18/2015 23277583 $47.52 FWCC-NON SKID MATS 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/19/2015 9671251396 $27.96 FWCC-HAND SANDING BLOCK 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/27/2015 08788 $48.55 PKM-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/28/2015 01323 $22.31 PKM-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 244692 2/27/2015 EJ USA,INC, 2/6/2015 3805852 $4,562.59 SWM-MANHOLES&GRATE COVERS 244627 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FI, 2/17/2015 FI-02/17/15 $2.69 SWM-ICE F/TIDBIT CALIBRATION 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $43.37 SWM-VIDEO INSPECT TRAILER SUPP 244937 3/13/2015 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN2/10/2015 89571 $137.42 SWM-MATERIALS TO FABRICATE/STE 244937 3/13/2015 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN2/11/2015 89596 $535.48 PWSWM-MATERIAL TO FABRICATE IN 244937 3/13/2015 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN12/12/2015 89611 $143.54 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/17/2015 11155 $223.65 SWM-ROOF PATCH&SEALENT FOR S 245055 3/13/2015 THE FAB SHOP LLC, 2/18/2015 21964 $229.74 PW-SWM-WELD LIFTING EYE ONTO 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/18/2015 285056 $6.37 SWM-NAILS,HANGERS I _ Key Bank Page 47 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244884 3/13/2015 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 2/24/2015 TM-146644 $206.96 PWST-MARKING TAPE 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $45.56 SWM-22 MM WRENCH 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $7.05 PKM-MO PEST GLUE BOARDS 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $63.94 PKM-MC TOILET&SINK 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $13.11 PKM-MC CAB.TOOLS 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $8.74 PKM-PICTURE HANGING KIT 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/12/2015 9664355816 $78.84 PKM-PLUG IN PIGTAIL 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $3.92 PKM-PAINT 244706 2/27/2015 FLAGS A'FLYING LLC, 1/29/2015 64070 $340.00 PKM-FLAGS/FLAGPOLE REPAIRS 244759 2/27/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/10/2015 02338 $11.73 PKM-STAPLES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/12/2015 284949 $13.58 PKM-PREMIX CONCRETE 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(3/3/2015 285278 $15.75 PKM-CELBOXES 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 3/4/2015 01610 $31.16 PKM-SUPPLIES 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/25/2015 285187 $32.03 PKM-GROUT SUPPLIES 244759 2/27/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/5/2015 02652 $61.89 PWST-CHAIN SAW FUEL 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/6/2015 284840 $32.53 PWST-AIR COMPRESSOR SUPPLIES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/6/2015 284843 $13.70 PWST-AIR COMPRESSOR SUPPLIES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/6/2015 284846 $30.80 PWST-AIR COMPRESSOR SUPPLIES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/9/2015 K84869 $1.36 PWST-AIR COMPRESSOR SUPPLIES 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/9/2015 K84887 $9.89 PWST-AIR COMPRESSOR HOSE REEL 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/23/2015 02964 $14.94 PWST-IRRIGATION REPAIR PARTS 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/24/2015 285169 $7.14 PWST-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS $5,156.13 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $10.48 PD-VELCRO SUPPLIES FOR- 244790 2/27/2015 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 2/25/2015 PD-02/25/15 $8.94 PD-WINCO BATTERIES FOR- 244881 3/13/2015 ADVANCED TRAFFIC PRODUC2/26/2015 0000011878 $2,179.05 PD-EMITTER Key Bank Page 48 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245069 3/13/2015 UTILITY ASSOCIATES INC, 2/26/2015 17784 $1,021.00 PD-REPAIR/REPLACE/SPARE VEHICL 245036 3/13/2015 SETINA MANUFACTURING CO2/9/2015 94821 $816.60 PD-REPAIR PARTS FOR FUTURE VEH 244634 2/27/2015 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS REI1/30/2015 01301503T $125.00 FWCC-FITNESS EQUIP.SVC AG11-1 244764 2/27/2015 MCMASTER-CARR, 2/2/2015 22046520 $220.07 FWCC-BALL BEARINGS 244631 2/27/2015 ACCURATE INDUSTRIES INC,2/2/2015 263696 $131.68 FWCC-STEAMHEAD W/SHIELD 244764 2/27/2015 MCMASTER-CARR, 2/4/2015 22206455 $39.29 FWCC-METAL POLISH,TERMINAL BL 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/6/2015 9659912118 $89.79 FWCC-TERMINAL BLOCK 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 8/22/2014 9524207306 $65.70 FWCC-SPRING LATCH KEY LOCK 2154759 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $261.71 PRCS-STATIONARY BIKE REPAIR PA 244882 3/13/2015 AGRI SHOP INC, 2/17/2015 37378/1 $186.82 PK-SMALL EQUIPMENT REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $112,309.45 244779 2/27/2015 PACIFIC FIRE&SECURITY, 1/30/2015 47560 $959.22 PKDBC-ANNUAL FIRE EXTINGUSHER 244810 2/27/2015 RICOH USA,INC, 2/5/2015 5034545951 $55.57 FI-02/15 COPIERS/FAX MACHINES 244682 2/27/2015 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/10/2015 INV1159893 $1,138.12 IT-01/15 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 244682 2/27/2015 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/10/2015 INV1159893 $1,433.18 IT-01/15 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 244657 2/27/2015 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 1/31/2015 044353 $494.11 IT-01/15 PHONENOICE MAIL SYST 244810 2/27/2015 RICOH USA,INC, 2/5/2015 5034545951 $47.94 FI-02/15 COPIERS/FAX MACHINES 244682 2/27/2015 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/10/2015 INV1159893 $463.68 IT-01/15 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 244832 2/27/2015 TAC-SOUTH BOUND HONDA, 10/29/2014 2078658 $65.22 PD-HEADLIGHT BULBS 244841 2/27/2015 THE LARSON AUTOMOTIVE G10/31/2014 DOCS342306 $574.26 PD-VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/4/2015 37093 $40.58 PD-OLF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/4/2015 37095 $37.99 PD-OLF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/4/2015 37096 $43.47 PD-OLF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/4/2015 37097 $43.47 PD-OLF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/4/2015 37100 $40.99 PD-OLF 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/5/2015 25853 $206.77 PD-RPLC SHOCKS ON K9 DOOR Key Bank Page 49 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/5/2015 25976 $246.74 PD-REPLC ARM REST,SEAT BELT 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/5/2015 26010 $94.65 . PD-MOUNT COMPUTER 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/5/2015 26011 $878.21 PD-INSTALL LED'S 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/5/2015 26018 $94.65 PD-REMOVE BUMPER&WRAPS 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/5/2015 37063 $1,484.63 PD-OLF,BATTERY,HEATER CORE, 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/5/2015 37106 $48.45 PD-OLF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/5/2015 37107 $259.96 PD-BATTERY,LIGHT BULB 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/6/2015 37118 $37.99 PD-LOF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/9/2015 37117 $212.47 PD-PIGTAIL/WIRE ASSEMBLY 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/9/2015 37123 $48.45 PD-LOF 244802 2/27/2015 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 2/10/2015 25055 $150.00 PD-6274 VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/11/2015 37132 $39.63 PD-LOF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/11/2015 37135 $39.64 PD-LOF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/11/2015 37136 $39.64 PD-LOF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/12/2015 37145 $39.64 PD-LOF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/12/2015 37146 $39.64 PD-LOF 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/13/2015 37144 $39.63 PD-OLF 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/16/2015 26070 $47.33 PD-REPLC LOST LIGHT BAR MODULE 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/16/2015 26092 $278.70 PD-REATTACH STROBE LIGHTS 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/16/2015 37127 $394.20 PD-NEW WHEEL 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/16/2015 37155 $62.82 PD-OLF,LIGHT BULB 244802 2/27/2015 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 2/17/2015 25066 $200.00 PD-VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/17/2015 37175 $39.53 PD-OLF 245014 3/13/2015 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 2/26/2015 25270 $150.00 PD-#6371 VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/26/2015 37225 $21.90 PD-REPAIR TIRE 244972 3/13/2015 LARSEN SIGN CO., 2/27/2015 18427 $196.92 PD-REMOVAL OF GRAPHICS#6153 Key Bank Page 50 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/27/2015 26186 $75.73 PD-REPAIR PUSH BUMPER 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/27/2015 37203 $360.49 PD-NEW WHEEL 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/2/2015 37245 $463.74 PD-OIL,BRAKE PAD,WIPER BLADE 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/2/2015 37249 $134.03 PD-OLF/COWL SIDE TRIM 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2015 37244 $172.68 PD-FIX DOOR HANDLE 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2015 37252 $275.49 PD-TEST BATTERY 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2015 37257 $153.30 PD-MOUNT&BALANCE 4 TIRES 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3/3/2015 37258 $54.75 PD-INSPECT TIRES AND REPAIR 244926 3/13/2015 DOXON MOTORS INC, 3/4/2015 TOCS418153 $64.39 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR 244897 3/13/2015 BERTUCCI,MICHAEL 1/28/2015 BERTUCCI021715 $32.84 PD-OIL CHG 9070 245080 3/13/2015 WASHDUP,LLC, 1/31/2015 146 $471.38 PD-01/15 CAR WASH SERVICE 244906 3/13/2015 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 1/31/2015 CAR WASH $46.00 PD-VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 244995 3/13/2015 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 2/16/2015 406929 $392.01 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/18/2015 37174 $21.90 PD-REPAIR RIGHT REAR TIRE 245014 3/13/2015 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 2/19/2015 25079 $150.00 PD-#6262 VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/19/2015 37177 $409.88 PD-BRAKE PADS FRONT,FRONT BRA 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/19/2015 37191 $39.53 PD-OIL CHANGE 244972 3/13/2015 LARSEN SIGN CO., 2/20/2015 18397 $49.23 PD-REMOVAL OF VINYL FROM 2 SID 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/20/2015 37181 $513.34 PD-OIL CHANGE/REPAIR RADIATOR 244972 3/13/2015 LARSEN SIGN CO., 2/23/2015 18402 $459.48 PD-LETTERING APPLICATION#6253 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/23/2015 37202 $34.99 PD-OIL CHANGE 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/23/2015 37204 $394.02 PD-REPLACE BATTERY 244972 3/13/2015 LARSEN SIGN CO., 2/24/2015 18406 $164.10 PD-REMOVAL VINYL DECALS#8053 245014 3/13/2015 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 2/24/2015 25254 $150.00 PD-#6213 VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2015 26115 $47.33 PD-REPLACE FUSE 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2015 26127 $47.33 PD-REPLACED RADIO HEAD AND BRI Key Bank Page 51 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2015 26136 $91.90 PD-SHOP SUPPLIES 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/24/2015 26174 $378.61 PD-INSTALL PUSH BUMPER 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/24/2015 37208 $43.47 PD-OIL CHANGE 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/24/2015 37209 $39.63 PD-OIL CHNG 244960 3/13/2015 JIM'S AUTO REFINISH/COLLIS2/24/2015 ECC2F5EF $164.71 PD-MAINT.#6103 244965 3/13/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:2/25/2015 00438914 $57.62 PD-REMOVE&INSTALL NEW RADIO 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/25/2015 37169 $295.14 PD-POWER STEERING PRESSURE LIN 245041 3/13/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/25/2015 37211 $379.71 HIELD WASHER HOSE,WINDS S ,WIN 245030 3/13/2015 SCARFF FORD, 2/25/2015 C53177 $123.74 PD-REPAIR CHARGE AIR BAG LIGHT 244994 3/13/2015 NORTH WEST INSTRUMENT, 3/3/2015 12779 $361.35 PD-EVIDENCE BALANCE 244629 2/19/2015 NORTHERN PACIFIC CONSTR1/2/2015 FWMC-01 $30,345.52 MC-TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AG14-17 244629 2/19/2015 NORTHERN PACIFIC CONSTR1/2/2015 FWMC-01 $-1,385.64 MC-TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AG14-17 244772 2/27/2015 NORTHERN PACIFIC CONSTR1/14/2015 FWMC-02 $11,005.24 MC-TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AG14-17 244772 2/27/2015 NORTHERN PACIFIC CONSTR1/14/2015 FWMC-02 $-502.52 MC-TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AG14-17 244736 2/27/2015 JGM TECHNICAL SERVICES 11,2/25/2015 1705 $5,490.00 PKM-ON CALL ELECT SVC AG12-036 244853 2/27/2015 VADIS NORTHWEST, 1/31/2015 20226 $4,266.06 SWR/SWM-01/15 LITTER CONTROL P 244634 2/27/2015 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS REI1/30/2015 01301503T $225.40 FWCC-FITNESS EQUIP.SVC AG11-1 244843 2/27/2015 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR(2/4/2015 5000293041 $430.33 FWCC-ELEVATOR MAINT SVC 244987 3/13/2015 MEYER BROS ROOFING INC,2/12/2015 WO-15-029 $1,283.89 FWCC-ROOF LEAK REPAIR 244940 3/13/2015 FROULAALARM SYSTEMS IN(2/17/2015 133116 $377.78 FWCC-FIRE ALARM SERVICE 244762 2/27/2015 MCDONOUGH&SONS INC, 1/10/2015 198284 $190.97 PKM-PARKING LOT CLEANING AG13- 244762 2/27/2015 MCDONOUGH&SONS INC, 1/26/2015 198674 $825.80 PKM-PARKING LOT CLEANING AG13- 244762 2/27/2015 MCDONOUGH&SONS INC, 2/10/2015 198856 $127.46 PKM-PARKING LOT CLEANING AG13- 244838 2/27/2015 THE FAB SHOP LLC, 2/16/2015 21953 $656.40 PKM-STLK BENCH REPAIR 244959 3/13/2015 JGM TECHNICAL SERVICES I1,2/26/2015 1707 $232.45 PKM-ON CALL ELECT SVC AG12-036 245005 3/13/2015 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 3/1/2015 35508 $237.62 PKM-LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Key Bank Page 52 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244853 2/27/2015 VADIS NORTHWEST, 1/31/2015 20226 $131.94 SWR/SWM-01/15 LITTER CONTROL P 244852 2/27/2015 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND, 1/31/2015 5010126 $283.80 SWM-LOCATING SVC AG 13-018- 244865 2/27/2015 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/5/2015 767718 $1,023.34 PWFLT-WINTER SVC.REPAIR 244865 2/27/2015 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/5/2015 767723 $1,175.64 PWFLT-WINTER SVC.REPAIR 244689 2/27/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/6/2015 1-11926 $182.10 PWFLT-RELAY,ECM TEST,PIN POI 244689 2/27/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/7/2015 1-11950 $55.79 PWFLT-OLF 244689 2/27/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/7/2015 1-11951 $55.79 PWFLT-OLF 244689 2/27/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/7/2015 1-11956 $54.26 PWFLT-OLF 244689 2/27/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/7/2015 1-11964 $144.54 PWFLT-TIGHTEN HOSE CLAMPS 244865 2/27/2015 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/9/2015 767821 $496.08 PWFLT-WINTER SVC REPAIR 244865 2/27/2015 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF2/9/2015 767822 $1,883.12 PWFLT-WINTER SVC REPAIR 244823 2/27/2015 SPARKS CAR CARE, 2/24/2015 37124 $67.55 PWFLT-LOF,BULB REPAIR/MAINT S 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/26/2015 1-12183 $1,230.18 PWFLT-REPAIRS/SERVICE 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/28/2015 1-12271 $80.92 PWFLT-REPAIRS/SERVICE 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(3/5/2015 1-12063 $48.13 PWFLT-OIL CHG 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(3/9/2015 1-12173 $55.79 PWFLT-OIL CHANGE 244957 3/13/2015 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC, 1/29/2015 26681R $886.96 FLT-2011 KUB RTV500-H SVC 244996 3/13/2015 NORTHWEST WIRE ROPE ANl2/9/2015 50066208 $340.45 FLT-HOOKS AND CABLE FOR LIFTIN 245004 3/13/2015 O'REILLYAUTO PARTS, 2/10/2015 3710-418058 $136.21 FLT-BATTERY 245004 3/13/2015 O'REILLYAUTO PARTS, 2/10/2015 3710-418063 $-24.09 FLT-RETURN BATTERY 245004 3/13/2015 O'REILLYAUTO PARTS, 2/11/2015 3710-418330 $953.48 CH-GENERATOR BATTERIES 244983 3/13/2015 MACHINERY POWER&EQUIP2/12/2015 FICR1069539 $-50.46 FLT-TOP LONG CREDIT 244983 3/13/2015 MACHINERY POWER&EQUIP2/12/2015 FICS1069538 $93.95 FLT-PIN-GET,RETAINER AS,TIP 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/13/2015 1-12024 $417.10 PWFLT-REPAIRS VENT VALVE INSTA 245088 3/13/2015 WILLIAMS OIL FILTER SVC CO2/13/2015 149162 $21.06 FLT-CLEAR FILTER VEHICLE SUPPL 244983 3/13/2015 MACHINERY POWER&EQUIP2/13/2015 FICS1069711 $47.35 FLT-TIP IMPACT Key Bank Page 53 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/14/2015 1-11962 $906.67 PWFLT-TIRE 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/14/2015 1-12055 $48.13 PWFLT-OIL CHG 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/14/2015 1-12069 $55.79 PWFLT-OIL CHG 244983 3/13/2015 MACHINERY POWER&EQUIP2/15/2015 FICS1069537 $74.73 FLT-REMOVER PIN 245082 3/13/2015 WASHINGTON TRACTOR INC,2/17/2015 649323 $2,686.45 FLT-JOHN DEERE 6330 SVC 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/23/2015 1-12187 $112.94 PWFLT-REPLACE TIRE 244927 3/13/2015 EAGLE TIRE&AUTOMOTIVE(2/23/2015 1-12191 $734.89 PWFLT-REPAIR A/C 244682 2/27/2015 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/10/2015 INV1159893 $1,053.81 IT-01/15 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 244657 2/27/2015 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 1/31/2015 044353 $444.70 IT-01/15 PHONENOICE MAIL SYST 244807 2/27/2015 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 1/30/2015 26231 $928.01 CHB-BOTTLE WATER SVC/MAINT 244709 2/27/2015 FROULAALARM SYSTEMS IN(2/2/2015 132850 $9,046.34 CHB:REMOVE OLD FIRE PANEL AND 245005 3/13/2015 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 3/1/2015 35509 $452.24 PKM-LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 244940 3/13/2015 FROULAALARM SYSTEMS IN(2/9/2015 132983 $492.75 PD-REPAIR ALARM FAULT 244682 2/27/2015 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/10/2015 INV1159893 $42.15 IT-01/15 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 244657 2/27/2015 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 1/31/2015 044353 $49.41 IT-01/15 PHONENOICE MAIL SYST 244810 2/27/2015 RICOH USA,INC, 2/5/2015 5034545951 $5.45 FI-02/15 COPIERS/FAX MACHINES 244682 2/27/2015 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 2/10/2015 INV1159893 $84.31 IT-01/15 COPIERS/PRINTERS MAIN 244880 3/13/2015 ADVANCED SAFETY&FIRE S`2/23/2015 134761 $244.57 PD-FIRE EXTINGUSHERS 244693 2/27/2015 EMERALD AIRE INC, 1/21/2015 35035 $930.53 CHB-HVAC REPAIRS/MAINT 244959 3/13/2015 JGM TECHNICAL SERVICES 11`2/26/2015 1708 $4,037.74 PKM-CONDUIT WIRING 244844 2/27/2015 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPOR,11/30/2014 61042 $7,856.67 PWST-11/2014 ROW LANDSCAPING A 244773 2/27/2015 NORTHWEST LININGS&GEO2/4/2015 0054837-IN $423.77 PWST-ROOT BARRIERS 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE 12/5/2015 284816 $12.03 PWST-SIMPLE GREEN CLEANER 244941 3/13/2015 FURNEY'S NURSERY INC, 2/23/2015 1-77843 $43.80 PWST-STREET TREE CHAIN TIES FO SALES TAX PAYABLE $5,842.60 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $5,796.72 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX • Key Bank Page 54 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $45.88 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX • SALES TAX PAYABLE-RECREAT $11,304.55 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $3,226.39 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $8,078.16 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX-FWCC SBCC SURCHARGE $283.00 245076 3/13/2015 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES,3/3/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $283.00 FI-02/15 SBCC SURCHARGE FEES SEWER BILLINGS $347.94 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 460602 $128.82 PKM-10/28-12/30/14 2645 312TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 101 $27.42 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 31132 28TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 824102 $49.64 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 30000 14TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 888103 $53.42 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 31132 28TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 888302 $30.02 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 31104 28TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 899802 $58.62 PKM-10/31-01/02/15 2410 312TH SMALL TOOLS-SHOP $941.69 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/3/2015 9656238939 $14.56 FWCC-SOCKET BITS 244715 2/27/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/5/2015 9658809729 $190.09 FWCC-SHELF BIN 244943 3/13/2015 GRAINGER INC, 2/24/2015 9674658829 $38.74 FWCC-WIRE STRIPPER 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/25/2015 285193 $3.60 FWCC-STUBBY BLADE BIT 244759 2/27/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/6/2015 02805 $51.98 PKM-BIT SET 244770 2/27/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/11/2015 284919 $51.08 PKM-DRILL BITS 244932 3/13/2015 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/26/2015 9282899 $104.34 PKM-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 244981 3/13/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/17/2015 09240 $19.58 PKM-SUPPLIES 244991 3/13/2015 NEW LUMBER&HARDWARE(2/18/2015 285059 $44.34 PKM-ROUTER BITT 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $92.94 PKM-SHOP VAC REPAIR PARTS 244759 2/27/2015 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/13/2015 02792 $11.76 PKM-COLD CHISEL 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $294.56 PKM-WELDER WIRE FEED 244952 3/13/2015 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/28/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $24.12 PWST-TRAILER HITCH SLUG&BALL STATE SEIZURES $2,120.03 Key Bank Page 55 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244861 2/27/2015 WA STATE TREASURER'S OFF2/25/2015 2014 $2,120.03 PD-REMIT DRUG FORFEITED PROPER STONE&GRAVEL $746.90 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/8/2015 184562 $162.86 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL,GRAVE 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/27/2015 450825 $65.90 PWST-CONCRETE SUPPLIES 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 2/2/2015 451425 $238.64 PWST-CONCRETE SUPPLIES 244918 3/13/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 2/4/2015 451844 $116.64 PSWT-SUPPLIES FOR SOD REPLACEM 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/8/2015 184562 $162.86 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL,GRAVE TAXES/ASSESSMENTS-INTERGOVT $173.50 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $5,574.94 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $-5,574.92 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $146.99 FI-01/15 REMIT SALES TAX SWM 245009 3/13/2015 PIERCE COUNTY BUDGET&F2/14/2015 0421303016 $26.49 PKM-PARCEL#0421303016 SECTION TELEPHONE SYSTEM EQUIP-MOTOR $68.56 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $68.56 IT-HEADSET PARTS TIRES $358.85 244886 3/13/2015 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTO15/28/2014 SO469387195 $-71.75 PD-RETURN 1 TIRE 244886 3/13/2015 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTO13/3/2015 S0572584449 $277.72 PD-2 NEW TIRES 244886 3/13/2015 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT012/23/2015 S0569593601 $152.88 PD-1 NEW TIRE TOPSOIL $861.61 244980 3/13/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 2/11/2015 185103 $474.80 PKM-TOPSOIL FOR STREET TREE RE 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/20/2015 450103 $54.20 PWST-TOPSOIL 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/21/2015 450186 $54.20 PWST-TOPSOIL 244683 2/27/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 1/22/2015 450287 $45.17 PWST-TOPSOIL 244980 3/13/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 2/11/2015 185103 $197.10 PKM-TOPSOIL FOR STREET TREE RE 244918 3/13/2015 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 2/12/2015 452579 $36.14 PWST-TOPSOIL TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS $1,164.00 244734 2/27/2015 JAMES,JOANNE 2/2/2015 0991400192530 $210.00 MC-REFUND PAID AND TICKET WAS 244724 2/27/2015 HENRICKSEN,MARILYN 2/4/2015 0991400165833 $120.00 MC-REFUND SPEEDING REINSTATEME 244703 2/27/2015 FERGUSON,PATRICK 2/5/2015 0991400199261 $120.00 MC-REFUND OVERPAYMENT PAID TOO Key Bank Page 56 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244760 2/27/2015 MARQUARDT,ED 2/12/2015 0991500010624 $214.00 MC-RED LIGHT REFUND MARQUARDT 244722 2/27/2015 HARRIS,ARTHUR 2118/2015 0991400239463 $250.00 MC-RED LIGHT REFUND A HARRIS 245010 3/13/2015 PITSTICK,BEVERLY 2/22/2015 0991500021423 $250.00 MC-NOTICE OF INFRACTION HAS BE TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT $153,293.54 244806 2/27/2015 PVP COMMUNICATIONS,INC,11/4/2014 20390 $1,611.16 PD-HELMET INTERFACE REPLACEMEN 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12118/2015 26151 $4,999.84 PD-NEW VEHICLE SETUP 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2015 26152 $4,999.84 PD-NEW VEHICLE SETUP 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2015 26153 $4,999.84 PD-NEW VEHICLE SETUP 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2015 26155 $4,999.84 PD-NEW VEHICLE SETUP 244830 2/27/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2015 26156 $4,999.84 PD-NEW VEHICLE SETUP 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $47.25 FI-VEHICLE REGISTRATION 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $94.50 FI-VEHICLE REGISTRATION 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $94.50 FI-VEHICLE REGISTRATION 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/27/2015 26157 $3,713.03 PD-EQUIPMENT FOR NEW/REPLACEME 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/27/2015 26230 $4,676.51 PD-REPLACEMENT CAR LIGHTING 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/27/2015 26231 $4,676.51 PD-504 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT VEH 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/27/2015 26232 $4,676.51 PD-REPLACEMENT OF VEHICLE LIGH 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/27/2015 26238 $4,676.51 PD-REPLACEMENT CAR LIGHTING 245011 3/13/2015 POWERSPORTS NORTHWES13/3/2015 99931416 $27,131.32 PD-2014 HONDA POLICE PURSUIT M 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2015 26159 $4,999.84 PD-REPLACEMENT CAR EQUIPMENT 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/18/2015 26160 $4,999.84 PD-CAR EQUIPMENT 245051 3/13/2015 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/19/2015 26158 $4,808.39 PD-REPLACEMENT CAR EQUPMENT 244972 3/13/2015 LARSEN SIGN CO., 2/20/2015 18393 $2,838.93 PD-COMPLETE GRAPHIC PACKAGES 244972 3/13/2015 LARSEN SIGN CO., 2/20/2015 18394 $1,892.62 PD-COMPLETE GRAPHIC PACKAGE(2 245036 3/13/2015 SETINA MANUFACTURING CO2/23/2015 95500 $950.87 PD-REPLACEMENT CAR PANELS 244845 2/27/2015 TRAILER BOSS, 2/4/2015 F1000471 $4,641.49 PWFLT-2015 TRAILER SERIAL Key Bank Page 57 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244976 3/13/2015 LEGACY FORD, 2/21/2015 147621 $24,602.24 PWFLT-REPLACEMENT OF INSPECTOR 244628 2/18/2015 PETTY CASH-FINANCE, 2/18/2015 FI-02/18/15 $31.00 FI-VEHICLE REGISTRATION 245011 3/13/2015 POWERSPORTS NORTHWES13/3/2015 99931414 $27,131.32 PD-2014 HONDA POLICE PURSUIT- USE TAX PAYABLE $3,956.71 943962 2/20/2015 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2015 601-223-5385 $3,956.71 FI-01/15 REMIT USE TAX- WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS $782.55 244829 2/27/2015 STYRO RECYCLE LLC, 1/30/2015 3589 $200.00 SWR-STYROFOAM RECYCLING EVENT 244635 2/27/2015 ALL BATTERY SALES&SERVI2/5/2015 864325 $114.10 SWR-RECYCLE BATTERIES 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $27.26 SWR-RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE ACCTA 2159491 3/4/2015 US BANK, 2/25/2015 FEBRUARY 2015 $21.60 SWR-ORGANICS RECYCLING SVC 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/8/2015 184562 $84.70 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL,GRAVE 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/12/2015 184592 $24.80 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/14/2015 184658 $42.43 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL 244744 2/27/2015 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£1/31/2015 38401 $28.02 PWST-01/15 ALGONA TS DISPOSAL 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/8/2015 184562 $84.70 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL,GRAVE 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/12/2015 184592 $24.81 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL 244758 2/27/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 1/14/2015 184658 $42.43 PWST/SWM-DEBRIS REMOVAL 244969 3/13/2015 L&S TIRE COMPANY, 2/13/2015 74751 $31.50 SWM-REDONDO WAY TIRE CLEAN UP 244980 3/13/2015 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 2/19/2015 185388 $45.06 PKM-DUMP ASPHALT RET 244826 2/27/2015 STERICYCLE INC, 1/31/2015 3002911563 $11.14 PD-MEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL SVC WATER BILLINGS $2,613.21 245052 3/13/2015 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 2/25/2015 100048250 $334.07 DBC-01/28/15-2/25/15 DASH PT. 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC12/15/2014 1941803 $296.90 PKM-8/26-10/28/14 31600 20 AVE 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/6/2015 2832301 $24.70 PKM-10/22-12/26/14 30619 16TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/6/2015 2984001 $24.70 PKM-10/22-122/26/14 31850 7TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 1941803 $24.70 PKM-10/28-12/30/14 31600 20 AV 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 1946803 $12.82 PKM-10/28-12/30/14 31600 20TH Key Bank Page 58 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 2049903 $24.70 PKM-10/24-12/29/14 31531 1ST 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3586001 $24.70 PKM-10/27-12/29/14 31531 1STA 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 460602 $231.24 PKM-10/28-12/30/14 2645 312TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 101 $26.66 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 31132 28TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 2814401 $24.70 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 2645 312TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 822402 $325.28 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 30009 16TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 824102 $152.84 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 30000 14TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 888103 $73.72 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 31132 28TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 888302 $28.62 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 31104 28TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 896402 $24.70 PKM-10/30-01/02/15 2410 312TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 899802 $178.32 PKM-10/31-01/02/15 2410 312TH 244749 2/27/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 924602 $24.70 PKM-11/03-01/06/15 LAURELWOOD 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/19/2015 3033601 $49.95 PKM-01/15 28159 24TH PL S#303 244725 2/27/2015 HIGHLINE WATER DISTRICT, 1/26/2015 19221-00 $161.34 PWST-11/19/14-01/26/15 ROW IRR 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC3/11/2015 3621801 $24.70 PWST-12/14 1401 SW 312TH STREE 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3278301 $24.70 PWST-12/14 32009 23RD AVE S#3 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3336101 $24.70 PWST-12/14 31026 PAC HWY#3336 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3364101 $28.59 PWST-12/14 1618 S 288TH ST#33 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3481301 $24.70 PWST-12/14 SR 99/279TH TO 248T 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3488801 $24.70 PWST-12/14 31802 21ST AVE S#3 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3540201 $24.70 PWST-12/14 29627 PAC HWY S #3 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3540301 $24.70 PWST-12/14 28719 PAC HWY S#35 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3545101 $24.70 PWST-12/14 29102 PAC HWY#3545 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 3568101 $24.70 PWST-12/14 30799 PAC HWY IRRIG 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 482303 $24.70 PWST-12/14 28866 PAC HWY S#48 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/11/2015 482405 $27.13 PWST-12/14 28850 PAC HWY#4824 Key Bank Page 59 of 59 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 3088801 $24.70 PWST-01/15 2000 312TH ST#3088 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 3200201 $24.70 PWST-1/15 32002 32RD AEV S#32 244970 3/13/2015 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/13/2015 3642501 $24.70 PWST-01/15 30801 14TH AVE S#3 245052 3/13/2015 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 2/25/2015 100048250 $167.03 DBC-01/28/15-2/25/15 DASH PT. ZONING COMPLIANCE FEE $100.00 244871 3/13/2015 10 NINE DESIGN GROUP, 2/18/2015 15-100772 $100.00 CD-ZONING REVIEW REQUEST CANCE Total $2,210,137.76 CLAIMES PAID VIA WIRE TRANSFERS 2/20/2015 GROUP HEALTH-COOPERATIVE 2/19/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 845.78 2/20/2015 GROUP HEALTH-OPTIONS 2/19/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 35,696.95 2/27/2015 GROUP HEALTH-COOPERATIVE 2/26/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 10,740.53 2/27/2015 GROUP HEALTH-OPTIONS 2/26/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 31,379.34 3/6/2015 GROUP HEALTH-COOPERATIVE 3/5/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 4,890.01 3/6/2015 GROUP HEALTH-OPTIONS 3/5/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 56,070.52 3/13/2015 GROUP HEALTH-COOPERATIVE 3/12/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 5,830.69 3/13/2015 GROUP HEALTH-OPTIONS 3/12/2015 MEDICAL\PHARMACY CLAIMS 46,296.09 $191,749.91 GRAND TOTAL $2,401,887.67 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 7,2015 ITEM#: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: DUMAS BAY CENTRE AND KNUTZEN FAMILY THEATRE CARPET REPLACEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City accept the bid results for RFB 15-006; Dumas Bay Centre Carpet Replacement Project and authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with the successful bidder? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: March 24,2015 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing n City Council Business n Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Rob Ettinger, Dumas Bay Centre Manager DEPT: Parks Attachment: Facility diagram showing locations for carpet replacement. Options Considered: 1. Authorize a bid award for carpet replacement at the Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family.Theatre in the amount of$111,065.85 to Rubenstein's and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. 2. Do not authorize a bid award for carpet replacement at the Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family Theatre and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMME013 ON: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: 3 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ir Cot ttte�. . �ounci • Initial/Date ��// Initial/Date Initial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: „a.Wu-, %, '( ,Q iA .?,L;r Coe. ',ee �� Counc Ii• al/Date Initial late COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the bid award for carpet replacement at the Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family Theatre to the April 7, 2015 consent agenda for approval. tiv r jr 1�07, iar� r* . , Committee Chair Committee Member ommittee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize a hid award for carpet replacement at the Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family Theatre in the amount of 8111,065.85 to Rubensteins and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL# ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING(ordinances only) ORDINANCE# REVISED—1/2015 RESOLUTION# : :r;1 - -T1 (A '-',..- riD• - _ 00 cp 9 21 gir g . - - - , - rs ; =i< 0 r- ozct) z -Dmm V.,.1 6 1 , = <rn 1-1 r.ri or- ril_o _<r- c_) c)X X_ cl 'V > * rrl C-ni II y 1p 0 : : :5 00 ,...,:j : 1.," iffli 0, rn 0 - 0 (...) -1 0 -1 , . rca, 9. •-••1 ct 0 '-.f. m rn 71 i rn 1 o f II I 7) M m C --i r- ;•' n--.1 , 1,7> m › zrnmo r. • Vii'-'"' ig 1 1 u .r... Li) r--; rn zz z , FAIL ':Tv ..-, > c° - x z '''- % .7., a , .•.7.1„., ,u Li; ,,_,....: --jr-. ....,73--- X°, :--<, 1;91 -7j(1) --I -4 71 0 li 1 'E, t. , 2 > 0 > :....- . ,..0 ° I A I g 1 ._ 1 , r•-•—II 1. ;••• • ! ,. 7 0:, ...:i. ..":4 k 42 . ° ■ .,...- --.6.4, > M '.. > . -07—, 1.2 ..1:____TXtrti:n IC:2 .....; (./) ::: 4-•-• a •-...,m_ a a • , ....-.1-46:I = s ...; L.,,r A, I,, --, • :.:orx 0 . • 41' ' i ' ' 1. ,,,'0 • • 2 . —,-.-;, 41,,I=L- — r—. 1 , .'I r '---Ir- ,... . '71 .'‘., i....' ..■. 01 1741 .*. .......-...----" . • It.-702 a -;I-;_*,- -4.7..._:,-- • — •--- z -- 41 . -----i.--j-- ' w ...-* .L" , ■ ...-..'a ....___I J - „ , v , .4 , 1 > ' M 1 0 k Ul ,1,- 'e .-1- --:-) - 7.-7, ••‹ I L gti • I CO g.• „., ii I 1 — I I > ED .. Cc , ' c t '1 -:2r..-14. . II -< ., . ,. ,,.... , .P, ., Tr . . sj , 1 ...,. i' ., k..) n g`"I ,f CrIC I 1, '‘', .,'‘ ','-t,-,''■\ a) II rn . ., i ...< r c. +tD 0 t \ Zif is' — ----.-1, ", ' ' ■•Nk.,V-I.P.' \ Z 2) - • a .. ' 4 El 1 ' I fl,..• -0.,,„-• ,, , , •••• r„. ,•,.,,\\\‘,.. ; ., H co - . . ID 1_ 11 4 R. C 1 ' ' .- *-- L. i----1!, \ ... ..-1,-- P.. I 1 '- ' . ,-,--g - 4:9, ,.. .1 r. ' , \,..■,,,..,,,,,,:.:.. ., oj ', 1_"-- ' .., .,-4. #. 1 iiiii .11 2 a P ' , ,, 1. 1 . 4 . . ,..1 4 , , . 1 , rri .. „ , „ , .., • :...ii,– - --CV 1,s,gir • '--'±.--,,, \-„,-...-_-2 --... 11'....I' FT ,-„, , l' Lt • L- lei.,: ., _-.-.\ r 1 . - ..„L.... s- -a) 1 •a:c.: a II I - 1 _ 11' ® > 0 73 CD 4•4•• H 7% (1) rn a ■-•,{12 .6.4 ■ ''''' e_ N.) r..) N) -: t< , lir -•'.. i. 70..., .,1x .- '.6,3 EA -EF) EA 73_ f i .. . • 1 * --..1 . , 0 ■ , , r„ -' tip m.g.., 4 E 11 3. • . - I;r.,..k. ' ".1,11,, l' 1 ® gii-s. iL„,,L..._7„,„ , f , . ... 1 . •1 %„t. I Z 0 ': 7^ • 1 -,'D •-- '-. :',7," 1 1„ II ., „,,T, , ,,,,,, 1 yi . 4 -'44■ . . I II , Ot •,...„ 77,•E.;.• . ki — . ', ' ' 0 ,-. ,-. ..... .-. r..)-ri 0 .10 0 CO .- ei 0 rei CD CD co cn co ro - . > :: :3 1 c3 a 1.7., ' a , 1 t• 1 t. * Fii a <CO Di fi ■ 7 ',3 lbw!, CD ° t cp a) CD > 03 2.--• IN';-a 56 -5.-.., ., _ . --,,,,-,_ f•, 0 ..' 0 CO H ..... I Ii I 1 0 ucr 0 cro- 2 zl co g 1 p . t, ,.; 0 03 , cl• co a a) co co . L,' ED • ,f) Z:: ',71. a) CD - . NV1d -V XICIN3dcIV COUNCIL MEETING DATE:April 7,2015 ITEM#: Ol CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE:ENACT A BAN ON RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA-RELATED BUSINESSES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council enact a ban on recreational marijuana-related businesses? COMMITTEE: LUTC MEETING DATE: October 6, 2014 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stacey Welsh, Senior Planner DEPT: CD Attachments: Proposed Ordinance enacting a ban on recreational marijuana related businesses. Background: Council adopted a moratorium on both medical and recreational marijuana-related businesses that is set to expire on May 5, 2015. On March 17, 2015, the City Council did not move Council Bill #670 forward, an ordinance that would have allowed for the zoning and regulation of recreational marijuana-related businesses within the City of Federal Way. As an alternative, Council consensus was to bring forward two options: (1) an ordinance to ban recreational marijuana; or (2) a one-year moratorium on recreational marijuana-related businesses. The proposed ordinance to ban would take effect on May 6, 2015 after the expiration of the current moratorium. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A �J' / DIRECTOR APPROVA j Committee / 7 ounci Initi. 'at Initial/Date Initial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A dal Committee Cou it Initial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): • 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE (APRIL 7): `I move to forward approval of the ordinance to the April 21, 2015 Council Meeting for enactment." 2"READING OF ORDINANCE(APRIL 21): "I move approval of the proposed ordinance." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: � � ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL# `- ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING(ordinances only) ORDINANCE# REVISED-1/2015 RESOLUTION# ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to prohibiting all recreational marijuana-related businesses including retail,production, and processing. WHEREAS, in November 2012, Washington State voters approved Initiative 502 (I- 502), codified in Chapter 69.50 RCW, which "authorizes the Washington State Liquor Control Board to regulate and tax marijuana for persons twenty-one years of age and older," and license marijuana producers,processors, and retailors; and WHEREAS, on November 5, 2013 the City of Federal Way City Council passed Ordinance No. 13-749 imposing a one year moratorium on marijuana collective gardens and other activities involved in the sale, manufacturing, or distribution of marijuana to allow for time to determine how best to respond to I-502 within the City; and WHEREAS, on October 21, 2014 the City of Federal Way City Council passed Ordinance No. 14-776 renewing the moratorium imposed by Ordinance No. 13-749 for six months; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Liquor Control Board recreational marijuana rules do not affect local zoning and building regulations, but do place location restrictions on recreational marijuana businesses; and WHEREAS, staff prepared draft code amendments related to the siting of recreational marijuana-related businesses, including marijuana production, processing, and retail sales; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a public workshop on the proposed code amendments, on August 20, 2014; and Ordinance No. 15- Page 1 of 4 Rev 1/15 LU WHEREAS, an Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was properly issued for the draft code amendments on September 5, 2014, and no comments or appeals were received and the DNS was finalized on October 3, 2014; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission properly conducted a duly noticed public hearing on these code amendments on September 17, 2014; and WHEREAS, during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussed the proposed code amendments and identified concerns regarding the relationship of marijuana-related businesses with other permitted uses that could potentially locate near them; and WHEREAS, following discussion of the proposed code amendments, the Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation to prohibit marijuana-related businesses in the City to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Land Use/Transportation Committee of the Federal Way City Council considered the Planning Commission's recommendation on October 6, 2014, recommended adoption of the Planning Commission recommendation, and additionally voted to recommend that the moratorium on medical marijuana be extended; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered zoning regulations for marijuana-related businesses in the City at meetings on October 21, 2014 and February 17, 2015; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2015, the City Council did not move Council Bill #670 forward, an ordinance that would have allowed for the zoning and regulation of recreational marijuana-related businesses within the City of Federal Way; and WHEREAS, the City desires for the recreational marijuana ban to take effect on May 6, 2015 to coincide with the May 5, 2015 expiration of the moratorium imposed by Ordinance No. 14-776; and Ordinance No. 15- Page 2 of 4 Rev 1/15 LU WHEREAS, the City Council finds that prohibiting recreational marijuana-related businesses, including marijuana production, processing and retail sales, as a land use is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Federal Way; and WHEREAS, on January 16, 2014, the Washington State Attorney General issued an opinion (AGO 2014-2) offering the opinion that I-502 does not preempt counties, cities, and towns from banning marijuana production, processing and retail businesses within their jurisdictions, and concluding that the issuance of a license from the Liquor Control Board does not entitle licensees to locate or operate a marijuana production, processing, or retail business in violation of local rules or without necessary approval from local jurisdictions, concluding that local jurisdictions are permitted under the law to prohibit such activities; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recreational marijuana-related businesses, such as marijuana production, processing, or retail sales, as may be allowed by Chapter 69.50 RCW, are expressly prohibited from locating or operating in any zone within the City of Federal Way. Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to any other persons or circumstances. Section 3. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of Ordinance No. 15- Page 3 of 4 Rev 1/15 LU scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any references thereto. Section 4. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective May 6, 2015, after passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 21st day of April, 2015. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JIM FERRELL ATTEST: CITY CLERK, STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, AMY JO PEARSALL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 15- Page of 4 Rev 1/15 LU COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 7,2015 ITEM#: lK .................................................................................................................................................................... ................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: ESTABLISHING A ONE-YEAR MORATORIUM ON RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA- RELATED BUSINESSES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council establish a one-year moratorium on recreational marijuana-related businesses and other activities involved in the retail,production,and processing of recreational marijuana within the City? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stacey Welsh, Senior Planner DEPT: CD Attachments: Proposed Ordinance establishing a one-year moratorium on recreational marijuana related businesses and activities. Background: Council adopted a moratorium on both medical and recreational marijuana-related businesses that is set to expire on May 5, 2015. The City does not have regulations that address recreational marijuana and, on March 17, 2015, adopted a one-year moratorium on medical marijuana. The proposed ordinance establishes a one-year moratorium on recreational marijuana-related businesses, and other activities involved in the retail, production, and processing of recreational marijuana within the City to preserve the status quo in the City while the City considers, develops, and implements appropriate regulations. The proposed ordinance will take effect on May 6,2015,which is concurrent with the expiration of the current moratorium. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A /f MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A 1- / DIRECTOR APPROV j j fjr-6�� Committee ' Council �� Initi. D. • Initial/Date Initial/D CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A ,Q i( Committee u d Initial/Date I tia ate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:N/A • Committee Chair ' Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): 1sT READING OF ORDINANCE AND ENACTMENT(APRIL 7): "I move approval of the proposed ordinance." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL# ❑ DENIED 1sT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING(ordinances only) ORDINANCE*# REVISED-1/2015 RESOLUTION# ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, imposing a one-year moratorium on recreational marijuana-related businesses and other activities involved in the retail, production, and processing of recreational marijuana; establishing a work group to develop a work plan; and setting a date for a public hearing. WHEREAS, Initiative 502 (I-502), passed November 2012, directed the Washington State Liquor Control Board to develop a licensing program for producers, processors and retailers of recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Liquor Control Board recreational marijuana rules do not affect local zoning and building regulations, but do place location restrictions on recreational marijuana-related businesses that will need to be monitored by the City; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Liquor Control Board allotted five (5) retail establishments within the City of Federal Way; and WHEREAS, the City does not have any land use regulations regarding recreational marijuana under 1-502; and WHEREAS, I-502 allows the City to regulate recreational marijuana by enacting zoning, licensing, and/or health and safety requirements; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature is currently considering legislation slation involvin g recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, in order to address I-502 and potential State legislation it is anticipated that amendments will need to be made to the City's building, zoning, business, and public safety regulations; and WHEREAS, the City is concerned that recreational marijuana-related uses could become established in the City that are inconsistent with or conflict with future regulatory schemes; and Ordinance No. I5- Page 1 of 5 Rev 1/15 LU WHEREAS, RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390 authorize the City to adopt moratoria; and WHEREAS, on November 5, 2013 the City of Federal Way City Council passed Ordinance No. 13-749 imposing a one year moratorium on marijuana collective gardens and other activities involved in the sale, manufacturing, or distribution of marijuana to allow for time to determine how best to respond to I-502 within the City; and WHEREAS, on October 21, 2014, the City of Federal Way City Council passed Ordinance No. 14-776 renewing the moratorium imposed by Ordinance No. 13-749 for six months; and WHEREAS, the moratorium imposed by Ordinance No. 14-776 applies to both medical and recreational marijuana related activities; and WHEREAS, the City desires to separately regulate medical and recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2015, the City took separate action with regard to medical marijuana by establishing a one-year moratorium with Ordinance No. 15-787; and WHEREAS, the moratorium imposed by Ordinance No. 14-776 expires on May 5, 2015; and WHEREAS, the City desires for a new moratorium to take effect to coincide with the May 5, 2015 expiration of the moratorium imposed by Ordinance No.14-776; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to establish a moratorium to evaluate and, if necessary, enact regulations under I-502 and further potential State legislation; and Ordinance No. 15- Page 2 of 5 Rev 1/15 LU WHEREAS, a work group of City staff will develop a work program to analyze potential changes to City zoning regulations that may be necessary to address state law, and to develop a workable set of recommendations for local land use controls for safe and effective regulation of recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, the City will hold a public hearing on the moratorium within 60 days of its adoption; and WHEREAS, the adoption of this moratorium is exempt from the requirements of a threshold determination under the State Environmental Policy Act; and WHEREAS, the desire to maintain the status quo and the potential adverse impacts on the public health, property, safety, and welfare of the City and its citizens if this Ordinance does not take effect immediately, justify the declaration of an emergency and the designation of this ordinance as a public emergency ordinance necessary for the protection of the public health, public safety, public property or the public peace by the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings of fact: (a) The foregoing whereas provisions are adopted as findings of fact. (b) The moratorium is necessary to provide the City with sufficient time to study the potential impacts of I-502, court decisions, and potential State legislation. (c) The moratorium is necessary to preserve the status quo until the City adopts appropriate zoning, health, safety, and/or licensing regulations and to insure that the regulations comply with the State Law. Ordinance No. 15- Page 3 of 5 Rev 1/15 LU Section 2. Moratorium Established. No recreational marijuana-related businesses, and other activities involved in the retail, production, or processing of recreational marijuana shall be allowed within the City. The City Clerk shall not accept nor issue recreational marijuana related business applications or registrations for the duration of this moratorium. Section 3. Work Plan. A work group consisting of representatives from Community Development, Police, Finance, and the City Attorney's Office is hereby established to evaluate any State legislation regarding recreational marijuana and develop draft regulations regarding recreational marijuana related uses. This work plan allows City staff, the Planning Commission, and the City Council time to review its development regulations to determine appropriate development standards, and to move any proposed development code changes through established governmental processes. Section 4. Duration of Moratorium. This moratorium shall be in effect for one year from the effective date of this ordinance Section 5. Public Hearing. A public hearing for this moratorium will be held on April 21, 2015, at the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. Section 6. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to any other persons or circumstances. Section 7. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of Ordinance No. 15- Page 4 of 5 Rev 1/15 LU scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any references thereto. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on May 6, 2015. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 7th day of April, 2015. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JIM FERRELL ATTEST: CITY CLERK, STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, AMY JO PEARSALL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 15- Page 5 of 5 Rev Ul5 LU