HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil PKT 07-01-2014 RegularCITY OF . Federal Way AGENDA FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall July 1, 2014 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Red, White and Blues Festival b. Fireworks Enforcement c. National Night Out Event d. Town Square Park Update e. Branding Ad -Hoc Committee Report f. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report 4. CITIZEN COMMENT PLEASE COMPLETE A PINK SLIP AND TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. When recognized by the Mayor, come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes. The Mayor may interrupt comments that exceed three minutes, relate negatively to other individuals, or are otherwise inappropriate. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: June 17, 2014 Special and Regular Meetings ...page 3 b. Vouchers ...page 13 c. Monthly Financial Report — May 2014 ...page 75 d. Home Investment Partnerships Program Interlocal Agreement ...page 90 e. Toys R Us Demolition Project— Change Order #1 to Demolish the Building Concrete Slab and Haul Away ...page 109 The Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Ethics Board Appointment ...page 111 b. Planning Commission Appointments ...page 113 c. Confirmation of Public Works Director ...page 115 d. Re- Lamping Project — Aquatics Area of Federal Way Community Center ...page 116 e. Reschedule August 5th Council Meeting ...page 119 f. Cancelation of August 19th Council Meeting ...page 120 g. Tourism Enhancement Grant for 2014 Federal Way Cup Runs ...page 121 h. Program Year 2014 CDBG Annual Action Plan Funding Agreement ...page 130 i. Resolution: Inter -fund Loan for Performing Arts and Conference Center ...page 135 7. ORDINANCES First Reading: a. CB# 651: Amending Federal Way Revised Code 12.45 Taxicabs ...page 140 An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, amending Federal Way Revised Code 12.45 "Taxicabs" b. CB# 652: 2014 Budget Adjustment ...page 144 An ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to Budgets and Finance to revise the 2013 -14 Biennial Budget 8. COUNCIL REPORTS 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION Collective Bargaining Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) Evaluate Qualifications of Employees Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) 10. ADJOURNMENT The Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes of the June 17, 2014 Special and Regular City Council Meetings? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Carol McNeilly. Citv Clerk Attachments: DEPT: Mayor's Office Draft minutes from the June 17, 2014 Special and Regular City Council Meetings. Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A N/A CITY CLERK APPROVAL: Committee Council Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A N/A Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # .4CITY OF 4,1& Federal Way MINUTES FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall June 17, 2014 6:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember Lydia Assefa- Dawson, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. Mayor Ferrell excused Councilmember Kelly Maloney. City staff in attendance: Interim CityAttorneyAmy Jo Pearsall and City Clerk Carol McNeilly. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Peter Beckwith led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. MARIJUANA REGULATIONS UPDATE Staff Presentation: Assistant City Attorney Peter Beckwith provided background information on medical and recreational marijuana laws /regulations and stated the City implemented a moratorium which expires November 5, 2014. Mr. Beckwith reviewed the State restriction for recreational marijuana business locations as well as the role of the Liquor Control Board. The Liquor Control Board received fifteen applications for retail stores within the City; and assigned up to three retail stores within the City. To date the City has not received notification of any business applications. Mr. Beckwith presented information on the Federal Government and Department of Justice guidelines relating to marijuana and reported on the actions other jurisdictions have taken regarding this issue. Mr. Beckwith presented various regulatory' options for discussion purposes. If the Council opts to regulate marijuana the proposed timeline would be followed: • August 6th the Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing; • September 8th the item will be presented to the Land Use Transportation Council Committee; • September 16th an ordinance will be presented to Council for first reading and on October 7th the ordinance will be scheduled for second reading and enactment. Councilmembers asked clarifying questions of staff and discussed the option of regulating marijuana and the proposed timeline for action. City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Special Meeting Page 1 of 2 • Public Comment: Tracy Hills stated he does not support the City allowing /regulating marijuana businesses. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor, Council and Interim City Attorney adjourned to Executive Session at 6:40 p.m.to discuss qualifications of employees Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for approximately twenty minutes. They adjourned from Executive Session at 6:58 p.m. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Attest: Carol McNeilly, CMC, City Clerk Approved by Council: City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Special Meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF Federal Way MINUTES FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall June 17, 2014 7:00 p.m. www.cityoffederalway.com 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember Lydia Assefa- Dawson, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Bob Celski, Councilmember Martin Moore and Councilmember Dini Duclos. Mayor Ferrell excused Councilmember Kelly Maloney. City staff in attendance: Interim City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall and City Clerk Carol McNeilly. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE H. David Kaplan led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Key to the City: Mary Gates Mayor Ferrell spoke to the many roles Ms. Gates has had in the Federal Way community. She was a member of the citizens committee that worked for city incorporation; she was elected to the first City Council and served until 2003 — including serving as Mayor from 1994 to 1995. Ms. Gates and was involved numerous City projects including the formation of the Federal Way Police Department; Celebration Park; Dumas Bay Center and the Community Center. Mayor Ferrell presented Ms. Gates with a Key to the City. Ms. Gates thanked the Mayor for the recognition she announced she has been appointed to the Bonsai Collection Board and spoke to the importance of economic development in the City and its correlation with creating jobs. b. Inclusion Program Community Development Director Patrick Doherty provided a brief summary of Inclusion Program which receives CDBG funding from the City. Mr. Doherty introduced Inclusion Program Coordinator Kevin Hutchinson. Mr. Hutchinson provided an overview of the program courses /activities which focus on teaching life skills and providing recreation opportunities to individuals. The program, which began 14 years ago, has served numerous participants throughout South King County. c. Certificate of Appointment: Arts Commission At their June 3rd meeting, the Council appointed Caroline Castro to the Arts Commission. Councilmember Honda read the Certificate of Appointment into the record. City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 1 of 7 d. Certificate of Appointment: Diversity Commission At their June 3rd meeting, the Council re- appointed Chris Brown, Gregory Baruso and Jessicka Rambus to the Diversity Commission. Councilmember Honda read the Certificates of Appointment into the record. e. Certificate of Appointment: Human Services Commission The Council appointed Sinh Nguyen to the Human Services Commission at their June 3rd Meeting. Councilmember Honda read the Certificate of Appointment into the record. f. Certificate of Appointment: Parks and Recreation Commission The Council appointed Lynda Jenkins to the Parks and Recreation Commission at the June 3rd Meeting. Councilmember Honda read the Certificate of Appointment into the record. g. Mayor's Emerginq Issues and Report Staffing Changes: Mayor Ferrell reported Ken Miller was appointed the Performing Arts and Conference Center (PACC) Project Director effective June gth. Also effective that day was the appointment of John Hutton as the Interim Parks Director. The Mayor also appointed Marwan Salloum as the new Public Works Director. This appointment will be before Council on July 1 st for confirmation. The City is currently recruiting for an Economic Development Director. Neighborhood Connection Meeting: On June 11th the third Neighborhood Connection Meeting was held at Sherwood Forest Elementary. Mayor Ferrell provided a summary of the meeting and noted the Neighborhood Connection Meetings are being televised as part of the New Day Federal Way programming being aired on Channel 21. D -Day Event — June 6t" : Mayor Ferrell reported he had the opportunity to speak at the June 6th D -Day Event which was held at the Foundation House. At the event individuals shared stories relating to World War II. Flag Day Event— June 14tt': Mayor Ferrell as well as other Councilmembers attended the June 14th Flag Day Event organized by King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer and the Soroptimists. This year marked the 25th anniversary of the event. Relay for Life Event: Interim City Attorney Pearsall provided a brief update on the June 6- 7th Relay for Life Event that was held at Saghalie Middle School. The event had 38 teams (over 320 participants) and raised over $63,000 to go towards the fight against cancer. Ms. Pearsall reported the City had 12 walkers participate. She shared her experience with the event which included walking over 20 miles. Utility Box Art Pilot Program: Arts Commissioner Gary Gillespie provided a PowerPoint presentation on mini - murals which enhance utility boxes by adding art to them. Rather than painting the boxes, images are digitized onto vinyl and then installed on utility boxes. Mr. Gillespie stated estimated costs for printing and installing a mini -mural is approximately $500 each. Council discussed a pilot program and Mayor Ferrell asked for the Arts Commission to discuss this item at their next meeting. City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 7 Parks Department Upcominq Events: Interim Parks Director John Hutton provided information on the following events: • Red, White & Blues Festival - July 4m The musical soundtrack has been selected, food vendors have been scheduled, bouncy houses and rides will be available and a children's parade will be part of this year's event. Mr. Hutton stated the event starts at 4:00 p.m. • Town Square Park Grand Opening will be held July 12th from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. there will be musical entertainment and activities for both kids and adults. • Steel Lake Park Grand Opening/ Family Funland is scheduled for July 16th. The event will begin at 12:00 p.m. The renovation project added many new features and upgrades to equipment and is wheelchair friendly. Town Square Park Update: PACC Project Director Ken Miller highlighted development progress at the park site. Planters have been installed; work has begun on the entrance sign; sod and an irrigation system have been installed, and work on the stairs should be completed next week. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Sue Ellebrecht submitted written comments for the City Clerk to read into the record in support of traffic circles on 330th Street between 3d Ave. S.E. and 6th Ave. S.W. Debbie Harvey submitted written comments for the City Clerk to read into the record in support of the installation of traffic circles. Kathy Vasale spoke in support of installing traffic circles in her neighborhood (S.W. 330th Street). Michael Kun stated the proposed traffic revisions on S.W. 330th Street were requested by only a few citizens. Public input at the LUTC meeting where this issue was discussed strongly opposed the traffic revisions. He asked the Council to pull this item from their agenda. Clay Williams asked the City to allocate funding for improvements to Lakota Park. He feels the park has been underfunded for a while. Katielynn Astruon asked the Council to improve the track and field drainage at Lakota Park. Geno White I I stated improvements to Lakota Park will benefit students as well as families. He asked the Council to make this project a priority for the community. Mike Johnson spoke about the need to improve many items at Lakota Park. Mayor Ferrell asked the four previous speakers to meet with Chief of Staff Brian Wilson to discuss a strategy for improving Lakota Park. Mark Koppangreported on the last Parks and Recreation Commission meeting where approximately 70 people spoke in support of improving Lakota Park. As Chair of the Commission he stated they are ready to work on this project. The Mayor and Council discussed ways to address improvements at Lakota Park and the need to work in partnership with the School District on this project. City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 3 of 7 Holly Mazurek reported her daughter Ashton was selected to go to Congress as part of a National Academic Program. She is seeking fundraising /sponsorship opportunities for this event. Mayor Ferrell stated he would schedule a meeting with Ms. Mazurek to discuss options. Scott Chase spoke in support of traffic circles on SW 330th Street and asked the Council to approve installation. Ann Woolman spoke in opposition of traffic calming devices /circles along SW 330th Street. Judy Zurilgen shared her concerns associated with the proposed Creekwood project. She asked the Council to look into the impacts of the project on neighboring areas /residents. Mayor Ferrell asked Community Director Patrick Doherty to provide a brief status report on this project. Mr. Doherty stated the City issued a stop -work order on the project and is currently in the information gathering stage by requiring geo- technical and stream studies to be conducted on the project. Dennis Maupin shared his concerns with the traffic circles being proposed on S.W. 330th Street. He encouraged the Council to review the issue further prior to taking action. Betty Taylor spoke to the importance of the community coming together for the National Night Out Event. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: June 3, 2014 Special and Regular Meetings bRaRther Lake 201 ITC SVV 339th Street (VV Campus Trail to 10th Ave SW c. Approval to Submit Applications for Transportation Grants d. 2015 -2022 Surface Water Management Capital Improvement Plan Deputy Mayor Burbidge pulled item 5.b.Panther Lake 2013 NTS — SW 330th Street (W Campus Trail to 10th Ave SW) Motion: Deputy Mayor Burbidge moved approval of Consent Agenda items 5a, 5c and 5d. Councilmember Duclos second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Excused Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 6 -0 5.b.Panther Lake 2013 NTS — SW 330th Street (W Campus Trail to 10th Ave SW) Motion: Deputy Mayor Burbidge moved to postpone this item to the July 1St City Council Meeting and conduct a study session on this item prior to that meeting. City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 4 of 7 Councilmember Moore second. Councilmembers spoke in support of the motion and the need for additional time to discuss this item and receive public input. Councilmember Honda noted the costs associated with this project also include sidewalk improvements to make them ADA compliable. Councilmember Celski recapped the public meetings that have been conducted on this topic. Friendly Amendment: Councilmember Duclos recommended postponing this item to the July 15th Council Meeting for a study session and action. Friendly Amendment was accepted by the maker of the motion. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Yes Councilmember Maloney Excused Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Yes Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 6 -0 Councilmembers Moore and Assefa- Dawson left at 8:58 p.m. Mayor Ferrell stated they were excused. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. 2015 -2020 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez provided background information on the 2015 -2020 TIP via a PowerPoint presentation. He reviewed projects included in the Plan that have been completed; projects that have been removed (due to not receiving grant funding); and projects that have been added to the Plan. Public Comment: Mayor Ferrell called for public comment. No comments were provided. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to approve the Resolution adopting the Transportation Improvement Plan and Arterial Street Improvement Plan for 2015- 2020 and directing that the same be filed with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Excused Councilmember Maloney Excused Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Excused Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 4 -0 Resolution 14 -666 City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 5 of 7 Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to close the public hearing. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Excused Councilmember Maloney Excused Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Excused Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 4 -0 b. Moratorium on the Expansion or Creation of a Retail Establishment Providing Entertainment, Recreational or Cultural Services or Activities within the City Center Core (CC -C) and the City Center Frame (CC -F) Interim City Attorney Pearsall presented information on the moratorium that was approved by Council on June 3rd and stated a public hearing is required as part of imposing a moratorium. Public Comment: Mayor Ferrell called for public comment. Benny Kim, an architect for a proposed wellness center stated they are hoping to develop a project in the City Center. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to close the public hearing. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Excused Councilmember Maloney Excused Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Excused Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 4 -0 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Former Toys R Us Demolition Project — Bid Award PACC Project Director Ken Miller reported the contract for this project was previously awarded on June 3rd to A Clearing Expert. Since then, the contractor withdrew their bid; therefore this item is back before Council for action. Mr. Miller noted the second lowest responsive bidder on this project is Lloyd Enterprises Inc. Councilmembers asked clarifying questions or Mr. Miller relating the timeline for the project. Mr. Miller stated having to re -award the contract may delay the project a few weeks from its original timeline. Motion: Councilmember Celski moved approval to award the Toys R Us Demolition Project to Lloyd Enterprises, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $68,109.00, to approve an additional 10% contingency, and to authorize City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 6 of 7 the Mayor to execute said contract. Deputy Mayor Burbidge second. Vote: Deputy Mayor Burbidge Yes Councilmember Assefa- Dawson Excused Councilmember Maloney Excused Councilmember Honda Yes Councilmember Celski Yes Councilmember Moore Excused Councilmember Duclos Yes Motion carried 4 -0 8. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Honda reported she and Mayor Ferrell attended the Camelot Elementary "We the People" event. She congratulated the students who will be representing the City and Washington State in the National Contest called "Project Citizen ". She stated the "Fishing for Kids" event at Steel Lake had over 400 children participate. She attended the Orion grand opening event as well as the Flag Day Event. This coming Saturday the Farmers Market is hosting a health day event. Councilmember Celski reported on the excellent speakers at this year's Flag Day Event, held at the King County Aquatic Center. He will be attending the grand opening of the Fusion Boutique at Gateway Center. He reported the next meeting of the Land Use, Transportation Council Committee will be July 7th Councilmember Duclos announced she will be a food judge at this weekend's Korean Food Festival at Macy's Court in the Commons Mall. The next meeting of the Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee will be June 24th Deputy Mayor Burbidge reported on the South County Area Transportation Board meeting she attended where they discussed the Sound Transit Long Range Planning and Link Light Rail-There is a hearing schedule on this item on Wednesday, July 16th 5:30pm at Truman High School. They also discussed having a pilot program on Highway 167 Hot Lane- to have continuous access instead of access points. She expressed her appreciation for the Mayor's recognition of Mary Gates. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor and Council did not adjourn to Executive Session. 0 Evaluate Q alifiGations of Employees P Fs aRt to RGVV 42 `201 110(1)(g) 10. ADJOURNMENT With no additional items before the Council, Mayor Ferrell adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Attest: Carol McNeilly, CMC, City Clerk Approved by Council: City Council Minutes — June 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Page 7 of 7 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM #:_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: VOUCHERS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the vouchers in the total amount of $4,827,863.74? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: June 24, 2014 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Ade Ariwoola, Finance Director DEPT: Finance I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City -0111Federal Way, Washin , an a m authorized to authenticate and certify said liens. v� Finance Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMMENDA' MAYOR APPROVAL: jt /DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Committee o cil Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: !J�(� J,�.I,,, " J I ,6 Co a h Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the vouchers to the July 1, 2014 consent agenda for approval. - 6 �—'- C--"� 4tj 1 Dini Duclos Martin Moo Bob Celski Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total ACCOUNT PAYABLE -ESCOM $209.62 240456 5/30/2014 AMERICAN SEWING GUILD, 4/28/2014 41445 $92.47 DBC- REFUND OVERPAYMENT #6233 240895 6/13/2014 WSCADV, 5/29/2014 41585 $117.15 DBC- REFUND RENTAL DEPOSIT LESS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - RECREAT $1,802.00 240552 5/30/2014 KAPROFF, SALLYE 5/22/2014 1478241 $80.00 PRCS- REFUND 04/14 CLASS FEE 240607 5/30/2014 OLIVE, VENORA 5/2/2014 1467203 $375.00 PRCS- REFUND RENTAL- EMERGENCY 240497 5/30/2014 DHALIWAL, SHELLY 5/2/2014 1467204 $122.00 PRCS- REFUND CHILD WITHDREW PRE 240707 5/30/2014 WICKS, SARA 5/7/2014 1469588 $60.00 PRCS- REFUND 04/14 CLASS 240656 5/30/2014 SUH, JINDUCKSUN 4/30/2014 1465728 $40.00 PRCS- REFUND SWIM LESSON WITHDR 240453 5/30/2014 ALVARADO, DARLA 4/30/2014 1465729 $1,125.00 PRCS- REFUND CANCELLED EVENT 8/ ADVERTISING $3,036.18 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $500.00 DBC - GOOGLE ADWORDS ADVERTISEME 240553 5/30/2014 KCR MEDIA GROUP INC, 5/8/2014 558 $1,000,00 CDED - TOURSIM COLOR AD 240647 5/30/2014 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 11/8/2013 908629 $276.86 FWCC - PERSONAL TRAINER RFPAD 240645 5/30/2014 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/31/2014 83722480 $802.25 FWCC- HEALTH & WELLNESS AD 240598 5/30/2014 NEWS TRIBUNE, 3/14/2014 0000931169 $369.47 FWCC -RFP ROCK CLIMBING WALL AD 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $87.60 PRCS- CONSTANT CONTACT MARKETIN AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES $261.03 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (4 /18/2014 278898 $74.88 SWM -MOSS OUT 240535 5/30/2014 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 3/31/2014 13592310 $100.77 PKM -PVC PIPE &ADAPTERS 240511 5/30/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC - 4/24/2014 7884635 $85.38 PKM- LIGHTNING ARRESTOR AIRFARE $477.00 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $452.00 CC- 2014AWC CONAIRFARE- 240461 5/30/2014 ARIWOOLA,ADE 5/28/2014 ARIWOOLA2014 $25.00 FI -GFOA CONF. ARIWOOLA ANIMAL LICENSE $29.19 240568 5/30/2014 LEVITA, ELLEN 5/1/2014 03 -74508 REFUND $29.19 PD- REFUND PARTIAL PET LICENSE ASPHALT & ROAD OIL $14,923.76 240652 5/30/2014 SPECIALASPHALT PRODUCTA /30/2014 INVC064505 $1,478.25 PWST - MELTER RENTAL FOR CRACK S 240652 5/30/2014 SPECIALASPHALT PRODUCT5/5/2014 INVC064553 $2,176.65 PWST- ASPHALT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 2 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/21/2014 236419 $1,013.31 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240795 611312014 ICON MATERIALS INC, 4/23/2014 50- 1949552 $438.02 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/28/2014 236594 $1,692.13 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/1/2014 236814 $1,041.53 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/1/2014 236843 $527.52 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/5/2014 236941 $326.53 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/5/2014 236942 $523.03 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/12/2014 237107 $497.41 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/1912014 237144 $83.98 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237209 $116.41 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237233 $44.10 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237278 $44.74 PARKS /PW /SWM - ASPHALT MIX 240584 5/30/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/14/2014 236319 $270.22 SWM- ASPHALT FOR OVERLAY PATCH[ 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/9/2014 11092 $103.86 SWM- PROPANE 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/27/2014 237370 $305.97 SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/27/2014 237440 $125.55 SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240725 6/13/2014 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 6/3/2014 TM- 140435 $44.73 SWM- PAVING SUPPLIES -TOY BROOM 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/21/2014 236419 $649.57 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240795 6/13/2014 ICON MATERIALS INC, 4/23/2014 50- 1949552 $280.79 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/28/2014 236594 $1,084.71 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/1/2014 236814 $667.65 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/1/2014 236843 $338.16 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/5/2014 236941 $209.33 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/5/2014 236942 $335.29 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/12/2014 237107 $318.87 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237144 $53.84 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX Key Bank Page 3 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237209 $74.63 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237233 $28.28 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237278 $28.70 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX ASSOCIATION DUES $2,234.34 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $100.00 CDHS -SOUTH KC HUMAN SVCS DUES 240678 5/30/2014 USSSA/SLO -PITCH SOFTBALL5/8/2014 661 $945.00 PRCS -MEN'S SOFTBALL SUMMER LEA 5143793 6/3/2014 US, BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $30.00 PD -2014 NORCAN DUES 240687 5/30/2014 WA STATE LABOR & INDUSTR4 /3/2014 244535 $21.50 PKM - FACILITIES BOILER INSPECT 240691 5/3012014 WACE - WAASSOC CODE ENF(5/13/2014 2014 DUES $40.00 CD -WAGE MEMBERSHIP, GILLIS 240691 5/30/2014 WACE - WAASSOC CODE ENF(5/13/2014 2014 DUES $40.00 CD -WAGE MEMBERSHIP, GARNER 240666 5/30/2014 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 14/1/2014 3000997295 $722.84 CHB- ELEVATOR MAINT SVCS 240650 5/30/2014 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE4 /3012014 01746 $100.00 CHB -2014 MC OCCUPANCY FIRE PER 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $210.00 SWR -2014 RECYCLING ASSOC. DUES 240622 5130/2014 PETTY CASH- POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $25.00 PD -2014 WHIA MEMBERSHIP- ATHLETIC SUPPLIES $1,773.40 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/2/2014 01446 $84.10 PKM -CABLE TIES 240844 6/13/2014 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 5/20/2014 49402177 $25.79 PKM - WELDING SUPPLIES 240866 6/13/2014 SPRINT /ROTHHAMMER INT'L,5 /8/2014 94886A $230.20 FWCC- REPLACEMENT INNER TUBES F 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $21.99 FWCC -SS YOGA CD 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $56.64 FWCC -FAN FOR RIDE ROOM 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $473.04 FWCC- CLIMBING ROPE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $99.00 FWCC-NATL ACADEMY SPORTS MEDIC 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $199.00 FWCC -GROUP POWER RELEASES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $583.64 PRCS- SPECIAL OLYMPICS WARM -UPS AUTOMATION FEE $40.00 240601 5/30/2014 NORTHWEST PERMIT, 5/22/2014 14- 102328 REFUND $20.00 CD -14- 102328 REFUND DUPLICATE 240862 6/13/2014 SOUND HEATING &A/C, 6/3/2014 14- 102316 REFUND $20.00 CD- REFUND DUPLICATE PERMIT BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS $257.77 Key Bank Page 4 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 240597 $18.93 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /14/2014 279490 $164.62 PKM -EARTH DAY VOLUNTEER DONUTS 240642 5/30/2014 SEATTLE TIMES, 4/27/2014 001310489 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC - 5/14/2014 $16.00 $323.81 FWCC- NEWSPAPER SUBCRIPTION PKM -PVC PIPE 240532 5/30/2014 GRAINGER INC, 4/28/2014 9426043379 $66.68 PKM -PVC PIPE FWCC- BOILER OPS HANDBOOK 240612 240856 6/13/2014 SEATTLE TIMES, - 5/28/2014 001316056 $16.00 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES 240574 FWCC- NEWSPAPER SUBCRIPTION LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/1312014 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $26.28 PKM- LUMBER 240626 5/30/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 4/29/2014 fT -MAP LAMINATION 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PKM- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $77.88 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (4 /30/2014 279146 CD -ADMIN /SECRETARIAL HANDBOOK 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 240790 $36.00 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $115.50 CD -ADMIN TODAY SUBSCRIPTION $3,910.72 tSUILUIM. MAI tK1ALJ 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /14/2014 279490 $164.62 PKM- PLYWOOD 240511 5130/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC - 5/14/2014 8006940 $323.81 PKM -PVC PIPE 240511 5130/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC -5 /16/2014 8023161 $425.40 PKM -PVC PIPE 240612 5/30/2014 PARKER PAINT MANUFACTURE /19/2014 1085 -0 $88.66 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/1312014 01631 $280.58 PKM- LUMBER 240626 5/30/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 4/29/2014 E207413 $279.84 PKM- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (4 /30/2014 279146 $23.30 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $115.50 PKM- DECKING 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $73.15 PKM- DECKING 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/29/2014 279847 $158.40 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES, RELIABOARD 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /30/2014 279875 $130.96 PKM- PREMIX CONCRETE 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (513012014 279876 $24.64 PKM - PALLET CHARGE 240769 6/13/2014 FASTENAL, 5/13/2014 WAFED124138 $72.23 PKM -CABLE TIES 240756 6/13/2014 D & L SUPPLY AND MFG., INC,5/21/2014 297009 $389.50 PKM- FAUCET REPAIR MATERIAL 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $411.29 PKM- STAINLESS STEEL MIRROR 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $15.26 PKM -STEEL CABLE 240492 5/30/2014 D & L SUPPLY AND MFG., INC,5/7/2014 296596 $159.61 CHB- COMPLETE BOX KIT /CLOSET 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $65.59 CHB -TRASH BAGS. PAINT SUPPLIES $3,910.72 Key Bank Page 5 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $23.90 CHB -BIKE RACK SUPPLIES 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $24.70 CHB- KNOCKOUT SEAL STEEL, WALL 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/3/2014 77487 $115.34 FWCC -WOOD CUTTING BOARD 240815 6/13/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 5/27/2014 87013311 $16.77 FWCC -RESIN ROD 240827 6/1312014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (6/2/2014 279909 $51.65 FWCC- LUMBER & SAND PAPER 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (6/2/2014 279910 $33.11 FWCC- LUMBER 240842 6/13/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 5/23/2014 E228269 $442.91 FWCC- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES BULK CLASS POSTAGE $1,000.00 240671 5/30/2014 U S POSTMASTER, 5/29/2014 722000/722001 $500.00 MC /PD- BUSINESS REPLY PERMIT 240671 5/3012014 U S POSTMASTER, 5/29/2014 722000/722001 $500.00 MC /PD- BUSINESS REPLY PERMIT CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $10,171.24 240682 5/30/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2014 9725214964 $1,934.88 IT -05/14 CELLULAR AIRTIME 240682 5/30/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2014 9725214965 $2,580.12 IT -05/14 DATA SVC 240682 5/30/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2014 9725214964 $1,786.05 IT -05/14 CELLULAR AIRTIME 240682 5/30/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2014 9725214965 $3,870.19 IT -05/14 DATA SVC CEMENT $220.11 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/14/2014 416137 $220.11 PWST- CONCRETE SUPPLIES CHANGE FUND - PARKS /RECREATION $200.00 240621 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - HOOKED ON F15/21/2014 JUNE 6, 2014 $200.00 PRCS- HOOKED ON FISHING CASH FU CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $20,172.60 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $109.99 FWCC- WATERPROOF BOOTS- R TOOT 240481 5/30/2014 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIO15 /14/2014 453068 $25.46 PD -DT TEAM UNIFORM 240591 5/30/2014 MURPHY, CARY 5/22/2014 MURPHY 2014 $189.95 PD -BOOT ALLOW. C MURPHY 240700 5/30/2014 WATERSHED INC, 4/8/2014 0064989 -IN $965.13 PD -RAIN GEAR 240481 5/30/2014 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIOI4 /8/2014 429822 $175.37 PD- UNIFORM CLOTHING 240481 5/30/2014 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATIO1517 /2014 029356 $- 158.88 PD- RETURN UNIFORM CLOTHING 240469 5/30/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 11`5/7/2014 64346 $262.09 PD -CDU UNIFORM VAN RUTH 240469 5/30/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO lt5/7/2014 64709 $262.09 PD -CDU UNIFORM MCCONNELL Key Bank Page 6 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240479 5/30/2014 CENTRAL LAKE ARMOR EXPR5/13/2014 0061608 -IN $54.75 PD -ALTER ARMOR VEST 240473 5/30/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/13/2014 11559 $136.89 PD- INSIGNIA C JONES 240473 5/30/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/14/2014 11555 $28.44 PD- GLOVES ANTHOLT 240799 6/13/2014 JONES; WARREN CASEY 5/28/2014 JONES 2014 $102.93 PD -SHON SMITH BADGE FOR FAMILY 240800 6/13/2014 KICKIT GRAPHICS INC, 5/30/2014 93358 $77.75 PD- UNIFORM HATS LEFEBVRE, SCHW 240740 6/13/2014 BRANCO, CHAD 5/30/2014 BRANCO 2014 $125.00 PD- SUNGLASSES C BRANCO 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 6/2/2014 11753 $211.14 PD- REPAIR PANTS HATFIELD 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6110/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $100.00 PD- REIMBURSE FOR YEARLY- 240738 6/13/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 11`6/21/2014 63221 $264.83 PD -CDU UNIFORM P TANNER 240738 6/13/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 116/21/2014 72168 $44.76 PD- UNIFORM SUPPLIES, MOTORS 240738 6/13/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 116/26/2014 73002 $100.00 PD- BOOTALLOW J. WILSON 240731 6/13/2014 ARAMSCO, INC, 511/2014 S2098584.001 $3,483.18 PD- UNIFORM MASKS 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/16/2014 11635 $21.06 PD -REPLC BADGE LOGOS 240738 6113/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 115/21/2014 72264 $142.34 PD- BOOTALLOW. JIMENEZ 240741 6/1312014 BRATWEAR, 5/22/2014 11633 $94.77 PD -ALTER UNIFORM K PON 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $186.18 PD -BIKE UNIFORM SHOES ANTHOLT 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $64.98 PD- CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FOR CIS 240634 5/30/2014 PURCELLA, ADRIENNE 5/8/2014 PURCELLA2014 $120.47 PD- CLOTHING ALLOW. A PURCELLA 240697 513012014 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR L15/17/2014 1496 $93.06 SWM -WORK JACKET E FOX 240517 5/30/2014 FISHER, ERNEST 5122/2014 FISHER 2014 $190.00 SWM -BOOT ALLOW FISHER 240697 5/30/2014 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR L14/30/2014 10857 $221.68 SWM -WORK PANTS E FOX 240869 6/13/2014 SUNBIRDS SHOPPING CENTE5/30/2014 025448 $69.10 PWTR -RAIN COAT 240471 5/30/2014 BOLLMAN, AARON 5/20/2014 BOLLMAN 2014 $177.38 PWST- BOOTALLOW BOLLMAN 240704 5/30/2014 WHISTLE WORKWEAR, 4/30/2014 58571 $242.38 PWST -WORK PANTS BOLLMAN 240702 5/30/2014 WEST COAST AWARDS, 5/20/2014 52459 $174.32 PRCS -STAFF & PROGRAM CLOTHING 240702 5/30/2014 WEST COAST AWARDS, 5/21/2014 52427 $547.50 PRCS -STAFF & PROGRAM CLOTHING Key Bank Page 7 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240702 5/30/2014 WEST COAST AWARDS, 6/1/2014 52464 $3,257.90 PRCS -CRAZE CAMP T'SAG10 -099 240702 5/30/2014 WEST COAST AWARDS, 6/2/2014 52463 $1,399.85 PRCS- SUMMER CAMP HOODIES AG10- 240702 5/30/2014 WEST COAST AWARDS, 2/6/2014 52183 $158.78 PRCS -STAFF & PROGRAM CLOTHING 240702 5/30/2014 WEST COAST AWARDS, 3/14/2014 52268 $169.73 PRCS -STAFF & PROGRAM CLOTHING 240577 5/30/2014 MAGNUM ELECTRONICS INC,3/24/2014 0000042981 $373.87 PD- REPLACEMENT MIC FOR DUTYBEL 240577 5/30/2014 MAGNUM ELECTRONICS INC,4/16/2014 0000043378 $202.58 PD- REPLACEMENT MIC FOR DUTYBEL 240469 5/30/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 11`5/7/2014 61758 -01 $24.09 PD -REPLC INSIGNIA& EMBLEM MCC 240473 5/30/2014 BRATWEAR, 5113/2014 11558 $657.23 PD- ALTER /REPAIR JUMPSUITS 240469 5/30/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 11`5/13/2014 69083 $5.48 PD- INSIGNIA 240473 5/30/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/14/2014 11552 $83.29 PD -ALTER BADGES BUNK 240807 6/13/2014 LEED, 5/27/2014 05271404 $227.65 PD- HOLSTER JIMENEZ 240807 6/13/2014 LEED, 5/27/2014 05271405 $131.35 PD- HOLISTER UNSWORTH 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/28/2014 11697 $550.28 PD- JUMPSUIT HOWELL 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/29/2014 11673 $528.40 PD -NEW JUMPSUIT REGO 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/29/2014 11689 $31.59 PD -REPLC BADGES PRINCE 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/30/2014 11715 $73.71 PD -REPLC BADGES BASSAGE 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/30/2014 11716 $274.59 PD -NEW JUMPSUIT SCHULZ 240738 6/13/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 11`6/21/2014 72218 $52.56 PD- UNIFORM ITEMS - PATROL 240738 6/13/2014 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 11`5/16/2014 71253 $2.74 PD -LT BARS R BUNK 240741 6/13/2014 BRATWEAR, 5/19/2014 11607 $3,044.60 PD- PATROL UNIFORM JACKETS 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $16.24 SWM- JACKET COMMUNICATIONS $2,698.90 240454 5/30/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIOI\5 /14/2014 2D6417 -0514 $83.33 PW /PKM -AFTER HOUR CALL SVC 240454 5/30/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIONS /14 /2014 2D6417 -0514 $83.33 PW /PKM -AFTER HOUR CALL SVC 240715 6/2/2014 CENTURYLINK, 5/4/2014 206 -Z04 -0609 472B $1,224.45 IT -04/14 PHONE /DATA SVC 240715 6/2/2014 CENTURYLINK, 5/4/2014 206 -Z04 -0609 472B $122.44 IT -04/14 PHONE /DATA SVC Key Bank Page 8 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240454 5/30/2014 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION5/14/2014 2D6417 -0514 $83.34 PW /PKM -AFTER HOUR CALL SVC 240715 6/2/2014 CENTURYLINK, 5/4/2014 206- Z04- 0609472B $1,102.01 IT -04/14 PHONE /DATA SVC COMPUTER HARDWARE /EQUIPMENT $114,339.26 240455 5/30/2014 AMERICAN BARCODE & RFID,5/15/2014 86790 $2,958.64 - IT -PD SECONDARY VEHICLES - 240455 5/30/2014 AMERICAN BARCODE & RFID,5/15/2014 86790 $67.84 IT -PD SECONDARY VEHICLES- 240455 5/30/2014 AMERICAN BARCODE & RFID,5/15/2014 86790 $30.08 Freight 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/512014 13007918 $9,033.75 IT -PD RR MOTOROLA PORTABLE RAID 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/5/2014 13007918 $- 2,737.50 IT -PD RR MOTOROLA PORTABLE - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/5/2014 13007918 $459.90 IT -PD ENH: 2 -YR SFS LITE - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/5/2014 13007918 $20.55 IT- PD RR ADD: ADVANCED SYSTEM 240588 5/3012014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/5/2014 13007918 $4,927.50 PD -IT RR ADD: SMARTZONE OPERAT 240539 5/30/2014 HEWLETT - PACKARD COMPAN4/17/2014 54215275 $13,809.88 IT -PD- SECONDARY VEHICLES - 240539 5/30/2014 HEWLETT - PACKARD COMPAN4/17/2014 54215276 $48,334.57 PD -GETAC BWJ117INCLUDES: B30 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/5/2014 13007918 $963.60 PD -IT IMPRES RSM, 3.5MM JACK, 240588 5130/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/5/2014 13007918 $1,095.00 PD -IT PORTABLE CHARGER RADIO - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/5/2014 13007918 $690.27 IT -PD RR BATTERY PACK CHARGER 240539 5/30/2014 HEWLETT - PACKARD COMPAN4/24/2014 54243428 $9,252.27 PD- GAMBER JOHNSON 2nd GEN VEHI 240539 5130/2014 HEWLETT - PACKARD COMPAN4/24/2014 54243429 $2,643.02 IT -PD- SECONDARY VEHICLES - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/7/2014 13008154 $7,797.73 IIT -PD RR MOBILE RADIO FOR VE 240588 5130/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 517/2014 13008154 $- 2,737.50 IT -PD PROMO RADIO - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/7/2014 13008154 $662.50 IT -PD 2 YR WARRANTY - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 517/2014 13008154 $1,773.90 IT -PD CONTROL HEAD - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 517/2014 13008154 $1,219.55 IT -PD REMOTE MOUNT - 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/7/2014 13008154 $4,927.50 IT -PD ENH: SMARTZONE OPERATION 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/7/2014 13008154 $20.55 IT -PD ADD: ADVANCED SYSTEM KEY 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/7/2014 13008154 $156.05 IT -PD ALT: ANT 3DB GAIN 762 -87 Key Bank Page 9 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240588 5/30/2014 MOTOROLA INC, 5/7/2014 13008154 $295.65 IT -PD ADD: PALM MICROPHONE - 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $2,878.78 IT- SUBSTATION RADIO 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $- 382.50 IT- RETURN EMERGENCY PHONE 240748- 6113/2014 CDW GOVERNMENT INC, 5/29/2014 MD51918 $3,942.00 IT -PD SECONDARY VEHICLES 240748 6/13/2014 CDW GOVERNMENT INC, 5/29/2014 MD51918 $1,095.00 IT -PD SECONDARY VEHCILES- 240748 6/13/2014 CDW GOVERNMENT INC, 5/29/2014 MD51918 $205.86 IT -PD SECONDARY VEHICLES- 240748 6/13/2014 CDW GOVERNMENT INC, 5/29/2014 MD51918 $297.84 IT -PD SECONDARY VEHICLES - 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $480.00 IT- SUBSTATION PHONE DT 240626 5/30/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 3/25/2014 B983926 $84.06 IT- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 240626 5/30/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 5/6/2014 E254481 $72.92 IT- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - FBI 240688 5/30/2014 WA STATE PATROL, 5/1/2014 114008106 $825.00 PD -REMIT CPL FEES 240688 5/3012014 WA STATE PATROL, 4/2/2014 114007260 $181.50 PD -REMIT CPL FEES COLLECTED CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - STATE 240716 6/2/2014 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN6/2/2014 JUNE 2, 2014 $1,590.00 PD -REMIT CPL FEES CONFERENCE /SEMINAR REGISTRATH 240514 5/30/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER CO1518/2014 9602 $50.00 CC /MO- CHAMBER LUNCH - 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $42.00 PKM -BAT CERT- GEORGE RICHEN 240685 5/30/2014 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE5/9/2014 20113522 $200.00 PD- PRE - SUPERVISION TRNG MICKEL 240468 5/30/2014 BLUE LINE TRAINING, 51812014 2151 $129.00 PD -'LED BY LION' TRNG TUCKER 240885 6/13/2014 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICES /19/2014 20113580 $300.00 PD -DT MASTER INSTRUCTOR TRNG - 240885 6113/2014 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE5/23/2014 20113642 $2,975.00 PD- ACADEMY TRNG C MARCH 5141778 613/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $40.00 CC /CDHS -SKCHS LUNCHEON - 240514 5/30/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER C0f5/8/2014 9602 $100.00 CC /MO- CHAMBER LUNCH - 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $40.00 CC /CDHS -SKCHS LUNCHEON - 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $750.00 CC- 2014AWC CONF. REGISTERATIO 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $274.54 SWM -WATER SAMPLER EQUIPMENT $1,006.50 $1,590.00 $10,132.26 Key Bank Page 10 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $745.00 SWM -STORM CONF. 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/2612014 MAY 2014 $824.00 SWM -CSI TRAINING J LARSON 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $50.00 PRCS- REIMBURSEMENT FOR TWO CHA - 240484 5/30/2014 CITY OF TUKWILA, 5/15/2014 MB -01528 $1,950.00 PD-YAKIMA TRNG CNTR POLICE TRA 240737 6113/2014 BLUE LINE TRAINING, 5/28/2014 2178 $129.00 PD -'LED BY A LION' TRNG BUNK 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $65.00 PD- FBINAATRBG S BEAK 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $190.00 PD- CRISIS NEGOTIATOR CONF. CAS 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $190.00 PD- CRISIS NEGOTIATOR CONF. VAN 240692 5/30/2014 WACVEO-WA ASSOC OF COM5/2/2014 2014 -18 $325.00 PD- WACVEO TRNG MAIRS 240685 5/30/2014 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE5/9/2014 20113522 $85.00 PD- PROPERTY & EVIDENCE TRNG DA 240722 6/13/2014 AIR SCIENCE USA, LLC, 5/28/2014 22439 $364.72 PD- PROP /EVIDENCE PURAIR PRE FI 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $214.00 CD -ADMIN TRNG TOOLKIT 240684 5/30/2014 WAASSOC OF PROSECUTINC5 /5/2014 WSBA #29708 $100.00 LAW -J CASTLETON SUMMER 2014 WA CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $1,139,531.37 240573 5/30/2014 LORAX PARTNERS LLC, 3/28/2014 FW -10 $16,250.00 CDED -PACC LAND USE APPLICATION 240573 5/30/2014 LORAX PARTNERS LLC, 4/28/2014 FW -11 $16,250.00 CDED -PACC LAND USE APPLICATION 240810 6/13/2014 LORAX PARTNERS LLC, 5/21/2014 FW -12 $16,250.00 CDED -PACC LAND USE APPLICATION 240876 6/13/2014 TETRA TECH, INC, 3/28/2014 50780745 $12,487.15 PWST - LAKOTA SAFE ROUTES TO SCH 240876 6/13/2014 TETRA TECH, INC, 4/24/2014 50789553 $1,664.25 PWST - LAKOTA SAFE ROUTES TO SCH 240878 6/13/2014 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,6 /5/2014 AG 13-172 94 $22,560.49 PWTR- SAFETY PROJECTS AG13 -172- 240631 5/30/2014 PSI - PROFESSIONAL SV INDU:4/30/2014 00288728 $1,494.00 PWST- ENGINEERING CONSULT. SVC 240878 6/13/2014 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,6 /5/2014 AG 13-172 #4 $11,114.69 PWTR- SAFETY PROJECTS AG13 -172- 240878 6/13/2014 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,6 /5/2014 AG 13-172 #4 $5,728.03 PWTR- SAFETY PROJECTS AG13 -172- 240584 5/30/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/21/2014 AG14 -050 #1 $324,784.31 PWST -S 320TH PRESERVATION AG14 240817 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 6/5/2014 AG14 -050 #2 $706,666.47 PWST -S 320TH PRESERVATION AG14 240736 6/13/2014 BEDFORD TECHNOLOGY LLC5/29/2014 46501 $1,098.82 PARKS - FUNLAND PLASTIC LUMBER Key Bank Page 11 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240736 6113/2014 BEDFORD TECHNOLOGY LLC5/21/2014 46448 $3,183.16 PARKS - FUNLAND PLASTIC LUMBER CONSULTING CONTRACTS $208,133.01 240489 5/30/2014 COMMERCIAL SPACEONLINE5 /1/2014 82053 $100.00 CD -05/01 PROPERTY DATABASE SVC 240562 5/30/2014 KPG INC, 5/5/2014 47214 $15,867.83 - PWTR- ENGINEERING SVC AG13 -146- 240805 6/13/2014 KPG INC, 5/30/2014 57514 $17,672.95 PWTR-ENGI NEER ING SVC AG13 -146- 240561 5/30/2014 KPG INC, 5/5/2014 47714 $95,501.74 PWST -PAC. HWY HOV DESIGN SVC A 240804 6/13/2014 KPG INC, 5/30/2014 57414 $71,986.89 PWST -PAC. HWY HOV DESIGN SVCA 240540 5/30/2014 HINKLEY, KEVIN B. 4/15/2014 14 -018 $1,125.00 PW -ON CALL PLAN REVIEWAG10 -04 240494 5/30/2014 DAVID A CLARK ARCHITECTS 4/27/2014 724 $5,878.60 MC- PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR CONS COPIER & PRINTER SUPPLIES $2,774.12 240460 5/30/2014 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES, 5/16/2014 985789 $52.02 IT -OCE PLOTTER SYSTEM MAINTAG 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $263.70 IT -HP INK FOR GIS PRINTER 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078817 $456.95 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078818 $1,183.48 HR -MAY 2014 PAPER SUPPLY 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078817 $545.31 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6113/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078818 $90.88 HR -MAY 2014 PAPER SUPPLY 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078818 $181.78 HR -MAY 2014 PAPER SUPPLY COURT - AUTO THEFT PREVENTION $6,765.78 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $6,765.78 FI -05/14 AUTO THEFT PREVENTION COURT - CRIME VICTIMS $1,388.90 240846 6/13/2014 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C6/4/2014 MAY 2014 $1,388.90 05/14 REMIT CRIME VICTIMS FEES COURT - DEATH INV ACCT $78.03 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6 14/2014 MAY 2014 $78.03 Fl- 05/14 DEATH INVESTIGATIONS COURT - HWY SAFETY ACT $123.83 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $123.83 FI -05/14 HIGHWAY SAFETY COURT - PSEA AS $16,621.35 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $16,621.35 FI -05/14 PSEA JIS FEES COURT - SCHOOL SAFETY ZONE $373.95 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,6/4/2014 MAY 2014 $373.95 FI -05/14 SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY COURT - STATE ACCESS COMM ACCT $8.27 Key Bank Page 12 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $8.27 FI- 05 /14- ACCESSCOMM ACT COURT - STATE MULTI TRANS ACCT $8.29 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $8.29 FI -05/14 MULTI TRANS.ACCT COURT - STATE PORTION $41,907.28 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $41,907.28 FI -05/14 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE PSEA 2 $20,618.77 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $20,618.77 FI -05/14 PSEA COURT FEES #2 COURT - STATE PSEA3 $369.18 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $369.18 Fl- 05/14 PSEA COURT FEES #3 COURT - TRAUMA BRAIN INJURY $1,311.64 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $1,311.54 FI -05/14 BRAIN TRAUMA INJ. COURT - WSP HIWAY ACCT $442.92 240887 6/1312014 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $442.92 FI -05/14 WSP HIGHWAY COURT- TRAUMA VICTIMS $3,473.17 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $3,473.17 FI -05/14 TRAUMA VICTIMS CUSTODIAL & CLEANING $6,870.64 240459 5/30/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5 /20/2014 1987429041 $29.61 DBC -LINEN SVC 240459 5/30/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5/13/2014 1987417572 $75.27 DBC -LINEN SVC 240729 6/13/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6 /9/2014 19874440452 $75.27 DBC -LINEN SERVICE 240730 6/13/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5 /12/2014 1987414005 $25.08 FWCC -FLOOR MATS SVC 240730 6/13/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5/12/2014 1987414006 $49.38 FWCC -LINEN SVC 240730 6/13/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5/26/2014 1987436887 $25.08 FWCC -FLOOR MAT SVC 240730 6/13/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5 126 /2014 1987436888 $50.75 FWCC -LINEN SVC 240706 5/30/2014 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET C5 /2/2014 57809 $32.03 CHB- CARPET CLEANING SVC AG13 -0 240706 5/30/2014 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET C512/2014 57935 $1,889.00 CHB- CARPET CLEANING SVC AG1 3-0 240477 5/30/2014 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN4/30/2014 42710 $255.00 PKM -04/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG1 3- 240872 6/13/2014 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE6 /1/2014 4192 $3,600.00 PARKS -05/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG1 240872 6/13/2014 SYNERGY BUILDING SERVICE6 /1/2014 4192 $450.00 PARKS -05/14 JANITORIAL SVC AG1 240458 5/30/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5/20/2014 1987429040 $95.05 DBC -LINEN SVC 240458 5/30/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5/13/2014 1987417571 $103.81 DBC -LINEN SVC Key Bank Page 13 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240728 6113/2014 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6 /9/2014 1987440451 $115.31 DBC -LINEN SERVICE DEPOSIT /BONDS PAYABLE -PW $3,865.30 240655 5/30/2014 STJ PARTNERS LLC, 5/13/2014 05 -06931 REFUND $2,922.50 PW -05 -06931 REFUND CROSSPOINT 240829 6/13/2014 NGUYEN, THIEN -AN 5/27/2014 05 -07743 REFUND - $942.80 PW -05 -0774 REFUND PARTIAL ROW DEPOSIT -CD -BLDG OTHER BLDG RV $- 2,748.58 240760 6/13/2014 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5/1/2014 2014 - FED -APR $446.16 CD -05 -07672 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 240760 6/13/2014 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5 /1/2014 2014- FED -APR $- 2,302.42 CD -05 -07631 PLANS REVIEW CONSU DP COMPONENTS $5,286.31 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $7.10 IT -12 METRIC FLANGE BOLTS 240618 5/3012014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $6.07 IT- REPAIR MO OFFICE PANIC BUTT 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $76.64 IT -H DD 500G SATA7200 GG /PD 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $16.25 IT- SUPPLIES FOR GAC UPGRADE 240713 5/30/2014 ZONES INC, 3/13/2014 S36081720105 $4,039.89 IT -NEC - DISPLAY SOLUTIONS — 240713 5/30/2014 ZONES INC, 3/13/2014 S36081720105 $818.76 IT- FLAT PANEL STRAIGHT CEILIN 240713 5/30/2014 ZONES INC, 3/13/2014 S36081720105 $85.47 IT EXTENSION COLUMN PEERLESS E 240713 5/30/2014 ZONES INC, 3/13/2014 536081720105 $32.64 IT- PERRLESS ACC109 MOUNTING CO 240713 5/30/2014 ZONES INC, 3/13/2014 S36081720105 $109.51 Freight 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $48.00 IT- FLOATING SHELF BRACKETS 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $11.95 IT -LOCK WASHER, DRILLER TOGGLE 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $6.68 IT- SPIRAL BIT, ANCHOR 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $27.35 IT -BAC ANALOG PHONE ELECTRICAL PERMITS $117.45 240862 6/13/2014 SOUND HEATING &A/C, 6/3/2014 14- 102316 REFUND $36.00 CD- REFUND DUPLICATE PERMIT 240739 6/13/2014 BIDE ELECTRICAL CONSTRUC6 /3/2014 14- 102360 REFUND $52.65 CD -14- 102360 REFUND OVER CHG 240721 6/13/2014 ADT SECURITY SERVICES IN(6/4/2014 13- 105614 REFUND $28.80 CD -13- 105614 PERMIT CANCELLED ELECTRICITY $21,651.43 240660 5/30/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 5/15/2014 100826512 $47.98 PWST -35621 20TH AVE SW ST LIGH 240633 5/30/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/16/2014 200006007922 $62.08 PWFR -05/16 106 SW CAMPUS DR- Key Bank Page 14 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240633 5/30/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/16/2014 200006007922 $72.28 PWTR -05/16 106 SW CAMPUS DR- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/12/2014 131 - 066 -1002 $80.23 PWTR -05/14 1405 SW 312TH 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $162.40 PWTR -04/14 199 SW 311TH PLACE- - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $309.08 PWTR -04/14 S320 & 32ND AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $495.59 PWTR -04/14 S288TH ST & PAC HWY 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $22.13 PWTR -04/14 32932 7TH CT. SW- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $155.99 PWTR -04/14 S282ND ST & MILITAR 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $29.87 PWTR -04/14 2140 SW 356TH - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $120.82 PWTR -04/14 32400 SR 99 NE CRNR 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $216.44 PWTR- 04/14 727 S 312TH STREET - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $143.47 PWTR -04/14 21 AVE SW & 334TH - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $117.14 PWTR -04/14 3460 SR 99 SW CRNR- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $253.02 PWTR -04/14 23 AVE S & 317TH - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $15.88 PWTR -04/14 1ST WAY S & 334TH S 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $252.19 PWTR -04114 31847 PAC HWY 5- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $60.69 PWTR -04/14 8TH AVE S & DASH PT 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $246.41 PWTR -04/14 35202 ENCHANTED PKW 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 412812014 PWTR 2014 05 $155.64 PWTR -04/14 PAC HWY S & S 330TH 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $44.40 PWTR -04/14 31910 GATEWAY CNTR 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $335.11 PWTR -04/14 31200 SR 99 SE CRNR 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $310.77 PWTR -04/14 35505 PAC HWY 5- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $33.15 PWTR -04/14 3420 SW 343RD ST - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $202.15 PWTR -04/14 S 336TH @ WEYERHAEU 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $226.04 PWTR -04/14 S 320TH ST & 23RD A 240847 6/1312014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $202.92 PWTR -04/14 36201 MILTON ROAD - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $614.59 PWTR -04/14 S 336TH & PAC HWY- Key Bank Page 15 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $87.20 PWTR -04/14 CRNR S 316 & 23RD A 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $245.64 PWTR -04/14 SW 324TH & 11TH PL 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $108.43 PWTR -04/14 36111 16TH AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $117.90 PWTR -04/14 21STAVE S GRID ROA 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $185.05 PWTR -04/14 35007 16TH AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $199.00 PWTR -04/14 314TH & 20TH AVE - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $11.09 PWTR -04/14 35909 1ST AVE SW FL 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $45.78 PWTR -04/14 STAR LK RD & MILITA 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $338.20 PWTR -04/14 S 348TH & PAC HWY- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $166.86 PWTR -04/14 1000 SW CAMPUS DRIV 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $68.72 PWTR -04/14 CAMPUS DR & 6TH AVE 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $31.84 PWTR -04/14 VARIOUS LOCATIONS - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $617.14 PWTR -04/14 320TH ST & PAC HWY- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $10.98 PWTR -04/14 308TH ST. & 2ND AVE 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $22.10 PWTR -04/14 1300 S 334TH STREET 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $71.68 PWTR -04114 S 333ND & 1 ST WAYS 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $264.39 PWTR -04114 SR 161 & 356TH - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $11.09 PWTR -04/14 36600 PAC HWY S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $292.01 PWTR -04/14 33645 20TH PL S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $99.48 PWTR -04/14 HOYT RD & 340TH - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $62.74 PWTR -04/14 1STAVE S & 330TH S 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $112.51 PWTR -04/14 33507 9TH AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $93.69 PWTR -04/14 S 322ND ST & 23RD A 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $109.69 PWTR -04/14 31130 27TH AVE SW- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $11.09 PWTR -04/14 115 S 361ST PL FLAS 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $165.68 PWTR -04/14 SW 340TH ST & HOYT Key Bank Page 16 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 33401 38TH AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04114 32731 HOYT RD FLASH 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 1403 SW 312TH FLASH 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 412812014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04114 32400 STATE RT 99 S 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 35654 9TH AVE SW - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 32400 SR 99 SE CRNR 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 3318 SW 346TH PLACE 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 412812014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 SW 308TH ST & 4TH A 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 33405 6TH AVE S- 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 2510 SW 336TH 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 21STAVE SW & DASH 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/2812014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 35106 21 STAVE SW- 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 34800 21 STAVE SW- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 23RD AVE & 320TH ST 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 NE CRNR S 312TH & 2 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/2812014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 32562 SW HOYD RD FL 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/2812014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 33325 8TH AVE S- 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4128/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 1453 S 308TH STREET 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4128/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 1405 S 312TH STREET 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 34018 PAC HWY S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 34921 16TH AVE S - 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04114 HWY 509 & 21 ST AVE- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 824 SW 361ST ST- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 31020 14TH AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 SW 329TH WAY & HOYT 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 PWTR -04/14 SW CRNR 312TH & PAC $197.29 $10.98 $10.98 $112.93 $22.92 $311.86 $41.82 $10.98 $43.73 $11.18 $73.61 $52.59 $98.95 $203.01 $199.60 $11.08 $116.80 $322.80 $147.01 $70.84 $92.70 $33.58 $198.21 $37.20 $11.18 $254.28 Key Bank Page 17 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $128.58 PWTR -04/14 34010 20TH AVENUE - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $37.86 PWTR -04114 491 S 338TH STREET - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $39.90 PWTR -04/14 2510 S 336TH STREET 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $435.01 PWTR -04/14 30390 PAC HWY S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $32.89 PWTR -04/14 29829 23RD AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $79.65 PWTR -04/14 18TH AVE & S 312TH - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $33.13 PWTR -04/14 3 296TH PL & MILITA 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $104.55 PWTR -04/14 21 STAVE SW & 325TH 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $233.76 PWTR -04/14 S 348TH HOV LANE - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 412812014 PWTR 2014 05 $36.79 PWTR -04/14 S 316TH & PAC HWY- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $290.62 PWTR -04/14 33800 WEYER. HWY- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $67.65 PWTR -04/14 SW 340TH & 35TH AVE 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/2812014 PWTR 2014 05 $184.96 PWTR -04/14 1790 SW 345TH PLACE 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $301.49 PWTR -04/14 32000 PAC HWY SE CR 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $283.83 PWTR -04114 S 348TH ST & 1ST AV 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $24.19 PWTR -04/14 515 S 312TH STREET - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $243.69 PWTR -04/14 S 320TH ST & WEYER. 240847 6113/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $79.90 PWTR -04/14 1414 S 324TH STREET 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $126.59 PWTR -04/14 31455 28TH AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $28.67 PWTR -04/14 2613 S 275TH PLACE - 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $97.48 PWTR -04/14 21 STAVE & 356TH SW 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $187.52 PWTR -04/14 322ND ST & 23RD AVE 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $189.58 PWTR -04/14 312TH ST & 23R DAVE 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $101.69 PWTR -04/14 288TH ST. & 18TH AV 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $320.58 PWTR -04/14 21 STAVE SW & 344TH 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/2812014 PWTR 2014 05 $83.79 PWTR -04/14 316TH ST & 20TH AVE Key Bank Page 18 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $81.00 PWTR -04/14 304TH ST & MILITARY 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $56.97 PWTR -04/14 33220 ST. WAY SOUTH 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $99.87 PWTR -04/14 1ST WAY S & 336TH S 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $67.44 PWTR -04/14 34836 WEYER. WAY S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $86.44 PWTR -04/14 2999 SW 314TH ST- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $274.47 PWTR -04/14 33099 HOYT RD. SW- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $24.70 PWTR -04/14 28516 24TH AVE S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $119.48 PWTR -04/14 35896 PAC HWY S- 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $ -10.98 PWTR -04/14 ELECTRICITY /GAS 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/28/2014 PWTR 2014 05 $473.04 PWTR -04/14 29600 ELECTRICITY /G 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/5/2014 300000007322 $10.98 PWTR -04/14 ELECTRICITY /GAS 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/13/2014 300000009526 $938.36 PWTR -04/14 NON - METERED ELECT 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/19/2014 220002368235 $156.39 • PWTR -05/14 2100 SW 336TH ELECT 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/19/2014 220002463739 $40.66 PWTR -05/14 2400 SW 336TH ST SI 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/20/2014 220002470148 $104.08 PWTR -05/14 31250 SW DASH PT. S 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/20/2014 400000557464 $429.00 PWTR- SERVICE CONNECT 2400 SW 3 240633 5/30/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/19/2014 300000001234 $115.28 SWM -04/14 34016 9TH AVE FLOOD 240847 6/1312014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/23/2014 300000001978 $1,508.42 PKM -04/14 S 312TH ELECTRICITY 240847 6/13/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/23/2014 300000001978 $863.44 PKM -04/14 LAKOTA PARK RR 240633 5/30/2014 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/6/2014 300000001978 $1,201.49 PD -03/14 -05114 BROOKLAKE ELECT EXPEDITED PLAN REVIEW FEES $2,748.58 240760 6/13/2014 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5/1/2014 2014- FED -APR $446.16 CD -05 -07672 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 240760 6/13/2014 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5/1/2014 2014- FED -APR $2,302.42 CD -05 -07672 PLANS REVIEW CONSU FED GRANTS - DIRECT - COPS GRANT $3,067.00 240496 5/30/2014 DEPT. OF JUSTICE -COPS OFF5/14/2014 2010CKWX0654 $3,067.00 FI- RETURN COPS GRANT FUNDS UNU FILING & RECORDING FEES - INTGOV $390.00 240480 5/30/2014 CHAPIN, REBECCA 5/29/2014 CHAPIN 2014 $390.00 CD- COVENANT RECORDING FIRST CLASS POSTAGE $5,353.71 Key Bank Page 19 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240625 5/30/2014 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/3/2014 3909126 $2,590.05 FI -04/14 POSTAGE & MAIL CARRIE 240440 5/27/2014 MAILMEDIADBAIMMEDIA, 5/21/2014 65147PA $1,379.45 MO- NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTIONS MA 240578 5/30/2014 MAILMEDIA DBA IMMEDIA, 5/21/2014 65147PA $1,379.45 - MO- NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTIONS MA 240770 6/13/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR5/30/2014 2- 670 -16601 $4.76 - IT -FEDEX DELIVERY SVC FOOD & BEVERAGE $14,379.81 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $38.29 DBC -DOOR CLOSER 240613 5/30/2014 PARKER, TAMI 5/16/2014 PARKER 2014 B $206.13 PD -PEER SUPPORT MTG - FOOD - 240613 5/30/2014 PARKER, TAMI 5/20/2014 PARKER 2014 A $87.84 PD -PEER SUPPORT MTG - FOOD - 240613 5/30/2014 PARKER, TAMI 5/20/2014 PARKER 2014 C $142.43 PD -PEER SUPPORT MTG - FOOD - 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $79.59 PD- REFRESHMENTS FOR FWPD- 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $41.74 PD- REFRESHMENTS:BRIAN WALSH- 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $132.13 PRCS GRAND CANYON SENIOR TRIP 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $121.13 PRCS ST. MICHELLE SENIOR TRIP 240600 5/30/2014 NORRIS, ELIZABETH 5/14/2014 NORRIS 2014 $146.43 PRCS- COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $23.13 PRCS - SAFEWAY REC INC SNACKS FO 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $5.00 PRCS -QFC SNACKS FOR CULTURES & 240852 6/13/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 5/22/2014 435201- 052214 -1555 $47.15 PRCS- COOKING CLASS SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $24.00 PRCS - WATERFRONT TRIP, KARAOKE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $37.60 PRCS -F -DUB PROGRAM SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $256.89 PRCS -LEWIS & CLARK LEARNING CN 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $79.85 PRCS -LEWIS & CLARK LEARNING CN 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $68.55 CC /MO- COUNCIL DINNER, BRP LUNC 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $64.17 CC- COUNCIL DINNER 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $87.97 CC- COUNCIL DINNER 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $10.66 CC- JAPANESE DELIGATION VISIT 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $43.73 SWM -GREEN LIVING WORKSHOP REFR Key Bank Page 20 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S05/26/2014 MAY 2014 $54.28 SWM -NYC WORKSHOP SUPPLIES 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $16.24 SWM -WWHM TRNG F TANG 240852 6/1312014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 5/7/2014 727963- 050714 -1555 $16.17 FWCC /PRCS- JELLO, TOOTSIE ROLES 240852 6/13/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 5/16/2014 808789- 051614 -1555 $30.54 PRCS -KID ESCAPE SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $25.11 PRCS -DAY CAMP /PRESCHL SUPPLIES 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $25.00 PD -LUNCH FOR STIEBEN, BUNK - 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $9.94 PD -MEAL FOR CDU DUTY TO ASSIST 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $54.88 PD- PUNCH, COOKIES PROMOTIONS S 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $24.05 PD -MEALS FOR ANNUAL VCDU- 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $58.69 PD- COFFEE FOR VOLUNTEER - 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $9.47 SWM -N LAKE MTG REFRESH 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $43.50 PD- RECRUIT OFFICER PANEL LUNCH 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $178.00 PD -GUILD NEGOTIATIONS LUNCH 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $121.43 PD -GUILD NEGOTIATIONS LUNCH 240848 6/13/2014 PWF PROCESSING, 6/1/2014 26244 $1,064.34 PD- BOTTLE WATER SVC 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $17.70 PD -PD ENTRY LEVEL INTERVIEW PA 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $34.99 PD -FOOD FOR DETECTIVES AT HOMI 240772 6/13/2014 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SE5/30/2014 4364 $141.75 PD -05/14 OFFICER LUNCHES 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH- Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $21.82 SWR- RECYCLING EVENT REFRESHMEN 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 512212014 FI- 05/22/14 $19.00 SWR - RECYCLING EVENT DONUTS 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $95.55 SWR- RECYCLING EVENT SNACKS 240742 6/13/2014 BRIZENDINE- JURGENSEN, JE6/3/2014 BRIZENDINE 2014 $106.02 SWR -GREEN FEST SUPPLIES 240754 6/1312014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SC5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $68.54 CC /MO- COUNCIL DINNER, BRP LUNC 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $147.65 MO -BLUE RIBBON PANEL DINNER 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $25.44 PKM -FUN LAND VOLUNTEERS POPCIC 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $13.98 PKM- DIVISION MEETING SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 21 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $9.96 SWM -LMD MEETING REFRESHMENT 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $9.48 SWM -STEEL LAKE MTG /REFR 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/5/16/2014 5536785 $475.58 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC /5 /21/2014 5546735 $1,247.55 DBC - CATERING SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC /517 /2014 5513620 $1,334.02 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC /5 /9/2014 5520418 $1,001.22 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240777 6/13/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC /5/28/2014 5562373 $833.00 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CA/9/2014 109705 $100.15 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C15/21/2004 106728 $484.47 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CA/25/2014 104436 $233.72 DBC - CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci5/3/2014 734125 $154.98 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci5/6/2014 108253 $240.10 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C6/8/2014 108927 $461.96 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci5/14/2014 111038 $182.84 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci5/15/2014 111378 $33.66 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci5/20/2014 113221 $224.63 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci5/22/2014 11395C $343.77 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240777 6/13/2014 FOOD SERVICES OFAMERIC/5 /23/2014 5553232 $444.58 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $2,242.57 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES - FOOD 240635 5/30/2014 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 4/30/2014 82469 $65.59 FWCC - BOTTLE WATER SVC 240849 6/13/2014 QUALITY WATER SERVICES, 5/31/2014 82746 $65.59 FWCC - BOTTLE WATER SVC 240852 6/13/2014 SAFEWAY STORE #1555, 5/7/2014 727963- 050714 -1555 $21.90 FWCC /PRCS- JELLO, TOOTSIE ROLES GASOLINE $3,276.53 240507 5/30/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 5/15/2014 19531CT $662.52 PD- 05/01/14- 05/15/14 VEHICLE F 240507 5/30/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 5/15/2014 19531CT $ -21.66 PD- 05/01/14- 05/15/14 FUEL CRIED 240764 6/13/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 5/31/2014 20664CT $1,148.17 PD- 05/16/14 - 05/31/14 VEHICLE F Key Bank Page 22 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240764 6/13/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 5/31/2014 20664CT $ -37.72 PD- 05/16/14- 05/31/14 FUEL CRED 240889 6/13/2014 WEX BANK, 5131/2014 36950881 $194.33 PD -05/14 MAYOR'S VEHICLE FUEL 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $44.00 - PD -ARIDE TRNG E SANDERS 240507 5/30/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 5/15/2014 19530CT $639.71 PWFLT- 05/01/14- 05/15/14 VEHICL 240507 5/30/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 5/15/2014 19530CT $ -20.92 PWFLT- 05/01/14- 05/15/14 FUEL C 240764 6/13/2014 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 6/9/2014 ERNIE $668.10 PWFLT- 05/15/14- 05/31/14 FUEL F HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM $1,974.06 240709 5130/2014 WILEY, PATRICIA 5/3112014 MAY 2014 $589.78 LAW -MAY 2014 COBRA PMT 240893 6/13/2014 WILEY, PATRICIA 6/11/2014 JUNE 2014 $589.78 LAW -JUNE 2014 COBRA PMT 240822 6/13/2014 MULKEY, JOHN 6/2/2014 MULKEY 2014 $100.00 PWST- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE MULKEY 240538 5/30/2014 HELLER, PAUL 5/14/2014 HELLER 2014 $100.00 SWM- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE HELLER 240677 5/30/2014 UPTON, SHAWNA 5/21/2014 UPTON 2014 $94.50 PW- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE UPTON 240775 6/13/2014 FICHTNER, THOMAS 6/5/2014 FICHTNER 2014 $100.00 IT- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE FICHTNER 240509 5/30/2014 ETTINGER, ROBERT 5/16/2014 ETTINGER 2014 $100.00 DBC- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE ETTINGE 240466 5/30/2014 BARBER, JAMES 5/22/2014 BARBER 2014 $100.00 PKM- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE J BARBE 240735 6/1312014 BARBER, JAMES 61212014 BARBER 2014 $100.00 PKM- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE BARBER 240705 5/30/2014 WHITE, SUSANNE 4/2912014 WHITE 2014 $100.00 MC- MEDICAL DEDUCTIBLE S WHITE HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES $4,787.81 240751 6/13/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 5/20/2014 T2665308 $480.14 DBC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/5 /16/2014 5536785 $80.09 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMER IC /5 /21/2014 5546735 $9.43 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OFAMERIC /5 /2/2014 791680DD $49.02 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC6/7/2014 5513620 $299.87 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240521 5/30/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC /5 /7/2014 5515347 $ -9.43 DBC- RETURN COFFEE STIRRERS 240777 6/13/2014 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERIC/5 /2812014 5562373 $433.64 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 240486 5/30/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 5/2/2014 W2660172 $773.69 FWCC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 240486 5/30/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 4/25/2014 W2658171 $793.25 FWCC - JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 23 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 240486 5/30/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 5/9/2014 W2662343 $1,321.89 FWCC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 240751 6/13/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 5/28/2014 W2667413 $145.92 FWCC- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 240486 5/30/2014 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 5/9/2014 T2662493 $410.30 PKM- JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - IMMUNIZATION CHARGE 240589 5/30/2014 MULTICARE CENTERS OF, 5/1/2014 86980 $80.00 HR -DOT EXAM PEDERSEN INSURANCE -STOP LOSS 240784 6/13/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/22/2014 MAY 2014A $3,549.06 MAY 2014 HMO SELF FUND COOP 240783 6/13/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/23/2014 MAY 2014 B $28,443.33 MAY 2014 OPTIONS /ALLIANT PLUS INVESTMENT INCOME 240774 6/13/2014 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTF6/10/2018 SIF -MAY 2014 $17.26 FI -05/14 SCHL IMPACT FEE & INT JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $50.00 HR- CRAIGSLIST JOB ADS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $295.00 HR -SWM INSPECTOR JOB AD 240828 6/13/2014 NEWS TRIBUNE, 6/1/2014 255045 $336.00 HR- SEASONAL EMPLOYEE EMPLOY. A KC HEALTH DEPT - INTERGOVT 240558 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY MENTAL HEAL15 /9/2014 2032370 $3,989.48 CDHS -KC LIQUOR EXCISE TAX KC RECORDING FEES 240559 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY RECORDS,ELE5 /28/2014 172104 9004 $74.00 PW- RECORD CELEBRATION SR LIVIN LEGAL NOTICES 240649 5/30/2014 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/8/2014 1033788 $31.72 CK- ORDINANCE 14 -765 LEGALAD 240649 5/30/2014 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 518/2014 1037155 $115.36 CK- MAYORS SALARY LEGALAD 240646 5/30/2014 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/18/2014 1028431 $452.78 PWST -RFB 14 -108 LEGALAD 240648 5/30/2014 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/11/2014 1031059 $124.01 CD -LAND USE LEGALAD LODGING 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $1,130.58 FI -GFOA CONF. ARIWOOLA 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $308.16 LAW -WSAMA CONF. BECKWITH 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1094 $584.80 PD- BLOODSTAIN ANALYSIS TRNG VA 240483 5130/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1096 $169.40 PD -2014 WHIA CONF. ROBINSON 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1097 $169.40 PD -2014 WHIA CONF. MORIKAWA 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1098 $169.40 PD -WHIA CONF. A HOWELL $80.00 $31,992.39 $17.26 $681.00 $3,989.48 $74.00 $723.87 $11,423.81 Key Bank Page 24 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1099 $169.40 PD- WHIACONF. R KIM 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $84.70 PD- WHIACONF. MORIKAWA 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $84.70 PD- WHIACONF. ROBINSON 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $84.70 PD- REIMBURSE FOR 1ST NIGHT - 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $84.70 PD- REIMBURSE FOR 1ST NIGHT - 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $- 338.80 PD -WHIA CONF. HOTEL REFUND 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $881.16 PD -CAL EA ASSESSORS LODGING 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1102 $492.68 PD -2014 NAMOA CONK LEFEBVRE 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1103 $492.68 PD -2014 NAMOA CONF. F MARTIN 240750 6/13/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 6/3/2014 CK #1104 $492.68 PD- NAMOATRNG CONF. C BRANCO 240594 5/30/2014 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CC5/1/2014 4704 $4,500.00 CDHS -TAX CREDIT PROG. AG14 -029 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $421.40 SWM -STORM CONF. 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1093 $301.68 PD- WSPCASMNR BUCHANAN 5143793 6/312014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $94.30 PD- RECRUITMENT TRIP TO YAKIMA 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1107 $401.27 CD -IAAP CONF. PIETY 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $277.80 LAW -WSAMA CONF. S ARTHUR 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $367.02 MC -DMCM CONF. S WHITE LONG DISTANCE CHARGES $407.23 240749 6113/2014 CENTURYLINK, 6/4/2014 1302122822 $183.51 IT -05/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC 240714 6/2/2014 CENTURYLINK, 4/19/2014 1298792169 $174.86 IT -04/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC 240749 6/13/2014 CENTURYLINK, 6/4/2014 1302122822 $25.02 IT -05/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC 240714 6/2/2014 CENTURYLINK, 4/19/2014 1298792169 $23.84 IT -04/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $3,142.65 240542 5/30/2014 HURLEY ENGINEERING COMF4/15/2014 35435 $3,142.65 FWCC -FRAME HEAT EXCHANGER MECHANICAL PERMITS $58.50 240601 5/30/2014 NORTHWEST PERMIT, 5/22/2014 14- 102328 REFUND $58.50 CD -14- 102328 REFUND DUPLICATE MEDICAL SERVICES - CLAIMS $165,612.79 708798 5/16/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/16/2014 SF00020439 $1,946.98 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/01/14 -05/ Key Bank Page 25 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 647975 5/16/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/16/2014 SF00020440 $22,987.98 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/01/14- 386282 5/23/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/22/2014 SF00020489 $63,516.67 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/13/14- 443348 5/23/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/23/2014 SF00020488 $11,400.92 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/13/14 -05/ 6364 5/29/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/29/2014 SF00020534 $3,169.66 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/20/14 -05/ 6347 5/29/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/30/2014 SF00020535 $26,214.16 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/20/14- 37 6/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 6/5/2014 SF00020587 $34,519.20 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/27/14- 40 6/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 6/6/2014 SF00020586 $1,857.22 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/27- 14 -05/ MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $1,143.90 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $19.82 CC- 05/14/14 PIC MTG DUCLOS 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $14.78 PWTR -KC PROJECT EVAL MTG 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC - 03/23/14 $25.65 PRCS- MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $46.17 PRCS- MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC - 03/23/14 $66.08 PRCS- MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT- SP 240524 5/30/2014 FRANKLIN, SCOTT 5/23/2014 FRANKLIN 2014 $120.29 DBC- 04/14- 05/22/14 REIMB. FRAN 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1107 $37.78 CD -IAAP CONF. PIETY 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $5.38 PD- MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TO- 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $19.38 PD- MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $16.24 LAW -DV INTERVIEW C WILLIAMS 240705 5/30/2014 WHITE, SUSANNE 5/14/2014 WHITE 2014 $160.52 MC -DMCMA CONF. S WHITE 240705 5/30/2014 WHITE, SUSANNE 5/21/2014 WHITE 2014 $161.28 MC -2014 DMCMA CONF. S WHITE 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $38.87 MC -AOC TRNG K BRADY 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $38.87 MC -AOC TRNG J NIX 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $38.87 MC -AOC TRNG FAUCHER 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FI, 5/2212014 FI- 05/22/14 $55.88 LAW -03/19 -03/20 REIMB DUNNACHI 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $43.23 LAW -WAPRO SPRING TRNG PEARSALL 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FI, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $27.61 LAW -MAHER MEDIA PEARSALL Key Bank Page 26 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 240858 6/13/2014 SHELTON, KIMBERLY 5/27/2014 SHELTON 2014 $207.20 FWCC -WSASC CONF. K SHELTON MINOR DP SOFTWARE $1,560.00 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $1,560.00 IT- VOLUNTEER HRS TRACKING SYST MINOR EQUIP -MISC $9,353.42 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $2,009.40 SWM -WATER SAMPLE TEST KITS 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $328.45 PD- HEADPHONES 240697 5/30/2014 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR LI5/7/2014 1432 $244.30 SWM- SAFETY GEAR 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S05/26/2014 MAY 2014 $178.87 SWM- SALMON RELEASE EVENT 240877 6/13/2014 TORKLIFT CENTRAL, 5/28/2014 17285 $483.67 SWM- TRAILER HITCH 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $37.97 SWM -SWM TRAILER EQUIPMENT 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $52.86 SWM- BUTCHER PAPER 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $63.04 SWM- SALMON RELEASE SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $17.49 SWM- SALMON RELEASE SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $140.55 SWM- SALMON RELEASE SUPPLIES 240485 5/30/2014 CLARY, JOHN 5120/2014 CLARY 2014 $117.12 PD- TRAINING SUPPLIES -RET 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $49.80 PD -TOTAL STATION EQUIPMENT - 240528 5/30/2014 G.W., INC, 5/5/2014 778172 $- 2,823.00 PD -GLOCK HANDGUN TRADE IN CRIED 240528 5/30/2014 G.W., INC, 5/8/2014 778579 $4,478.55 PD -GLOCK HANDGUN 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $65.69 PD- TRIPOD FOR FORMAL PD PHOTOS 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $52.90 PD -SWAT EQUIP. REPAIR PARTS 240479 5/30/2014 CENTRAL LAKE ARMOR EXPR5 /9/2014 0061507 -IN $1,569.14 PD -ARMOR VEST HOWELL 240711 5/30/2014 XP SOFTWARE INC, 3/19/2014 M7577 $629.25 SWM -WATER ENG SOFTWARE SUPPORT 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $21.90 PKM- THROTTLE CABLE 240560 5/30/2014 KOMPAN INC, 4/30/2014 INV78209 $815.88 PKM -SWING HANGERS, BOLTS 240780 6/13/2014 GAMETIME, 5/7/2014 831881 $79.96 PKM- SHOULDER SCREWS & BUSHINGS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $739.63 PKM - PLATFORM LADDER MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS- INTERGOV $304,363.93 Key Bank Page 27 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240681 5/30/2014 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS C5/5/2014 0014933 $290,493.17 PD- 05/14 -06/14 EMER DISPATCH S 240681 5/30/2014 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS C4/11/2014 0014861 $2,878.39 PD -03/14 WSP ACCESS BILLING US 240681 5/30/2014 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS C4/28/2014 0014915 $29.99 PD -03/14 LANGUAGE LINE USAGE - 240556 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/5/2014 11002149 $248.50 IT -04/14 NET SVC 240749 6/13/2014 CENTURYLINK, 6/4/2014 1302122822 $208.53 IT -05/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC 240714 6/2/2014 CENTURYLINK, 4/19/2014 1298792169 $198.71 IT -04/14 LONG DISTANCE SVC 240803 6/13/2014 KING COUNTY RADIO, 5/20/2014 8671 $9,168.74 IT -PD RADIO MAINT /REPAIR 240556 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/5/2014 11002149 $248.50 IT -04/14 NET SVC 240556 5/3012014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/5/2014 11002149 $99.40 IT -04/14 NET SVC 240689 5/30/2014 WA STATE PATROL, 5/1/2014 114007782 $200.00 HR -04/14 BKGRND CHECKS 240688 5/30/2014 WA STATE PATROL, 4/2/2014 114006924 $350.00 HR -03/14 BKGRND CHECKS 240886 6/13/2014 WA STATE PATROL, 6/2/2014 114008607 $240.00 HR -MAY 2014 BKGRND CHECKS MISC SERVICES & CHARGES $27,204.38 240512 5/30/2014 EXPRESS TOWING LLC, 5/9/2014 14 -02890 $194.91 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 240831 6/13/2014 NORTHWESTTOWING INC, 5/2/2014 406303 $584.73 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 240688 5/30/2014 WA STATE PATROL, 4/2/2014 114007260 $111.00 PD -REMIT CPL FEES COLLECTED 240516 5/30/2014 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANG5/5/2014 19 $892.43 PD -04/14 GUN RANGE USAGE 240632 5/30/2014 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 5/6/2014 2014 -5535 $14,247.84 PD- PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING SVCA 240785 6/13/2014 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES, 5/31/2014 14 -013 $300.00 PD- POLYGRAPH TESTING SVCS 240771 6/13/2014 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC-6 /2 /2014 101 $591.30 PD -05114 GUN RANGE USAGE 240763 6/13/2014 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI(5 /17/2014 8506228 $37.69 PD- 04/14 -05/14 CREDIT REPORTS 240757 6/13/2014 D J TROPHY, 5/21/2014 238626 $91.80 PD- PLAQUE FOR BRIAN WALSH ROOM 240891 6/13/2014 WILD WEST INTERNATIONAL 15/22/2014 7466 $108.31 PD -03/14 GUN RANGE USAGE 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $19.99 PD- CITIZEN SURVEY CALEA REQUIR 240570 5/30/2014 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 4/30/2014 1470204 - 20140430 $124.88 PD -04/14 LEXIS NEXIS SVC 240629 5/30/2014 PRO- TOWAUBURN, 5/13/2014 120204 $676.58 PD- VEHICLE TOWING CASE 14 -6317 Key Bank Page 28 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240629 5/30/2014 PRO- TOWAUBURN, 5/13/2014 120205 $676.58 PD- VEHICLE TOWING CASE 14 -6317 240602 5/30/2014 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 5/13/2014 406305 $194.91 PD- VEHICLE TOW CASE 14 -6317 240864 6/13/2014 SPECIAL INTEREST TOWING, 5/27/2014 140202 $194.91 - PD- VEHICLE TOW CASE 14 -6815 240576 5/30/2014 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP4/21/2014 32008704 -0001 $425.53 SWR- EXCAVATOR RENTAL FOR RECYC 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $1,631.08 PRCS -GRAND CANYON SENIOR TRIP 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $163.10 PRCS - BLODEL RESERVE SENIOR TRI 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $173.10 PRCS - BLODEL RESERVE SENIOR TRI 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/2612014 MAY 2014 $1,352.55 PRCS -GRAND CANYON SENIOR TRIP 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $1,683.00 PRCS - WILLAMETTE SENIOR TRIP 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $254.12 PRCS - SALISH LODGE SENIOR TRIP 5144759 613/2014 US BANK, 5126/2014 MAY 2014 $500.00 PRCS- MARVELOUS MYSTERY TOUR SE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $70.00 FWCC -RED CROSS CERT. CARDS 240482 5/30/2014 CHRIS LEAVITT PHOTOGRAPI4 /1/2014 51434 $475.23 CC -2014 COUNCIL PHOTO 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS S05/26/2014 MAY 2014 $ -9.86 MO- COUNCIL PHOTOS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $49.17 CC- FLOWERS FOR COUNCILMEMBER H 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $4.99 CC -KOREA BANNER PRESENTATION 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $137.39 CC -KOREA BANNER MAILING 240546 5/30/2014 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC4 /30/2014 KGE6079 $632.16 PD -04/14 RECORDS STORAGE SVC 240831 6/13/2014 NORTHWEST TOWING INC, 5/31/2014 406441 $292.37 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 240726 6/13/2014 AL'S TOWING, 5/23/2014 77249 $134.69 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 240683 5/30/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/12/2014 9725091985 $63.02 PD -04/14 BAIT CAR WIRELESS 240570 5/30/2014 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 4/30/2014 1470204 - 20140430 $124.88 PD -04/14 LEXIS NEXIS SVC NON GOVT DP SERVICES $4,855.07 240569 5/30/2014 LEXISNEXIS, 1/31/2014 1401464591 $325.20 IT /LAW -01/14 WEST LAW SVC 240569 5/30/2014 LEXISNEXIS, 4/30/2014 1404461751 $325.23 IT /LAW -04/14 WEST LAW SVC 240596 5/30/2014 NETMOTION WIRELESS INC, 4/1712014 10021476 $3,394.50 IT -PD MOBILELITY XE PREMIUM MA Key Bank Page 29 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $25.08 IT -TIVO SVC 240603 5/30/2014 NOWYR INC., 5/1/2014 398116 $160.00 IT- REDUNDANCY INTERNET SVC 240556 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/5/2014 11002149 $397.60 IT -04/14 NET SVC 240832 6/13/2014 NOWYR INC., 611/2014 398181 $160.00 IT- REDUNDANCY INTERNET SVC 240758 6/13/2014 DMX MUSIC, 6/1/2014 50791436 $67.46 IT -06/14 ALL DIGITAL MUSIC OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $5.69 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/1312014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078818 $7.29 HR -MAY 2014 PAPER SUPPLY 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078817 $4.83 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078817 $23.17 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240451 5/30/2014 ALPHAGRAPHICS, 5/8/2014 5302 $109.12 PWST -DAILY BID ITEM TOTAL FORM 240451 5/3012014 ALPHAGRAPHICS, 5/8/2014 5303 $109.12 PWST -DAILY FLAGGING REPORT FOR 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT/5 /31/2014 8030078817 $435.78 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5/31 /2014 8030078817 $20.21 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $5.44 IT -3 HOLE PUNCH X 2 /MAPS 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078817 $63.33 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $63.32 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT15 /31/2014 8030078817 $63.33 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $30.98 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR POLICE - 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT 45 /31/2014 8030078817 $119.84 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240605 5/30/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 4/12/2014 704935503001 $33.56 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 240605 5/30/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 4/14/2014 704935418001 $21.89 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTF5 /31/2014 8030078817 $20.83 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $26.02 MO -NEIGH CONN SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $70.84 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $2.62 MO -HOLE PUNCH $3,927.67 Key Bank Page 30 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $28.40 MO- OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $110.71 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $83.92 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $65.59 PKM -CELL PHONE CASE 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $301.90 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $2.18 FWCC -TILL KEYS - REPLACEMENT S 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $41.37 FWCC -TILL KEYS REPLACEMENT SET 240867 6113/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $36.20 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $102.93 FWCC- MEMBERSHIP CARDS 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $5.56 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5/31/2014 8030078817 $60.59 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $80.83 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6113/2014 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $60.62 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240605 5130/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 4/1412014 704935418001 $89.58 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 240605 5/30/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 4/14/2014 704935502001 $5.47 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $241.08 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240834 6/13/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 5/10/2014 708767192001 $2.69 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 240834 6/13/2014 OFFICE DEPOT, 5/12/2014 708766853001 $106.52 PD- OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $48.33 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240867 6113/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $ -92.80 MAY 2014 OFFICE RETURN FILES 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $40.66 CD- COCCYX SEAT CUSHION 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FI, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $19.08 CD- CALENDAR REFILL PAGES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $372.27 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $56.78 CD -DATE PLANNER CALENDAR 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $168.78 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $2.09 Sales Tax Key Bank Page 31 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 5141778 613/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $23.27 IT -GAFF TAPE 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $625.86 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING RENTALS /LEASES $12,720.07 240797 6/13/2014 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC5/31/2014 KJU5030 $2,384.24 - CK -05/14 RECORDS STORAGE SVC 240870 6/13/2014 SUNRISE SELF STORAGE, 6/4/2014 A1008 $540.00 PD -A1008 Q2 2014 STORAGE UNIT 240663 5/30/2014 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 4/30/2014 APRIL 2014 $4,475.83 PD -04/14 ANIMAL SHELTER SVC - 240663 5/30/2014 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 4/30/2014 IVC0001292 $1,600.00 PD- 03/14 -04/14 SHELTER BOARDIN 240465 5/30/2014 BACM 2004 -1 320TH ST. S. LL(5/21/2014 CFW #52114 $3,720.00 IT -2014 WIFI SITE LEASE AG05 -1 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $26,603.10 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $17.48 CC- COUNCIL PHOTO FRAMES 240493 5/30/2014 D J TROPHY, 4/30/2014 238467 $19.16 PW -NAME BADGES 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $6.00 SWM- DEIONIZED WATER/WQ CALIB 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $7.96 SWM -ICE FOR SALMON RELEASE 240697 5/30/2014 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR L14/23/2014 10846 $481.53 SWM - SAFETY VESTS 240697 5/30/2014 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR L15/712014 10880 $218.39 SWM- SAFETY VESTS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $167.87 SWM- OVERPACK DRUMS 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $6.98 PRCS- ALBERTSONS FOR DOODLEBUGS 240620 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC - 03/23/14 $7.33 PRCS - WALMART FOR DOODLEBUGS 240788 6/13/2014 HEAD - QUARTERS PTS, 5/19/2014 3403 -3 $160.00 PRCS - SANICAN TOUCH A TRUCK EVE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $30.40 PRCS- CRAYONS FOR DANCE RECITAL 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $86.59 PRCS-TOUCH A TRUCK SUPPLIES 240493 5/30/2014 D J TROPHY, 4/30/2014 238467 $28.75 PW -NAME BADGES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $254.20 PRCSPFUN EXPRESS - DAY CAMP 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $296.56 PRCS -DAY CAMP /PRESCHL SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $84.73 PRCS -DAY CAMP /PRESCHL SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $158.08 PRCS- BULLWINKLES - DAY CAMP 240640 5/30/2014 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME4 /16/2014 611827 $6,736.44 PD- POLICE AMMUNITION SUPPLIES- Key Bank Page 32 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240640 5/30/2014 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME4 /16/2014 611827 $54.75 Freight 240638 5/30/2014 SAFARILAND, LLC, 4/16/2014 114- 047388 $910.64 PD- IMPACT SPONGES 240614 5/30/2014 PETCOANIMAL SUPPLIES INC5/9/2014 OA053587 $125.90 PD -K9 FOOD 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $392.50 PD- PATROL SUPPLIES 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS 505/26/2014 MAY 2014 $43.56 PD- PATROL SUPPLIES RETURNED 240840 6113/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $23.39 PD- SUPPLIES FOR VCDU YAKIMA- 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $27.18 PD -TARP, BUNGEE SET TO COVER V 240767 6113/2014 EVIDENT CRIME SCENE PRO15/16/2014 85761A $407.50 PD -CRIME SCENE SUPPLIES 240830 6113/2014 NORMED, 5/22/2014 12378- 676067 $1,015.28 PD- GLOVES 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $33.12 PD- STREAMLIGHT BATTERY DOOR 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $74.90 PD- ANTIBACTERIAL SUPPLIES 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $577.02 PD -RIFLE REPAIR SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $16.83 PRCS -BLUE POPPY DAYS SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $31.86 PRCS - STUDENTART SHOW RECEPTIO 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $29.99 PD- ANIMAL DISPOSAL BAGS 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $19.68 PD- ANIMAL SVCS SUPPLIES 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $95.78 CD -PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075128/2014 MAY 2014 $65.44 CD -PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANT /5 /31/2014 8030078817 $40.22 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $50.00 PD- BOOKS, DVD USED FOR CRIME - 240545 5/30/2014 INTELLIGENT PRODUCTS INC5/15/2014 176976A $1,718.40 PKM -DOG WASTE BAGS 240518 5/30/2014 FLAGS A' FLYING LLC, 5/1/2014 58679 $2,688.88 PKM -US & STATE FLAGS 240595 5/30/2014 NATIONAL SAFETY INC, 4/15/2014 0373000 -IN $1,372.36 PKM- SAFETY CLOTHING & EQUIPMEN 240712 5/30/2014 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 4/15/2014 14 -555 $326.40 PKM - WARNING SIGNS - 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $21.89 DUMAS -KVM SWITCH /RENTAL EQUIP 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $6.00 PRCS -FWPS SURPLUS SALE /EQUIP Key Bank Page 33 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240527 5/30/2014 FURNEY'S NURSERY INC, 5/7/2014 1 -75657 $262.80 DBC- HANGING BASKETS 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $377.38 DBC -FANS, CHAIR 240622 5/3012014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $4.59 PD- RIBBON: SUBSTATION - 240620 5130/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $30.87 PRCS- MICHAEL'S FOR CULTURES & 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $83.50 PRCS- FRIENDSHIP THEATRE SCRIPT 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $24.11 PRCS -F -DUB PROGRAM SUPPLIES 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $106.79 PRCS- FRIENDSHIP THEATRE SUPPLI 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 512612014 MAY 2014 $67.97 PRCS- CULTURES & CRAFTS SUPPLIE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $64.00 PRCS -LEWIS & CLARK LEARNING CN 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $20.00 PRCS- DINNER &A MOVIE 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $33.47 MO -FWPS MTG WILSON & NEU 240505 5/30/2014 EMPIRE FACILITY SERVICES 15/6/2014 21148 $395.19 MO- MAYOR'S OFFICE CHAIR 240505 5/30/2014 EMPIRE FACILITY SERVICES 15/8/2014 30008 $294.22 MO- MAYOR'S OFFICE TABLE 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $49.10 MO -BLUE RIBBON PANEL MTG FOOD 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $92.89 MO -UNION NEGOTIATIONS LUNCH 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $105.93 MO- BINDERS & TABS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $17.50 MO- CERTIFICATE HOLDERS 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $60.00 SWM -LMD PICNIC @ STEEL LAKE RE 240734 6/13/2014 BAILEY, LEE 4/16/2014 015 $200.00 HR- SPIRITAWARD DESK SETS 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $186.14 DBC- CATERING SUPPLIES 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $14.38 EOC -CERT DRILL SUPPLIES 240493 5/30/2014 D J TROPHY, 5/1/2014 238473 $12.00 FWCC - PLAQUE ENGRAVING SVC 240522 5/30/2014 FRANCISCAN HEALTH SYSTE5 /2 /2014 JANUARY 18, 2014 $490.00 FWCC- CHOLESTEROL SCREENING 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $12.59 FWCC - BALLONS FOR BLAST PREMIER 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $324.00 FWCC- SPLASH - TACULAR SUPPLIES 240754 6113/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $429.92 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 34 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 240619 FWCC -NCR POS SYSTEM - CAFE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, FWCC -PAPER FOR CAFE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PWST -SMART TOOL LEVELS 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTE5 /31/2014 8030078817 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 240674 5/30/2014 UNITED LABORATORIES INC, 4/14/2014 INV079991 PD- GRUNGE GRIPPERS 240867 6113/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTE5 /31/2014 8030078817 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PD -EAR CUSHIONS 240577 5/30/2014 MAGNUM ELECTRONICS INC,4/1/2014 0000043129 PD -RADIO BATTERIES & CHARGERS 240672 5/3012014 ULINE, 4/4/2014 57892743 PD- EVIDENCE & FIRSTAID SUPPLI 240867 6/13/2014 STAPLES BUSINESSADVANTE5 /31/2014 8030078817 MAY 2014 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PD- PICTURE FRAMES 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PD -WALSH DEDICATION PHOTO SVC 5143793 613/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PD -GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PD -GUN CLEANING /REPAIR SUPPLIE 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PD- MEMORY CARDS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 PKM -US FLAG 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 SWR- ELECTRICAL & DUCT TAPE 240742 6/13/2014 BRIZENDINE- JURGENSEN, JE6/3/2014 BRIZENDINE 2014 SWR -GREEN FEST SUPPLIES 240825 6/13/2014 NATURE'S FOOTPRINT INC, 5/22/2014 72648 SWR -WORM BIN SUPPLIES 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 SWR- RECYCLING CONF. VAN ORSOW 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 SWR -ZIP LOCK BAGS PW- PARKING ISRC MTG F /GRANTS PWST -PSRC MTG MULKEY LAW -MAHER MEDIA PEARSALL PD- PARKING FEES: COURT- $53.66 $85.39 $417.33 $107.66 $396.68 $24.67 $38.33 $1,113.59 $239.11 $32.84 $24.07 $3.37 $85.39 $398.96 $65.68 $452.24 $13.26 $17.70 $15.87 $403.02 $4.14 $6.00 $7.32 $21.00 $14.64 $329.28 PARKING /TOLLS 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 240618 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 PW- PARKING ISRC MTG F /GRANTS PWST -PSRC MTG MULKEY LAW -MAHER MEDIA PEARSALL PD- PARKING FEES: COURT- $53.66 $85.39 $417.33 $107.66 $396.68 $24.67 $38.33 $1,113.59 $239.11 $32.84 $24.07 $3.37 $85.39 $398.96 $65.68 $452.24 $13.26 $17.70 $15.87 $403.02 $4.14 $6.00 $7.32 $21.00 $14.64 $329.28 Key Bank Page 35 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240622 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 5/23/2014 PD- 05/23/14 $5.00 PD- PARKING AT MEDICAL EXAMINER 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $24.40 PD- PARKING FEES FOR SUPERIOR C 240620 5130/2014 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 5/23/2014 FWCC- 03/23/14 $6.00 PRCS - PARKING CITY OF LEAVENWOR - 5144759 6/3/2044 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 - $21.67 PRCS- WATERFRONT TRIP, KARAOKE 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $6.00 CD -KING CO. TRANSITACCESS MTG 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $5.25 PD- REIMBURSE:BRIDGE TOLL FEES - 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $56.00 MC- SOFTWARE REVIEW TRIP TO SPO 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $14.00 PWTR -KC PROJECT EVAL MTG 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $63.00 PD- BRIDGE TOLLS FOR PD VEHICLE 240840 6/13/2014 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT, 6/10/2014 PD- 06/10/14 $15.00 PD- PARKING FEES FOR NEGOTIATIO 240483 5130/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1107 $64.00 CD -IAAP CONF. PIETY PD - CLAIMS AUTO 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/14/2014 24061 $91.90 RM- PD6501 CHANG;RM -PD; RSK# 240549 5/30/2014 JIM'S AUTO REFINISH /COLLIS4/2812014 APRIL 28, 2014 $444.48 LAW -RM PD 5062 R. HARRIS; RM -P 240549 5/30/2014 JIM'S AUTO REFINISH /COLLIS4/28/2014 APRIL 28, 2014 #2 $1,153.50 LAW -RM -PD 6053 OFF BUSTER; RM- 240470 5/30/2014 BOB BJORNEBY'S FEDERAL V5 /13/2014 15375 $2,616.11 LAW -RM -PD 6501 CHANG; RM -PD; R 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/7/2014 35279 $109.50 LAW -RM -PD 6501 CHANG, RM -PD; 240719 6/13/2014 ABRAAUTO BODY GLASS, 5/22/2014 4759 $889.15 LAW- RM- PD5240 RD DEBRIS;RM -PD; PD - CLAIMS GUPL 240662 5/30/2014 THE CEI GROUP, INC, 4/8/2014 JCOWAN.WA ST FLEET $646.00 RM- THE CEI RECOVERY SVC WA ST PER DIEM MEALS 240732 6/13/2014 ASSEFA- DAWSON, LYDIA 6/6/2014 ASSEFA - DAWSON 2014 $75.00 CC -AWC CONF. LASSEFA - DAWSON 240791 6/13/2014 HONDA, SUSAN 6/6/2014 HONDA 2014 $40.00 CC -AWC CONF. S HONDA 240820 6/13/2014 MOORE, MARTIN 6/6/2014 MOORE 2014 $75.00 CC -AWC CONF. M. MOORE 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $21.62 SWM -WWHM TRNG DOUCETTE 240875 6/13/2014 TANG, FEI 5/15/2014 TANG 2014 $120.00 SWM -STROM CON F TANG 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1093 $190.00 PD -WSPCA SMNR BUCHANAN $5,304.64 $646.00 $3,040.99 Key Bank Page 36 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240843 6/13/2014 POTTS, RONALD 5/29/2014 POTTS 2014 $275.00 PD -CSI PHOTOGRAPHY TRNG POTTS 240894 6/13/2014 WONG, NICHOLAS 6/5/2014 WONG 2014 $325.00 PD -HAZ MAT TECH, TRNG N WONG 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $21.87 PD- RECRUITMENT TRIP TO YAKIMA 240483 - 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1107 - $60.00 CD -IAAP CONF. PIETY 240474 5/30/2014 CASTLETON, JENNIFER 517/2014 CASTLETON 2014 $110.00 LAW -2014 WAPA CONF. CASTLETON 240854 6/13/2014 SCHMIDT, DAVID 6/9/2014 SCHMIDT 2014 $115.00 PRCS - SPOKANE COUNTY SR TRIP 240705 5/30/2014 WHITE, SUSANNE 5/14/2014 WHITE 2014 $95.00 MC -DMCMA CONF. S WHITE 240705 5130/2014 WHITE, SUSANNE 5/21/2014 WHITE 2014 $55.00 MC -2014 DMCMA CONF. S WHITE 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $67.50 MC- SOFTWARE REVIEW TRIP TO SPO 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1094 $250.00 PD- BLOODSTAIN ANALYSIS TRNG VA 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1096 $65.00 PD -2014 WHIA CONF. ROBINSON 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1097 $65.00 PD -2014 WHIA CONF. MORIKAWA 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1098 $65.00 PD -WHIA CONF. A HOWELL 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1099 $65.00 PD- WHIACONF. R KIM 240838 6/13/2014 OTTO, JEFFERY 5/27/2014 OTTO 2014 $100.00 PD-KENNEWICK ARREST CASE 14 -60 240883 6/13/2014 VANDERVEER, JEFFERY 5/2712014 VANDERVEER 2014 $100.00 PD- KENNEWICK ARREST CASE 14 -60 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1102 $145.00 PD -2014 NAMOACONF. LEFEBVRE 240483 5/30/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/20/2014 CK #1103 $145.00 PD -2014 NAMOA CONE F MARTIN 240750 6113/2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 6/3/2014 CK #1104 $145.00 PD- NAMOATRNG CONF. C BRANCO 240461 5/30/2014 ARIWOOLA, ADE 5/28/2014 ARIWOOLA2014 $227.60 FI -GFOA CONF. ARIWOOLA 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $22.40 FI -GFOA CONF. ARIWOOLA PLAN CHECKING FEES 240812 6/13/2014 LYNX CONSULTING, 6/3/2014 14- 101581/2 REFUND $375.00 CD- REFUND SEPA & UP III NOT RE POLICE SERVICES - INTGOVT 240641 5/30/2014 SCORE, 5/5/2014 715 $186,194.94 PD -05/14 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN 240855 6/13/2014 SCORE, 5/29/2014 743 $87.23 PD- 02/14 -04/14 PRISONER MEDICA 240855 6/13/2014 SCORE, 6/10/2014 748 $186,194.94 PD -06/14 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN $375.00 $672,164.99 Key Bank Page 37 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240802 6/13/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/16/2014 3000849 $9,009.38 PD -04/14 PRISONER LODGING SVC 240556 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE3/17/2014 3000771 $9,222.20 PD -02/14 KING CO. PRISONER LOD 240556 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:4/17/2014 3000833 $11,794.68 PD -03/14 KING CO. PRISONER LOD 240641 5/30/2014 - SCORE, 5/5/2014 715 $134,830.81 PD -05/14 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN 240855 6/13/2014 SCORE, 6/10/2014 748 $134,830.81 PD -06/14 SCORE PRISONER LODGIN POSTAGEIDELIVERY SERVICES 240675 5/30/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 5/17/2014 OOOF6588V204 $42.26 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240675 5/30/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 5/3/2014 OOOOF6588V184 $102.28 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240675 5/30/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 4/12/2014 OOOOF658BV154 $13.36 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240675 5/30/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 4/19/2014 OOOOF658BV164 $32.58 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240675 5/3012014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 4/26/2014 OOOOF658BV174 $18.54 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240675 5/30/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 5/10/2014 OOOO1`6588V194 $49.68 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240881 6113/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 5/31/2014 OOOOF658BV224 $6.14 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240881 6/13/2014 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, 5/24/2014 OOOOF6588V214 $1.11 PD -UPS DELIVERY SVC 240618 5/3012014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5/22/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $5.25 CD- PASSPORT MAILING /USPS 240618 5/3012014 PETTY CASH - Fl, 5122/2014 FI- 05/22/14 $11.20 CD- PASSPORT MAILING /USPS 5141778 613/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $209.10 CD- PASSPORT MAILINGS 240718 6/13/2014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN15/28/2014 MMFWA00061300055 $62.50 LAW - MNTHLY SRV CHRG 5/28/14 240718 6113/2014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN15/1/2014 20776457 $4.00 LAW -JAIME EDGAR ASSET FORT - 5 240625 5/30/2014 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/3/2014 3909126 $904.46 FI -04/14 POSTAGE R MAIL CARRIE 240718 6/13/2014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN6/28/2014 MMFWA00061300055 $62.50 LAW - MNTHLY SRV CHRG 5/28/14 240770 6/13/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR.5/23/2014 2- 663 -23526 $5.41 PD -FEDEX DELIVERY SVC 240625 5/30/2014 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/3/2014 3909126 $616.68 FI -04/14 POSTAGE & MAIL CARRIE 240442 5/30/2014 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS IN15/2/2014 20776457 $4.00 PD -LEGAL MESSENGER SERVICES PRESCRIPTION SERVICES - CLAIMS 708798 5/16/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/16/2014 SF00020439 $344.10 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/01114 -05/ 647975 5/16/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/16/2014 SF00020440 $14,618.78 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/01/14- $2,151.05 $32,620.95 Key Bank Page 38 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 386282 5/23/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/22/2014 SF00020489 $6,351.99 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/13/14- 443348 5/23/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/23/2014 SF00020488 $445.20 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/13/14 -05/ 6364 5/29/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/29/2014 SF00020534 $450.55 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/20/14 -05/ 6347 5/29/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/3012014 SF00020535 $1,597.70 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/20/14- 37 6/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 6/5/2014 SF00020587 $8,502.73 GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS 05/27/14- 40 6/6/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 6/6/2014 SF00020586 $309.90 GROUP HEALTH COOP 05/27- 14 -05/ PRINTING /PHOTO SERVICES $2,774.07 240813 6/13/2014 MAILMEDIA DBA IMMEDIA, 4/16/2014 65062 $1,303.93 MO- MAYOR'S CARD MAILER ADELAID 240747 6/13/2014 CASCADE PRINTING DIRECT 6 /30/2014 12994 $30.11 FWCC -GUEST WAIVER FORMS. 240530 5/30/2014 GOS PRINTING CORPORAT1O5 /16/2014 82248 $93.23 PD- APARTMENT NOTIFICATION FORM 240530 5/30/2014 GOS PRINTING CORPORATIO5 /5/2014 82122 $53.29 PD- TRACKMOLE FLYER FORMS 240530 5/30/2014 GOS PRINTING CORPORAT104 /28/2014 82100 $32.65 PD- EVIDENCE FORMS 240628 5/30/2014 PRINTERY COMMUNICATIONc4 /29/2014 140322 $528.73 HR- BUSINESS CARDS 240628 5/30/2014 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:4 /29/2014 140434 $525.33 HR- BUSINESS CARDS 240724 6/13/2014 ALPHAGRAPHICS, 5/28/2014 5482 $206.80 SWR- COMPOST CONTAINER COUPONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $172,017.73 240519 5/30/2014 FLEX -PLAN SERVICES INC, 4/30/2014 237372 $170.00 HR -04/14 FLEX PLAN ADM SVC AG1 240776 6/13/2014 FLEX -PLAN SERVICES INC, 5/31/2014 239176 $181.00 HR -05/14 FLEX PLAN ADM SVC AG1 240491 5/30/2014 COVEY, SUSAN L 5/12/2014 MAY 12, 2014 $536.00 HR -DRUG FREE WORKPLACE TRNG 240467 5/30/2014 BEERY ELSNER & HAMMOND5 /1/2014 11383 $113.75 LAW -CABLE FRANCHISE NEGOTIATIO 240520 5/30/2014 FLOYD, PFLUEGER & RINGER5 /6/2014 37975 $1,130.13 LAW -LEGAL SVCS AG1 3 -033- 240520 5/30/2014 FLOYD, PFLUEGER & RINGER5 /6/2014 37976 $787.50 LAW -LEGAL SVCS AG13 -033- 240606 5/30/2014 OGDEN, MURPHY, WALLACE, 5/8/2014 711951 $575.00 LAW -H /R & EMPLOYMENT LEGAL SVC 240623 5/30/2014 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2014 274968 $150.00 CHB- SECURITY SERVICES 240701 5/30/2014 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 4/28/2014 74561788 $434.21 SWR- LITTER BAGS FOR VADIS 240743 6/13/2014 BROWN, JEFF 5/30/2014 2014 -20 $833.82 SWR- COLLECTION PROCUREMENT SVC 240615 5/30/2014 PETEK, PHD, THOMAS C 11/30/2013 8528 $300.00 PD -PRE EMPLOY. EVALUATION Key Bank Page 39 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240604 5130/2014 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SER4/30/2014 70000802 $215.00 PD- EMPLOYEE HEALTH SCREENING 240639 5/30/2014 SAFAROVA- DOWNEY, ALMIRA5 /16/2014 05/16/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240443 5/30/2014 ABOU -ZAKI, KAMAL 5/16/2014 05/16/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC - 240555 5/30/2014 KIM, CHULJOON 5/16/2014 05/16/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240670 5/30/2014 TRINH, JAMES 5/16/2014 05/16/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240555 5/30/2014 KIM, CHUL JOON 5/19/2014 05/19/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240498 5/30/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 5/20/2014 05/20/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240639 5/30/2014 SAFAROVA- DOWNEY, ALMIRA5 /2012014 05/20/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240555 5/30/2014 KIM, CHULJOON 5/20/2014 05/20114 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240670 5/30/2014 TRINH, JAMES 5/20/2014 05/20/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240443 5/30/2014 ABOU -ZAKI, KAMAL 5/20/2014 05/20/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240586 5130/2014 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR5/20/2014 05/20/14 $112.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240498 5/30/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 5/12/2014 05/12/14 $137.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240693 5/30/2014 WAHI, PRAN 5/13/2014 05/13/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240526 5/30/2014 FULLER, MICHELLE M 5/13/2014 05/13/14 $120.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240579 5/30/2014 MAKSIMOV, YURI 5/13/2014 05/13/14 $162.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240670 5130/2014 TRINH, JAMES 5/13/2014 05/13/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240586 5/30/2014 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR5/13/2014 05/13114 $137.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240759 6/13/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 5/27/2014 05/27/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240819 6/13/2014 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR5/27/2014 05/27/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240851 6/13/2014 SAFAROVA- DOWNEY, ALMIRA5 /27/2014 05/27/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240826 6/13/2014 NAZARCO, TATIANA 5/29/2014 05/29/14 $189.04 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240759 6/13/2014 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 6/2/2014 06/02/14 $162.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240801 6113/2014 KIM, CHULJOON 6/3/2014 06/03/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240762 6/13/2014 EGAL, SAFIA 6/3/2014 06/03/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 240879 6/13/2014 TRINH, JAMES 6/3/2014 06/03/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC Key Bank Page 40 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240819 6/13/2014 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MAR6/3/2014 240888 6/13/2014 WAHI, SANTOSH 6/4/2014 240796 6/13/2014 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS5 /10/2014 240796 6/13/2014 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS5 /25/2014 240515 5/30/2014 FEDERAL WAY CHORALE, 5/18/2014 240449 5/30/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S15/19/2014 240536 5/30/2014 HDR ENGINEERING INC, 5/14/2014 240551 5/30/2014 JUDICIAL DISPUTE RESOLUT14 /22/2014 240554 5/30/2014 KENYON DISEND, PLLC, 4/30/2014 240499 5/30/2014 DUE NORTH MEDIA, 5/9/2014 240653 5/30/2014 SPECTRA ANALYTICAL INC., D4/23/2014 240665 5/30/2014 THUILLIER, JENNIFER 5/1/2014 240708 5/30/2014 WILDER, SAMANTHA 5/1/2014 240892 6/13/2014 WILDER, SAMANTHA 5/31/2014 240513 5/30/2014 FEDERAL WAY BOYS & GIRLS5/12/2014 240575 5130/2014 M J DURKAN INC, 5/1/2014 240583 5/30/2014 MICROFLEX INC, 5/5/2014 240585 5/30/2014 MILLER & MILLER P.S., 5/6/2014 240449 5/30/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S15/19/2014 240449 5/3012014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM SI5/19/2014 240449 5/30/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S15/19/2014 240544 5/30/2014 INSTITUTE FOR FAMILY, 5/15/2014 240760 6/13/2014 EAGLE EYE CONSULTING EN(5/112014 240567 5/30/2014 LEATHERS &ASSOCIATES, 3/3/2014 240699 5/30/2014 WATER MANAGEMENT, 4/18/2014 240529 5/30/2014 GOLDEN WOOD, LLP. 4/5/2014 06/03/14 $150.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 06/03/14 $100.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 14 -105 $2,187.50 MC- INTERPRETER SVC 14 -120 $1,050.00 MC- INTERPRETER SVC MAY 18, 2014 $2,000.00 PRCS- CONCERT SERIES AG14 -068- 916442 $120.00 PKM -ALARM MONITORING /SERVICE 00412053 -H $3,558.69 SWM - HYLEBOS WATERSHED ASSESSME 1222 $1,026.56 LAW- RM -MAHER MEDIATION 5/8/14 181748 $1,787.50 LAW -LEGAL SVC AG13 -157 - 28933 $250.00 CDED -TRADE & INDUSTRY DEVELOPM 88995 $20.00 SWM -FECAL COLIFORM WATER SAMPL 201420 $45.00 SWR- GRAPHIC DESIGN SVC WEC F W57 $322.40 SWR- RECYCLING PROGRAMAG12 -001 WECFW58 $192.27 SWR- RECYCLING PROGRAMAG12 -001 1ST QTR 2014 $3,750.00 CDHS -01 2014 EX3 TEEN CENTER A MAY 1, 2014 $5,166.66 MO -05/14 STATE LOBBYIST SVC AG 00021833 $132.02 FI -02/14 TAX AUDIT PROG. 423 $7,072.50 FI -CAFR REVIEW SVC AG14 -025- 916443 $180.00 PKM -ALARM MONITORING /SERVICE 916444 $75.00 PKM -ALARM MONITORING /SERVICE 916471 $135.00 PKM -ALARM MONITORING /SERVICE 1ST QTR 2014 $5,542.33 CDHS -Q1 2014 PACT PROGRAM AG14 2014 - FED -APR $2,748.58 CD -05 -07672 PLANS REVIEW CONSU 8591 $640.00 PARKS - FAMILY FUNLAND RENOVATIO 130112 $90.00 SWM -ALGAE COUNT SAMPLE FRENCH 92 $4,760.00 MO- CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC- Key Bank Page 41 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240529 5/30/2014 GOLDEN WOOD, LLP, 5/5/2014 96 $2,575.00 MO- CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC - 240787 6/13/2014 HAWKINS'& CRAWFORD, PLL(5/28/2014 MAY 28, 2014 $31,850.00 MO -06/14 PUBLIC DEFENDER SVCA 240792 6/13/2014 HUNTER, KIM E 5/15/2014 174 $2,250.00 MO- CONFLICT DEFENDER SVC AG13- 240859 6/13/2014 SHOOTING STARS, 6/5/2014 MAY 2014 $1,348.60 FWCC -05/14 BASKETBALL TRNG SVC 240850 6/13/2014 RASOR, EVA EDL.A 6/5/2014 MAY 2014 $597.00 FWCC -05/14 PERSONAL TRAINER SV 240765 6/13/2014 ESBENSHADE, DANIEL 6/5/2014 MAY 2014 $579.00 FWCC -05/14 PERSONELTRNG SVCA 240755 6/13/2014 CUTHBERT, GAIL 6/5/2014 MAY 2014 $2,979.62 FWCC -05/14 PERSONAL TRAINER SV 240778 6/13/2014 FROULAALARM SYSTEMS IN(5/13/2014 124132 $147.83 FWCC -ALARM SYSTEM MAINT. 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/2612014 MAY 2014 $740.00 FWCC -GROUP POWER LICENSE 240487 5/30/2014 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY5 /21/2014 46617 $150.56 CK- CODIFICATION SERVICES 240476 5/30/2014 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERV5/23/2014 1ST QTR 2014 D $8,750.00 CDHS -Q1 2014 WINTER SHELTER PR 240643 5/30/2014 SEATTLE -KING CO. DEPARTM5 /23/2014 Q1 2014 $2,400.00 CDHS -Q1 2014 MOBILE MEDICAL PR 240484 5/30/2014 CITY OF TUKWILA, 4/22/2014 MB -01517 $10,000.00 CDHS -2014 TUKWILA MOU PYMNT 240506 5/30/2014 ENHANCED VISUAL IMAGES, 5/16/2014 15- 150514 $375.00 IT -MO -NEW DAY FW - NCI, EDIT V 240506 5/30/2014 ENHANCED VISUAL IMAGES, 5/16/2014 15- 150514 $625.00 IT -MO -NEW DAY FW -NC1, EDIT VER 240506 5/30/2014 ENHANCED VISUAL IMAGES, 5/9/2014 10- 050114 $625.00 IT -MO -NEW DAY FW -NC2, RECORD A 240506 5/30/2014 ENHANCED VISUAL IMAGES, 5/9/2014 10- 050114 $625.00 IT -MO -NEW DAY FW -NC2, EDIT RAW 240462 5/30/2014 ARNOLD, MATTHEW 5/19/2014 ARNOLD 2014 $25.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW AWARD 240463 5/30/2014 ARNOLD, RACHEL 5/19/2014 ARNOLD, R 2014 $50.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW AWARD 240523 5/30/2014 FRANK, CONNOR 5/19/2014 FRANK 2014 $50.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW AWARD 240616 5/30/2014 PETERSON, ALEXANDRA 5/19/2014 PETERSON 2014 $50.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW AWARD 240475 5/30/2014 CASTRO, LEIGH 5/20/2014 CASTRO 2014 $25.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW AWARD 240508 5/30/2014 ESAN, DANIELA 5/20/2014 ESAN 2014 $100.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW AWARD 240543 5130/2014 IBRAHIMI, MEHRIA 5/20/2014 IBRAHIMI 2014 $100.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW AWARD 240493 5/30/2014 D J TROPHY, 5/7/2014 238514 $240.79 PRCS -ARTS COMMISSION SIGNS 240493 5/30/2014 D J TROPHY, 5/8/2014 238520 $221.98 PRCS -ARTS COMMISSION SIGNS Key Bank Page 42 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240837 6/13/2014 OTT, JOANNA 5/28/2014 OTT 2014 $100.00 PRCS -MC ART SHOW WINNER 240503 5/30/2014 EDD, DALE 5/21/2014 MAY 17, 2014 $626.50 PRCS -FIRST AID /CPR CLASSES AG1 240814 6/13/2014 MAYBERRY, MITCHEL 6/6/2014 APRIL -JUNE 2014 $1,632.00 PRCS - MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES -AG11 240565 5/30/2014 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, 14/30/2014 3373119 $6.43 PD- LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 240657 5/30/2014 SUMNER VETERINARY HOSP14 /27/2014 278033 $57.60 PD -K9 KAISER BOARDING 240537 5/30/2014 HEALTHPOINT, 5/8/2014 1 ST QTR 2014 $4,294.50 CDHS -Q1 2014 DENTALACCESS PRO 240478 5/30/2014 CENTERSTAGE THEATREAR15 /1/2014 MAY 2014 $6,300.00 DBC -05/14 KFT MANAGEMENT AG09- 240861 6113/2014 SKCSRA- SOCCER REFEREES5/22/2014 15099 $2,466.75 PRCS- SOCCER REFEREES AGI3-122- 240630 5/30/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 4/30/2014 APRIL 30, 2014 A $50.00 PD -04/14 WORK CREW SCREENING 240630 5/30/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 4/30/2014 APRIL 30, 2014 B $72.00 PD -04/14 SCAM, EM BASIC IDIGEN 240630 5/30/2014 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 4/30/2014 APRIL 30, 2014 C $1,567.40 PD -04/14 SCAM, EM BASIC INDIGE 240690 5/30/2014 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,4 /30/2014 0414.3 -14- KCWC -HQ $255.00 PD -04/14 WORK CREW AG10 -166 240501 5/30/2014 EARTHCORPS, 4/30/2014 4670 $2,173.50 PKM -URBAN FORESTY SVCSAG13 -05 240786 6/13/2014 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF, 5/29/2014 54 $4,049.84 CDHS -NSP3 PROGRAM AG11-172- 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $95.15 PD -STRAY CAT MEDICAL CARE 240816 6/13/2014 MED -TOX NORTHWEST, 5/22/2014 28082 $2,091.25 PARKS - HAZARD. BLDG MATL SURVEY 240446 5/30/2014 ADURO, INC, 4/1/2014 4061 $1,322.21 HR- WELLNESS PROG. SVCAG12 -128 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $725.00 HR- WELLNESS REWARD GIFT CARDS 240590 5/30/2014 MULTI - SERVICE CENTER, 5/8/2014 1ST QTR 2014 B $3,044.50 CDHS -Q1 2014 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT 240784 6/13/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/22/2014 MAY 2014A $2,325.00 MAY 2014 HMO SELF FUND COOP 240783 6/13/2014 GROUP HEALTH, 5/23/2014 MAY 2014 B $19,143.25 MAY 2014 OPTIONS /ALLIANT PLUS 240590 5/30/2014 MULTI - SERVICE CENTER, 5/8/2014 1ST QTR 2014 A $789.51 CDHS -Q1 2014 EMERGENCY ASSIST. PUBLIC WORKS - INSPECTION DEPOS 240655 5/30/2014 STJ PARTNERS LLC, 5/13/2014 05 -06931 REFUND $1,495.75 PW -05 -06931 REFUND CROSSPOINT PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS 240744 6/13/2014 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF5/27/2014 192311 $182.28 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY AG14 -0 240744 6/13/2014 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF6/3/2014 192701 $236.66 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY AG14 -0 $1,495.75 $3,195.96 Key Bank Page 43 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240744 6/13/2014 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF4/28/2014 190904 $44.25 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY AG14 -0 240744 6/13/2014 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF4/29/2014 191041 $307.15 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY AG14 -0 240744 6/13/2014 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPA5/13/2014 191695 $226.49 FWCC -CAFE COFFEE SUPPLYAG14 -0 240673 5/30/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CA12512014 104578 $17.50 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $831.58 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $358.14 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $278.04 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS SO5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $614.13 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES 240754 6/13/2014 COSTCO /HSBC BUSINESS 505/2612014 MAY 2014 $74.94 FWCC-CAFE SUPPLIES 240880 6/13/2014 UNITED GROCERS CASH & Ci5/19/2014 113115 $24.80 FWCC -CAFE SUPPLIES PW - CLAIMS GLIPL $1,728.12 240637 5/30/2014 ROBERTS, JENNIFER 5/9/2014 14 -01- 210 -823 $1,728.12 RM -J ROBERTS, RM -PW -SWM PW INSPECTION FEES $-572.50 240655 5/30/2014 STJ PARTNERS LLC, 5/1312014 05 -06931 REFUND $- 511.50 PW -05 -06931 REFUND CROSSPOINT 240829 6/13/2014 NGUYEN, THIEN -AN 5/27/2014 05 -07743 REFUND $ -61.00 PW -05 -0774 ROW T. NGUYEN 14 -10 RENTAL CARS /GROUND TRANSPORT $285.77 240461 5/30/2014 ARIWOOLA,ADE 5/28/2014 ARIWOOLA2014 $47.75 FI -GFOA CONF. ARIWOOLA 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $119.26 FI -GFOA CONF. ARIWOOLA 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5126/2014 MAY 2014 $118.76 MC- SOFTWARE REVIEW TRIP TO SPO RENTAL OF FURNITURE /EQUIPMENT $952.68 240676 5/30/2014 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AM4/29/2014 119238658 -001 $153.30 SWM -CORE DRILL AND GENERATOR R 240882 6/13/2014 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AM5/22/2014 119794583 -001 $216.81 SWM -RENT DISCHARGE HOSE PUMP 240882 6/13/2014 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AM5/22/2014 119800109 -001 $78.71 SWM -RENT DISCHARGE HOSE PUMP 240788 6/13/2014 HEAD - QUARTERS PTS, 6/2/2014 3399 -1 $439.25 PKM - SANICAN SVC AG12 -014- 240824 6/13/2014 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION R5/20/2014 3902436 $64.61 PKM- STORAGE CONTAINER RENTAL REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES $12,271.97 240452 5/30/2014 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 5/1612014 TM- 139968 $149.25 PWST- MARKING PAINT, TAPE MEASU 240644 5/30/2014 SECOMA FENCE INC, 5/20/2014 10049 $15.48 PWST -FENCE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 44 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/21/2014 10423 $12.46 PWST -MAIL BOX REPAIR SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5121/2014 279661 $17.68 PWST -MAIL BOX REPAIR SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /21/2014 279681 $ -13.73 PWST- RETURN REFLECTIVE STRIPS 240441 5/30/2014 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(5/21/2014 90291 $17.41 PWST- LOCKSMITH SERVICES 240627 5/30/2014 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 5/5/2014 49311500 $108.17 PKM /PW /SWM- WELDING SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (4 /18/2014 278916 $17.73 PWST -WOOD STAKES 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 4/22/2014 10584 $62.32 PWST - PROPANE 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/9/2014 279374 $11.80 PWST -CABLE TIES 240717 6/13/2014 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(5/27/2014 90357 $12.98 PWST- DUPLICATE KEYS 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/30/2014 279869 $30.98 PWST -PAINT & HOOKS FOR STRT PO 240504 5/30/2014 EJ USA, INC, 4/3/2014 3694797 $1,920.48 SWM- RISERS FOR 2014 OVERLAY 240658 5/30/2014 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 5/1/2014 14F1007 $237.29 SWM -DRAIN PIPE 240532 5/30/2014 GRAINGER INC, 5/1/2014 9430371931 $46.68 SWM -JACK BOTTLE 240658 5/30/2014 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 3/28/2014 14FO728 $985.50 SWM -PIPE FOR REPAIRS 240593 5/30/2014 NATIONAL BARRICADE COMP3/31/2014 251771 $52.00 SWM -PARTS FOR WARNING SIGNS 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/5/2014 279251 $9.72 SWM- BATTERIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/5/2014 279252 $12.79 SWM - BUNGEE STRAPS 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/5/2014 279263 $184.80 SWM -SIDE BOARDS 240627 5/30/2014 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 5/5/2014 49311500 $108.16 PKM /PW /SWM - WELDING SUPPLIES 240525 5/30/2014 FREEWAY TRAILER SALES IN(5/8/2014 121906 $65.58 SWM- TRAILER HITCH REPAIR 240658 5/30/2014 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 5/9/2014 14F1079 $108.15 SWM -JET SET BAGS 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/12/2014 279411 $13.78 SWM -LOBBY BROOM 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/12/2014 279424 $8.85 SWM- ENAMEL PAINT 240597 5130/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/12/2014 279429 $21.67 SWM -BLOCK PLANE 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/13/2014 279442 $5.90 SWM -SPRAY PAINT 240676 5/30/2014 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AM5/14/2014 119643499 -001 $520.13 SWM - INFLATABLE PLUMBING PLUGS Key Bank Page 45 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075128/2014 MAY 2014 $37.80 SWM- SIDEBOARD 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /29/2014 279833 $8.12 SWM -MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 240823 6/13/2014 MUTUAL MATERIALS COMPAf 5 /9/2014 1194411 $38.81 SWM -GROUT FOR CB REBUILD 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/16/2014 279565 $21.20 SWM -PAINT 240860 6/13/2014 SHOPE CONCRETE PRODUC -5 /21/2014 9948017 $568.88 SWM -GRADE RINGS 240694 5/30/2014 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 5/7/2014 7223 $19.67 DBC- COMPOST 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /16/2014 279537 $49.11 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES 240511 5/30/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-5/16/2014 8023162 $31.54 PKM- IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/19/2014 279625 $19.21 PKM -MAINT SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /20/2014 279635 $22.67 PKM- BATTERY & KEY IDENTIFIERS 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/21/2014 279658 $28.77 PKM -TRIM & DRILL BIT 240619 5/30/2014 PETTY CASH - FINANCE, 5/2212014 FI- 05/22/14 $43.79 PKM - ANTENNA WHIP 240627 5/30/2014 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 5/5/2014 49311500 $108.17 PKM /PW /SWM- WELDING SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/6/2014 279275 $45.55 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES 240658 5/30/2014 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 4/23/2014 14F0927 $32.67 PKM -PVC PIPE SUPPLIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/7/2014 279324 $4.18 PKM -MISC HARDWARE 240535 5/30/2014 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 5/7/2014 13622819 $37.22 PKM- IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 240448 5/30/2014 AGRI SHOP INC, 5/8/2014 33737/1 $27.36 PKM- TRIMMER LINE 240694 5/30/2014 WALKER ACE HARDWARE, 4/28/2014 007208 $54.71 PKM- PROPANE TORCH, PVC CEMENT 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/9/2014 279367 $35.92 PKM -PAINT SUPPLIES & SHOP RAGS 240535 5/30/2014 H D FOWLER COMPANY, 519/2014 13625641 $31.51 PKM - IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/12/2014 02918 $29.99 PKM -CABLE TIES 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/12/2014 279419 $28.56 PKM- PLIERS & CUTTERS 240511 5/30/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC - 4/29/2014 7910054 $20.32 PKM -PVC SAW 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/2712014 279785 $12.09 PKM -LASCO COMPOUND, MTL DEMO B 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /28/2014 279816 $40.35 PKM- LEVELOCKTAPE, BOLTS /SCREW Key Bank Page 46 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $30.39 PKM -PIPE 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/29/2014 279839 $25.10 PKM -ANCR SHACKLES 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/21/2014 279671 $16.12 - PKM- SPRING SNAPS 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5 /22/2014 - 279697 $26.43 PKM- FASTSET CONCRETE 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $133.17 PKM -SIGNS & SAND PAPER 240571 5/30/2014 LINCOLN AQUATICS, 5/21/2014 S1237401 $143.38 FWCC -POOL PUMP 240532 5/30/2014 GRAINGER INC, 4/30/2014 9429064232 $87.77 FWCC -MOTOR GREASE 240608 5/30/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/2/2014 8798 $624.53 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240608 5/30/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 4/17/2014 8575 $840.02 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240532 5/30/2014 GRAINGER INC, 5/5/2014 9432012707 $483.50 FWCC- FAUCET SENSOR 240532 5/30/2014 GRAINGER INC, 4/22/2014 9421505539 $137.64 FWCC- DIMMABLE PLUG -IN 240608 5/30/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/8/2014 8921 $660.61 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240608 5/30/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 4/28/2014 8711 $654.97 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240815 6/13/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 5/27/2014 86885647 $12.31 FWCC- PUSH -IN PLASTIC PLUGS 240835 6/13/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/30/2014 9372 $536.23 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240835 6/13/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/16/2014 9057 $800.67 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240835 6/13/2014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/23/2014 9224 $483.63 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240835 6/1312014 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/23/2014 9225 $357.74 FWCC -POOL CHEMICAL SVC AG13 -00 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $21.88 CHB -EZ TOGGLE 240842 6113/2014 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 5/21/2014 E347066 $53.70 CHB- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS $3,524.21 5143793 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $28.09 PD- VEHICLE MAINT. SUPPLIES 240581 5/30/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 5/1/2014 83486939 $218.88 FWCC -PVC FLOWMETER 240532 5/30/2014 GRAINGER INC, 5/2/2014 9430689217 $10.21 FWCC -WEB SLING 240581 5/30/2014 MCMASTER -CARR, 4/23/2014 82397101 $19.35 FWCC - MAINT. SUPPLIES 240571 5130/2014 LINCOLN AQUATICS, 4/25/2014 S1236750 $655.13 PRCS- REPLACE POOL MAINTENANCE Key Bank Page 47 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/7/2014 K79304 $12.31 FWCC- HARDWARE 240793 6/13/2014 HURLEY ENGINEERING COMF5/28/2014 35651 $155.49 FWCC -PACO SLEEVE 240808 611312014 LINCOLN AQUATICS, 5128/2014 S1239345 $77.54 - FWCC -POOL FILTER BAG 240782 6/13/2014 GRAINGER INC, 5/29/2014 9452801476 $46.53 FWCC - RETAINING COMPOUND 240782 6/13/2014 GRAINGER INC, 5/29/2014 9453019300 $74.57 FWCC - WHEELS 240768 6/13/2014 EXTRACTOR CORPORATION, 5/16/2014 14 -913 $700.00 FWCC- SWIMSUIT WATER EXTRACTOR 240720 6/13/2014 ACCURATE INDUSTRIES ETC 5/19/2014 257455 $80.39 FWCC - BOILER GASKET KIT 240811 6/13/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/21/2014 01503 $108.02 FWCC -RING TERMINALS, EXTENSION 240890 6/1312014 WHITEWATER WEST INDUSTF5 /22/2014 027345 $567.66 FWCC- REPAIR PARTS FOR SPRAYWAT 5144759 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $510.32 FWCC -PUPM SEAL KIT 240592 5/30/2014 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 4/15/2014 200399 $24.29 PKM- HEADLIGHT LENS 240450 5/30/2014 ALLPLAY SYSTEMS LLC, 5/9/2014 2014 -049 $235.43 PKM- BUBBLE PANEL INSERT REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 240510 5/30/2014 EVERSON'S ECONO -VAC INC,5/8/2014 072925 $21,818.32 SWM- INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTAGI3- 240680 5/30/2014 VADIS NORTHWEST, 4/30/2014 19844 $125.25 SWR -04/14 LITTER CONTROLAG07- 240679 5/30/2014 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND, 4/30/2014 4040128 $495.36 SWM- LOCATING SVC AG13 -018- 240766 6/13/2014 EVERSON'S ECONO -VAC INC,5/28/2014 073007 $11,605.23 SWIM-INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTAGI3- 240766 6/13/2014 EVERSON'S ECONO -VAC INC,5/19/2014 072952 $18,051.43 SWIM-INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTAGI3- 240766 6/13/2014 EVERSON'S ECONO -VAC INC,5123/2014 072989 $19,765.45 SWM- INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTAGI3- 240580 5/30/2014 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 3/31/2014 193079 $202.58 PKM- PARKING LOT CLEANING AG13- 240449 5/30/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM S15/2/2014 914392 $261.38 PKM -ALARM MONITOR MAINT. 240548 5/30/2014 JGM TECHNICAL SERVICES 11`5/7/2014 1620 $315.40 PKM -ON CALL ELECT SVC AG12 -036 240548 5/30/2014 JGM TECHNICAL SERVICES 11`5/7/2014 1621 $1,426.16 PKM -ON CALL ELECT SVC AG12 -036 240580 5/30/2014 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 5/7/2014 193648 $925.17 PKM -04/14 PARKING LOT CLEANING 240548 5/3012014 JGM TECHNICAL SERVICES 11`5/8/2014 1622 $574.65 PKM -ON CALL ELECT SVC AG12 -036 240580 5/30/2014 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 5/10/2014 193766 $127.46 PKM -05/14 PARKING LOT CLEANING $156,989.19 Key Bank Page 48 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/6/2004 178795 $98.96 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240753 6/1312014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/16/2014 411113 $100.14 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240818 6/1312014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/21/2014 236419 $935.37 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/2212014- 178320 - $296.35 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/22/2014 412327 $84.59 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/23/2014 178169 $318.13 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/23/2014 412420 $129.62 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/23/2014 412421 $338.36 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240795 6/13/2014 ICON MATERIALS INC, 4/23/2014 50- 1949552 $404.33 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/24/2014 178410 $50.32 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240871 6/13/2014 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 4/28/2014 14F0978 $865.88 PKM- ELECTRICAL BOXES 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/28/2014 178510 $142.05 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 4/28/2014 236594 $1,561.96 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240871 6/13/2014 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 4/29/2014 14F0984 $953.73 PKM -METER BOXES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/30/2014 413669 $78.64 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/1/2014 236814 $961.41 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/1/2014 236843 $486.94 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/1/2014 414228 $82.59 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/5/2014 236941 $301.40 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/5/2014 236942 $482.79 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/6/2014 178787 $46.63 PKM /PW /SWM - DEBRIS REMOVAL 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/6/2014 414911 $78.99 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240818 6/1312014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/12/2014 237107 $459.15 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240821 6/13/2014 MT VIEW LOCATING SERVICE5/19/2014 19446 $160.00 PKM- LOCATE ABANDONED DUCTILE P 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237144 $77.52 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237209 $107.45 PKM /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX Key Bank Page 49 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5119/2014 237233 $40.70 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240818 6/13/2014 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/19/2014 237278 $41.30 PARKS /PW /SWM- ASPHALT MIX 240723 6/13/2014 ALARM CENTERS /CUSTOM SI5/23/2014 918065 $289.08 - PKM -STLK BEACH HOUSE MONITOR R - 240667 5/30/2014 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 4/30/2014 59049 - $919.80 DBC -04/14 LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC 240865 6/1312014 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 5/28/2014 2322401 $96.80 DBC- FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 240460 5/30/2014 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES, 5/16/2014 985789 $121.38 IT -OCE PLOTTER SYSTEM MAINTAG 240636 5/30/2014 RICOH USA, INC, 5/5/2014 5030633045 $49.17 FI -05/14 COPIERS /FAX MACHINES 240490 5/30/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/9/2014 INV1035371 $967.60 IT -04/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 240490 5130/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/9/2014 INV1035371 $35.84 IT -04/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 240587 5/30/2014 MORGAN SOUND, INC, 4/3/2014 MS177544 $219.00 IT- REPAIR OFASOUND MIXER FOR 240587 5/30/2014 MORGAN SOUND, INC, 4/4/2014 MS177564 $20.81 Freight 240636 5/30/2014 RICOH USA, INC, 5/5/2014 5030633045 $4.82 FI -05/14 COPIERS /FAX MACHINES 240490 5/30/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/9/2014 INV1035371 $71.67 IT -04/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 240490 5/30/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/9/2014 INV1035371 $1,218.46 IT -04/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 240661 5/30/2014 TAC -SOUTH BOUND HONDA, 5/14/2014 2071049 $1,594.48 PD -REPLC ALTERNATOR, BATTERY 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /14/2014 23957 $137.84 PD- REPAIR PUSH BAR 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFEl5 /14/2014 23961 $140.96 PD- REMOVE ROCKETANTENNA 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /14/2014 23962 $298.66 PD- INSTALL ROCKET ANTENNA 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFEl5 /14/2014 23986 $612.59 PD- REPAIR DOOR POPPER SOLENOID 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /14/2014 24020 $137.84 PD -SCAN CHECK ENGINE LIGHT 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /14/2014 24025 $491.10 PD -REPLC DOCKING STATION MASTE 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /1412014 24072 $68.92 PD -REPLC OPTICOM 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /14/2014 24084 $178.05 PD- REPAIR RIFLE RACK 240659 5/30/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /14/2014 24149 $241.56 PD- REPAIR WALEN STROBE 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/14/2014 35294 $495.82 PD -REPLC SHOCKS, WIPER BLADES 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/14/2014 35311 $105.12 PD -SCAN CHECK ENGINE LIGHT Key Bank Page 50 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/14/2014 35318 $48.45 PD -MOTOR OIL 240464 5/30/2014 AUBURN VALLEY TOWING, 5/14/2014 70692 $150.57 PD- VEHICLE TOWING 240444 5/30/2014 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W/5/15/2014 11245 $194.91 PD- VEHICLE TOW SVC 240541 5/30/2014 - HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 5/15/2014 96003465 $907.45 PD- CLUTCH, COOLANT, OLF 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/16/2014 35328 $32.14 PD- HEADLAMP BULB 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/16/2014 35331 $285.30 PD- INSTALL BIKE RACK, OLF 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/20/2014 35329 $340.34 PD -OLF, STRUT TENSIONERS 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/20/2014 35342 $57.81 PD -OLF, MOUNT /BALANCE TIRES 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/20/2014 35355 $47.17 PD -REPLC HEADLAMP BULB 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/21/2014 35303 $45.99 PD- MOUNT /BALANCE TIRES 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/21/2014 35357 $39.64 PD -OLF 240541 5/3012014 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 2/28/2014 95991603 $1,243.63 PD- HEATED GRIPS, FRONT FORKS, 240654 5/30/2014 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 4/30/2014 9172 - 1269824 $415.86 PD -NEW WINDSHEILD 240695 5/30/2014 WASHDUP, LLC, 3/31/2014 135 $425.66 PD -03/14 CAR WASH SERVICE 240654 5/30/2014 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 5/2/2014 9172 - 1270987 $279.37 PD -NEW WINDSHIELD 240549 5/30/2014 JIM'S AUTO REFINISH /COLLIS4/20/2014 APRIL 20, 2014 $338.82 PD- SCRATCH /DENT REPAIR 240566 5/30/2014 LARSEN SIGN CO., 4/22/2014 16996 $196.92 PD- REMOVAL VEHICLE GRAPHICS 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/7/2014 35272 $173.12 PD -MOUNT NEW TIRES, INSPECT 240541 5/30/2014 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 5/7/2014 95996555 $272.72 PD- TIRES, INSPECT 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/9/2014 35295 $21.68 PD -REPLC BRAKE LIGHT BULBS 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/9/2014 35297 $21.68 PD -REPLC LIGHT BULB 240541 5/30/2014 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 5/9/2014 96002257 $570.95 PD -OLF, HEATER GRIPS, LIGHTS 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/12/2014 35287 $30511 PD -OLF, OIL SENDER 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/12/2014 35302 $105.12 PD -SCAN CHECK ENGINE LIGHT 240651 5/30/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/12/2014 35304 $34.99 PD -OLF 240695 5130/2014 WASHDUP, LLC, 4/30/2014 136 $725.28 PD -04/14 CAR WASH SERVICE Key Bank Page 51 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotaI 240661 5/30/2014 TAC -SOUTH BOUND HONDA, 5/14/2014 2071047 $1,063.75 PD -REPLC CLUTCH 240733 6/13/2014 AUBURN VOLKSWAGEN, 5/27/2014 141768 $90.00 PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/27/2014 35384 $41.15 PD -OLF 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/28/2014 24104 $109.13 PD- REPLACE SHOTGUN TIMER 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /28/2014 24119 $275.69 PD- REPLACED STROBE TUBE 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/28/2014 24135 $55.14 PD- REPLACED CIRCUIT BREAKER 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/28/2014 24136 $56.87 PD- REPLCD CONSOLE SIDE RAILS 240873 6/1312014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /28/2014 24160 $68.92 PD- INSPECT CHARGE GUARD 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /28/2014 24199 $165.42 PD- INSTALL LAPTOP DOCK 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/2812014 24217 $91.90 PD- MOUNTS AND FLASHLIGHT CHRGR 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/28/2014 35317 $205.15 PD -OLF, CHECK PWR STEERING 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/28/2014 35352 $992.65 PD -RPLC KNOCK SENSOR & TRNK LI 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/28/2014 35382 $79.94 PD- MOUNT /BALANCE TIRE 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15 /29/2014 24159 $312.45 PD -SHOP SUPPLIES 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/29/2014 24170 $160.76 PD- LIGHTBAR RESTORATION KIT 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/29/2014 35393 $352.27 PD- MOUNT /BALANCE TIRES 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/29/2014 35397 $1,002.59 PD -OLF, TRANS SRVC, BRAKE REPR 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/30/2014 35412 $40.22 PD -OLF 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE-6/3/2014 24225 $206.77 PD -SWAP OUT POWER DOCKS 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE-6/3/2014 24272 $43.76 PD- INSPECT /REPAIR VEHICLE PAS 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE-6/3/2014 24293 $50.26 PD -MOUNT MIC CLIP 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/3/2014 35450 $32.85 PD- BRAKE/TIRE INSPECTION 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 6/4/2014 35461 $40.99 PD -OLF 240853 6/13/2014 SCARFF FORD, 6/5/2014 C41407 $18519 PD- REPAIR TPMS SENSOR, REPLC B 240746 6/13/2014 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 4/30/2014 1665 $30.00 PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 240798 6/13/2014 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP, 5/23/2014 14859F $109.50 PD- VEHICLE CLEANING SVC Key Bank Page 52 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/23/2014 240863 6113/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/23/2014 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/23/2014 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, - 5/23/2014 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/23/2014 240636 5/30/2014 RICOH USA, INC, 5/5/2014 240490 5/30/2014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/912014 240833 6/13/2014 NRC ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS 5/2912014 240666 5/30/2014 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 115/1/2014 240533 5/30/2014 GREEN EFFECTS, INC, 5/1/2014 240582 5/30/2014 MEYER BROS ROOFING INC, 4/17/2014 240873 6/13/2014 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/29/2014 240609 5/30/2014 ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER, 5/22/2014 240668 5/30/2014 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPOR,5 /30/2014 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/12/2014 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/13/2014 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/13/2014 240490 5/3012014 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/9/2014 240857 6/13/2014 SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS, 5/29/2014 240610 5/30/2014 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 5/1/2014 240610 5/30/2014 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 5/5/2014 240836 6/13/2014 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 5/29/2014 240836 6/13/2014 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 5/29/2014 240836 6/13/2014 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 6/1/2014 240624 5/30/2014 PIRTEK KENT, 5/16/2014 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/17/2014 35370 $52.56 PD -TEST, INSPECT TRAILER LIGHT 35372 $34.99 PD -OIL, OIL FILTER 35374 $78.62 PD- HEADLAMP BULB 35375 $145.34 PD -OLF, MOUNT /BALANCE NEW TIRE 35376 $32.85 PD- INSPECT BRAKES 5030633045 $42.43 FI -05/14 COPIERS /FAX MACHINES INV1035371 $394.21 IT -04/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN 606325 $3,909.02 SWM- EMERGENCY RESPONSE CLEAN U 3001079819 $808.26 FWCC- ELEVATOR MAINT SVC 45134 $2,108.19 FWCC -04/14 LANDSCAPINGAG08 -06 19046939 $348.43 FWCC -ROOF REPAIR 24205 $419.76 PD- REMOVE ALL EMERGENCY EQUIP 63709 $148.04 PWST -WATER BASKET WATER REPAIR 59243 $13,117.67 PWST -2014 ROW LANDSCAPING AG13 279406 $29.51 PWST -CABLE TIES 01632 $27.20 PWST -CABLE TIES 02923 $61.62 PWST -CABLE TIES INV1035371 $895.93 IT -04/14 COPIERS /PRINTERS MAIN C804628 -701 $36.82 IT- COPIER RPR, MNT, SUP 33516 $742.41 PKM -05/14 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANC 33667 $109.50 PKM -05/14 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANC 33906A $54.75 PKM - DETHATCH LAWN /OVERSEED LAN 33906B $930.75 PKM - DETHATCH LAWN /OVERSEED LAN 33775 $936.23 PKM -06/14 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANC S1916815.001 $144.65 PWFLT -REPLC /REPAIR HOSES 1 -8133 $48.13 PWFLT -OLF Key Bank Page 53 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/17/2014 1 -8138 $55.79 PWFLT -OLF 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/17/2014 1 -8140 $48.13 PWFLT -OLF 240531 5/30/2014 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, 5/19/2014 613243 $1115 PWFLT- CONNECTORS 240531 5/30/2014 - GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, 5/19/2014 613246 $103.53 PWFLT- REMOTE CONTROL PART 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/21/2014 1 -8182 $16.75 PWFLT - REPAIR FLAT 240710 5/30/2014 WILLIAMS OIL FILTER SVC CO5/21/2014 116450 $64.45 PWFLT -AIR FILTER 240531 5/30/2014 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, 5/22/2014 613623 $16.73 PWFLT - SILICONE LUBRICANT 240664 5/30/2014 THERMO KING NORTHWEST 14/18/2014 2207386 $35.56 PWFLT -OLF, MAINT SVC 240703 5/30/2014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF4/21/2014 748779.2 $46.52 PWFLT -LEVER CONTROL 240557 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY FLEET ADM DIW123/2014 210563 $613.58 PWFLT - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 240703 5/30/2014 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTF4/25/2014 749456 $82.18 PWFLT- FILTER OIL & FILTER FUEL 240617 5/30/2014 PETE'S TOWING SERVICE, 5/6/2014 374016 $139.07 PWFLT- VEHICLE TOW SVC 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/7/2014 1 -7946 $726.14 PWFLT -TIE RODS, TIE ENDS 240611 5/30/2014 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 517/2014 2326199 $440.27 PWFLT -OLF 240611 5/30/2014 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 5/7/2014 2326199 $1,169.18 PWFLT - WIRING REPAIRS 240611 5/30/2014 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 5/7/2014 2326199 $4,244.13 PWFLT- REPAIR HUB & BEARINGS 240611 5/30/2014 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 5/7/2014 2326199 $485.15 PWFLT -REPLC BUCKET CUTTING EDG 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/10/2014 1 -8022 $48.13 PWFLT -OLF 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/10/2014 1 -8028 $55.80 PWFLT -OLF 240500 5/30/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/10/2014 1 -8030 $55.51 PWFLT -OLF 240441 5/30/2014 AARO INC DBA THE LOCK SH(5/12/2014 90122 $26.06 PWFLT- DUPLICATE KEYS 240593 5/30/2014 NATIONAL BARRICADE COMR5/13/2014 252554 $122.64 PWFLT- REPAIR VM BOARD 240547 5/30/2014 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC, 5/13/2014 48731 $541.25 PWFLT -MOWER REPAIRS 240531 5/30/2014 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, 5/13/2014 612754 $266.47 PWFLT -OIL, ANTIFREEZE 240841 6/13/2014 PIRTEK KENT, 5/27/2014 S1921657.001 $357.70 PWFLT -HOSE ASSEMBLY & CLEANING 240745 6/1312014 CAR TOYS INC, 5/28/2014 05284FWEIAD $4918 PWFLT- SPEAKER REPAIR Key Bank Page 54 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240779 6/13/2014 G &M HONEST PERFORMANCE /28/2014 175589 $11.60 PWFLT -CHAIN OIL 240839 6/13/2014 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 5/28/2014 2326351 $709.06 PWFLT- REPAIR BUCKET CYLINDER P 240781 6/13/2014 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS, 5/30/2014 614346 $2.73 - PWFLT -SPARK PLUG 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/31/2014 1 -8318 $55.79 PWFLT -OLF 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/31/2014 1 -8319 $71.67 PWFLT -OLF, FLAT REPAIR 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/31/2014 1 -8320 $124.76 PWFLT- REPAIR DOOR 240845 6/13/2014 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 5/14/2014 21326 $251.85 PWFLT -NEW SEATS 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/21/2014 1 -8181 $320.44 PWFLT -CAP & ROTOR, WIPERS, DIS 240841 6/13/2014 PIRTEK KENT, 5/23/2014 S1920363.001 $344.69 PWFLT -REFIT GUARDS, HOSES 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/24/2014 1 -8240 $55.79 PWFLT -OLF 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/24/2014 1 -8241 $55.79 PWFLT -OLF 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/24/2014 1 -8246 $55.79 PWFLT -OLF 240761 6/13/2014 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/24/2014 1 -8249 $48.13 PWFLT -OLF 240447 5/30/2014 ADVANCED SAFETY & FIRE S15/19/2014 133491 $102.88 PD -FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINT. 240667 5/30/2014 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORP, 5/15/2014 59234 $7,083.28 PKM -05/14 LANDSCAPE MAINT. SVC 240610 5/30/2014 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 5/1/2014 33515 $389.82 PKM -05/14 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANC 240836 6/13/2014 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, 6/1/2014 33774 $490.56 PKM -06/14 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANC 240495 5/30/2014 DAVIS DOOR SERVICE INC, 5/2/2014 181528 $245.28 PKM- REPAIR SECTIONAL DOOR BLDG 240680 5/30/2014 VADIS NORTHWEST, 4/30/2014 19844 $4,049.75 SWR -04/14 LITTER CONTROLAG07- ROAD SVCS /PERMITS - INTGVT $61,133.00 240686 5/30/2014 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOG'4/24/2014 2014- RS- WAR045516 $61,133.00 SWM -2014 RSMP PROGRAM ROADWAYS $660,792.01 240794 6/13/2014 ICON MATERIALS INC, 5126/2014 AG14 -060 #2 $660,792.01 PWST -2014 ASPHALT OVERLAY - SALES TAX PAYABLE $11,697.36 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $39.61 FI -04/14 REMIT SALES TAX 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $15.92 FI -05/14 REMIT SALES TAX 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $3,521.44 FI -04/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC Key Bank Page 55 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $8,120.39 FI -05/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC SALES TAX PAYABLE - RECREAT $32,903.38 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $4,696.70 FI -04/14 REMIT SALES TAX 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $3,734.93 - - - - FI -05/14 REMIT SALES TAX 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/2012014 601 - 223 -5385 $17,750.24 FI -04/14 REMIT SALES TAX -FWCC 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $6,721.51 FI -05/14 REMIT SALES TAX FWCC SBCC SURCHARGE $704.00 240887 6/13/2014 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,6 /4/2014 MAY 2014 $704.00 FI -05/14 SBCC SURCHARGE FEES SCHOOL IMPACT FEES $301,119.00 240774 6/13/2014 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTl6 /1012018 SIF -MAY 2014 $301,119.00 FI -05/14 SCHL IMPACT FEE & INT SEWER BILLINGS $7,253.32 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 3461301 $5,526.80 FWCC- 01/16- 03/18/14 876 S 333R 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 2913103 $393.54 PKM- 01/16- 03/18/14 33325 8TH A 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 /6/2014 3405101 $26.69 PKM- 01/16- 03/18/14 600 S 333RD 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 3075201 $71.44 PKM- 01/16- 03/17/14 1095 324TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 3075301 $24.16 PKM- 01/16- 03/17/14 1095 324TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 /6/2014 3075401 $51.74 PKM- 01/16- 03/17114 1095 324TH 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 /20/2014 1768602 $363.68 DBC- 02/10- 04/09/14 3200 DASH P 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/20/2014 1768602 $179.13 DBC- 02/10- 04/09/14 3200 DASH P 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 2926402 $44.25 PKM- 01/21- 03/21/14 33914 19TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 2926501 $45.79 PKM- 01/21- 03/21/14 33914 19TH 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/20/2014 1014202 $34.28 PKM- 02/07- 04/10/14 312 DASH PT 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 101001 $436.26 PARKS - 01/16- 03/18/14 BROOKLAKE 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /612014 2865901 $55.56 PARKS - 03/06- 05/06/14 BROOKLAKE SMALL TOOLS - SHOP $505.51 240790 6/13/2014 HOME DEPOT -DEPT 32- 250075/28/2014 MAY 2014 $17.49 PW -TAPE MEASURER 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/7/2014 01975 $21.82 PWST- SQUEEGEE 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 5/8/2014 02537 $16.62 PWST -PUSH BROOM Key Bank Page 56 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240597 5/30/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/8/2014 279328 $29.55 PWST -PUSH BROOM 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/13/2014 279452 $11.82 PWST- UNIVERSAL JOINT 240827 6/13/2014 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE (5/21/2014 279670 $16.72 PWST- UTILITY KNIFE & BLADES 240574 5/30/2014 LOWE'S HIW INC, 4/25/2014 - 01885 $208.01 PKM- WHEELBARROWS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $163.80 PKM -TARPS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $43.75 PKM- MOVING BLANKETS 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $ -24.07 PKM- CREDIT FOR GOODS NOT PURCH STONE & GRAVEL $4,802.67 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4116/2014 411113 $108.48 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/2212014 412327 $91.64 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/23/2014 412420 $140.42 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/23/2014 412421 $366.55 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/30/2014 413669 $85.20 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/1/2014 414228 $89.48 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/6/2014 414911 $85.57 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/16/2014 411113 $69.55 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/22/2014 412327 $58.76 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/23/2014 412420 $90.02 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/23/2014 412421 $234.98 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 4/30/2014 413669 $54.63 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/1/2014 414228 $57.37 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240753 6/13/2014 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/6/2014 414911 $54.87 PKM /PW /SWM- CONCRETE SUPPLIES 240696 5/30/2014 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRI3 /20/2014 43145 $1,183.04 PKM- CRUSHED GRAVEL 240696 5/30/2014 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARR14/23/2014 44069 $1,230.28 PKM -TRAIL MIX 240696 5/30/2014 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARR14/23/2014 44070 $224.43 PKM- UTILITY SAND 240696 5130/2014 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARR14/24/2014 44106 $577.40 PKM- CRUSHED GRAVEL TAXES /ASSESSMENTS - INTERGOVT $19,778.89 Key Bank Page 57 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5 /20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $5,761.55 FI -04/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5 /20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $- 3,521.44 FI -04/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $6,552.73 FI -05/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $- 8,120.39 FI -05/14 REMIT SALES TAX DBC 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /1212014 601- 223 -5385 $14.25 FI -05/14 REMIT EXC TAX 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $8,995.61 FI -04/14 REMIT SVC TAX/PW STOR 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601- 223 -5385 $5,741.65 FI -05/14 REMIT SVC TAX/PW STOR 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601- 223 -5385 $2,025.28 FI -04/14 REMIT SALES TAX FWCC 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $ -0.01 FWCC -04/14 SALES TAX ROUNDING 698203 6111/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $2,329.68 FI -05/14 REMIT SALES TAX FWCC 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601- 223 - 5385 $ -0.01 FI -05/14 REMIT EXC TAX (ROUND[ 698203 6/11/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $ -0.01 FI -05/14 REMIT EXC TAX (ROUND[ TELEPHONE SYSTEM EQUIP -MOTOR $346.56 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $100.90 IT -VIDEO CABLE 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $245.66 IT -AP LONG RANGE - 3 PACK THEFT /PROPERTY DAMAGE $67,672.27 240884 6/13/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTH6 /2/2014 JUNE 2, 2014 $26.55 LAW -RM -NEW CINGULAR; REIMB DED 240884 6/13/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH6 /2/2014 JUNE 2, 2014 $2,500.00 LAW -RM DASHO REIMS DED; 5/9114 240884 6113/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH6/2/2014 JUNE 2, 2014 $2,577.75 LAW -RM MICCICHE REIMB DED; 5/1 240884 6/13/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCEAUTH6 /2/2014 JUNE 2, 2014 $7,000.00 LAW -RM DASHO REIMB DED; 5/21/1 240884 6/1312014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH6 /212014 JUNE 2, 2014 $10,128.47 LAW -RM DASHO REIMB DED; 5/28/1 240884 6/13/2014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH6 /2/2014 JUNE 2, 2014 $37,500.00 LAW -RM BILLINGTON REIMB DED; 5 240884 6/1312014 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTH6 /2/2014 JUNE 2, 2014 $7,939.50 LAW -RM KURDELCHUK REIMB DED; 5 TIRES $1,733.22 240664 5130/2014 THERMO KING NORTHWEST 14/18/2014 2207386 $693.23 PWFLT -OLF, MAINT. SVC 240457 5130/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT05 /19/2014 S046624504 $152.21 PD -NEW TIRE 240457 5130/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT013 /7/2014 S044148385 $137.16 PD -NEW TIRE Key Bank Page 58 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240541 5/30/2014 HINSHAWS MOTORCYCLE, 517/2014 95996555 $180.00 PD- TIRES, INSPECT 240727 6/13/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTO6 /2712014 S0468845342 $71.75 PD -NEW TIRE 240863 6/13/2014 SPARKS CAR CARE, 5/28/2014 35401 $14.24 PD- MOUNT /BALANCE TIRE, VALVE 240727 - - 6/13/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUT -015/28/2014 S0469177935 $86.72 PD -NEW TIRE 240727 6/13/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTO5 /28/2014 S0469178016 $120.19 PD -NEW TIRE 240727 6/13/2014 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTO15123 /2014 S0468199393 $277.72 PD -2 NEW TIRES TOPSOIL 240572 5/30/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/25/2014 178480 $70.03 PKM -BARK TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS 240472 5/30/2014 BORTHWICK, DEBORAH 5/22/2014 0991400033403 $124.00 MC- REFUND RED LIGHT BORTHWICK 240550 5/30/2014 JONES, STEPHANIE 517/2014 0991400003372 $25.00 MC- REFUND RED LIGHT S JONES TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 240488 5130/2014 COLUMBIA FORD, 5/16/2014 3 -E1024 $30,442.05 PD -FORD POLICE INTERCEPTOR - 240488 5/30/2014 COLUMBIA FORD, 5/16/2014 3 -E1024 $- 200.00 PD -FORD POLICE INTERCEPTOR - 240534 5/30/2014 GREGORY, KRISTEN 5/20/2014 GREGORY 2014 $209.25 PD- LICENSE PLATES FOR MAYOR'S 240752 6/13/2014 COLUMBIA FORD, 5/30/2014 3 -E1182 $34,179.48 PD- 1FM5K8ATOEGC27240 FORD POLI 240752 6/13/2014 COLUMBIA FORD, 5/30/2014 3 -E1182 $- 200.00 PD- 1FM5K8AT0EGC27240 FORD POLI USE TAX PAYABLE 953732 5116/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $1,487.30 FI -04/14 REMIT USE TAX 953732 5/16/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/20/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $0.01 FI -04/14 SALES TAX ROUNDING 698203 6111/2014 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6 /12/2014 601 - 223 -5385 $1,193.93 FI -05/14 REMIT USE TAX - WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS 240572 5/30/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/1/2014 178701 $511.51 SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240572 5/30/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/1/2014 178708 $332.76 SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240572 5/30/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/30/2014 178562 $99.93 SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/6/2004 178795 $68.73 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/22/2014 178320 $205.81 PKM /PW /SWM - DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/23/2014 178169 $220.94 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL $70.03 $149.00 $64,430.78 $2,681.24 $11,317.54 Key Bank Page 59 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240809 6113/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/24/2014 178410 $34.96 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/28/2014 178510 $98.66 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/6/2014 178787 $32.40 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240556 5/30/2014 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£4/3012014 29401 $204.46 PWST- 04/14 ALGONA TS -SOLID WAS 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/6/2004 178795 $107.20 PKM /PW /SWM - DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/22/2014 178320 $321.04 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/23/2014 178169 $344.65 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/24/2014 178410 $54.52 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 4/28/2014 178510 $153.89 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/6/2014 178787 $50.52 PKM /PW /SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240809 6/13/2014 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 5/23/2014 179259 $920.17 SWM- DEBRIS REMOVAL 240868 6/13/2014 STERICYCLE INC, 5/31/2014 3002659888 $11.14 PD- MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL SVC 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5126/2014 MAY 2014 $528.59 SWR -04/14 LITTER CONTROL DISPO 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $27.01 SWR -04/14 -06/14 RESIDENTACCOU 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $20.20 SWR- ORGANICS RECYCLING SVC 240502 5/30/2014 ECOLIGHTS NORTHWEST, 5/3/2014 132815 $882.45 SWR- FLUORESCENT LIGHT RECYCLIN 240698 5/30/2014 WASTE MANAGEMENT, 5/5/2014 0000005 - 2948 -7 $5,186.00 SWR- RECYCLING EVENT YARD & WOO 240669 5/30/2014 TOTAL RECLAIM INC, 4/25/2014 132161 $800.00 SWR- ELECTRONICS RECYCLING ATT 240445 5/30/2014 ACTION SERVICES CORPOR,4/29/2014 80999 $100.00 SWR- RECYCLE EVENT LOT SWEEPING WATER BILLINGS $8,118.15 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /27/2014 3519201 $24.28 PWST- 01/24- 03/27/14 35601 21ST 240564 5130/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 /6/2014 2961401 $24.28 PWST- 01/16- 03/18/14 34727 PAC 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3238401 $24.28 PWST- 01/16- 03/18/14 32001 PAC 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3336201 $24.28 PWST- 01/16- 03/18/14 32409 PAC 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3336301 $24.28 PWST - 01/13- 03/17/14 32402 PAC 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3383601 $250.48 PWST- 01/13- 03/17/14 33300 PAC Key Bank Page 60 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3383701 $172.04 PWST- 01/13- 03/17/14 32500 PAC 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3518001 $24.28 PWST- 01/16- 03/18/14 35205 PAC 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3541001 $89.86 PWST- 01/16 - 03/18/14 930 348TH 240564 5/3012014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3552401 - $24.28 PWST- 01/16- 03/18/14 35503 PAC 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3563701 $24.28 PWST- 01/16- 03/18/14 101 S 348T 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /13/2014 3042401 $24.28 PWST- 01/23- 03/26/14 2500 336TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/13/2014 3341801 $24.28 PWST- 01/24- 03/27/14 35826 16TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /13/2014 3341901 $24.28 PWST- 01/24- 03/27/14 1559 S 356 240789 6/13/2014 HIGHLINE WATER DISTRICT, 5/14/2014 19221 -00 $80.67 PWST -05/14 27454 PAC HWY S IRR 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT /6/2014 3461301 $1,847.18 FWCC- 01/16- 03/18/14 876 S 333R 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3474201 $13.05 FWCC- 01/16 - 03/18/14 876 S 333R 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3474301 $12.60 FWCC- 01/16- 03/18/14 876 S 333R 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 2913103 $432.00 PKM- 01/16 - 03/18/14 33325 8TH A 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 2922203 $12.60 PKM- 01/16- 03/18/14 33325 8TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 2922503 $24.28 PKM- 01/16- 03/18/14 33325 8TH A 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT /6/2014 3405101 $53.19 PKM - 01/16- 03/18/14 600 S 333RD 240564 5130/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 2957001 $24.28 PKM- 01/16- 03/17/14 1095 324TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3075201 $173.38 PKM- 01/16- 03/17/14 1095 324TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3075301 $150.22 PKM- 01/16- 03/17/14 1095 324TH 240564 5130/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3075401 $163.73 PKM- 01/16- 03/17/14 1095 324TH 240660 5/30/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 4/24/2014 100048250 $205.15 DBC -04/14 DASH PT. RD- 240874 6/13/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 5/23/2014 100048250 $217.36 DBC -05/14 DASH PT RD- 240660 5/30/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 4/30/2014 100673510 $195.54 PKM -04/14 5039 SW DASH PT RD I 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 101103 $24.28 PKM- 01/16- 03/18/14 630 356TH S 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/6/2014 2573402 $24.28 PKM- 01/17- 03/20/14 34800 14 PL 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC516/2014 2926402 $176.37 PKM- 01/21- 03/21/14 33914 19TH Key Bank Page 61 of 61 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 2926501 $183.45 PKM- 01/21- 03/21/14 33914 19TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 3266301 $24.28 PKM- 01/17- 03/20/14 1540 SW 356 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 16/2014 3499201 $24.28 PKM- 01/13- 03/17/14 2220 S 333R 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /6/2014 99902 $24.28 PKM- 01/16 - 03/18/14411 348TH S 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/13/2014 2781401 $24.28 PKM- 01/24 - 03/26/14 2501 349TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /13/2014 2798301 $24.28 PKM- 01/21- 03/21/14 32800 14TH 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/13/2014 2830801 $24.28 PKM - 01/23- 03/25/14 2700 340TH 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /20/2014 1014202 $103.96 PKM- 02/07- 04/10/14 312 DASH PT 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 /20/2014 2592802 $24.28 PKM- 02/07- 04/09/14 1210 333 ST 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /20/2014 2781501 $24.28 PKM- 02/10- 04/10/14 31200 DASH 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /20/2014 2906301 $24.28 PKM- 02/07- 04/10/14 312 DASH PT 240806 6/13/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5 /20/2014 3059601 $24.28 PKM- 02/05- 04/07/14 3200 349TH 240773 6/13/2014 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(5/22/2014 AR10043 $344.84 PKM- 01/21- 03/21/14 SAG. IRRIGA 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 /6/2014 3568201 $24.28 SWM- 01/16- 03/18/14 1026 S 351S 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/13/2014 3610801 $24.28 SWM- 01/24- 03/27/14 1210 S 356T 240564 5/30/2014 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5 /6/2014 101001 $284.83 PARKS - 01/16- 03/18/14 BROOKLAKE 5141778 6/3/2014 US BANK, 5/26/2014 MAY 2014 $1,442.28 PARKS - BROOKLAKE SEWER USAGE 240660 5/30/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 4/24/2014 100048250 $416.52 DBC -04/14 DASH PT. RD- 240874 6/13/2014 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 5/23/2014 100048250 $441.29 DBC -05/14 DASH PT. RD- ZONING COMPLIANCE FEE $148.00 240599 5/30/2014 NGUYEN, MYHANG 5/21/2014 14- 101826 REFUND $148.00 CD -14- 101826 REFUND USE FEE ZONING /SUBDIVISION FEES $1,505.50 240812 6/13/2014 LYNX CONSULTING, 6/3/2014 14- 101581/2 REFUND $1,505.50 CD- REFUND SEPA & UP III NOT RE Total $4,645,527.49 Claims Paid Via Wire Transfer 6/2/2014 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, DEBT SERVICE COMMUNITY CENTER $182,336.25 Grand Total $4,827,863.74 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: MAY 2014 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the May 2014 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: June 24, 2014 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Ade Ariwoola. Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: • May 2014 Monthly Financial Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the May 2014 Monthly Financial Report as presented 2. Deny approval of the May 2014 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Mayor recommends approval of Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Codtrnitte6 �// Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: '., , 1�� /L � Co c' COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward approval of the May 2014 Monthly Financial Report to the July 1, 2014 consent agenda for approval. L L4 \(, Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the May 2014 Monthly Financial Report. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # a"IN A Federal Way May 2014 Monthly Financial Report -Highlights The following are highlights of the May 2014 Monthly Financial Report. Detailed financial information can be found in the May 2014 Monthly Financial Report detail. General & Street Fund Summary Revenues are above the year -to -date budget by $13M or 9.0% with all revenues on target or above year -to -date budget except for court revenues, and interest earnings. Expenditures are below year -to -date budget by $371K or 2.0% with all departments below estimates except for Mayor's Office, Human Services, Finance, and Police. Some of the expenditure saving's are due to timing of payments, and unfilled vacancies. Mayor's Office exceeds the year -to -date budget estimate primarily due to large postage mailings for neighborhood connection meetings, and position salary increases. Human Services exceeds the year -to -date budget estimate primarily due to funding of human services agencies earlier this year than 2013. Finance exceeds the year -to -date budget estimate due to professional services for Interim Finance Director in 2014 that was not needed in 2013, and additional temporary help for processing business licenses. Police exceeds the year -to -date budget and 2013 year -to -date due to vacancies in Police positions in 2013 that are filled in 2014, and an increase in overtime pay due to some major criminal events in May 2014 (detail below under Police Overtime). Property tax is above 2013 year -to -date by $103K or 2.0% and above 2014 year -to -date budget by $66K or 1.3 %. Sales tax exceeds 2013 year -to -date by $190K or 4.1% and also exceeds 2014 year -to -date budget by $111K or 2.3 %. Retail sales (increase of $48K or 1.8 %), services (increase of $12K or 1.1 %), construction (increase of $29K or 7.5 %), wholesaling (increase of $35K or 20.5 %), information (increase of $26K or 11.8 %), and government (increase of $25K or 39.8 %) account for the majority of the increase compared to year -to -date 2013. Additionally, criminal justice sales tax collected county -wide also exceeds 2013 year -to -date by $51K or 6.4% and 2014 year -to -date budget by $83K or 10.8% which further indicates overall sales tax revenue growth. Community and Economic Development permits and fees are above the 2013 year -to -date by $397K or 43.1% and above 2014 year -to -date budget by $670K or 103.7 %. Significant permit revenues received year -to -date include Wynstone East, Park 16 Apartments, Celebration Senior Living, Dicks Sporting Goods, High Point Building Apartments, Progressive Claims Office, Kitts Corner Apartments, and addition to Christian Faith Center School. Court revenue is below 2013 year -to -date by $83K or 11.7% and also below 2014 year -to -date budget by $45K or 6.7 %. Traffic and non - parking fines, criminal costs, and criminal conviction fees account for the majority of the decrease. The enhanced signage, lighting, and continued enforcement activity is the primary reason for the reduction. , Park & General Recreation Fees is above 2013 year -to -date actual by $12K or 4.0% and above 2014 year -to -date budget by $26K or 9.6 %. Senior trips and tours revenue has increased through the efforts of staff to market and promote the programs. Designated Operating Funds Revenues are above the 2014 year -to -date budget by $395K or 4.0 %. Expenditures are below 2014 year -to -date budget by $456K or 14.5% and are due to timing while others may result in true savings by year -end. Utility tax revenues received year -to -date as reported on the monthly financial report totals $5.3M and is $86K or 1.7% above 2013 year -to -date and $291K or 5.2% below 2014 year -to -date budget. The following is the comparison of 2014 year -to -date to 2013 year -to -date utility taxes by category: Electricity — current YTD increase by $24K or 1.3 %. Gas — current YTD increase by $65K or 7.5% Cable — current YTD increase by $28K or 4.5% Phone — current YTD decrease by $22K or 5.4% Cellular — current YTD decrease by $23K or 2.5% Real estate excise tax 2014 year -to -date revenues of $825K is above 2013 year -to -date by $240K or 41.0% and is above the year -to -date budget by $340K or 70.1 %. There were 124 taxable residential sales (total sales $29.7M / $147K tax), and one commercial sale from Cascade Ridge Apartments (total sale $59.8M/ $296K tax). Red light photo /school zone cameras 2014 year -to -date net revenue totals $737K and is below year -to- date 2013 by $252K or 25.5 %. Federal Way Community Center continues to increase revenues while controlling expenditures. 2014 Year -to -date operating revenues total $814K, which is above the 2014 year -to -date budget by $106K or 15.0% and also above the 2013 year -to -date by $43K or 5.5 %. Major revenue increases are in passes, drop in's, aquatics, and both fitness and rentals. 2014 Year -to -date operating expenditures total $856K, which is below the 2014 year -to -date budget by $9K or 1.1% and $13K or 1.5% above 2013 year -to -date. Increases in personnel cost is due to an increase in instructor hours for fitness and aquatics to accommodate demand. The increase in supplies is due to a few substantial pool system repairs, pool part replacements, and supplies primarily for resale at the Splash cafe. The decrease in utility costs is due to energy efficiency efforts and the City's utility payment is behind by one month when compared with 2013. The 2014 year -to -date revenues over / (under) expenditures of negative $45K is substantially better than the 2014 year -to -date budget of negative $158K and 2013 year -to -date of negative $72K. This better than expected performance means we will need less money from Utility Fund to subsidize Community Center compared to last year. To date, only $45K or 1.0% of the annual $554K operating subsidy has been used. Although $32K of the $45K is from the month of May. Projected ending fund balance earmarked for capital reserves by the end of this year is $1.8M and will increase if the operating subsidy is maintained and the center continues to perform very well. Dumas Bay Center, is showing higher revenues year -to -date of $5K or 1.7% compared to 2013, but expenditures are over year -to -date budget by $ l OK or 3.6 %. 2014 Year -to -date operating revenues total $273K, which is $1K or 0.1% below the 2014 year -to -date budget, but is above 2013 year -to -date by $5K or 1.7 %. The increase in revenue is due to an increase in the number of overnight guests booked in the facility for some retreats compared to 2013. 2014 Year -to -date operating expenses total $281K, which is $IOK or 3.6% above the 2014 year -to -date budget and $30K or 11.8% above 2013 year -to -date. The increase in expenses over 2013 is due to change in staffing in the kitchen operation and termination pay for a previous chef. 2014 Year -to -date revenues over / (under) expenditures of ($7K) is below 2013 year -to -date performance by $25K. The budgeted year -end ending fund balance is $160K compared to the current $315K ending fund balance which includes funding for theatre management, roof repair, pump station and other capital maintenance that have not yet been spent. cm m A Federal Way May 2014 Monthly Financial Report - Detail GENERAL & STREET FUND SUMMARY 2013 2014 Y I'D Budget vs. Actual Fawrable/ ( Unfawrable) Annual Budget Annual Actual YCD Actual Annual Budget YFD Budget YFD Actual $ % Beginning Fund Balance $ 15,034,802 $ 15,034,802 $ 15,034,802 $ 16,240,295 $ 16,240,295 $ 16,240,295 n/a n/a Revenues: Property Taxes 9,978,000 10,004,862 5,206,199 10,077,000 5,243,399 5,309,595 66,195 1.3% Sales Tax 11,192,000 11,346,338 4,685,577 11,414,000 4,765,068 4,875,737 110,669 2.3% Cruninal Justice Sales Tax 1,894,000 1,992,667 798,426 1,913,000 766,505 849,396 82,891 10.8% Gambling Taxes 145,000 178,696 75,604 145,000 59,312 71,953 12,641 21.3% State Shared Revenue 2,194,000 2,315,823 762,153 2,171,000 714,490 874,578 160,087 22.4% Leasehold Tax 6,000 5,989 1,669 6,000 1,672 1,924 252 15.1% Court Revenue 1,501,000 1,511,606 709,729 1,431,000 671,516 626,511 (45,005) -6.7% CID Pemrits & Fees 1,897,281 2,203,426 919,979 1,575,577 646,385 1,316,630 670,244 103.7% PW Pennits & Fees 317,000 300,537 113,889 317,000 135,250 179,288 44,038 32.6% Business License Fees 252,000 253,417 68,668 252,000 68,284 74,483 6,198 9.1% Franchise Fees 1,041,000 1,049,177 525,034 1,041,000 520,942 541,963 21,021 4.0% Passport Agency Fees 55,000 66,075 33,200 55,000 27,635 31,325 3,690 13.4% Park & General Recreation Fees 961,465 987,018 291,099 937,000 276,347 302,745 26,398 9.6% Police Services 905,000 1,001,908 431,748 765,000 329,659 438,224 108,566 32.9% Adrrun /Cash Management Fees 521,117 521,117 217,132 520,314 216,798 216,798 (0) 0.0% Interest Earnings 26,000 25,120 13,110 31,000 16,178 7,519 (8,659) -53.5% Miscellaneous /Other 219,000 282,401 104,613 219,000 81,126 131,640 50,513 62.3% Total Revenues 33,104,863 34,046,176 14,957,830 32,869,891 14,540,568 15,850,307 1,309,739 9.0% Expenditures: City Council 389,317 372,242 203,779 388,140 212,482 208,316 4,166 2.0% Mayor's Office 1,060,744 1,022,255 430,157 1,056,123 444,408 472,045 (27,637) -6.2% Corrnnunity Development 2,431,264 2,091,751 885,161 2,624,865 1,110,758 949,034 161,724 14.6% Economic Development 237,086 111,449 42,353 212,829 80,880 51,771 29,109 36.0% Human Services 789,960 788,679 336,747 770,993 329,196 393,689 (64,493) -19.6% Finance 898,063 854,044 315,352 909,728 335,913 385,041 (49,128) -14.6% Human Resources 990,873 814,413 392,998 1,034,672 499,285 438,634 60,651 12.1% Law 1,482,042 1,408,750 606,630 1,549,111 667,072 666,815 257 0.0% Municipal Court 1,586,447 1,480,302 602,069 1,658,748 674,647 642,848 31,799 4.7% Jail 3,871,896 3,939,387 1,621,596 4,159,831 1,730,312 1,669,965 60,347 3.5% Police 22,586,388 21,949,032 9,158,157 22,837,030 9,528,671 9,567,650 (38,979) -0.4% Parks & Recreation 4,256,128 3,969,894 1,381,778 4,170,040 1,451,442 1,366,705 84,737 5.8% Public Works 4,869,384 4,004,066 1,217,002 5,127,875 1,558,574 1,439,973 118,601 7.6% Total Expenditures 45,449,592 42,806,263 17,193,779 46,499,985 18,623,638 18,252,486 371,152 2.0% Revenues over /(under) Expenditures (12,344,729) (8,760,088) (2,235,949) (13,630,094) (4,083,070) (2,402,179) 1,680,891 41.2% Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In: Red Light /School Zone for PD, CT, TR 1,075,040 1,075,040 - 1,030,000 - - n/a Utility Tax for Designated Programs 1,343,000 1,343,000 952,337 1,343,000 952,337 952,337 0.0% Utilty Tax for Operations 3,893,000 3,893,000 600,000 3,893,000 600,000 600,000 0.0% Utility Tax for Prop I Voter Package 2,980,187 2,877,100 1,222,718 2,980,187 1,227,867 1,227,867 0.0% One -Tune Transfers In /Grants /Other 1,423,722 1,148,193 662,586 324,922 159,859 159,859 0.0% Total Other Financing Sources 10,714,949 10,336,333 3,437,641 9,571,109 2,940,063 2,940,063 - 0.0% Other Uses: Contingency Reserve Funds 1,125,000 - - 27,000 - - - n/a 1 -Tune Transfers Out /Other /Unalloc IS 1,770,163 370,753 3,012 1,423,464 315,000 315,000 0.0% Total Other Financing Uses 2,895,163 370,753 3,012 1,450,464 315,000 315,000 0.0% Total Ending Fund Balance $10,509,859 $16 - 240,292 $16,233,482 $ 10,730,846 $ 14,782,287 $16,463,178 n/a n/a DESIGNATED OPERATING FUNDS SUMMARY 2013 2014 YFD Budget s. Actual Favorable /(Unfavorable) Annual Budget I Annual Actual 1'F1) Actual Annual Budget YID Budget YTD Actual $ % Beginning Fund Balance S 15,908,751 $ 15,908,751 $15,908,751 $ 18,232,684 $ 18,232,684 $ 18,232,684 n/a n/a Revenues: Utility Tax 9,672,774 9,742,706 4,026,616 9,666,677 4,312.476 4,088,861 (223.616) -5.2% Utility Tax -Prop 1 Voter Package 2,821,2261 2,841,586 1,174,167 2,827,323 1,265,253 1,198,108 (67,145) -5.3% Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 195,000 208,839 73.186 195,000 69,688 74,191 4,504 6.5% Real Estate Excise Tax 1,400,000 2,034,033 585,188 1,400,000 484,889 824,903 34Q014 70.1% Property Tax- King Co Expansion Levy 155,000 141,417 17,403 - - 17,762 17,762 n/a State Shared Revenue 495,000 497,148 193,675 495,000 192,839 194,401 1,562 0.8% Red Light/School Zone Enforcement 2,455,000 2.743,113 1 989,536 1,455.000 524,869 737,232 212.363 1 40.5% Federal Way Community Center 1,643,500 1,796,064 771,287 1,643,500 707,814 1 813,963 106.149 15.0% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 628,251 622,877 268,772 635,251 274,106 273,311 (796) -0.3% Surface Water Management Fees 3,456,000 3,426,616 1,803,506 3,456,000 1,818,972 1,787,351 (31,620) -1.7% Refuse Collection Fees 284,671 299,337 120,583 287,517 115,822 128,079 12,258 10.6% Interest Earnings 15,3001 19,541 9,678 15,300 7,578 6,253 (1,325) -17.5% Miscellaneous /Other 12,853,428 12,857,187 32,156 27,768 69 25,283 25,214 36305.6% Total Revenues 36,075,150 37,230,463 10,065,755 22,104,336 9,774,374 1 10,1699697 395,323 4.0% Expenditures: Arterial Streets Overlay Program 1,616,029 1,463,241 271,662 1.696.031 31081 127,302 187,579 59.6% Utility TaxAdmin /Cash Mgmt Fees 48,000 48.000 20,000 48,000 20,000 20,000 - 0.00/0 Solid Waste & Recycling 512,071 1 468.220 172,337 494,542 182,025 171.993 10,032 5.5% HoteLMotel Lodging Tax 297,716 86,396 27,603 227,034 72,537 18,429 54,108 74.6% Traffic Safety (Red light /School Zone) 651,754 616,092 - 625,000 1 18,087 18,087 - 0.0% Debt Service (Debt & Admin Fee) 14,767,370 14,756,476 308,104 1.995.392 41,662 23,814 17,848 42.8% Federal Way Community Center 2,168,353 2,121,410 843.072 2,197,775 865,388 855,935 9,453 1.1% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 679,049 639,053 251,188 691,065 270,935 280,780 (9,845) -3.61/6 Surface Water Management 3,354,182 1 2,834,262 988,999 3.872,868 1.351.315 1.164.613 186,772 13.80/a Total Expenditures 24,094,524 23,033,151 2,882,966 1 1 1,847,706 3,136,929 2,680,983 455,947 145% Revenues over /(under) Expenditures 11,980,626 14,197,312 7,182,789 10,256,630 6,637,445 7,4889715 851,270 12.8% Other Sources: Ongoing Transfers In: Utility Taxfor DBC Oper/Reserves 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 - 0.091 Utility Taxfor FWCC Oper/Reserves 792,797 794,4491 81,363 788,328 157,574 45,115 (112.459) - 71.4% Utility Taxfor FWCC & SCORE Debt 2,531,876 2,530,224 - 1,751,841 - - n a Utility Taxfor Arterial Streets Overlay 998,000 998,000 191,000 998,000 - n a 1 -Time Transfers /cants /Other 713,013 661,862 299,222 624,518 40,387 40,387 0.0 1b Total Other Sources 5,147,686 5,096,535 683,586 4,274,687 309,961 197,502 (112,459) -36.3 %, Other Uses: Ongoing Transfer Out: Red Light/School Zone for PD, CT, TR 1,075,040 1,302,040 - 1,030,000 - - n a Utility Tax to FWCCOper /Reserves 683,000 683,000 81,363 683,000 45.115 45,115 0.0% Utility Tax to FWCC & SCORE Debt 2,641,673 2,641,673 - 1,832,000 - - n/a Utility Taxto DBC Oper /Reserves 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112.(X)0 1 12.(X)0 0.0% Utility Taxto Arterial Streets Overlay 998,0001 998,000 191,000 998,000 n/a Utility Taxto Transportation Capital 681.0001 681,000 - 681,000 - - n/a Utillity Tax to General/Street Oper 5,236,0001 5,236,000 1,552,337 5236,000 1,552,337 1,552,337 0.0% Utility Tax to Prop 1 Voter Package 2,980,187 2,877,100 1.222,718 2,980,187 1,227,867 1,227,867 0.00/0 I -Time Transfers /Other /Unalloc IS 2,781,918 2,439,102 1,606,920 2,036,653 1227,092 1227,092 0.0% Total Other Uses 17,188,818 16,969,915 4,766,338 15,588,840 4,164,411 4,164,411 0.0% Fading Fund Balance Arterial Streets Overlay (0) 159,530 238,987 1 - 227,080 n/a n/a Utility Tax(non -Prop 1) 2,392,878 2,622,105 5,645,758 2,251 918 4,982,842 n'a n/a Utility Tax- Prop 1 Voter Package 1,080,948 1,045,434 1,032,397 1.045,434 1.015,675 n a n/a Solid Waste & Recycling 151,928 211,761 120,206 188,754 168,992 n a n/a Hotel'Motel Lodging Tax - 227,034 149,071 195,300 282,889 n a n/a Federal Way Conmunity Center 1,397,693 1,597,515 1,151,670 1,828,067 1,597,514 n a n/a Traffic Safety Fund 2,477,072 2,804,483 3,073,669 2,604,483 3,524,849 n/a n/a Paths & Trails 175,668 162,440 187,698 14,440 183,886 n/a n/a Debt Service Fund 4,604,011 5,248,335 3,250,423 5,191,285 4,834,299 n/a n/a Surface Water Management 3,506,844 3,941,068 4,010,248 3,695,469 - 4,621,905 n/a n/a Dumas Bay Centre Fund 61,203 212,979 255,238 16U10 314,559 n/a n/a Total Fading, Fund Balance $15,848,242 $18 32,685 S 19,115,366 $17,175,161 $ $ 21,754,489 n/a n/a Sales Tax Compared to year -to -date May 2013 actual, sales tax revenues are up by $190K or 4.1%. Compared to year -to -date 2014 budget, year -to -date sales tax revenues went up by $111K or 2.3 %. There is usually a two month lag in sales tax revenue. The sales tax paid in March 2014 is reported in May 2014. LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES YTD May Month 2013 Actual 2014 Fawrable /(Unfavorable) Change from 2013 2014 Actual Ns Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 856,430 897,686 922,813 66,384 7.8 �o 25,127 2.8% Feb 1,186,414 1,212,859 1,193,962 7,547 1% (18,897) -1.6% Mar 836,112 841,547 885,403 49,291 5.9% 43,856 5.2% Apr 841,788 851,006 878,261 36,473 4.3% 27,255 3.2% May 964,840 961,970 995,299 30,459 3.2% 33,329 3.5% Jun 869,426 870,285 - - - - - Jul 890,558 900,198 - - - - - Aug 986,677 1,015,364 - - - - - Sep 981,082 986,689 - - - - - Oct 954,311 968,118 - 222,481 248,694 26,212 11 .8 %Up$29K- Nov 1,000,875 985,589 - Down $3K - Internet Service Providers Manufacturing Dec 977,831 922,688 - Up $11K- Wood Product Manufacturing, Electric Equipment, Appliances YTD Total $ 4,685,583 $ 4,765,068 S 4,875,737 $ 190,154 4.1% $ 110,669 2.3% Annual Total $ 11,346,342 1 $ 11,4141000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMPARISON OF SALES TAX COLLECTIONS BYS IC GROUP Fawrable /(Unfavorable) Component 2013 2014 Change from 2013 $ % Group YrDMay YID May Fxhlanation Retail Trade S 2,594,213 $ 2,642,060 $ 47,847 1.8% Up $93K- Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealer, Furniture & Home Furnishings, Building Material & Carden, Health & Personal Care, Gasoline Stations, Clothing and Accessories, Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books, Miscellaneous & Nonstore Retailers Down $45K - Electronics & Appliances, Food & Beverage Stores, General Merchandise Stores Services 1.070.864 1,082,609 11,745 1.1% Up $55K - Administrative & Support Services, Ambulatory Health Care Service, Perfonning Arts, Spectator Sports, Amusement, Gambling, Accomodation, Food Services & Drinking Places, Down $43K- ProfessionaVScientific /Tech, Waste Management, Educational Services, Hospitals, Nursing & Residential Care, Personal Laundry Services, Religious, Cuantmaking, Civic Construct 390,529 419,931 29,403 7.5% Up $43K- Specialty Trade Contractors & Construction of Buildings Down $13K - Heavy & Civil Construction Wholesaling 170,083 205,021 34,937 20.5% Up S35K - Wholesale Trade, Durable & Nondurable goods Transp /Utility 2,180 945 (1,235) -56.7% Intbmtation 222,481 248,694 26,212 11 .8 %Up$29K- Telecommunications, Broadcasting Down $3K - Internet Service Providers Manufacturing 46,048 54,599 8,551 18.6 ° /a Up $11K- Wood Product Manufacturing, Electric Equipment, Appliances Down $2K - Printing and Related Support, Apparel Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Government 61.849 86,463 24,615 39.8% Up $28K - Unclassifiable Accounts Down $3K - Economic Programs Admin Fin /Insurance 118,250 128,916 10,666 9.0% Up $18K- Banks, Rental/Leasing Svcs, /Real Estate Down $8K- Real Estate, Insurance Carriers & Related Other 9.085 6.409 (2,587) -28.5% $ 4,685,582 $ 4,875,737 1 $ 190,155 L 4.1% SALES TAX COMPARISON by AREA YID May 2014 2013 Actual 2014 Favorable /(Unfavorable) Favorable /(Unfavorahle) 2014 Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ Var Chg from 2013 $ Var $ '/. Location 2013 2014 Faplanation YID Total Sales Tax $ 4,685,583 S 4,875.737 S 190,154 4.1% 1,181,116 S 348th Retail Block 490,195 457.075 (33,120) -6.8% Up $7K Retail General Merchandise 1,295,036 1,209,938 1,324,119 29,083 2.2% Down S39K Retail Building Materials, Appliances The Commons 435303 411411 (22,951) -5.3% Up S5K Retail Eating & Drinking 13.8% (55,599) -4.4% May 699,516 Down $28K Misc Retail Trade, Retail Apparel & 602,719 (96,797) -13.8% /0 (248,210) - 29.2% Accessories, Retail General Merchandise S 312th to S 316th 356.768 317.891 (38,877) -10.9% Down $39K Retail Automative Gas, Retail Eating & Jul 931,882 1,013,323 Drinking, Retail Food Stores, Retail General Merchandise Pavilion Center 213,159 211,334 (1,824) -0.9% General Decrease Hotels & Motels 67,140 75,294 8,154 12.1% General Increase FW Crossings 167,065 181,620 14,555 8.7% Up S21K Misc Store Retailers, Retail Eating & Drinking, Oct 768,294 1,016,221 Furniture & Fixture Nov 974,651 Down $7K Health & Personal Care Gateway Center 81,202 91,189 9,987 12.3% Up $1IKTelecoirununications, Heahh & Personal Care 1,815,545 1,558,699 Down S1K Food/Beverage Stores Utility Tax (Total 7.75%) The utility taxes year -to -date is $86K or 1.7% higher than 2013 year -to -date and $291K or 5.2% below 2014 year -to -date budget. U'rK I'Y TAXES Year- to-date thru May Month 2013 Actual 2014 Favorable /(Unfavorable) Change from 2013 2014 Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ Var % Var $ Var % Var Jan $ 1,023,991 $ 1,110,746 S 441,956 $ (582,034) -56.8% $ (668,790) - 60.2% Feb 1,158,162 1,181,116 1,742,178 584,016 50.4% 561,062 47.5% Mar 1,295,036 1,209,938 1,324,119 29,083 2.2% 114,181 9.4% Apr 1,049,750 1,250,534 1,194,935 145,185 13.8% (55,599) -4.4% May 699,516 850,929 602,719 (96,797) -13.8% /0 (248,210) - 29.2% Jun 1,470,623 1,102,406 - - Jul 931,882 1,013,323 Aug 800,419 795,280 Sept 622,095 498,023 Oct 768,294 1,016,221 Nov 974,651 933,786 Dec 1,815,545 1,558,699 YM Subtotal $ 5,226,454 $ 5,603,263 $ 5,3059907 $ 79,452 1.5% $ (297,356) -5.3% Rebate (25,671) (25,534) (18,938) 6,733 0.00/0 6,596 -25.8% Y]rDTotall $ 5,200,783 $ 5,577,729 $ 5,286,969 S 86,185 1.7% $ (290,761) -5.2% AnnualTotall $ 12,584,292 1 $ 12,494,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a Wit The City of Federal Way provides a utility tax rebate for qualifying individuals that have paid for Utility bills within the City of Federal Way, who are 65 years or older, disabled/unable to work, and qualify as low income during the affected calendar year. This is an annual program that opens January 1St and closes April 30t1i of each year. The City has processed 156 rebates for the current year. Electric and gas utilities are affected by weather in addition to the regular population and service growth. When the weather is cold, people use more electricity for gas and heat. UnLrFY TAXES - by Type Year -to -date thru May Utility Type 2013 Actual 2014 Actual Fawrable /(Unfawrabl e) Change from 2014 $ % Electric $ 1,918,034 $ 1,942,291 $ 24,258 1.3% Gas 868,594 933,411 64,817 7.5% Solid Waste 357,785 365,098 7,313 2.0% Cable 635,135 663,576 28,441 4.5% Phone 395,729 374,169 (21,560) -5.4% Cellular 910,925 888,111 (22,814) -2.5% Pager 231 476 245 106.1% SWM 140,022 138,774 (1,248) - 0.90/0 Tax Rebate (25,671) (18,938) 6,733 0.00/0 YTD Total $ 5,200,783 $ 5,286,968 $ 86,185 1.7% Proposition l Voter - Approved Utility Tax 2014 Year -to -date Prop 1 expenditures total $1.2M or 41.2% of the $3M annual budget. Current life -to -date Prop 1 Utility tax collections total $21.410 and expenditures total $203M. PROP 1 2013 2014 life To Date Budget Actual Budget Actual Beginning Balance: 661,148 1,080,948 502,187 1,045,433 n/a OPERATING REVENUES January 256,196 231,224 250,814 99,797 1,703,462 February 282,170 261,520 266,704 393,395 2,107,415 March 265,555 290,362 273,212 298,995 2,306,628 April 302,383 235,536 282,379 269,824 2,224,011 May 240,311 155,729 192,145 136,098 1,887,439 June 196,630 332,076 248,930 - 1,657,827 July 226,447 210,425 228,815 1,571,112 August 187,921 180,740 179,579 1,423,258 September 141,573 140,473 112,457 1,281,788 October 249,112 173,486 229,469 1,612,077 November 156,474 220,082 210,855 1,450,553 December 316,453 409,933 351,964 - 2,127,618 Total Prop 1 Revenues: 2,821,226 2,841,586 2,827,323 1,198,108 21,353,188 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Public Sa/ely Improvement Positions & Costs: Police Services (includes sworn positions, records clerk, and indirect Information Technology support costs)** 2,322,522 2,239,620 2322,522 938,511 15,005,054 Court Services (includes Judge, Court Clerk, Prosecutor, public defender contract, and indirect IT support) 392,683 383,838 392,683 159,838 1 2,540,298 Total Public Safety Improvement Costs 2,715,205 2,623,458 2,715,205 1,098,349 17,545,352 Community Safety Program Costs: Code Enforcement Officer* - - 318,857 Code Enforcement Civil Attorney 69,341 64,893 69,341 25,741 443,605 Park Maintenance 113,555 110,528 113,555 44,980 724,639 Total Community Safety Improvement Costs 182,896 175,421 182,896 70,721 1,487,100 Indirect Support - HR Analyst 44,586 40,721 44,586 19,075 267,845 SafeCity M &O 37,500 37,500 37,500 39,722 248,150 Subtotal Ongoing Expenditures 82,086 78,221 829086 58,797 5159995 SafeCity Startup - - - - 189,066 Other Transfer -Prop IOT for Police 600,000 Subtotal Other Expenditures - 789,066 Total Prop 1 Expenditures: 2,980,187 2,877,100 29980,187 1,227,866 1 20,337,513 Total Fnding Fund Balance: S 502,187 S 1,045,433 S 349-323 1 S 1,015,675 5 1,015,675 *Code Enforcement Officer 1.0 FTEfrozen in 2011112 remains frozen in 2013114. ** Police Officers 2.0 FTE previously frozen is one -time funded in 2013114 by Traffic Safety Fund. Real Estate Excise Tax Compared to 2013 year -to -date actuals, collections are up $240K or 41.0 %. May's receipt of $443K is above May 2013's actual by $296K or 200.6% and above May 2014's projections by $362K or 442.2 %. Year -to -date collections are above year -to -date projections by $340K or 70.1 %. May 2014 activities include 203 real estate transactions, of which 78 were tax exempt. There were 124 taxable residential sales (total sales $29.7M / $147K tax), and one commercial sale from Cascade Ridge Apartments (total sale $59.8M / $296K tax). Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax Hotel /Motel lodging tax received year -to -date in 2014 is $74K and is above 2013's year -to -date collections by $1 K or 1.4 %. 2014 year -to -date receipts are above year -to -date projections by $5K or 6.5 %. Permit Activity Building, planning, and zoning permit activities are above 2013's year -to -date activity by $397K or 43.1%. Compared to year -to -date budget, permit activity is up $670K or 103.7 %. Some significant permits for 2014 include: Wynstone East, Park 16 Apartments, Celebration Senior Living, Dicks Sporting Goods, High Point Building Apartments, Progressive Claims Office, Kitts Corner Apartments and an addition to Christian Faith Center School. REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REVENUES Year- to-date thru May Month 2013 Actual 2014 Favorable /(Unfavorable) Change from 2013 2014 Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 65,032 S 147,546 S 80,758 S 15,726 24.2% $ (66,788) -45.3% Feb 66,611 44,117 73,759 7,149 10.7% 29,642 67.2% Mar 199,329 126,403 115,740 (83,589) -41.9% (10,663) -8.4% Apr 106,752 85,061 111,351 4,599 4.3% 26,290 30.9% May 147,465 81,762 443,295 295,829 200.6%1 361,532 442.2% Jun 211,838 178,885 - - - - - Jul 234,849 145,798 Aug 139,187 75,827 Sep 134,947 99,968 - - Oct 114,028 89,667 - Nov 189,948 104,526 - Dec 424,050 220,440 - - - - - YrDTotal 585,188 484,889 824,902 239,714 41.0% 340,013 70.1% Annual Total $ 2,034,036 $ 1,400,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a HOTEUMOTEL LODGING TAX REVENUES Year -to -date thru May Month 2013 Actual 2014 Favorable /(Unfavorable) Change from 2013 2014 Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 13,537 $ 12,492 $ 13,380 $ (157) -1.2% $ 887 7.1% Feb 14,270 14,226 12,812 (1,458) -10.2% (1,414) -9.9% Mar 12,771 11,446 13,343 572 4.5% 1,896 16.6% Apr 14,441 14,061 16,109 1,668 11.6%1 2,048 14.6% May 18,168 17,461 18,548 380 2.1% 1,086 6.2% Jun 13,666 12,999 - - - - - Jul 15,606 15,336 Aug 19,495 17,795 Sept 24,707 22,574 - - Oct 28,512 23,537 - Nov 17,998 17,573 - Dec 15,668 15,498 - - WD Total $ 73,186 $ 69,688 $ 749191 $ 1,005 1.4% $ 4,504 6.5% Annual Total $ 208,839 $ 195,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a BUILDING & LAND USE PERNIM AND FEES (CID) Year -to -date t May Month 2013 Actual 2014 Change from 2013 Favorable/ Unfavorable 2014 Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 130,900 124,543 124,209 (6,691) -5.1% (335) -0.3% Feb 152,484 114,376 97,873 (54,610) -35.8% (16,503) -14.4% Mar 306,348 150,192 316,207 9,860 3.2% 166,015 110.5% Apr 195,704 133,641 285,407 89,702 45.8% 151,765 113.6% May 134,544 123,632 492,934 358,390 266.4% 369,301 1 298.7% Jun 416,355 207,847 - - - - Jul 127,592 120,132 Aug 171,633 159,668 Sept 131,550 113,103 Oct 176,358 110,280 - Nov 113,894 95,575 Dec 146,064 122,587 - - YTD Total $ 919,979 $ 646,385 $ 1,316,630 $ 396,651 1 43.1% $ 670,244 1 103.7% Annual Total $ 29203,426 $ 1,575 577 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Police Department The total overtime budget of $773K consists of $716K for City overtime and $57K for billable time. Compared to year -to -date budget, City portion overtime is $104K or 35.2% above year -to -date projections. Compared to year -to -date 2013 actuals, City portion overtime is IIIK or 38.2% above prior year -to -date total. Including the increase in billable overtime, total overtime increased by $110K or 32.3 %. The May 2014 overtime increase of $75K over May 2013 actuals is attributable to an increase in shift call and shift extension due to three different homicide shooting incidents. These triggered very lengthy callouts (shift call -in) by almost all personnel in the detective section. These are the only homicides so far this year, causing a contrast in overtime with the other months; and by comparison with last year there were no homicides in May 2013. Due to the high profile nature of these events the City of Federal Way enacted a special emphasis in the north end of the city, which included some extra patrol shifts, seeking to turn up leads and drive down criminal activity in the area of the killings. Those efforts continued for three weeks, had the desired impact, and the overtime sign -ups were discontinued after the first week of June. In addition to May's homicides, on May 22nd there was another shooting incident (no victim death) that triggered a significant callout by detectives. Detectives also had significant overtime expenditures in May from their pursuit of serial bank robbery suspects, which started near the end of April (seven bank robberies) and spilled into the first days of May. The other significant overtime case was a shooting/kidnap /robbery incident on May P. In each of the cases, the patrol officers worked long shifts protecting crime scenes, assisting detectives, interviewing witnesses, and finishing their reports. PD O%ertirne by Type Year -to -date thru May T)pe 2013 Actual 2014 Actual (FawrableyUnfallorabl e Change from 2013 $ o/u training S 13,611 $ 14,371 S 760 5.6% Court 10,801 18,497 7,696 71.3% Field Oper 223,655 309,197 1 85,542 38.2% Other 42,023 58,743 16,720 39.8% City Portion 290,090 400,808 110,718 38.2% Contract /Grant 40,854 40,318 (536) -1.3% Traffic School 9,823 9,779 (44) -0.40 Billable 50,677 50,097 (580) -1.1% YrD Total 1 $ 340,767 1$450,905 75,062 $ 110,138 323% PD 0%ertitne by Month Year -to -date thru May Month 2013 Actual 2014 (Fawrable Unfawrable Change from 2013 12014 Actual %s Budget Budget Actual S % $ % Jan $ 56,595 $ 58,875 $ 69,247 S 12,652 22.4% $ 10,372 17.6% ...._....... . Feb 62,964 56,921 63,022 58 0.1% 6,100 10.7% Mar 50,6951 57,826 64,422 13,727 27.1% 6,596 11A Apr 65,049 59,881 74,268 9,219 14.21/6 14,387 24.0°/ May 54,787 62,877 129,849 75,062 137.0% 66,972 106.5% Jun 40,747 52, 125 - - - - - Jul 69,370 74,590 Aug 53,773 56,793 Sep 59,074 56,171 Oct 82,123 69,325 Nov 66,097 49,510 Dec 81,868 60,732 City Portion 290,090 296,380 400,808 110,718 38.2% 104,427 35.20/ Billable 50,677 18,837 50,097 (580) -1.1% 31,261 166.09/6 1TD Total S 340,767 $315,217 $ 450,905 $110,138 32.3% S135,6881 43.0% Billable 1 $ $ 38,163 $ - $ - - S - - Annual Total n/a I S772,627 W. n/a o/a n/a n/a Jail Services The total jail budget is $5.07M and is comprised of $4.16M for SCORE Jail maintenance & operation assessments and alternative programs and $913K for debt service. The increase in the 2014 maintenance & operations assessment is due primarily to an increase in average daily population in the SCORE jail. The annual debt service payment is roughly $913K. Jail and Alternatives to Confinement 2013 Annual Actual 2014 Annual Budget YTD Budget YI'D Actual SCORE $ 3,771,920 $ 4,059,831 $ 1,691,596 $ 1,605,129 Other Jail & Alternative Programs 167,467 100,000 38,716 64,836 Subtotal M &0 3,939,387 4,159,831 19730,312 1,669,965 Subtotal Debt Service 917,720 913,356 1 1 - Total $ 4,857,107 $ 5,073,187 $ 1,730,312 1 $ 1,669,965 Traffic Safety - Red Light Photo /School Zone Enforcement Red light photo & school zone enforcement revenues are accounted for in the Traffic Safety Fund to be used for, but not limited to, prevention, education, and enforcement efforts related to traffic safety and compliance with traffic control devices within the City, including maintenance and operations costs. Currently there are a total of 14 cameras at 11 locations (8 of these cameras are red light and 6 are in the school zones). The original 4 red light cameras were activated in October 2008 and an additional 4 cameras were activated February 2010. The original 4 school zone cameras were activated February 2010 and an additional 2 cameras were activated December 2010. Payments to ATS include $4,750 /month per location plus supplemental fees for check processing. Year -to -date 2014 red light photo net revenues total $737K which is below year -to -date 2013 actuals by $252K or 25.5 %. Red Light Photo /School Zone Enforcement Month 2013 2014 Variance FaNurable /(t nfavorahle) Gross Rewnue Payments to ATS Net Revenue Goss Rewnue Payments to ATS Net Revenue $ Variance % Variance Jan $ 305,790 $ (53,237) $ 252,553 $ 237,957 $ (53,038) $ 184,920 $ (67,633) -26.8% Feb 206,768 (53,209) 153,560 165,840 (52,250) 113,590 (39,970) -26.0% Mar 235,118 (59,123) 175,996 142,210 (52,250) 89,960 (86,036) -48.9% Apr 260,705 (53,390)l 207,315 217,687 (52,250) 165,437 (41,878) - 20.2% May 253,306 (53,194) 200,113 236,325 (53,000) 183,325 (16,788) -8.4% Jun 243,295 (53,276) 190,019 138,535 130,196 - (2,474) -7.7 Jul 259,383 (39,238) 220,146 104,651 Aug 230,479 (38,881) 191,598 Sep 154,855 (53,114) 101,741 November, Oct 212,154 (53,330)1 158,824 December 100,484 Nov 216,533 (53,113) 163.421 Probation 32,161 34,731 Dec 164,726 (52,990) 111,736 - 14.50/. - $ 671,516 S 626,509 YTDTotal $1,261,687 $(272,152) $ 989,536 $1,000,020 $(262,_788)1$ 737,232 S (252.304) - 25.5% :annual Total $ 2,743,112 S(616,092) $ 2,127,021 n/a n/a n/a n!a n/a Annual Budget n/a n/a 1 830,000 n/a n/a 8311.000 n/a I n/a Court Court revenues are $83K or 11.7% below 2013 year -to -date actuals and $45K or 6.7% below 2014 year -to -date budget. The negative variance is mainly due to decrease in traffic & non - parking infraction, criminal costs, and criminal conviction fees. COURT REVENUE Year- ta-dote thru Ma Month 2013 Actual 2014 nerable /(UnfawratA e) Chan a from 2013 2014 Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % January 117,372 $ 110,308 $ 109,519 $ (7,853 -6.70/9 $ 788 -0.7% February 142,899 134,298 116,497 (26,403 - 18.501. 17502 - 13.3% March 154,689 145,379 129,654 (25,035) -16.2% (15,724) - 10.81/0 April 128,560 120,822 147,229 18,668 14.5% 26 406 21.9% May 134 047 125,9791 93,923 40124 29.9% 32 055 25.4% June 93,418 87,795 -17.0 S ubtotal $ 677,568 S 596,822 $ (80,746) July 138,535 130,196 29,687 (2,474) -7.7 WD Total $ 709,729 August 111,353 104,651 Se tembe 102,806 96,618 October 123,536 116,100 November, 89,825 84,418 December 100,484 94,436, Probation 32,161 34,731 29,687 (2,474) -7.7% (5,044) - 14.50/. S 709,729 $ 671,516 S 626,509 S (83,220 ) - 11.7% S (45,007) % Probation 41,920 45,269 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Annual S 1,511,606 S 1,431000 n/a I n/a n/a n/a n/a COURT REVENUE Year -to date thru Ma 2013 Actual 2014 Actual Pi7vorablel(Unfavorabli Changefrom 2013 $ % Civil Penalties $ 9,160 S 8,400 $ (760) -8.3 Traffic & Non - Parkin 389,301 340,273 (49,028) -12.6 Parking Infractions 17,711 11,326 (6,385) -36.0 DUI & Other M isd 53,512 44,853 (8,659) -16.2 Criminal Traffic Mis 1,602 286 (1,316) -82.2 Criminal Costs 66,815 53,861 (12,953) -19.4 Interest / Other / M is 50,903 56,397 5,494 10.8 Criminal Conv Fees 38,609 26,771 (11,838) -30.7 Shared Court Costs 11,435 22,686 11,251 98.4 Services & Charges 38,520 31,969 (6,552) -17.0 S ubtotal $ 677,568 S 596,822 $ (80,746) -11.9 Probation Services 32,161 29,687 (2,474) -7.7 WD Total $ 709,729 S 626,509 $ (83,220) -11.7 Federal Way Community Center The Federal Way Community Center Fund was established as a special revenue fund supported by user fees and designated utility tax transfer. Federal Way Community Center 2013 2014 YTD Budget vs Actual Favorable /(Unfawrable) Budget Annual Actual YTD Actual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual $ % Be i ning Fund Balance $ 1,197,501 $ 1,197,498 $ 1,197,498 $ 1,597,512 $ 1,597,512 $ 1,597,512 n/a n/a Operating Revenues: Dafly Drop-ins $ 310,000 $ 308,423 $ 140,964 $ 310,000 $ 141,685 $ 154,504 $ 12,819 9.0% Passes 770,000 863,267 360,873 770,000 321,884 346,711 24,827 7.7% City Employee Membership Program 31,000 36,177 19,525 31,000 16,731 16,732 0 0.00/0 Youth Athletic Programs 45,000 42,833 22,441 45,000 23,577 24,294 717 3.0% Aquatics Pro rams - Lessons /Classes 126,000 145,796 59,701 126,000 51,595 60,662 9,067 17.6% Childcare Fees 9,000 7,089 2,974 9,000 3,776 2,894 (882 ) -23.4% Fitness Classes /Fitness Training 105,000 144,242 62,434 105,000 45,449 62,068 16,620 36.6% Towel/equipment Rentals 4,000 3,747 1,879 4,000 2,006 1,600 (406 ) -20.3% Pool Rentals /Co mpetit ive -La Lanes 16,000 18,795 8,736 16,000 7,437 9,508 2,072 27.9% Rentals 195,000 183,985 76,102 195,000 80,658 95,299 14,641 18.2% Merchandise Sales 7,500 10,240 3,551 7,500 2,601 4,503 1,902 73.2% Concessions/Vending - 5,067 534 - - 23,837 23,837 n/a Interest Eamin s /OtherMise - 1,403 1,156 - - 935 935 n/a General Park/Rec - Facility use charge 25,000 25,000 10,415 25,000 10,415 10,416 1 0.00/0 Total Operating Revenues 1,643500 1,796,064 771,287 1,643,500 707,814 813,963 106,149 15.0% Operating Expenditures: Personnel Costs 1,331,807 1,351,549 557,909 1,361,606 562,060 572,010 9,949 -1.8% Su lies 142,500 167,597 66,058 142,500 56,166 77,987 21,821 -38.9% Other Services & Charges 172,500 159,492 42,950 172,500 46,453 42,755 3,697 8.0% Utility Cost 385,000 308,634 114,785 385,000 143,186 104,116 39,071 27.3% Inter ovemmental 20,500 28,612 13,017 20,500 9,327 10,871 (1,544) -16.6% Capital - - - - - n/a Internal Service Charges 116,046 105,526 48,353 115,669 48,195 48,195 0 0.0% Total O ratio Expenditures 2,168,353 2,121,411 843,072 2,197,775 865,388 855,935 9,453 1.1% Revenues Over/ Under Ex nditures 524,853 (325,347 71,785 (554,275 (157,574) 41,972 115,602 -73.4% Recovery Ratio 75.8% 84.7% 91.5% 74.8% 81.8% 95.1% n/a Other Sources • Utility Tax - Reserves 267,944 469,102 - 234,053 - - - n/a Utility Tax -Operations 524,853 325,347 81,363 554,275 157,574 45,115 (112,459) -71.4% Grant /Other Contribution 79,469 79,469 79,469 - n/a Total Other Sources 872,266 8739918 160,832 788,328 157,574 45,115 112,459 -71.4% Other Uses n/a Capital/Use of Reserves /Grants 147,221 148,557 134,876 3,500 3,500 3,143 357 10.2% Bad Debt Expense I - - - n/a Total Other Uses 147,221 148,557 134,876 3,500 3,500 3,143 357 10.2% Net Income 200,192 400,014 45,828 230,553 (3,500 )1 0 1 3,500 - 100.0% Fndin Fund Balance $ 1,397,693 1 $ 1,597,511 $ 1,151,669 $ 1,828,065 $ 1594,012 1 $ 1597512 1 $ 3.500 0.2% The operating revenue budget includes $1.64M in user fees /program revenues, $554K contribution from utility tax for operations, $234K contribution from utility tax for reserves, and $25K use charge from General Fund Recreation for use of the facility. Year -to -date operating revenues total $814K which is $106K or 15.0% above the year -to -date budget. In comparison to 2014's year -to -date budget: • Daily Drop -in revenues are $13K or 9.0% above the projected revenue. This increase is due to above average attendance during weekends, local school winter and spring breaks, and large group visits from neighboring districts. ■ Pass revenues are $25K or 7.7% above the projected revenue. The increase is due to marketing and membership retention efforts and high attendance in group exercise and aquatics programs for families. Strong program offerings are helping bring in new customers and retain current ones; in particular the addition of Group Ride and adjustments to pool hours to better serve families with young children. • Aquatic Programs are $9K or 17.6% above the projected revenue. The increase is due to high enrollment in swim lessons, teen and private swim lessons, and lifeguarding courses. • Fitness Classes are $17K or 36.6% above the projected revenue. The increase is due to high enrollment in Group Training Programs, Biggest Loser Competition and Silver Sneakers. • Rental Revenues are up $15K or 18.2% above the projected revenue. The increase is mainly due to higher than normal 1' quarter bookings for birthday parties, meeting rentals, and special events. Also, more efficient booking and scheduling practices allowed for increased birthday party bookings, and also double bookings for special events. • ConcessionsNending is up $24K compared to 2013 revenue. The increase is due to the success of the new Splash Cafe. Year -to -date operating expenditures total $856K which is $9K or 1.1% below year -to -date budget. Federal Way Community Center has recovered 95.1% of operating expenditures compared to the annual budgeted recovery ratio of 74.8 %. In comparison to 2014's year -to -date budget: ■ Personnel Costs increased by $10K or 1.8 %. The increase is due to increase instructor hours in fitness and aquatics to accommodate increase 1' quarter demand. Expenses to add swim lesson instructors and group exercise instructors are offset by increased revenues in pass revenues and aquatic programs. ■ Supplies are $22K or 38.9% higher than projected, due to a few substantial pool system repairs and part replacements, and increased cleaning and service supplies needed when the facility is busier than normal. Additional supply costs are also due to the opening of the Splash Cafe in February 2014. • Other Services & Charges are $4K or 8.0% below the projected spending due to facility staff performing in -house repairs with supplies versus hiring contracted service providers. ■ Utility Costs are $39K or 27.3% below the projected spending due to Facility staffing efforts to improve energy efficiencies in the building. Also we are behind by one payment compared to 2013. The annual City's utility tax contribution of $788K for the Community Center is scheduled to provide $554K for operations and $234K for capital reserves. Year -to -date only $45K is needed to cover maintenance and operations compared to $72K needed this time last year. The utility tax contribution of $45K is $32K above the contribution needed year -to -date in April 2014. The chart below provides a history of year -to -date revenues, expenditures and utility tax operating subsidy. FWCC Finance Performance Year -To Date May $1,800 r $1,600 N $1,400 C $1,200 0 $1,000 IE S $800 — rn $600 — $400 -- $200 YTD 2010 YTD 2011 YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD 2014 • Rev $692 $694 $731 $771 $814 • Exp $779 $820 $836 $843 $931 $1,152 $105 $72 $859 $1,598 1 $45 • Ending Fund Bal $328 $778 ■ Operating Subsidy, $88 $126 Dumas Bay Centre Dumas Bay Centre Fund year -to -date revenue of $273K is $1K or 0.1% below year -to -date budget but $5K or 2.0% above year -to- date 2013. The increase in revenue compared to 2013 year -to -date is due to an increase in the number of overnight guests booked in the facility for some retreats compared to 2013. Year -to -date operating expenses total $281K, which is $10K or 3.6% above year -to -date budget of $271K. Expenses are above by $29K compared to 2013 year -to -date due to change in staffing in the kitchen operation and termination pay for the previous chef. Ending fund balance for Dumas Bay Centre Fund is a positive $315K, of which $122K is earmarked for repairs and maintenance. Dumas Bay Centre Fund Year - to-date thru May 2013 2014 YTD Budget vs Actual Budget Ann at Actuual YTD Actual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Fawrable /(Unfawrable) $ % -Beginning Fund Balance S 138,698 S 138,698 S 138,698 S 212,979 S 212,979 S 212,979 n/a n/a Operating Revenues: 220,000 2009 SCORF/Special Obligation Bond Jan 01, 39 14,334,400 331,500 581,856 14,002,900 PWTL - Kitts Comer Drain Imp In -House Food Services 272,000 253,728 109,442 275,000 118,617 116,784 1,833 -1.5% Dumas Bay Retreat Center 356,251 369,151 159,330 360,251 155,489 156,527 1,038 0.7% Knutzen Family Theatre - - - - - - - n/a Total Operating Revenues 628,251 622,879 268,772 635,251 274,106 273,311 (796) -0.1% Operating Expens es: In -House Food Services 238,559 212,165 80,417 243,432 92,268 95,783 3,514 -3.8% Dumas Bay Retreat Center 355,410 349,249 146,694 362,552 152,281 154,402 (2,121) -1.4% Knutzen Famil Theatre 85,080 77,638 24,077 85,080 26,385 30,595 4,210 -16.0% Total O ratio Expenses 679,049 639,053 251,188 691,065 270,935 280,780 9,845 -3.6% Revenues Over /(Under) Expenses (50,798) (16,174) 17,584 55,814 3,172 7,469 10,641 - 335.5% Recover Ratio 92.5 % 997.47% 107.00% 91.92% 101.17% 97.34% n/a n/a Transfer In Gen Fund - Pump Station - - - - - - n/a Transfer In Gen Fund - Pump Station M &O 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 0.0% Transfer In Utility Tax 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 0.0% Total Other Sources 116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 - n/a Marketing Study & Inplementation - - - n/a Pump Station M &O 8,000 4,000 - n/a Repairs & Maintenance 134,697 25,544 17,044 109,153 6,949 6,949 0.0% Total Other Uses 142,697 25,544 17,044 113,153 6,949 6,949 n/a Net Income (77,495 74,282 116,540 52,967 112,223 101,582 (10,641 -9.5% Endo Fund Balance $ 61,203 $ 212,979 $ 255,238 $ 160,012 $ 325,202 $ 314,561 $ (10,641) -3.3% Debt for City of Federal Way The current balance at 1/1/2014 of City of Federal Way debt in the table below is $27.7M. The current year payments will reduce the principle amount by $1.2M leaving a principal balance of $26.5M. For 2013, the City of Federal Way's Assessed Valuation was $7.33 billion putting the Councilmanic debt capacity at $110 million. The outstanding debt balance at 12/31/2013 was $27.01 million ($0.66 million not included, because these are Public Works Trust Fund Loans, and not part of computation for indebtedness). The Councilmanic excess capacity is $83 million plus the cash on hand to service the debt. The City of Federal Way may increase its General Obligation Debt above the councilmanic 1.5% limit to 2.5% by the 3/5 vote of its citizens. DEBT BALANCE AND PAYMENTS Description Maturi ate Principle 12/31/2013 2014 Principal Payments 2014 Interest Payments Principle 12/31/2014 2013 Refund Ltd /Community Center Dec 01, 33 12,250,000 445,000 364,673 11,805,000 2010 Limited /Valley Come PDA Dec 01, 15 432,000 212,000 17,280 220,000 2009 SCORF/Special Obligation Bond Jan 01, 39 14,334,400 331,500 581,856 14,002,900 PWTL - Kitts Comer Drain Imp Jul 01, 14 86,239 86,239 862 - PWTL - SeaTac Mall Drain Imp Jul 01, 19 576,719 %,121 5,767 480,598 City of Federal Way Debt 27,679,358 1,170,860 970,438 26,508,498 For 2013, the City of Federal Way's Assessed Valuation was $7.33 billion putting the Councilmanic debt capacity at $110 million. The outstanding debt balance at 12/31/2013 was $27.01 million ($0.66 million not included, because these are Public Works Trust Fund Loans, and not part of computation for indebtedness). The Councilmanic excess capacity is $83 million plus the cash on hand to service the debt. The City of Federal Way may increase its General Obligation Debt above the councilmanic 1.5% limit to 2.5% by the 3/5 vote of its citizens. FUND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Fund # /Fund Name Begin Balance 5/1/2014 YTD Revenue YTD Fxpenditure YTD Net Income /(loss) Fnding Balance 5/31/2014 001 /101 General /Street Fund $ 16,240,294 $ 19,595,024 $ 19,372,140 $ 222,884 $ 16,463,178 201 Debt Service Fund 5,248,336 826,777 1,240,813 (414,036) 4,834,300 Special Revenue Funds: 102 Arterial Street 159,531 194,851 127,300 67,551 227,082 103 Utility Tax( *) 3,667,540 5,288,297 2,957,319 2,330,978 5,998,518 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 211,761 129,223 171,992 (42,770) 168,992 107 Special Contracts /Studies Fund 357,019 81,072 11,983 69,089 426,108 109 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 227,034 74,284 18,429 55,855 282,889 110 2% for the Arts 293 - - - 293 111 Federal Way Community Center 1,597,512 859,078 859,077 0 1,597,512 112 Traffic Safety Fund 2,804,483 738,453 18,088 720,365 3,524,848 119 CDBG 40,718 152,595 189,131 (36,537) 4,181 120 Path & Trails 162,439 21,446 - 21,446 183,885 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 9,2289330 7,539,298 4,353,319 39185,978 12,414,309 Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 2,962,522 537,883 748 537,135 3,499,656 302 Municipal Facilities 682,442 257 55,884 (55,627) 626,815 303 Parks 2,433,496 454,112 500,441 (46,329) 2,387,168 304 Surface Water Management 2,402,742 8,129 106,293 (98,164) 2,304,578 306 Transportation 13,194,855 2,902,725 2,274,601 628,124 13,822,979 Subtotal Capital Project Funds 21,676,057 3,903,105 2,937,967 965,139 22,641,196 Enterprise Funds: 401 Surface Water Management 3,941,067 1,845,481 1,164,641 680,840 4,621,907 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 212,979 389,311 287,729 101,582 314,561 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 49154,047 29234,791 19452,370 7829422 4,936,468 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 5,644,490 2,555,800 1,849,230 706,571 6,351,061 502 Information Systems 3,792,955 886,980 853,102 33,878 3,826,833 503 Mail & Duplication 214,523 62,183 31,739 30,444 244,967 504 Fleet & Equipment 6,010,333 824,671 331,195 493,476 6,503,809 505 Buildings & Furnishings 1,710,731 220,896 148,231 72,665 1,783,395 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 17,373,032 4,550,530 3,213,496 1,337,034 18,710,066 Total All Funds $ 73,920,096 1 $ 38,649,526 1 $ 32,570,105 1 $ 6,079,420 $ 79,999,516 * Utility Tax endingfund balance of$5,998,518 includes $1,015,675 reserved for Prop 1. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM #: . CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City enter into an Interlocal Agreement for purposes of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: June 24, 2014 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Jeffrey D. Watson, Community Services Manager DEPT:. CD ...... _....:._ ....... _ ... _........._.._._...._..._.._ .............. ....... ............. ........ � Attachments: Exhibit A: HOME Investment Partnerships Program — Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for 2015 -2017 (Final) Exhibit B: HOME Investment Partnerships Program — Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for 2015 -2017 (New language in bold font) Exhibit C: Letter from King County regarding the HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, requesting the continuing participation in the King County HOME Consortium and the Regional Affordable Housing Program (RAHP) Consortium. Background: This bill considers renewal of a modified Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (ILA) to participate in -the King County Consortium for the administration of Federal and local funds for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). HOME provides formula grants to State and local agencies to build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership, or provide direct rental assistance to low- income people. HOME is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). King County is the unit of general local government for purposes of HOME. King County partners and forms a consortium with cities and towns in King County, outside of the City of Seattle, for the HUD administered HOME program. This agreement is for cities that do not qualify to receive HOME Program funds independently. These cities participate only in the HOME Consortium, and are referred to as HOME -only cities. The City's direct participation in the Consortium includes membership on the inte&risdictional Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC). The JRC is composed of city and county representatives, is advisory to the King County Executive, and reviews and recommends specific projects, as well as program guidelines for programs to be undertaken with HOME. The Consortium is administered via three -year agreements that coincide with the three -year CDBG and HOME urban county qualification period established by HUD. The modified ILA is for renewal of the agreement adopted by Council in August 2011, for the period 2012 -2014. The proposed agreement will be in place for the qualification period of 2015 -2017. The modifications to the current ILA incorporate technical language required by HUD that must be added to the King County HOME Consortium Agreement. This language is beneficial to the Consortium in that it will allow King County to make amendments for technical HUD requirements without all of the participating cities needing to get council approval and re -sign the HOME Agreement in the future. Amendments by King County will only be allowed for HUD- required technical changes and not for other amendments that the City(s) and County may negotiate. In addition, the modified ILA adds a new member, the City of Kirkland, to the HOME Consortium for the 2015 -2017 period of qualification. Not renewing the agreement would mean the City would not be eligible for use of King County Consortium HOME funds, would not participate in the JRC, limiting our ability to influence and encourage the use of housing and community development resources for City residents, and put the City in the position of competing for State HOME funds. Staff recommends renewal of the modified agreement for participation in the King County Consortium. This is an efficient and effective access to the distribution of Federal housing and community development funds for the benefit of the City and surrounding areas low- and moderate - income households. Options Considered: Option 1: Renew the HOME Investment Partnerships Program — Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for 2015- 2017 Option 2: Do not renew the HOME Investment Partnerships Program — Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for 2015 -2017 ............ ............ .................... _ ........................... _ .............. _ ....................... ................................... _ .................. _ .................................... ___ _._._ ......................................... . MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATywI Approve Option,, /;41 MAYOR APPROVAL: CHIEF OF STAFF: InitiaUDate d,141, DIRECTOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward Option 1 to the July 1, 2014 consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair uomminee iviemoer %_0H11mucG IVIUMUcr PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the Home Investment Partnerships Program — Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with King County, effective January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017, and authorize the Mayor to sign said agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # Attachment A HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between King County, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of Federal Way hereinafter referred to as the "City," said parties to the Agreement each being a unit of general local government of the State of Washington. RECITALS WHEREAS, King County is an urban county, as defined by 24 CFR 92.2 and 24 CFR 570.3; and WHEREAS, a unit of general local government that is located within in an urban county may be part of a HOME consortium only through the urban county; and WHEREAS, the City and King County agree that it is mutually desirable and beneficial to enter into a consortium arrangement for purposes of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, hereinafter referred to as "HOME Program "; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING CIRCUMSTANCES, AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED HEREIN, IT IS AGREED THAT: 1. This Agreement is made pursuant to the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, 42 USC § 12701 et. seq. (the "Act ") and RCW 39.34, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. 2. The City and the County agree to cooperate to undertake or assist in undertaking HOME Program housing assistance activities which are eligible under 24 CFR Part 92. 3. The County is hereby authorized to act as the representative member on behalf of the Consortium for the purposes of the HOME Program. The County as the applicant, grantee and lead entity for the HOME Program funds has responsibility for and assumes all obligations in executing the HOME Program, including the ability to adopt amendments to this Agreement for the purpose of adding new members on behalf of the HOME Consortium and for the purpose of incorporating changes necessary to meet U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements for consortium agreements under the applicable HUD notice of procedures for designation of a consortium as a participating jurisdiction for HOME; final responsibility for selecting and executing activities; ensuring compliance with federal requirements and submitting to HUD the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan (Consolidated Plan), Annual Action Plans, and related plans and reports, including the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and the Fair Housing Action Plan. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as an abdication of those responsibilities and obligations. The City agrees to cooperate fully with the County in the development and preparation of the Consolidated Plan and related plans, and to prepare and provide those elements specifically pertaining to the City. HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment A 4. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the period necessary to plan and carry out all activities that will be funded from HOME funds awarded for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 federal fiscal years, the three -year qualification period that coincides with the Agreement for the Distribution and Administration of the King County Consortium's Community Development Block Grant, or until the County's designation as a participating HOME jurisdiction or an urban county is rescinded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, whichever is shorter. 5. This Agreement will be automatically renewed for participation in successive qualification periods of three federal fiscal years each. No later than the date specified by HUD's consortia designation notice or HOME Consortia web page, King County shall notify each HOME consortium member in writing of its right to elect not to participate in the Consortium for the next qualification period, and King County will send copies of those written notices to the HUD local field office by the date specified in the qualification notice. Unless the County or the City provides written notice it wishes to amend the Agreement, or elects not to participate in the new qualification period in writing to both King County and the HUD local field office by the date set forth in the HUD qualification notice applicable to subsequent three -year qualification periods, this Agreement shall automatically renew. Before the beginning of each new qualification period, King County shall submit to HUD a statement of whether or not any amendments have been made to this Agreement, a copy of each amendment, and if the Consortium's membership has changed, the state certification required under 24 CFR, Section 92. 101 (a)(2)(i). This automatic renewal provision will be void if King County fails to submit a copy of each amendment to this Agreement as required under this automatic renewal provision. 6. The City and the County agree to adopt any amendments to this Agreement other than the incorporation of changes necessary to meet the requirements for cooperation agreements set forth in the applicable HUD HOME consortia qualification notice for a subsequent three -year qualification period, which King County as the lead entity shall act upon pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement. King County shall submit any other amendments that have been adopted by the City and County to the HUD local field office by the applicable deadline. 7. During the term of this Agreement, neither the County nor the City may withdraw from participation from their respective obligations under this Agreement. 8. By executing the HOME Agreement, the City understands that it may not participate in a HOME consortium except through the County, regardless of whether the County receives a HOME formula allocation. 9. This Agreement shall be executed in three counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, by the chief executive officers of the County and the City, pursuant to the authority granted them by their respective governing bodies. One of the signed Agreements shall be filed by the County with the Region X office of HUD, one shall be filed with the City and one shall be filed with the County. Prior to its taking effect, the fully executed Agreement shall be filed with the County Auditor, or, alternatively, listed by subject on a public agency's web site or other electronically retrievable public source. 10. The parties to this Agreement hereby agree to affirmatively further fair housing and to ensure that no HOME funds are expended for activities that do not affirmatively further fair housing HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment A within the boundaries of their jurisdiction or for activities that impede the County's actions to comply with its fair housing certification. For purposes of this section, "affirmatively furthering fair housing" includes participation in the process of developing an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and a Fair Housing Action Plan. While King County has the primary responsibility for the development of these reports to HUD pursuant. to Section 3 of this Agreement, upon request, the City shall provide assistance to the County in preparing such reports. 11. Joint Recommendations Committee Composition. An inter jurisdictional Joint Recommendations Committee ( "JRC ") shall be established through the 2015 — 2017 Consortium Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. The JRC shall be composed of three county representatives and eight cities' representatives. The three county representatives shall be King County Executive staff with broad policy responsibilities and/or department directors. County representatives shall be specified in writing and, where possible, shall be consistently the same persons from meeting to meeting. Four of the cities' representatives shall be from non - entitlement consortium cities' signing the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, two from each sub - region, as appointed by Sound Cities Association. The remaining four cities' representatives shall be from cities that qualify to receive CDBG funds directly from HUD, but are signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement with King County; or receive their own CDBG grant directly from HUD and signing a HOME Program -only Agreement with King County. These latter four representatives shall have no vote on matters specific to the jurisdictions of the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program. Two of the eight cities' representatives shall be rotated among the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities, and two of the eight cities' representatives shall be rotated among the cities signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement. Those four representatives will vote on issues affecting HOME Program Agreement Cities that are specific to this Agreement. For the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities' rotating positions, the HOME Program Agreement Cities will notify the County by the end of the second week in February of each year, who the two HOME Program -only Agreement City representatives will be for that year. The chairperson and vice - chairperson of the JRC shall be chosen from among the members of the JRC by a majority vote of the members for a term of one year beginning with the first meeting of the calendar year. Attendance of five members shall constitute a quorum. 12. JRC Appointments. The King County Executive shall appoint the three county representatives. The participating cities of the King County Consortium Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the Community Development Block Grant Program shall provide for the appointment of their shared representatives in a manner to be determined by those cities through the Suburban Cities Association or other agreed -upon mechanism for the HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment A execution of shared appointing authority. The Suburban Cities Association or other agreed mechanism will select four jurisdictions of varying size from among those signing this agreement, two from the north/east sub - region and two from the south sub - region. The cities' representatives shall be elected officials, chief administrative officers, or persons who report directly to the chief administrative officer and who have broad policy responsibilities; e.g., planning directors, department directors, etc. Members of the JRC shall serve for two years, or at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities. 13. Powers and Duties of the JRC. The JRC shall be empowered to: a. Review and recommend to the King County Executive all policy matters concerning the King County CDBG Consortium and HOME Program Consortium, including but not limited to the Consolidated Plan and related plans and policies. b. Review and recommend to the King County Executive the projects and programs to be undertaken with King County CDBG Consortium funds and HOME Program Consortium funds, including the Administrative Set - aside. c. Monitor and ensure that all geographic areas and participating jurisdictions benefit fairly from King County CDBG Consortium and HOME Program Consortium funded activities over the three -year agreement period, so far as is feasible and within the goals and objectives of the Consolidated Plan. 14. Advisory Committees to the JRC. In fulfilling its duty to review and recommend projects and programs to be undertaken with HOME Program funds, the JRC shall consider the advice of inter jurisdictional advisory committees. Sub - regional advisory committees, made up of one representative from each participating jurisdiction in a sub - region that wishes to participate, shall be convened to assist in the review and recommendation of projects and programs to be undertaken in that sub - region. The JRC may also solicit recommendations from other inter - jurisdictional housing and community development committees. 15. The City shall assist the County in developing the Consortium's HOME Program by participating in development of the Consolidated Plan to accommodate both the collective and individual housing objectives contained within local comprehensive plans or other adopted .plans of the City and the County. 16. The City and County shall each assign a staff person to serve as the primary contact for the administration of this Agreement. The assigned contact person is responsible for communicating relevant information to their respective jurisdiction. 17. This Agreement applies to the Consortium's acceptance of other federal housing - related funds which may be allocated by formula to the Consortium. Allocation decisions for these funds will be subject to policies and procedures developed by the advisory committees to the JRC and adopted by the JRC. HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment A 18. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action based on any provision of this Agreement. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CITY OF FEDERAL WAY for King County Executive By: Signature Adrienne Quinn Jim Ferrell Printed Name Printed Name Director, Department of Community and Human Services Title Mayor Title Date Date Approved as to Form: Approved as to Form: OFFICE OF THE KING COUNTY CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY Amy Jo Pearsall City Attorney ATTEST: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Carol McNeilly City Clerk HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment B HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between King County, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of hereinafter referred to as the "City," said parties to the Agreement each being a unit of general local government of the State of Washington. RECITALS WHEREAS, King County is an urban county, as defined by 24 CFR 92.2 and 24 CFR 570.3; and WHEREAS, a unit of general local government that is located within in an urban county may be part of a HOME consortium only through the urban county; and WHEREAS, the City and King County agree that it is mutually desirable and beneficial to enter into a consortium arrangement for purposes of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, hereinafter referred to as "HOME Program "; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING CIRCUMSTANCES, AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED HEREIN, IT IS AGREED THAT: 1. This Agreement is made pursuant to the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, 42 USC § 12701 et. seq. (the "Act ") and RCW 39.34, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. 2. The City and the County agree to cooperate to undertake or assist in undertaking HOME Program housing assistance activities which are eligible under 24 CFR Part 92. 3. The County is hereby authorized to act as the representative member on behalf of the Consortium for the purposes of the HOME Program. The County as the applicant, grantee and lead entity for the HOME Program funds has responsibility for and assumes all obligations in the executing the HOME Program, including the ability to adopt amendments to this Agreement for the purpose of adding new members on behalf of the HOME Consortium and for the purpose of incorporating changes necessary to meet U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements for consortium agreements under the applicable HUD notice of procedures for designation of consortia as a participating jurisdiction for HOME; final responsibility for selecting and executing activities; ensuring compliance with federal requirements and submitting to HUD the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan (Consolidated Plan), Annual Action Plans, and related plans and reports, including the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and the Fair Housing Action Plan. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as an abdication of those responsibilities and obligations. HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment B The City agrees to cooperate fully with the County in the development and preparation of the Consolidated Plan and related plans, and to prepare and provide those elements specifically pertaining to the City. 4. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the period necessary to plan and carry out all activities that will be funded from HOME funds awarded for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 federal fiscal years, the three -year qualification period that coincides with the Agreement for the Distribution and Administration of the King County Consortium's Community Development Block Grant, or until the County's designation as a participating HOME jurisdiction or an urban county is rescinded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, whichever is shorter. 5. This Agreement will be automatically renewed for participation in successive qualification periods of three federal fiscal years each. No later than the date specified by HUD's consortia designation notice or HOME Consortia web page, King County shall notify each HOME consortium member in writing of its right to decide not to participate in the Consortium for the next qualification period, and King County will send copies of those written notices to the HUD local field office by the date specified in the qualification notice. Unless the County or the City provides written notice it wishes to amend the Agreement, or elects not to participate in the new qualification period in writing to both King County and the HUD local field office by the date set forth in the HUD qualification notice applicable to subsequent three -year qualification periods, this Agreement shall automatically renew. Before the beginning of each new qualification period, King County shall submit to HUD a statement of whether or not any amendments have been made to this Agreement, a copy of each amendment, and if the Consortium's membership has changed, the state certification required under 24 CFR, Section 92.101(a)(2)(i). This automatic renewal provision will be void if King County fails to submit a copy of each amendment to this Agreement as required under this automatic renewal provision. 6. The City and the County agree to adopt any amendments to this Agreement other than the incorporation of changes necessary to meet the requirements for cooperation agreements set forth in the applicable HUD HOME consortia qualification notice for a subsequent three -year qualification period, which King County as the lead entity shall act upon pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement. King County shall submit any other amendments that have been adopted by the City and County to the HUD local field office by the applicable deadline. 7. During the term of this Agreement, neither the County nor the City may withdraw from participation from their respective obligations under this Agreement. 8. By executing the HOME Agreement, the City understands that it may not participate in a HOME consortium except through the County, regardless of whether the County receives a HOME formula allocation. 9. This Agreement shall be executed in three counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, by the chief executive officers of the County and the City, pursuant to the authority granted them by their respective governing bodies. One of the signed Agreements shall be filed by the County with the Region X office of HUD, one shall be filed with the City and HOME ]nterlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment B one shall be filed with the County. Prior to its taking effect, the fully executed Agreement shall be filed with the County Auditor, or, alternatively, listed by subject on a public agency's web site or other electronically retrievable public source. 10. The parties to this Agreement hereby agree to affirmatively further fair housing and to ensure that no HOME funds are expended for activities that do not affirmatively further fair housing within the boundaries of their jurisdiction or for activities that impede the County's actions to comply with its fair housing certification. For purposes of this section, "affirmatively furthering fair housing" includes participation in the process of developing an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and a Fair Housing Action Plan. While King County has the primary responsibility for the development of these reports to HUD pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement, upon request, the City shall provide assistance to the County in preparing such reports. 11. Joint Recommendations Committee Composition. An inter - jurisdictional Joint Recommendations Committee ( "JRC ") shall be established through the 2015 — 2017 Consortium Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. The JRC shall be composed of three county representatives and eight cities representatives. The three county representatives shall be King County Executive staff with broad policy responsibilities and /or department directors. County representatives shall be specified in writing and, where possible, shall be consistently the same persons from meeting to meeting. Four of the cities representatives shall be from non - entitlement consortium cities signing the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, two from each sub - region, as appointed by Sound Cities Association. The remaining four cities representatives shall be from cities that qualify to receive CDBG funds directly from HUD, but are signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement with King County; or receive their own CDBG grant directly from HUD and signing a HOME Program -only Agreement with King County. These latter four representatives shall have no vote on matters specific to the jurisdictions of the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program. Two of the eight cities representatives shall be rotated among the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities, and two of the eight cities representatives shall be rotated among the cities signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement. Those four representatives will vote on issues affecting HOME Program Agreement Cities that are specific to this Agreement. For the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities' rotating positions, the HOME Program Agreement Cities will notify the County by the end of the second week in February of each year, who the two HOME Program -only Agreement City representatives will be for that year. The chairperson and vice - chairperson of the JRC shall be chosen from among the members of the JRC by a majority vote of the members for a term of one year beginning with the first meeting of the calendar year. Attendance of five members shall constitute a quorum. HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment B 12. JRC Appointments. The King County Executive shall appoint the three county representatives. The participating cities of the King County Consortium Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the Community Development Block Grant Program shall provide for the appointment of their shared representatives in a manner to be determined by those cities through the Suburban Cities Association or other agreed -upon mechanism for the execution of shared appointing authority. The Suburban Cities Association or other agreed mechanism will select four jurisdictions of varying size from among those signing this agreement, two from the north/east sub - region and two from the south sub - region. The cities representatives shall be elected officials, chief administrative officers, or persons who report directly to the chief administrative officer and who have broad policy responsibilities; e.g., planning directors, department directors, etc. Members of the JRC shall serve for two years, or at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities. 13. Powers and Duties of the JRC. The JRC shall be empowered to: a. Review and recommend to the King County Executive all policy matters concerning the King County CDBG Consortium and HOME Program Consortium, including but not limited to the Consolidated Plan and related plans and policies. b. Review and recommend to the King County Executive the projects and programs to be undertaken with King County CDBG Consortium funds and HOME Program Consortium funds, including the Administrative Set - aside. c. Monitor and ensure that all geographic areas and participating jurisdictions benefit fairly from King County CDBG Consortium and HOME Program Consortium funded activities over the three -year agreement period, so far as is feasible and within the goals and objectives of the Consolidated Plan. 14. Advisory Committees to the JRC. In fulfilling its duty to review and recommend projects and programs to be undertaken with HOME Program funds, the JRC shall consider the advice of inter - jurisdictional advisory committees. Sub - regional advisory committees, made up of one representative from each participating jurisdiction in a sub - region that wishes to participate, shall be convened to assist in the review and recommendation of projects and programs to be undertaken in that sub - region. The JRC may also solicit recommendations from other inter - jurisdictional housing and community development committees. 15. The City shall assist the County in developing the Consortium's HOME Program by participating in development of the Consolidated Plan to accommodate both the collective and individual housing objectives contained within local comprehensive plans or other adopted plans of the City and the County. 16. The City and County shall each assign a staff person to serve as the primary contact for the administration of this Agreement. The assigned contact person is responsible for communicating relevant information to their respective jurisdiction. 17. This Agreement applies to the Consortium's acceptance of other federal housing - related funds which may be allocated by formula to the Consortium. Allocation decisions for these funds will be subject to policies and procedures developed by the advisory committees to the JRC and adopted by the JRC. HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 Attachment B 18. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action based on any provision of this Agreement. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON for King County Executive Adrienne Quinn Printed Name Director, Department of Community and Human Services Title Date Approved as to Form: OFFICE OF THE KING COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CITY OF By: Signature Printed Name Title Date Approved as to Form: CITY OF CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney ATTEST: CITY OF City Clerk HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 LIM King County Community Services Division Housing and Community Development Department of Community and Human Services 401 5i° Avenue, Suite 510 Seattle, WA 98104 206- 263 -9062 FAX: 206 - 296 -0229 TTY Relay: 711 The Honorable Jim Ferrell, Mayor City of Federal Way 33325 -8th Avenue S Federal Way, WA 98003 Dear Mayor Ferrell: H,XY1i_j MAY 202014 Ci'.y Ciern's of ice Ciityt oM fFederal W a L� a May 14, 2014 I am writing to you regarding the continuing participation of your city in the King County HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Consortium and the Regional Affordable Housing Program (RAHP) Consortium. King County Code, Title 24, Chapter 13 (KCC 24.13) sets out the framework for King County to enter into consortia relationships through interlocal cooperation agreements to partner in the distribution and administration of funds made available through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and affordable housing funds established in Section 36.22.178 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Pursuant to KCC 24.13, it is the policy of King County to partner and form urban county consortia with the cities and towns in King County outside the City of Seattlei'l for the HUD- administered HOME program. King County also partners with all cities and towns in King County for RAHP document recording surcharge fee funds for affordable housing, governed by RCW 36.22.178, which requires the County to enter interlocal agreements. The King County Housing and Community Development Program administers the HOME and RAHP Consortia funds on behalf of the participating city members, and staffs the interjurisdictional Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC) of the consortia. The JRC reviews and recommends policy matters and project selections concerning consortia funds to the King County Executive. HOME Consortium Agreement As a city that receives CDBG funds directly from HUD, and a prior signatory to the HOME Consortium Agreement for the 2012 -2014 period of qualification, your city is eligible to continue participating in the King County HOME Consortium through a new Agreement for the 2015 -2017 period of qualification. Ill As a large metropolitan city, Seattle receives an independent allocation of CDBG, ESG and HOME Program funds directly from HUD. Jim Ferrell, Mayor May 14, 2014 Page 2 of 3 In reviewing HUD's most recent "Notice of Procedures for Designation of Consortia as a Participating Jurisdiction for the HOME Program" with our attorney, King County has discovered that there is some technical language required by HUD that must be added to the King County HOME Consortium Agreement. This language is beneficial to the Consortium in that it will allow King County to make amendments for technical HUD requirements without all of the participating cities needing to get council approval and re -sign the HOME Agreement in the future. Amendments by King County will only be allowed for HUD- required technical changes and not for other amendments that the City(s) and County may negotiate. In addition, we are adding a new member, the City of Kirkland, to the HOME Consortium for the 2015- 2017 period of qualification. Kirkland is eligible to become a Joint Agreement City or a separate entitlement, and is electing to become a Joint Agreement city and to join the HOME Consortium with that new status. As a unit of general local government eligible for continuing participation in the HOME Urban County Consortia, we must inform you that if your city chooses to remain with the King County HOME Consortium, your city will participate in the HOME program as a part of the King County HOME Consortium, and may only have access to the Consortium's HOME formula grant amount. This does not preclude the Consortium or a unit of government participating in the Consortium from applying for HOME funds from the state, if the state were to allow such an application. Benefits of Continuing Participation articipation in the King County HOME Consortium • Your city, and affordable housing developers serving your city, may apply for HOME funds to help meet locally identified affordable housing needs, including affordable rental housing and first -time homeownership programs. • Your city, and affordable housing developers serving your city, may apply for HOME funds to support the rehabilitation and preservation of affordable housing in your jurisdiction. • Your city can participate in the city/county staff work group that develops recommendations for the inter jurisdictional JRC on specific projects to receive HOME funds, as well as program guidelines. RAHP Agreement The RAHP Agreement governs the administration of funds for housing affordable to households at or below 50 percent of AMI throughout King County. The RAHP Agreement has an automatic renewal clause that allows it to renew for subsequent three -year periods, and is renewing without changes for the 2015 -2017 period. Your city signed a RAHP Agreement for the 2012 -2014 period, thus your agreement will automatically renew and you do not have to take any further action. The RAHP Guidelines are updated through the JRC as needed, and will be updated during 2014. Staff from your city is invited to attend the meetings this spring that will culminate in JRC recommendations. Jim Ferrell, Mayor May 14, 2014 Page 3 of 3 HOME Agreement Next_Steys If your city desires to continue to participate in the King County HOME Consortium, your city must sign the enclosed HOME Agreement for the 2015 -2017 period of qualification, which has been revised to include the HUD- required technical elements, and is included in this packet as Attachment A. If your city does not desire to continue participation in the King County HOME Consortium for 2015- 2017, you must notify both HUD and King County in writing, at the addresses below, no later than June 13, 2014. A decision to be excluded from participation in the consortia would be effective for the entire three -year period of 2015 -2017, unless your city were to specifically request to be included in a subsequent year for the remainder of the three -year period. Your letters indicating that your city does not desire to continue participating in the King County HOME Consortium must be mailed to both King County and HUD at the following addresses: King County King County Housing and Community Development Program ATTN: Cheryl Markham, Program Manager 401 Fifth Avenue, Suite 510 Seattle, WA 98104 -1818 HUD John W. Peters, Director Office of Community Planning and Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 909 First Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 -1000 We look forward to your continued participation in the King County Consortia, and thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Cheryl Markham Program Manager CM:cm Enclosures Attachment A King County Consortia lnterlocal Cooperation Agreements 2015 -2017 HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between King County, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of hereinafter referred to as the "City," said parties to the Agreement each being a unit of general local government of the State of Washington. RECITALS WHEREAS, King County is an urban county, as defined by 24 CFR 92.2 and 24 CFR 570.3; and WHEREAS, a unit of general local government that is located within in an urban county may be part of a HOME consortium only through the urban county; and WHEREAS, the City and King County agree that it is mutually desirable and beneficial to enter into a consortium arrangement for purposes of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, hereinafter referred to as "HOME Program "; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING CIRCUMSTANCES, AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED HEREIN, IT IS AGREED THAT: 1. This Agreement is made pursuant to the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, 42 USC § 12701 et. seq. (the "Act ") and RCW 39.34, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. 2. The City and the County agree to cooperate to undertake or assist in undertaking HOME Program housing assistance activities which are eligible under 24 CFR Part 92. 3. The County is hereby authorized to act as the representative member on behalf of the Consortium for the purposes of the HOME Program. The County as the applicant, grantee and lead entity for the HOME Program funds has responsibility for and assumes all obligations in the executing the HOME Program, including the ability to adopt amendments to this Agreement for the purpose of adding new members on behalf of the HOME Consortium and for the purpose of incorporating changes necessary to meet U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements for consortium agreements under the applicable HUD notice of procedures for designation of consortia as a participating jurisdiction for HOME; final responsibility for selecting and executing activities; ensuring compliance with federal requirements and submitting to HUD the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan (Consolidated Plan), Annual Action Plans, and related plans and reports, including the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and the Fair Housing Action Plan. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as an abdication of those responsibilities and obligations. HOME lnterlocal Agreement 2015-2017 shall be filed with the County Auditor, or, alternatively, listed by subject on a public agency's web site or other electronically retrievable public source. 10. The parties to this Agreement hereby agree to affirmatively further fair housing and to ensure that no HOME funds are expended for activities that do not affirmatively further fair housing within the boundaries of their jurisdiction or for activities that impede the County's actions to comply with its fair housing certification. For purposes of this section, "affirmatively furthering fair housing" includes participation in the process of developing an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and a Fair Housing Action Plan. While King County has the primary responsibility for the development of these reports to HUD pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement, upon request, the City shall provide assistance to the County in preparing such reports. 11. Joint Recommendations Committee Composition. An inter jurisdictional Joint Recommendations Committee ( "JRC') shall be established through the 2015 — 2017 Consortium Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. The JRC shall be composed of three county representatives and eight cities representatives. The three county representatives shall be King County Executive staff with broad policy responsibilities and/or department directors. County representatives shall be specified in writing and, where possible, shall be consistently the same persons from meeting to meeting. Four of the cities representatives shall be from non - entitlement consortium cities signing the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, two from each sub - region, as appointed by Sound Cities Association. The remaining four cities representatives shall be from cities that qualify to receive CDBG funds directly from HUD, but are signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement with King County; or receive their own CDBG grant directly from HUD and signing a HOME Program -only Agreement with King County. These latter four representatives shall have no vote on matters specific to the jurisdictions of the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program. Two of the eight cities representatives shall be rotated among the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities, and two of the eight cities representatives shall be rotated among the cities signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement. Those four representatives will vote on issues affecting HOME Program Agreement Cities that are specific to this Agreement. For the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities' rotating positions, the HOME Program Agreement Cities will notify the County by the end of the second week in February of each year, who the two HOME Program -only Agreement City representatives will be for that year. The chairperson and vice - chairperson of the JRC shall be chosen from among the members of the JRC by a majority vote of the members for a term of one year beginning with the first meeting of the calendar year. Attendance of five members shall constitute a quorum. HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 i 18. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action based on any provision of this Agreement. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CITY OF for King County Executive Adrienne Quinn Printed Name Director, Department of Community and Human Services Title Date Approved as to Form: OFFICE OF THE KING COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY By: Signature Printed Nalne Title Date Approved as to Form: CITY OF CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney ATTEST: CITY OF City Clerk HOME Interlocal Agreement 2015-2017 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM #: . CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: TOYS R US DEMOLITION PROJECT, CHANGE ORDER #1, DEMOLISH THE BUILDING CONCRETE SLAB AND HAUL AWAY. POLICY QUESTION: Should Council approve Change Order #l, Demolish the Building Concrete Slab and Haul Away to the Toys R Us Building Demolition Project Contract in the amount of $48,000.00 plus sales tax, approve an additional 10% contingency and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: June 24, 2014 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing El' City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Ken Miller. P.E. Proiect Director PACC DEPT: PACC Attachments: Bids were received on May 27, 2014 for the Toys R Us Building Demolition Project and Lloyd Enterprises Inc. was the lowest responsive responsible bidder. As a part of the contract the walls and roof are going to be demolished and hauled away. Since the demolition contractor is onsite we approached them to determine if this would also be the most cost effective time to remove the building concrete slab? Lloyd Enterprises Inc. indicated by not having to remobilize the equipment and because they also needed the concrete at this time in the Summer to process and sell as aggregate there would be an approximate $14,680.00 savings. .Based on recent concrete slab demolition prices staff reviewed, this is an appropriate cost. The total of the original contract, plus Change Order #1 and the 10% contingencies are within the original $150,000 budget approved by Council from the City Center Redevelopment Fund on May 6, 2014. r p ptibrya- Considered: . Approve Change Order #1 to demolish and haul away the concrete building slab to the Toys R Us Building Demolition Project Contract in the amount of $48,000.00 plus sales tax, approve an additional 10% contingency and authorize the Mayor to sign the change order # I ? 2. Do not approve Change Order #1 to the Toys R Us Demolition Project to demolish and haul away the building concrete slab, and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDAIJQ�N: Option I MAYOR APPROVAL: Committee CHIEF OF STAFF: a * *DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the authorization of Change Order 91 to demolish and haul away the concrete building slab to the Toys R Us Building Demolition Project Contract in the amount of $48, 000.00 plus sales tax, approve an additional 10% contingency and authorize the Mayor to sign the change order, and forward to the full Council July 1, 2014 consent agenda for approval. Committee • mmittee Member Committee PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move the approval of Change Order #1 to the Toys R Us Demolition Project to demolish and haul away the building concrete slab in the amount of $48,000.00 plus sales tax, approve an additional 10% contingency and authorize the Mayor to sign the change order ". (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF ETHICS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council re- appoint a member to the Board of Ethics? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Carol Clerk Attachments: Memo from staff regarding re- appointment recommendation. DEPT: Mayor's Office Background: The Board of Ethics is comprised of three voting members and one alternate who are appointed by the City Council. One Board members term expires on June 30, 2014 (Fred Neal). Mr. Neal is seeking re- appointment to the Board. In accordance with the Council Rules of Procedure, the Council will not interview applicants already serving in the position, and may approve re- appointment of individuals seeking additional terms. Options Considered: 1. Re- appointment Fred Neal to the Board of Ethics with a term expiring June 30, 2017. 2. Direct the City Clerk to advertise for additional applicants MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A if 5' DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Committee Council Initial/Date Initial/Date Initi*at CHIEF OF STAFF:, N/A U � Committee CoInitial /Date Initi COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move the following appointment to the Board of Ethics .... " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: June 20, 2014 TO: Jeanne Burbidge, Deputy Mayor City of Federal Way Council FROM: Amy Jo Pearsall, Interim City Attorney SUBJECT: Ethics Board Re- appointment For Council's consideration, I am asking that Council re- appoint Fred Neal to the Ethic Board. Mr. Neal was appointed in September 2013 to fill position one that was vacant when the board member moved out of the City. The Board meets infrequently and as needed. SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council members to the Planning Commission? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Carol McNeilly, Citv Clerk DEPT: Mayor's Office Background: The Planning Commission is comprised of seven members who are residents or property owners in the city with interest in land use and planning issues and a commitment to the planned development of the community. Members are appointed by the City Council and serve 4 -year terms without compensation. If a vacancy occurs; the Council shall appoint a member to fill the reminder of the unexpired term. The Council may also appoint alternate members as the need arises, consistent with RCW 35A.63.020. One position is vacant due to a member resignation. The term of the position is September 30, 2016. At their July 1, 2014 Special Meeting, the City Council interviewed three applicants seeking appointment to the Planning Commission (Diana Noble- Gulliford; Anthony Murrietta and Nikole Coleman - Porter). Options Considered: 1. Appoint to the Planning Commission to fill the remainder of an unexpired term of September 30, 2016. Appoint and as alternate members with terms expiring September 30, 2018. 2. Direct the City Clerk to advertise for additional applicants MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A Committee Initial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A D ECTOR APPROVAL: Council I Initial/Date Initi ?-� 3 -LIAR al/D V, Council Initial /Date Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move the following appointment to the Planning Commission.... " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1sT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # SUBJECT: CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council confirm the Mayor's appointment of Marwan Salloum as the City's Public Works Director? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Brian Wilson, Chief of Staff DEPT: Mayor's Office ................................._............_........................_......... .............._................ ..................._._....................._._............................_..........................................._................................................._......__._............. ...._.__....................... Options Considered: 1. Confirm the appointment of Marwan Salloum as the City's Public Works Director. 2. Postpone the confirmation to a date to be determined. 3. Do not confirm the appointment, which will result in the Mayor bringing forth another candidate for confirmation. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the appointment of Marwan Salloum as the City's Public Works Director. MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A CHIEF OF STAFF: Committee Initial/Date N/A Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Initial /Date yy it I ftial/Date DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initial/Date Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of option " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # SUBJECT: FEDERAL WAY COMMUNITY CENTER AQUATIC AREA RELAMPING PROJECT POLICY QUESTION: Should Council approve awarding the Federal Way Community Center Aquatics Area Relamping project to the lowest responsive responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract? COMMITTEE: Direct to Council MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Craig Feldman — Aquatics Coordinator DEPT: PRCS Attachments: Bids were received on June 20, 2014 for the Federal Way Community Center Aquatics area Relamping project and the results will be presented to Council by staff. Options Considered: 1. Award the Federal Way Community Center Aquatics area Relamping project to the lowest responsive responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. 2. Do not award the Federal Way Community Center Aquatics area Relamping project to the lowest responsive responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: �+ / �j �IRECTOR APPROVAL: Committee Council / Initlal/Date Initial/Date lnitial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: �,,,//y.l Comm' e Cou Initial/Dat Initia a COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N /A. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move the approval to award the Federal Way Community Center Aquatics area Relamping project to the lowest responsive responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract ". (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED /NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # W W x z 0 a H A LL O LLV I� t- Pa P� U O U) C Q b W c N °6 O U z U N cn .`� U � Q _O W N U Of U O j z N Z V M N .` O O_ c W U W O z m o N CN = (D Cl) fn fn .O W N o } i' >- U U-) cn z c h' to Cl) O ^ N O i' >) N J ;. L � U L C LO .fir Z Z R IL o V CL U N x E U cu o p O N o 0 Q Fr F L U (u 0 N -. W O r to CA i m c U) % w caca �° E `> °o ao O E O o 0 __ cn o m oo= E ca o ° a a U N V a_ � = N U (n — z z U 0 0 d 'o E C m 0 9 .L o v e v m O -0 N of Q CL O m m m m as a J U U Q I I cn F- r r r 1 r vie r O r U N O L .Q N (a N L Q cn U cu Q U U U- L 0 ALA W NO N U NCf) IL Wi �o o Ln G1 l0 LD M N �o Lf) M LM t0 N LO m � N N N E O vi (D 0 O U tq N C p cA E O U E O U Y N C U O 3 = CY Y E 'L N I—C) ICE: `° m E ° _ I m u Q ca � c O 7 N N ea E N ra O 1 N Y 41 D o cn (, Q 4 v V) r_ 4 � > o N ¢ ro -C +1 > O L N Q m Q N 41 V) }; U) i°n cu d' co 00 co 00 rl '0 M In s n It M CO o r-4 rn co o ko .--� (N Ill In O1 M tn C G p) O� .O_ O (n 4- V V '-' V J z V_ V a U C T J W > � C Y V Y 41 w fu V V > i V w j a U COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM #: 16 eL CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: RESCHEDULE THE AUGUST 5, 2014 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council suspend the Council Rules of Procedure and reschedule their August 5, 2014 Regular Meeting to August 12, 2014? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing E City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Carol McNeilly, City Clerk DEPT: Mayor's Office Background: Section 2.1(1) of the Council Rules of Procedure states the City Council will conduct Regular Meetings the first and third Tuesday of each month. Section 24.1 of the Council Rules of Procedure states any provision of the rules not governed by law or ordinance, may be suspended by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the Council. August 5, 2014 is the National Night Out Event. The City Council has a Regular Meeting scheduled that same date. In an effort to allow the Council to participate in the National Night Out Event, the Council may suspend the Rules of Procedure to reschedule their August 5, 2014 Regular Meeting to August 12, 2014. Options Considered: 1. Suspend the Council Rules of Procedure and reschedule the August 5, 2014 Regular Meeting to August 12, 2014. 2. Conduct the August 5, 2014 Regular Meeting.. .................................... .. ............................. ...... .. ................. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A �IRECTOR APPROVAL: �? Committee Council Initial/Date Initial/Date Initial Date CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A (1 1p Committee (�• Council Initial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Codnmittee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to suspend the Council Rule 2.1(1) for the purpose of rescheduling the August 5, 2014 City Council Regular Meeting to August 12, 2014. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED /DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # SUBJECT: CANCELLATION OF THE AUGUST 19, 2014 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council suspend the Council Rules of Procedure and cancel their August 19, 2014 Regular Meeting? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Carol McNeilly, City Clerk DEPT: Mayor's Office Background: Historically the City Council has cancelled the second Regular Meeting in August to allow for summer vacations for Councilmembers and staff. Section 2.1(1) of the Council Rules of Procedure states the City Council will conduct Regular Meetings the first and third Tuesday of each month. Section 24.1 of the Council Rules of Procedure states any provision of the rules not governed by law or ordinance, may be suspended by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the Council. Options Considered: 1. Cancel the August 19, 2014 Regular Meeting. 2. Conduct the August 19, 2014 Regular Meeting. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A i Committee /f Com Initial/Date (/ Initial/ CHIEF OF STAFF: N/A 1.j Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initial/Date Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to suspend the Council Rule 2.1(1) for the purpose of cancelling the August 19, 2014 City Council Regular Meeting. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: TOURISM ENHANCEMENT GRANT AWARD FOR 2014 FEDERAL WAY CUP RUN SERIES ITEM #: POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve an additional Tourism Enhancement Grant (TEG) award for the 2014 Federal Way Cup run series? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Patrick Doherty, Director DEPT: Community Development Attachments: Federal Way Cup TEG Application Background: During the Spring 2014 Tourism Enhancement Grant (TEG) application period, The Federal Way Community Center applied for a TEG in the amount of $15,000 for the 2014 Federal Way Cup run series on 5/24, 7/4, 8/2 and 10/25. The TEG Review Subcommittee reviewed the application materials and recommended an award of $6,000. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee reviewed the applications materials, the Subcommittee's recommendation and discussed the matter in depth, after which they arrived at a recommended award in the amount of $3,000. LTAC recommended a reduced award due to their conclusion that the Federal Way Cup Runs, while a great, worthy series of events, appeared less likely to attract visitors from beyond 50 miles and/or overnight guests, which is the paramount concern with regard to the award of TEG's. On May 6, 2014 the City Council considered the TEG applications and LTAC recommendations and approved the awards as recommended by LTAC. At this time the matter before City Council is whether to augment the TEG award by $3,000 to the Federal Way Cup run series in order to enhance the organizers' ability to carry out more ambitious marketing to attract more participants and visitors. Options: 1. Approve an additional TEG award in the amount of $3,000 to the Federal Way Cup run series. 2. Do not approve an additional TEG award to the Federal Way Cup run series. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. MAYOR APPROVAL: IRECTOR APPROVAL: Co units uncil InitiaVDate Ini[ial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: s Cot Counci Ini ' Initiai/DateM COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Dini Duclos, Chair Bob Celski, Member Martin A. Moore, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval Option REVISED - 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # TOURISM ENHANCEMENT GRANT _ Application- Checklist Please return this page along with the following grant application and all attachments. ® Original completed application (single- sided) ® Electronic copy of application and all attachments ® Event or nonevent program budget ® List of other sources of funding, both requested and confirmed ® Marketing plan Event or Nonevent Program Name: Federal Way Cup Applicant's Name: Doug Nelson Applicant's Title: Events Director 14 ec l-er< klg 4&,ry'S ifr Date: —3i2*i-t I/ O 9 l ` Organization: Federal Way Community Center J / Email Address of Contact: ,Wnr_ de u4, n e &O'n Office use only Date Received: (hard copy) (electronic copy) TOURISM ENHANCEMENT GRANT Grant Application - GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Read the entire packet before completing this application. Answer each question to the best of your ability. THE CITY DOES NOT PROVIDE FUNDING FOR TOURNAMENT ENTRY FEES, TRAVEL, LODGING, MEALS, UNIFORMS, GIVE AWAY ITEMS, PERMANENTLY HELD EQUIPMENT, STAFF SALARIES, FACILITY UPGRADES, OR CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS. If a question is not applicable to your event or nonevent program, simply write "N /A" in the space provided. Mail or drop -off your completed application to the address below. The electronic copy may be sent to tina .piety @cityoffederalway.com. Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant II Community & Economic Development City of Federal Way 33325 811 Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 -6325 Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the TEG Subcommittee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand at the review to answer questions from the TEG Subcommittee. APPLICANT'S NAME AND POSITION: Doug Nelson, Events Director t.Qi'39m IcAi &) "r �40er-v) Sd1K NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Federal Way Community Center WEBSITE ADDRESS: federalwayfarm 1 ersmarket.com v r / 7 a // hae P'�hs APPLICANT'S E -MAIL ADDRESS: FEDERAL TAX ID: 2070569345 s a Qualified 501(c) Organization: Municipal Organization STREET ADDRESS: 1701 S. 320th St, Federal Way, WA 98003 ?74 S, -333'ri MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 24795, Federal Way, WA 98093 1 ' DAYTIME TELEPHONE: (253 )261 -0207 Or' ZS3 83S 930 OFFICIAL EVENT OR NONEVENT PROGRAM NAME: Federal Way Cup PROPOSED DATE(S) OF EVENT (MM/DD/YY): May 24, July 461, August 2°d, October 25th GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $ 15,000.00 r� Tourism Enhancement Grant Application -I- Revised February 2014 CIO) Is this a new event or nonevent program? _X_ Yes No Has your organization ever applied for a TEG? _ Yes X No If yes, when? Has your organization received a TEG award in the past? _ Yes X No Scope of the event: less than 50 miles (Federal Way, Auburn, etc.) more than 50 miles (Western WA) Statewide X Multi - States (Western US) National International _ Briefly describe the event or nonevent program: Combining 4 of Federal Way runs to help build up the participants Is- there a cultural -or- educational value to the event or nonevent program? If yes, please explain. Multi event that covers health education FINANCIAL INFORMATION Attach a budget for the event or nonevent program listing revenue and expenses. In addition to revenue provided by the organization or the event (ticket sales, etc.), include a list of other sources of revenue support requested and confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.). Is this support in -lieu or financial? If financial, include the amount. Do you expect to make a profit? _ Yes _ No If yes, how much? _$2000.00 The profits will go to: May 241 run: profits go to the Track programs in the Federal Way Schools July 4' run: profits go to Mesothelioma foundation August 2' run: profits go to sustaining the Federal Way Farmers Market October 25' run: profits go to running the Federal Way Community Center programs MARKETING Attach information on how the event or nonevent program will be publicized and marketed. List all publications and media venues ( Facebook, Twitter, website, brochures, newspaper, magazines, etc.); in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. All four events will be marketed at each race, Federal Way Schools, Mesothelioma websites and advertising, Federal Way Farmers Market, Federal Way Community Center, email blasts, facebook, running social media sites, Federal Way Mirror. EVENT INFORMATION Length of the event: One Day _ Two Days _ Three Days _ Four Days _X_ Five or More Days Location of Event: Federal Way _X_ South King/North Pierce County Other? Tourism Season: Peak (Jun -Sep) X Shoulder (Oct, Jan-Mar) _X Off (Nov -Dec, Apr -May) X_ Proposed venue(s): Various locations surrounding Celebration Park Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? X Yes _ No Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? _ Yes X No Tourism Enhancement Grant Application —2— Revised February 2014 Proposed schedule of the event for each day: Date Time Date Time May 24 9:00am July 4t` 9:00am August 2nd 8.30am October 25 9:00am ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENT Breakdown of projected attendance over the course of the event: Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. Attendees Date: 5/24 Date: 7/4 Date: 8/2 Date: 10/25 Total International Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Spectators 100 200 200 150 Participants 100 300 300 300 Room nights Support Staff 5 20 10 10 TOTAL 205 520 510 460 Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. Attendees Local (less than 50 miles) Regional (Western WA greater Statewide Multi- States (Western US) National International than 50 miles) Spectators Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Participants Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Support Staff Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Total Projected Attendees 2000 Total Projected Room Nights _20 Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? X Yes _ No If yes, provide name, address, contact person, and phone number. Provide all hotels /motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event: Clarion Hotel, Marriott, Hampton Inn, Best Western Tourism Enhancement Grant Application —3— Revised February 2014 List all the hotels/motels where rooms have been blocked for spectators, participants, and support staff. Projected Attendees Hotel/Motel Number of Blocked Rooms Spectators Participants Support Staff THIS SECTION IS FOR NONEVENT PROGRAMS Describe how the nonevent program will improve /increase tourism activities in Federal Way. Do you expect it will draw tourists from (and how many from each area): Less Than 50 Miles Greater Than 50 Miles (Western WA) _ Statewide Multi - States (Western US) National _ International Do you expect tourists will stay for: Half -Day One Day Two Days _ Three Days or More _ What types of business do you expect will be affected: Services (gas, mini -marts, etc.) Entertainment Restaurants Shopping Lodging Tourist season: Peak (Jun -Sep) Shoulder (Oct, Jan-Mar) Off (Nov -Dec, Apr -May) Do you anticipate any paid accommodations? Yes No If yes, approximately how many? The undersigned certifies that the information tiled above is true and accurate and any projections are based a on history of similar events anti �tivities�t are ilable to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Printed Name: Doug Nelson Applicant's Title: Events Director 61�l Etf n,-�J (ex`'2r S,Wo�or- Date: 3/28/14 t Tourism Enhancement Grant Application —4— Revised February 2014 2014 EXPENSES NAME invoice # FOR AMOUNT ADVERTISING Fast Signs Banners 1,200.00 Sound Publishing FW Mirror 1,500.00 Susan K Bailey Eblast 3,000.00 Magazine Advertising Running Magazine ad 2,500.00 -- - Federal Way Chamber -- Adv for run _- - ___ - -- 150:00 EVI Digital Video & Social Media 1,500.00 PRINTING Mail Copy & More Brochures, flyers, posters 11000.00 INSURANCE Specialty Insurance For Run 439.00 POTTIES Headquarters Potties 400.00 TRASH Waste Management Trash 200.00 TSHIRTS Volunteer 500.00 Runners 1,500.00 SUPPLIES Tents & Events Generator 150.00 Bibs 600.00 Food Volunteers: Morning of 200.00 Water 300.00 RENTALS Tents & Events Registration area 2,500.00 AABCO Barricades Block off roads 1,000.00 REGISTRATION Constant Contact Regstn fee MAY 80.00 Constant Contact Regstn fee JUNE 80.00 Constant Contact Regstn fee JULY 80.00 Constant Contact Regstn fee AUGUST 80.00 TIMING Budu Racing Timing Co. 2,500.00 21,459.00 Sources of other funding: Korum Ford Foundation * $5000.00 Sponsor * ($1000.00 a year) Coordinated Care * In kind for goody bags * Not confirmed Tourism Enhancement Grant Application —5— Revised February 2014 ET Classic 2013 Advertiing /Flyers /etc.: $245.00 Snacks /Water /etc.: $105.00 Timing: $400.00 Awards: $215.00 Profits to Elementary Track: $600.00 Registrants: Orting - 1 Milton - 1 -- Tacoma -= 6- - - - - - -- - - - - -- Mercer Island - 2 Auburn - 4 Des Moines - 1 Bonney Lake - 3 Federal Way - 51 Foreign Exchange Students (Korea) - 2 Freaky 5k runs 2010 $ 7,220.00 revenue S(4,776.66 expenses $ 2,443.34 profit 2011 $ 5,205.00 Revenue $ (4,596.54) Expenses $ 608.46 Profit 2012 $ 4,355.00 revenue $ (4,286.20) expenses $ 68.80 2013 $ 4,350.00 revenue $ (2,514.59) Expenses (we stopped providing shirts for the runners) $ 1,835.41 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM #: Lo h .. . ..........................................................................._..............._......._.............................._.................__........._......................................_.................................................................._._....................._..............._._................................_._.._..........................................................._............._........_.... ......__...................._._ ................. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PROGRAM YEAR 2014 CDBG ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FUNDING AGREEMENT POLICY. QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2014? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Jeffrey D. Watson DEPT: CD Attachments: 1. Letter of Approval from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for the City of Federal Way 2014 Annual Action Plan. 2. Program Year 2014 Community Development Block Grant Funding Agreement with HUD. Background: The City Council approved the Program Year 2014 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan on March 4, 2014, and it was submitted to HUD for review and approval. On June 19, 2014, the City received a letter from HUD approving the City's Annual Action Plan and noting the 2014 grant amount of $649, 054.00. The letter was accompanied by the Funding Agreement for the 2014 Program Year. The letter from HUD directs that the agreement be executed by the City and returned within two weeks. Options: 1. Approve the Program Year 2014 CDBG Funding Agreement with HUD and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. 2. Direct Staff to return the Agreement to HUD unsigned. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: ]D/IRECTOR APPROVAL: Co ee Count / CHIEF OF STAFF: ,G.Q, �hry��l v %UA,1� COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N /A. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the Program Year 2014 Community Development Block Grant Funding Agreement with HUD and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # P.�MENTpF, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Regional Administrator AlfD I� JUN 18 2014 O AegN EV 6� Region X The Honorable Jim Ferrell Mayor, City of Federal Way 33325 8h Avenue South IRFU,, 2014 Federal Way, WA 98003 Dear Mayor Ferrell: SUBJECT: Annual Action Plan Approval for 2014 I am pleased to inform you that the 2014 Annual Action Plan submitted by the City of Federal Way has been reviewed and is hereby approved. The Action Plan describes the activities the city will undertake with 2014 program year grant funds in implementing the goals and priorities described in the city's current Consolidated Plan. The approval of the 2014 plan is based on the specific review criteria at 24 CFR 91.500. As a result of our review, we conclude that the plan is consistent with the purposes of the Cranston - Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act, that it is substantially complete, and that the accompanying certifications are acceptable. Based on this approval, enclosed are the funding agreements for the city's 2014 program year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grant in the amount of $649,054.00. We have executed three copies for the CDBG program. Please sign all the agreements (in original signature), return two copies to the Office of Community Planning and Development, 909 First Avenue, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98104 -1000, and retain one copy for your records. Please complete this action within two weeks. Please note this Action Plan approval is not a concurrent determination that the regulations and the statutory objectives of the authorizing legislation will be met by the proposed activities. It is primarily the responsibility of the city to ensure that funded activities meet these and all other applicable program requirements. We look forward to working with you and your staff on the effective implementation of the activities described in your Annual Action Plan. If you have questions, please contact John W. Peters, Director, Office of Community Planning and Development at (206) 220 -5268. Your staff can receive technical information by calling Lori Martin at (206) 220 -5373. Enclosure Sincerely, William H. Block Northwest Regional Administrator Suite 255 • Seattle Federal Office Building • 909 First Avenue • Seattle, WA 98104 -1000 www.hud.gov/washington.html espanol.hud.gov Funding Approval /Agreement U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Title I of the Housing and Community Office of Community Planning and Development Development Act (Public Law 930383) Community Development Block Grant Program OMB Approval No. HI- 00515R of 20515R 2506 -0193 (exp 1/31/2015) 1.Name of Grantee (as shown in item 5 of Standard Form 424) 3a. Grantee's 9 -digit Tax ID Number: 3b. Grantee's DUNS Number. 4. Date use of funds may begin ( mm/dd/yyyy): City of Federal Way 91- 1462550 61- 2509901 01/01/2014 in item 33325 8h Avenue South Federal Way WA 98003 Form 424) 5a. Project/Grant No. 1 6a. Amount Approved B- 14 -MC -53 -0015 $649,054.00 5b. ProjecUGrant No. 2 6b. Amount Approved 5c. 6c. Amount ACpproved Grant Agreement: This Grant Agreement between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the above named Grantee is made pursuant to the authority of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, (42 USC 5301 et seq.). The Grantee's submissions for Title I assistance, the HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 570 (as now in effect and as may be amended from time to time), and this Funding Approval, including any special conditions/addendums, constitute part of the Agreement. Subject to the provisions of this Grant Agreement, HUD will make the funding assistance specified here available to the Grantee upon execution of the Agreement by the parties. The funding assistance specified in the Funding Approval may be used to pay costs incurred after the date specified in item 4 above provided the activities to which such costs are related are carved out in compliance with all applicable requirements. Pre- agreement costs may not be paid with funding assistance specified here unless they are authorized in HUD regulations or approved by waiver and listed in the special conditions to the Funding Approval. The Grantee agrees to assume all of the responsibilities for environmental review, decision making, and actions, as specified and required in regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant to Section 104(g) of `Title I and published in 24 CFR Part 58. The Grantee further acknowledges its cihilitc, fur aAh— to tha A --t ha, m h_mriniant ­t4;­ to xvhirh it mnkrc fnndinO nRSlRtance. hereunder available. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (By Name) Grantee Name John W. Peters City of Federal Way Title Title Category Amount ( mm/dd/yyyy) F Director, Communi P nning and Development Signature WA- Date_(mm/'dl�yly) �R�! 1914 Signature Y Pro ect Number Amount Date (mm/ddlyyyy) 7. Categoryrof Title I Assistance for this Funding Action (check only one) ® a. Entitlement, Sec 106(b) ❑ b. State - Administered, Sec 106(d)(1) ❑ c. HUD - Administered Small Cities, Sec 106(d)(2)(B) 8. Special Conditions (check one) ❑ None ® Attached 9a. Date HUD Received Submission (mm/dd/yyyy) 04/04/2014 10. check one ® a. Orig. Funding Approval ❑ b. Amendment Amendment Number 9b. Date Grantee Notified (mm /dd/yyyy) JUN 1 8 21114 9c. Date of Start of Program Year ❑ d. Indian CDBG Programs, Sec 106(a)(1) (mm/dd/yyyy) 01/01/2014 ❑ e. Surplus Urban Renewal Funds, Sec 112(b) ❑ I. Special Purpose Grants, Sec 107 11. Amount of Community Development Block Grant FY (2014) FY ( ) FY ( ) ❑ g. Loan Guarantee, Sec lo8 a. Funds Reserved for this Grantee b. Funds now being Approved 649054 c. Reservation to be Cancelled (11a minus 11b) 12a. Amount of Loan Guarantee Commitment now being Approved 12b. Name and complete Address of Public Agency Loan Guarantee Acceptance Provisions for Designated Agencies: The public agency hereby accepts the Grant Agreement executed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development on the above date with respect to the above grant number(s) as Grantee designated to receive loan guarantee assistance, and agrees to comply with the terms and 12c. Name of Authorized Official for Designated Public Agency conditions of the Agreement, applicable regulations, and other requirements of HUD now or hereafter in effect, pertaining to the Title assistance provided it. Signature HUD Accounting use Only Effective Date Batch TAC Program Y A Reg Area Document No. Project Number Category Amount ( mm/dd/yyyy) F FM 153 FM 0 0 0 [11� 176 YY Project Number Amount Y Pro ect Number Amount Date Entered PAS (mm /dd/yyyy) . Date Entered LOCCS (mm /dd/yyyy) I Batch Number Transaction Code Entered By Verified By 24 CFR 570 form HUD -7082 (11/10) In addition to the conditions contained on form HUD 7082, the grantee shall comply with requirements established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) concerning the Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database which was converted to the System for Award Management (SAM), and the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act as provided in 2 CFR part 25, Universal Identifier and Central Contractor Registration, and 2 CFR part 170, Reporting Subaward and Executive Compensation Information. The grantee shall ensure that no CDBG funds are used to support any Federal, State, or local projects that seek to use the power of eminent domain, unless eminent domain is employed only for a public use. For the purposes of this requirement, public use shall not be construed to include economic development that primarily benefits private entities. Any use of funds for mass transit, railroad, airport, seaport or highway projects as well as utility projects which benefit or serve the general public (including energy- related, communication- related, water- related and wastewater - related infrastructure), other structures designated for use by the general public or which have other common - carrier or public - utility functions that serve the general public and are subject to regulation and oversight by the government, and projects for the removal of an immediate threat to public health and safety or brownsfield as defined in the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownsfield Revitalization Act (Public Law 107 -118) shall be considered a public use for purposes of eminent domain. The Grantee or a unit of general local government that directly or indirectly receives CDBG funds may not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer all or any such portion of such funds to another metropolitan city, urban county, unit of general local government, or Indian tribe, or insular area that directly or indirectly receives CDBG funds in exchange for any other funds, credits or non - Federal considerations, but must use such funds for activities eligible under Title I of the House *d gWmunity Development Act of 1974, as amended. Attachment COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM 4:� ....... ........ ......... ......... _ . ........._ _ ......... ...................................................... ........................... _.._.. ......... ............ __ ... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: RESOLUTION: INTER -FUND LOAN FOR PERFORMING ARTS AND CONFERENCE CENTER POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve a resolution authorizing an up to a three -year inter -fund loan of up to $13 million to fund the Performing Arts and Conference Center? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: 06/24/2014 CATEGORY: ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing t4City Council Business ® Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: ADE ARIWOOLA DEPT: Finance Attachments: • Inter -fund loan memo • Draft Inter -fund loan resolution Options Considered: 1. Approve the resolution authorizing the up to a three year inter -fund loan of up to $13 million to fund the Performing Arts and Conference Center. 2. Deny approval of the resolution authorizing the up to a three year inter -fund loan of up to $13 million to fund the Performing Arts and Conference Center. 3. Revise the resolution authorizing the up to a three year inter -fund loan of up to $13 million to fund the Performing Arts and Conference Center. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDA41T: Mayor recommen* approval of Option 1. MAYORAPPROVAL: L / / lo b-o /lc/ (`J`' % /1 ,)//y DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initial /Date (� Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: ,� Commute Council ���JJM Initial /Da e � /% �0,,f Initial /Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed resolution approving the inter-fund loan to fund the Performing Arts and Conference Center to the July 1, 2014 agenda for approval. 14C Committee Chair ommittee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the resolution authorizing the inter fund loan (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED /DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 41k CITY OF Finance Department Federal Way MEMORANDUM To: Council From: Ade' Ariwoola, Finance Director Via: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Subject: Inter -fund Loan for Performing Arts Center Date: June 24, 2014 Background: The City of Federal Way Council unanimously approved the Performing Arts and Conference Center (PACC) on June 3, 2014. The PACC will be funded for a total project estimated cost of $32 million by multiple sources during the construction of the project. Current sources of $19 million that the City has available or will have available in the near future include Utility Tax, REET, LIFT Sales Tax, and Grants. The City's bridge to be funded is $13 million, and may be funded by potential sources such as naming rights, fundraising campaign, grants, and new market tax credits. During the period of waiting for the potential sources; the proposal is to authorize an inter -fund loan of up to $13,000,000 to cover construction costs for the Performing Arts and Conference Center. Summary of Resolution: The term of the inter -fund loan is for up to a three year loan of funds from the Fleet and Equipment Fund, Information Technology Fund, Streets Capital Fund, Utility Tax Fund, General Fund, and Strategic Reserve Fund to the City Facilities Fund, where the Performing Arts Center project will be accounted for. The loan will be for 1% interest which is approximately 2% less than what the City of Federal Way can currently get a loan for from the bank. The interest earning in the State Investment pool as of May 1, 2014 was .08 %. The rate being changed will benefit the lending funds and will also benefit the City by providing a lower interest rate than the bank can provide. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Federal Way, Washington, authorizing an Interfund Loan of up to $13,000,000 from the Fleet and Equipment Fund, Information Technology Fund, Streets Capital Fund, Utility Tax Fund, General Fund, and Strategic Reserve Fund to City Facilities Fund of the City of Federal Way. WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Federal Way has determined that it will cost the City about 2% more to borrow from outside to finance this project compared to what it makes through the state investment pool on its investments ; and WHEREAS, the City's Fleet and Equipment Fund, Information Technology Fund, Streets Capital Fund have adequate funds set aside for future capital projects and capital purchases and being invested in the State Investment pool at the current rate of 0.08% (as of May 1, 2014) pending the time for the purchases and projects; and WHEREAS, the City's General Fund, and Strategic Reserve Fund have adequate funds set aside for reserve that will not be appropriated that are being invested in the State Investment pool at the current rate of 0.08% (as of May 1, 2014); and and WHEREAS, the City is paying about 3% on its last General Obligation Bond issued in 2013 ; WHEREAS, the City's Fleet and Equipment Fund, Information Technology Fund, Streets Capital Fund, Utility Tax Fund, General Fund and Strategic Reserve Fund will earn more than twelve times from an inter -fund loan than the City current earns in the State Investment pool ; and NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Resolution No. 14- Page I of 3 Rev 1/10 Section 1. The City's City Facilities Fund is authorized to borrow from the City's Fleet and Equipment Fund, Information Technology Fund, Streets Capital Fund, Utility Tax Fund, General Fund and Strategic Reserve Fund not more than a total of $13,000,000 for the purpose of constructing a Performing Arts and Conference Center. The term of the loan shall be for a period not to exceed three years from the day of first advance at an interest rate of 1.0% (current Washington State Investment Pool's earning rate is 0.08% as of May 1, 2014). The City Facilities Fund may pay off the loan or make extra payments any time during the life of the loan. Section 2. The Finance Director is designated on behalf of the City to process and administer a temporary loan not to exceed $13,000,000 from the available cash of the City's Fleet and Equipment Fund, Information Technology Fund, Streets Capital Fund, Utility Tax Fund, General Fund and Strategic Reserve Fund, where money deposited therein is not immediately needed for the purposes of that fund to the City Facilities Fund. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this resolution are authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener /clerical errors, references, resolution numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date Resolution No. 14- Page 2 of 3 Rev 1 /10 of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON this day of , 20. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JIM FERRELL ATTEST: CITY CLERK, CAROL MCNEILLY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY, AMY JO PEARSALL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: Resolution No. 14- Page 3 of 3 Rev 1 /10 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM #: I Q CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: AMENDING FWRC 12.45 TAXICABS POLICY QUESTION: Whether Council should adopt by reference Chapter 6.64 of the King County code entitled "Taxis - Businesses and Drivers" and all future amendments. COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: June 24, 2014 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY ..... .......... Amy ... .Y _ .... -- Attachments: Proposed Ordinance In 1991 the City entered into an interlocal with King County authorizing the County to regulate taxi business within the City. The interlocal requires that the City adopt regulations similar to those of the County. The County is currently in the process of updating its taxi regulations to incorporate for -hire driver services such as Lyft, UberX and Sidecar. Rather than update the FWRC every time the County updates its taxi regulations, the proposed ordinance adopts by reference Chapter 6.64 of the King County code and all future amendments. Options Considered: 1) Adopt Ordinance 2) Do not adopt Ordinance and.provide direction to staff MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: /,_DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Am ({ - (3 -1'7 mittee / Council F/ Initial/Date Initial/Date Initial/Date CHIEF OF STAFF: ZI zw, / �y Conunfitee Cosy it Initial/Date Initial/Dat COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to First Reading on July 1, 2014. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE (JULY 1): "1 move to forward approval of the ordinance to the July15, 2014 Council Meeting for adoption. " 2ND READING OF ORDINANCE (JULY 15): "1 move approval of the proposed ordinance." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED IST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, amending Federal Way Revised Code 12.45 "Taxicabs ". (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90 -27 and 09 -600) WHEREAS, the City entered into an interlocal with King County delegating to the County the responsibility for licensing and regulating taxis and taxi drivers; and WHEREAS, the County requires as part of the interlocal that the City adopt taxi regulations that are the same or substantially similar to King County's taxi regulations; and WHEREAS, the City enacted Ordinance 90 -27, which adopted by reference Chapter 6.64 of the King County Code entitled "Taxis - Businesses and Drivers" including all future amendments; and WHEREAS, Chapter 6.64 of the King County Code was subsequently incorporated and codified into FWRC 12.45; and WHEREAS, to stay current with future amendments to Chapter 6.64 of the King County ..Code, the Council desires to revert back to the language contained in City Ordinance 90 -27 and delete all subsequently incorporated and codified language contained in FWRC 12.45; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following sections of Chapter 12.45 of the Federal Way Revised Code are hereby repealed in their entirety: 12.45.010, 12.45.050, 12.45.060, 12.45.070, 12.45.080,12.45.090, 12.45. 100,12.45. 110,12.45 .120,12.45.130,12.45.140,12.45. 150 ,12.45.160,12.45.170,12.45.180, 12.45. 190,12.45. 200,12.45. 210,12.45. 220 ,12.45.230,12.45.240,12.45.250, 12.45.260,12.45.270, Ordinance No. 14- Page I of 3 Rev 1/10 12.45.280, 12.45.290, 12.45.300, 12.45.310, 12.45.320, 12.45.330, 12.45.340, 12.45.3 50, 12.45.360, 12.45.370, 12.45.3 80, 12.45.390, 12.45.400, 12.45.410, 12.45.420, 12.45.430, 12.45.440, 12.45.450, 12.45. 460,12.45. 47012.45. 480,12.45. 490,12.45. 500,12.45. 510 ,12.45.520,12.45.530,12.45.540, 12.45. 550,12.45. 560,12.45 .570,12.45.580,12.45.590,12.45. 600 ,12.45.610,12.45.620,12.45.630, 12.45.640, 12.45.650, 12.45.660, 12.45.670, 12.45.680, and 12.45.690. Section 2. Chapter 12.45 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 12.45.020 to read as follows: 12.45.020 King County Regulations Adopted by Ibference Chapter 6.64 of the King County Code entitled "Taxis- Businesses and Drivers," including all future amendments, is hereby adopted by reference as if set forth in full herein: provided, that any references to unincorporated King County in sections6.64.010 and 6.64.020, as well as any other sections pertaining to the application of this ordinance, shall be changed to refer to the City of Federal Way. Section 3. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Ordinance No. 14- Page 2 of 3 Rev 1/10 Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 20 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JIM FERRELL ATTEST: CITY CLERK, CAROL MCNEILLY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY, AMY JO PEARSALL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 14- Page 3 of 3 Rev 1/10 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2014 ITEM #:�� 1111 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: 2014 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the 2014 Budget Adjustment? COMMITTEE: FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS (FEDRAC) CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business STAFF REPORT BY: Ade Attachments: • Budget Adjustment Memo • Ordinance & Exhibit B4 ® Ordinance ❑ Resolution Finance Director MEETING DATE: 06/24/2014 . ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: Finance Options Considered: 1. "Approve the 2014 Budget Adjustment Ordinance as presented and forward to the full Council for first reading at the July 1, 2014 Council Meeting." 2. Provide direction to Staff on modifications to the 2014 Budget Adjustment Ordinance and forward to the full Council at the July 1, 2.014 Council Meeting MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: 9p4ion 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: > (_ DIRECTOR APPROVAL:) ittee' / cil � /'�� ' [ Initial CHIEF OF STAFF: �'�� WEdrq ,�%•v� lO��i Committee Council Committee Chair "`'tommittee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE (JULY 1, 2014): "1 move to forward approval of the ordinance to the July 15, 2014 Council Meeting for adoption. " 2 "n READING OF ORDINANCE (JULY 15,2014): "1 move approval of the proposed ordinance." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED IST reading ❑ TABLED /DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED- 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # La q-2— CITY OF FEDERAL WAY C 4% ITY OF Finance Department Federal Way MEMORANDUM To: Council From: Ade' Ariwoola, Finance Director Via: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Subject: 2014 Budget Amendment Date: June 16, 2014 Background: The City is preparing for its 2015 -2016 Biennial Budget process and the City has made some changes to its programs and operations since the last budget amendment was approved. These amendments will update the budget to reflect all the changes to make it easier for the staff and Council to evaluate the changes between 2014 budget and 2015 budget. This ordinance will also implement the requirements of Ordinance No. 03 -451 Section 6 — Creation of Debt Service Fund, Ordinance No. 12 -719 Section 14 — Bond Account and Deposit of Bond Proceeds, appropriation for Performing Arts and Conference Center (PACC), reallocation of previously appropriated Utility and REET Funds, implementation of reserve fund policy, and creation of separate Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, and Unemployment Insurance funds. Analvsis: � 34u Gasaad Far/ AEEW Sales.& Use Tax 200,000 Butldm P-TM. 525: 25%6 Increase to Selmies 2.9:833 salary Adjusts is 106.521 - - Addedlositiems/ Stsattp Costs/Trofrssiooel Service Sre far Posaions 1?5,000 460.296 sxarorp for fleahh seY•ba 315,000 - - - Other (Tema F•lelp. Trammg. Oveert e, Oraut Fes• Police Substat n signagej 260.889 4.000 72,528 - te•�u. Establish Stm g. Reserve Fund 1.000,000 - - - Establisb Capital Project Reserves Fund 490,000 - - - SUNTOTALVENINALKNO 7254M8 10TALli9sBAL, lJBf LTJf 717 ;2f sued Fad T Salan. Adjustrrents 744.657 - - Oth— (S—M Fund Subs idv..Flower Baskets) 20,000 1 64,657; - StEMOTALS7SEETFUND b #M 144W f 1OTAL STRIEF FUISEIi 1ir4.1!'S7 1644W7 iKvTir T— Fad vEw' iklrtv TaxFnctease - 58,000 Led9w�iaia TrmsfatOw for PACC Project - Trmmsfer 1. fr— Completed CCTf pmjects L735;670 - Redace Ttmmsfer ()tn fat ®ebi •tmnts., CIP projects, ead Reserves (3,639.725) StUTOTAL I.Nam• TALC RJND 1374.275 l,7lSti7T 5 ;�� 'TOTAL 131MM TAX WNW 1374415 1,74P34fi74i ne>dr sannur Fad: tcatlwn6a. Rods Ttmmsfer m ofd.hday taxfw f7ie6t pavatents - - - .(1,751,841) - TrmmsfetOut to Real Estate F=wte TaxFtmd 3.217,000 Move REFT Revenge to K= Fuad Reduce trmmsfer out fm C P projects (1,217,DOU) 'TOTALOBf "S� +'Q� 3JM4084 SW1 [ I r YEAR 2014 Rneur�e 1 --r a O� 1 Tee Osusdsrs Dvwnrvww Ralevelapa eat CIP FawL- ffi Transfer out toPACCPw_gcct 4^09,763 - - Reduce original bqwmidsture -034 Budget - (975.000) - TOTAL DDiVNTOP" 3.234,763 Jlww cwa Factaftec CQ FMMU NEW Transfer m from RETT, Wky Tax, and Downsoum Redevlopemrn Fund for PAC'.0 ro' - - - 9,434,763 - Perforrruag Arts & Conference C=teri(PAM Project Predevdlopmern & Constriction - 9.944,763 - - Reallacad'iaw Reduce current expoadtum for FWCC(projectcorVie -ted) - - Transfer out toUtrlty Tax Fund (FWCU project completed) - 481,161 - - - TOWAL Wr CIPAL FAC111M15 CAP 9 44 763 9,50 .763 Pa#*sr CIP Frwd AT REFr funds to pay for imeran Park at Town Sq uare Site - 1742,701 - ? CA8,751 - I ITAL FARMS CIP 7,742,701 2,690,751 T CIP Fsnst:- RaoQoewGiow Transfer0ut to ihtlity tax fund - 1,' 4,670 - - - Reduce Current bpendt>nr 306 SR99 HOV Lanes (pro;pct completed) - (414,155) - - - TlansferinfromUTAXr'eduction Transfer in from REST ttcrease Transferout to REFT Fund - - - (681,0 - - - 681.000 - - 4.3,608 - - - TOTAL MRANSrOKFATI MIVCIP 57,230,123 Risk Af Im rwace FraL- Move UnczWkiyment Contribution Revenue to Uncniployrnervt Fund (2-14,C5) Move Lhumploy trtent Conn-bution rum: to Una mww Fund - (21-4,925) Transferout to Uum7pioyment Insurance find for Reserve 1,685.026 Transicrout to Strategic Reserve Fund forStrate ic Opportunities Reserve 2,000,000 SlB' MDT .AL RISK MANACINIENT /IJAEOUrl[V tiLkNCEFtNO 3462"26 (224A25 ) (Z24.S25) 70TALRMSKMANA(;EMMY4AU ZffVMSIBANCEFtND 3,K0.201 (224825 SUBTOTALLOLISYMGFlNDS S 30,6US,V0 S 750fs2 S 11 239,983 S 783AM TOTAL OUSM.G FUNDS 531-3" 22 S12A22.903 Real Estate Eraise Tax FirsL- ANEW Real Estate Bicne Tax(RET) Increase - - - - 400.000 Rea! Este Excise Tic Fwa t Rmllocatios Fstabbsh REFT Fund b3, Transfer in from Other Funds - - - 9,006;6 - Transferout REEr Am CIP projects, PACC Pro_pct, & Town Square Site - 6,119,751 - - - StWMYA.LM TFL &.119.751 9pOf,fiOS 400,00® 'TOTAL RFLf FUND 6,119 751 9.006AW Mem" SaiffmuawceAAa@Wstrwdaw FreL- NEW Heakh Self insurance Medical Plan 2,%0,040 Health Self insurance Starve - Transfer In fromCeneral Fund 315,000 TOTAL iEALTHSELF VWStRAMM ADMIN FIND Z54"AM 4520,220 Reserre Fan& RfAff2C how Transfer In from General Fund for Contingency for Unanticipated Cost - - - 1,000,000 - Transfer In from Risk Fund for Strategic Opportunities Reserve - - - M000,000 - TOTALSTRAYEUCRkSMM UEG 3M0Ae0 - CaP&W Project A~~ FatwL- Transfer In fromGnmend Fund forCapual Project Reserve - - - 480,000 - TOTIL G►FffAL FInJiL'f MOEsmvE FtNO 489im UaatQ/aywsat Iwsmuawc a FraL Raalliamow Unenployme nt Contribution - Revenue - Move from Risk Ins urarice Fund - - - 2-14,925 - Unenpimrrew Contribution - Fapendtuw - Move from Risk hisurmrce Fund - - 224,825 - - Transfer In from Risk fAn d for UnerrploNtrtent Insurance Reserve - - - 1,685.026 - TOTAL l ENIPILOA Ml]" e►ISLRANCE FUVD 224X25 Iy09851 SIBTOTALNM'FUVDS S 5679,791 S 221X2_; S 1"16A79 S 40OA00 lrOY4J.NO& FUNDS s 5.90/,616 S19 }16.679 WAR 2014 /ire Re�eme�e 1 Time Omgeimg l -Time O"Ging Other Funds NEW i Salary Adjustment 117,375m 33,821 Nick & Derek Project DUI & Distracted Driving Overtime - Transfer Out to General Fund 50,000 - - I Signage for Police Substation - Transfer Out to General Fund ($16K) Information Technology Fund $6,435) 22,435 - - - License Plate Readers (Quantity 2 ) 39 290 - - CDBGGrant Revenue & Expenditures 602896 60'2,896 Si na a for Police Substation - Transfer In from Traffic Safety Fund 6,435 6,435 - License Plate Readers 2 - Transfer in from Traffic Safety Fund 39?90 3990 - Startup costs for Community Development Positions 50,000 50,000 Reallocutlon Transfer in from Utility Taxreduction 998100) - Transfer in from REEr increase - 998,000 - Reduce Utility Taxtransfer in for FWCC Reserves 234.053 - SUBTOTAL OTHER FUNDS IS 810 ,346 S 117 .375 'is 464,568 S 33 821 TOTAL OTHER F1 ND6 I S 927.721 1 IS 498,389 TOTAL ALL RINDS BUDGET ADJ USTMENTI I S 40,098.677 S 1,092,882 I S 30,621,150 1 S 1 216 821 ORDINANCE NO. 14- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO BUDGETS AND FINANCE TO REVISE THE 2013 -14 BIENNIAL BUDGET (Amending Ordinance. No. 12 -733, 13- 739, 13 -752, and 14 -763). WHEREAS, the tax estimates and budget for the City of Federal Way, Washington, for the 2013- 14 fiscal biennium was prepared and filed on October 2, 2012 as provided by Titles 35A.34 and 84.55 of the Revised Code of Washington; and WHEREAS, the budget was printed for distribution and notice published in the official paper of the City of Federal Way setting the time and place for hearing on the budget and said notice stating copies of the budget can be obtained on -line and at the Office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way having held public hearings on November 6 and November 20, 2012, and having considered the public testimony presented; WHEREAS, the City Council enacted the 2013 -14 Biennial Budget on December 4, 2012, to become effective on January 1, 2013; 2013; WHEREAS, the City Council enacted the 2013 Carry - Forward Budget Adjustment on March 20, WHEREAS, the City Council enacted the 2013 -14 Mid - Biennium Budget Adjustment on December 4, 2013; WHEREAS, the City Council amended the 2013 -14 Biennial Budget to reflect funds to be carried forward from 2013 on March 27, 2014; WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to revise the 2014 Budget to incorporate adjustments to General Fund, Real Estate Excise Tax Fund, Strategic Reserve Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Reserve Fund, Health Insurance Fund, Unemployment Insurance Fund, and Liability Insurance Fund; NOW; THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment. Exhibit B(4) entitled "2014 Revised Budget" is hereby include the 2014 adjustments into the adopted budget for 2014 Section 2. Administration. The Mayor shall administer the Biennial Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments to the extent that they are consistent with the budget approved herein. Section 3. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from the time of its final passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this - - -- day of July, 2014. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JIM FERRELL ATTEST: CITY CLERK, CAROL MCNEILLY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY, AMY JO PEARSALL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: x /xx /2014 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: x /xx /2014 PUBLISHED: x /xx /2014 EFFECTIVE DATE: x /xx /2014 ORDINANCE NO.: xx -xxx Q � (� m CO i< w w a 0 N Q N rn 0 N O N M O O 00 M O O O o0 00 oo O, O 7 w'1 1O Vn O °, N �o 'O b M (T �O y M O 00 O M. �n' V1 •^ M O h V1 00 N n O M M In e7T n n N 11 V C 00 O O n O oo M r+1 In n b N oo �D n 7 O O O 7 a, a In N O M M �--� b O O •--� 00 T In T M °� O �° a �° oc n •--� O O 1n O � C C •--� O N h a0 00 T v'i o0 N 7 O O M N °� N b N R 00 N N V °� h N QO N M a W r EH � t` R N N O� M 01 en b pp N M Op b '+ 00 000, M N R b O� Nf 00 �O M r M O b R O M O ON N N n en l O� 00 O tI b O eA O� .bi M d' O� O� �D 'R e�• O O o0 v, N N b �O 00 N b 00 N �O n ? 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