HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil MIN 07-16-2013 RegularCITY OF
,�... Federal Way
Council Chambers - City Hall
J u ly 16, 2013
7:00 p.m.
www. cityoffederalway. com
Mayor Priest called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City officials present: Mayor Skip Priest, Deputy Mayor Jim Ferrell, Councilmember Kelly
Maloney, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Jeanne Burbidge, Councilmember
Bob Celski, Councilmember Diana Noble-Gulliford and Councilmember Dini Duclos.
City staff present: City Attorney Pat Richardson and City Clerk Carol McNeilly.
Dick Mayer led the Pledge of Allegiance.
As public facilities cannot be used for campaign purposes, CityAttorney Richardson reviewed
the guidelines regarding campaigns and ballot propositions as provided by the Public
Disclosure Commission.
a. Police Department Awards
Police Chief Brian Wilson presented the following awards:
The Life Saving Award to WA State Patrol Trooper John Pierce who responded to a call of
a man who was on Interstate 5 over 320th Street and considering jumping off. Trooper
Pierce grabbed the man before he could jump, saving his life and potentially drivers on the
The Police Chief s Commendation Award to Lieutenant Tracy Grossnickle who is a
founding member of the Police Department and has supervised the Auto Theft Task force
for the past five years. He has been a leader on the task force and is being recognized for
his outstanding work.
Police Chief's Commendation Award to Lieutenant Brett HatField who is a founding
member of the Police Department and a supervisor of the bike patrol unit in the downtown
area. He is being recognized for his work and leadership on the special unit.
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Police Chief's Commendation Award to Commander Chris Norman who is a founding
member of the Police Department and the Commander of the Valley Civil Disturbance
Unit, a team comprised of multiple jurisdictions. Commander Norman is being recognized
for his leadership of this unit as well as the Safe City Program.
Police Chief's Citizen Commendation to Dave Peterson who has volunteered with the
Police Department since 1997. Mr. Peterson was appointed as the leader of the
Neighborhood Safety Program by the City Manager in 1992. He volunteers his time in
property/evidence and vehicle maintenance. Chief Wilson stated Mr. Peterson contributes
in many ways and always conducts himself with a high level of professionalism.
b. Recvcler of the Year Award
Councilmember Honda announced City Recycling Project Coordinator Jeanette
Brizendine was recently named the 2013 Individual Recycler of the Year by the WA State
Recycling Association. Ms. Brizendine is committed to developing and implementing
programs that engage the public and increase participation in recycling efforts. This
year's Recycle-Palooza event collected 10,000 pounds of shredded documents, 55 car
seats and 880 pounds of Styrofoam. Councilmember Honda presented the award to Ms.
Brizendine who thanked the Council and city staff for the opportunity to do the type of work
she loves.
c. Mavor's Emerqinq Issues
Wild Waves Parkinq: At the July 2, 2013 Council meeting, staff was asked to address
parking issues in neighborhoods near Wild Waves. Mayor Priest noted this is a complex
issue that requires working with the owners of the business as well as the neighbors. In
the meantime staff is taking proactive steps to address parking surrounding Wild Waves.
Police Chief Brian Wilson noted the City has been working with Wild Waves and have had
discussions with neighborhood HOA representatives regarding this issue. Signage has
been posted throughout neighborhoods directing them to park in other areas; litter is being
picked up in the neighborhoods by Wild Waves staff; Wild Waves staff is parking at Todd
Beamer and being shuttled to the park; Wild Waves is exploring the option of off-site
parking and shuttle service for park patrons and city staff re-painted fire zones and other
areas in neighborhoods. Chief Wilson stated parking enforcement is a priority for the
police department.
Fourth of Julv Celebration: Police Chief Brian Wilson reported the operation plans for this
year's event was successful in many ways including managing ingress and egress. Police
staffing was increased this year, which included the School Resource Officers in
attendance. The soccer fields were opened earlier in the day to accommodate patrons.
Referring to the Federal Way Police Department After Action Report (dated 7-16-13),
Chief Wilson noted 35 civil infractions and 50 warnings were issued. Overall, this year's
event warranted fewer calls for service for fireworks/noise/illegal discharge during the
period of June 28 to July 7, 2013 compared to 2012. However, there was a slight increase
for the single date of July 4 in 2013 versus 2012.
Mayor Priest extended his thanks to Homeland Security, city staff and the many volunteers
for their work leading up to and during the Fourth of July Celebration.
Executive Assistant Retirina Mayor Priest reported that Executive Assistant Steve Cain will
be retiring and relocating to Ohio. His last day with the City will be August 2"d. Steve and
the Mayor have worked together for the past nine years. Mayor Priest thanked Mr. Cain for
his hard work and dedication.
Councid Minutes — July 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 8
Monte Powell provided information on the 2"d Annual Powell's Wood Storytelling Festival that
will be held July 26th and 27th at Powell's Wood Gardens. They have implemented a traffic
control plan which includes a shuttle from Sacajawea Park to the venue.
Nancv Combs spoke regarding paving along 21 S� Ave. S.W. She is unhappy with the work that
was performed.
Clara McArthur inquired if the members of the Federal Way Coalition for Performing Arts have
contributed funds to the PACC development. She read an excerpt from the MOU the City
signed with the group. She is fed up with the manipulation she claims is going on in the city.
Chris Rall with Transportation for America; shared methods to bring transportation funding,
transit options and maintenance/repairs into line with current and future needs — specifically,
how transportation is invested in and paid for. Mr. Rall distributed a brochure explaining more
about the coalition's vision and plans. He asked for Council support and encouraged
contacting Transportation for America for more information.
Norma Blanchard began commenting on a recent investigation that occurred at City Hall. City
Attorney Richardson issued a"point of order" as this is an election year and this topic was not
Bettv Tavlor thanked the Police and Council for the July 9th community meeting at Waterbury
Apartments. She would like to have clarification regarding what topics are appropriate to
discuss during the Citizen Comment portion of the Council meetings.
H. David Kaplan stated 23 years ago he was part of crea#ing the Parks and Open Space Plan;
which was later adopted by the Council. Many goals outlined in the plan have been
implemented; one has not — the development of a PACC. He feels development of a PACC
wil! boost the economy and provide much needed meeting space for the community. He has
donated to this project and encouraged others to as well.
Items listed below have been previously reviewed in theirentirety by a Council Committee of thriee members and
brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be ►emoved by
a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion.
a. Minutes: July 2, 2013 Regular Meeting
b. Acceptance of Transportation Grant Funding — Washington Traffic Safety Commission
c. Mobile Command Post Vehicle
d. Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) Grant — Distracted Driving Memo of
e. School Zone Enhancement
Motion: Deputy Mayor Ferrell moved approval of Consent Agenda items 5.a. through
5.e. Councilmember Duclos second.
Deputy Mayor Ferrell Yes
Council Minutes — July 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Page 3 of 8
Councilmember Maloney Yes
Councilmember Honda Yes
Councilmember Burbidge Yes
Councilmember Celski Yes
Councilmember Noble-Gulliford Yes
Councilmember Celski Yes
Motion carried 7-0.
Mayor Priest introduced agenda items 6.a. and 6.b. as one item. He stated the City Clerk
issued a press release to recruit volunteers for both the Pro and Con Committees to write
statements for the voters pamphlet for the ballot title restricting the elections for citizen
initiatives. No volunteers submitted their name by the July 8thdeadline.
a. Resolution: Appointinq Pro Committee Members for the Proposition Restrictinq the
Election for Citizen Initiatives
b. Resolution: Appointina Con Committee Members for the Proposition Restrictinct the
Election for Citizen Initiatives
City Attorney Richardson reviewed possible actions for the Council to consider. The
Council could take no action and refer the matter to King County Elections. Or they could
extend the deadline for volunteers to submit names to the City Clerk to August 1St and
Council would appoint members to both Committees at the August 6�' meeting.
Deputy Mayor Ferrell spoke to the importance of the democratic process and for citizens
to exercise their voting rights. He has been informed that some people are interested in
serving on the Pro and Con Committees and would like to give those individuals the
opportunity to submit their name and contact information to the City Clerk.
Motion: Deputy Mayor Ferrell moved to extend the recruitment deadline for the Pro
Committee to August 1, 2013 to allow citizens to submit their name and contact
information to the City Clerk, and for Council to take action on August 6, 2013.
Councilmember Duclos second.
Deputy Mayor Ferrell Yes
Councilmember Maloney Yes
Councilmember Honda Yes
Councilmember Burbidge Yes
Councilmember Celski Yes
Councilmember Noble-Gulliford Yes '
Councilmember Celski Yes
Motion carried 7-0.
Motion: Deputy Mayor Ferrell moved to extend the recruitment deadline forthe Con
Committee to August 1, 2013 to allow citizens to submit their name and contact
information to the City Clerk, and for Council to take action on August 6, 2013.
Councilmember Duclos second.
Deputy Mayor Ferrell Yes
Councilmember Maloney Yes
Councilmember Honda Yes
Councid Minutes — July 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Page 4 of 8
Councilmember Burbidge Yes
Councilmember Celski Yes
Councilmember Noble-Gulliford Yes
Councilmember Celski Yes
Motion carried 7-0.
c. 2013/2014 Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract — Bid Award
Mayor Priest noted this item did not go through the Land Use Transportation Council
Committee as it is time sensitive.
Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller stated the City re-bid this project and the lowest
responsive bidderwas Everson's Econo-Vac in the amount of $154,253.00. Everson's has
provided services to the City in the past, and their bid falls within the project budget.
Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to award the 2013/2014 Surface Water
Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract to Everson's Econo-Vac in the
amount of $154,253.00, the lowest responsive responsible bidder, and authorize the
Mayor to execute the contract. Councilmember Burbidge second.
Deputy Mayor Ferrell Yes
Councilmember Maloney Yes
Councilmember Honda Yes
Councilmember Burbidge Yes
Councilmember Celski Yes
Councilmember Noble-Gulliford Yes
Councilmember Celski Yes
Motion carried 7-0.
d. Update bY Lorax Partners on Schematic Desiqn Development for the Performinq Arts
and Conference Center (PACC)
Mayor Priest s#a#ed this item is informational only. Patrick Doherty provided background
information on this project. The City issued a RFQ for joint development of the site with a
PACC and related hospitality components. Lorax Partners and their team were selected
and they presented a proposed concept to Council in March of this year. The preliminary
cost estimate for the project is $31,750,000 (this is an "all in" cost). Mr. Doherty reviewed
the available funds as well as proposed funding strategies. He stated the Federal Way
Coalition of the PerForming Arts is working with the City on grant opportunities for this
PJ Santos with Lorax Associates provided a mid-way schematic design update on this
project. Project goals include creating a new cultural and civic center for Federal Way;
enhance urban fabric with community gathering spaces; conference community events
space, and a multi-purpose arts venue.
Wendy Pautz with LNM Architects reviewed site considerations that have influenced the
proposed plan. She reviewed the layout for the ground level which includes the building
entrance, lobby, box office, meeting rooms, auditorium, stage, restrooms, kitchen, loading
and receiving areas, dressing rooms, and administration offices. The upper level of the
facility would include mechanical and electrical spaces, restrooms and VIP/patron room.
The auditorium would accommodate theatre; symphony/orchestra/chorale; drama/musical
theatre/popular entertainment and conference/lectures. Ms. Pautz outlined howthe facility
Council Minutes — July 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Page 5 of 8
would accommodate various types of events identified.
Mr. Santos stated the next steps for this project are to complete the schematic design and
define the exterior of the PACC; to create a rendering and landscape plan; to refine and
complete the operations proforma; updated project budget and a site plan approval
package ready for submission.
Joann Piquette from the Federal Way Coalition of the PerForming Arts provided an update
on the fundraising efforts the group has engaged in. An informational brochure and
bookmark were created and handed out at the July 4"' Event at Celebration Park. The
feedback they received was positive. A Q&A module has been added to the group's
website; the grant writing committee is busy contacting various potential donors which has
resulted in an invitation/approval to submit a grant to a major funding source. The
Coatition is planning on conducting a fundraising concert and they have begun collecting
pledges for naming rights for meeting rooms and other portions of the facility.
Councilmembers asked clarifying questions relating to using the roof-top as additional
space; if setup for various types of events would be done mechanically or via manual
labor and if portions of this presentation could be used for fundraising.
First Reading:
a. CB #627 2013 Comprehensive Plan Amendments
An Ordinance of the City of Federal Way, Washington, Relating to Amendments to the
City's Comprehensive Plan Map, and Zoning Map. (Amending Ordinances 90-43, 95-
248, 96-270, 98-330, 00-372, 01-405, 03-442, 04-460, 04-461, 04-462, 05-490, 05-491,
05-492, 07-558, 09-641, 10-671, 11-683 and 13-736)
Principal Planner Margaret Clark stated the policy questions before council is if the
City should approve three citizen-initiated requests for changes to the
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map.
The three requests for consideration are:
FW Hiqh School — 38.32 acres located west of Pacific Highway between S
304th Street and S 308th Street. The request is to rezone the parcel from
Single-Family High Density Residential to Community Business. Both zones
allow schools, however, the Community Business Zone has more flexible
development standards. The request is consistent with the vision of the Comp
2. Lakeview Professional Buildinq — 0.93 acres located W. of 14th Avenue S. and
South of S. 308t . The request is to rezone the parcel from Professional Office
Zoning to Multiple Family Residential Zoning. The applicant would like the
flexibility to build multi-family units on this site. This request is consistent with
the vision of the Comprehensive Plan.
3. Greg and Leanne Summers — 1.05 Acres located South of North Lake,
between 30t Avenue S., S. 337th Street and 33`d Place S. The request is to
rezone finro parcels from Corporate Park Zoning to Single Family High Density
Residential Zoning. The applicants are requesting the zoning change so they
are consistent with zoning to the East. This request is consistent with the
vision of the Comprehensive Plan.
Councid Minutes — July 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Page 6 of 8
Councilmember Celski thanked staff for their work on these items.
City Clerk McNeilly read the ordinance title into the record.
Motion: Councilmember Celski moved to approve the ordinance and forward
it to the August 6, 2013 Council meeting for second reading and enactment.
Councilmember Duclos second.
Deputy Mayor Ferrell
Councilmember Maloney
Councilmember Honda
Councilmember Burbidge
Councilmember Celski
Councilmember Noble-Gulliford
Councilmember Celski
Motion carried 7-0.
Councilmember Maloney attended the Red, 1Nhite and Blues Festival and thanked staff for
their work on this event; they did a phenomenal job. She attended the Public Safety meeting
at the Waterbury Apartment Complex and noted a fantastic turnout.
Councilmember Honda announced the upcoming 6�' Annual Desna Cup event August 16�' &
17th at Saghalie Park. A Safety Day will be held at the Federal Way Farmers Market on
Saturday July 20t"; children will receive safety items and free bike helmets. She and
Councilmember Noble-Gulliford attended the Human Services Commission meeting last night
where they received a presentation on homelessness and human services funding needs.
Deputy Mayor Ferrell reported the 4�' of July event was a huge success. He thanked the
Police Department, Public Works Department and everyone who helped with the event.
Councilmember Burbidge also thanked those involved in the Red, White and Blues Festival.
The next Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting is July 24th. She Attended a Regional
Transit Committee workshop as well as a meeting of the South County Area Transportation
Board where they received a presentation on Metro F-Line report. She noted that she has
attended the storytelling event at the Powell's Wood Gardens in the past. Saturday is the
Federal Way Symphony's 14t" Annual Tour of Gardens event; tickets are available on the
Federal Way Symphony website.
Councilmember Celski reported the Community Gardens Organization is having a fundraiser
August 1 St that starts at 5:30 p.m. with a tour of the Truman Gardens and includes dinner.
Earthcorps will be working at Panther Lake August 3ro starting at 10:00 a.m. The next LUTC
meeting is August 5�'�
Councilmember Noble-Gulliford reported tomorrow is the last day the Pacific Bonsai Collection
will be open. She announced upcoming community events including the Summer Sounds
concerts at Steel Lake Park on Wednesday evenings and the Kiwanis Salmon Bake on July
26th at Steel Lake Park. Councilmember Noble-Gulliford also thanked and recognized
Community Services Manager Jay Bennett for his work to produce an informational piece to
better inform the Korean-speaking community of transit options in the City.
Council Minutes — July 16, 2013 Regular Meeting Page 7 of 8
Councilmember Duclos briefed the audience on several important meetings she attended
since her last report. At the Regional Policy Committee Meeting July 10th, several topics were
discussed including, but not limited to, the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, a recent proposed
Health and Human Services Transformation plan by the County Executive and a briefing on
the Factoria Recycling and Transfer Station upgrade project. Councilmember Duclos provided
an overview of topics discussed at the MSWMAC meeting July 12th and announced the
upcoming meeting of the Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee
on July 23`d at 5:30 p.m. In regards to the 336th & 215� Avenue Southwest project,
Councilmember Duclos thanked staff for efforts to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow
at the intersection.
Mayor Priest had no report.
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The Council did not adjourn to Executive Session.
With no additional items before the Council, Mayor Priest adjourned the meeting at 9:31
Carol McNeilly, CMC, ity Clerk
Approved by Council: August 6, 2013
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