HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 12-616RESOLUTION NO. 12-616
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Federal Way,
Washington, amending Resolution No. 10-580, Approving Norpoint
Heights Pretiminary Plat, by modifying the approved clearing and
grading plan.
WHEREAS, the City Council granted preliminary plat approval to the fourteen lot
Norpoint Heights subdivision on Apri16, 2010, adopting Resolution No. 10-580; and
WHEREAS, the approved grading plan of the preliminary plat shows clearing and
grading that is limited to the area of the plat needed for roadway and storm drainage installation;
WHEREAS, prior to construction approval, the applicant submitted a proposed grading
plan for staff review that proposes clearing and grading beyond what was previously approved
by the City Council; and
WHEREAS, staff determined that the proposed grading plan was not consistent with the
approved preliminary plat grading plan; and
WHEREAS, on November 10, 2011, the applicant submitted a written request to the
City, as allowed by Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Section 127(c), to modify the approved
preliminary plat to allow for the proposed grading plan; and
WHEREAS, on February 21, 2012, the City Council conducted a special meeting to
review the Norpoint Heights Preliminary Plat modification request;
Resolution No. 12-616 Page 1 of 3
Section l. Adoption of Findings of Fact and Conclusions. The Council hereby adopts
the findings of fact and conclusions as contained in the Staff Report, attached hereto as Exhibit A
and incorporated herein.
Section 2. Anproval with Condition. The request to modify Resolution No. 10-580 by
replacing sheet PP-04 "Preliminary Clearing, Grading and Utility Plan" with sheet GR-01
"Clearing, Grading & T.E.S.C." as contained in the Staff Report to the City Council is hereby
approved subject to the condition that the applicant provide preventative measures to address
erosion control as determined by staff.
Section 3. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution
should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of cornpetent jurisdiction, such
: invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other
section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution.
Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this resolution are authorized
to make necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of
scrivener/clerical enors, references, resolution numbering, section/subsection numbers and any
references thereta
Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective
date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed.
Section 5. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage
by the Federal Way City Council.
Resolution No. 12-616 Page 2 of 3
WASHINGTON this 6 day of March, 2012.
Resolution No.12-616
Page 3 of 3
Exhibit A
Federal Way
FEBRUARY 21, 2012
Federal Way City Council Chambers
Staff Report prepared by: Deb Barker, Senior Planner
February 14, 2012
Tabte of Contents
I. General Information ......................................................................................................... 1
II . Summary of Proposal .................................••-..........----..................................................... 1
III. Background..........-••-••--• .....................................•-...............................................--•...•-•....
IV . Analysis of the Request ......................................•-....................................................••--•-.. 2
V. Findings of Fact and Conclusion ..............................•••--................................................... 3
VI. Recommendation ..........................................................................................................•-• 4
VII. Exhibits ............................................................................................................................ 4
Fi1e l�tumber:
David Litowitz, Landmark Home, Inc., PO Box 26116, Federal Way, WA 98093
Brianne Gastfield, ESM Consulting Engineers, 181 South 333` Street, Building C,
Suite 210, Federal Way, WA 98003
Action Requested: "['he applicant is seeking a modification to change the clearing and grading limits
of the approved pre(iminary plat of Norpoint Heights in order to mass grade the subject property.
Relevant Dates: Preliminary Plat Application Filed:
Application Determined Complete:
Preliminary Plat Approval Granted
Engineering Plans Submitted:
January 22, 2008
February 21, 2008
Apri16, 2010
December 13, 2010
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council affirm that the modification request
meets the criteria for a modification under Federal Way Ciry Code (FWCC) and approve the Norpoint
Heights preliminary plat modification to replace sheet PP-04 "Preliminary Clearing, Grading &
Utility Ptan") in Exhibit A with sheet GR-01 "Clearing, Grading & T.E.S.C."
ESM Consulting Engineers has proposed a modification to the Norpoint Heights preliminary plat
project which received City Council approval on Aprit 6, 2010 (ExhibitA). Their request is to modify
plat clearing and grading limits so that most of the site can be cleared and all residential building lots
graded in conjunction with installation of the roadway and storm pond improvements, and in advance
of building permits issued for new homes. This is a change to the clearing and grading limits that
were approved with the preliminary plat as shown on sheet PP-04, which is the "Preliminary
Clearing, Grading & Utility Plan" prepared by ESM Consulting Engineers dated August 24, 2009
(Exhibit B). That plan depicts clearing and grading next to the road and storm pond while building
lots are generally left un-disturbed and vegetation is retained.
Approved sheet #PP-04 depicts site cleaxing with grading limits approximately twenty-five feet
behind the sidewalks, with areas of retained significant trees on future building lots. According to
these plans, individual buitding lots were to remain genera(ly undisturbed until building permits were
issued and individual home construction begins, and there would be vegetation retained on individual
building lots following clearing and grading activities.
Following preliminary plat approval and City Council adoption of Resolution # 10-580 (Exhibit C),
the applicant submitted engineering plans for review under fite #10-105147-00-EN. Sheet GR-Ol
"Clearing, Grading & T.E.S.C_" (Exhibit D) prepared by ESM Consulting Engineers and dated
10/21J1 l, depicts a grading proposal that significantly exceeds the grading limits shown on sheet
� The pre(iminary plat app(ication, which was determined to be complete on 2/21/2008, is vested to those zoning and subdivision
codes in effect at that time_
Norpoint Heights Preliminary Plat Modification Page (
Staff RepoR to the Federal Way City Gouncil File i(-(04523-AD/o�. ►.n. as9a6o
#PP-04 as approved by the City Council. Sheet GR-01 shows that eight significant trees wou(d be
retained at the rear of (ots 5, 9, 10 and I l, and one significant tree retained in the buffer tract between
the plat and Norpoint Way NE. The rest of the subdivision site would be entirely cleared, and all
building lots graded along with installation of roads and storm pond. Staff notified the applicant that
the grading proposat was not consistent with the approved preliminary plat grading plan, and advised
the applicant to revise the grading plans so as to be consistent with the approved plans, or
alternatively, request a modification to the approved preliminary plat from the City Council. In a
November 8, 2011 letter (Exhibit E), the appiicant requested a modification to the approved clearing
and grading plans to allow for clearing and grading as proposed.
The proposed modification consists of rep(acing sheet PP-04 "Preliminary Clearing, Grading &
Utility P(an" in Exhibit A with sheet GR-01 "Clearing, Grading & T.E.S.C."
Pursuant to FWCC 20-127(d), the City Council may approve a minor modification to a pre(iminary
plat if (1) the change will not have the effect of increasing the residential density of the p(an; (2) the
change will not resu(t in the relocation of any access point to an exterior street from the plat; (3) the
change will not result in any loss of open space or buffering provided in the plat; and (4) the city
determines that the change will not increase any adverse impacts or undesirable effects on the project
and that the change does not significantly alter the project Following is an analysis of the requested
modification relative to these criteria.
(1) The change will not have the effect of increasing the residentiat density of the ptan. The
proposed modification deals only with clearing and grading (imits and does not impact or change
the density approved with this plat. This criterion is met.
(2) The change witl not result in the retocation of any access point to an egterior street from
the plat. The proposed modification deals only with clearing and grading limits and will not
impact or change the access point to Norpoint Way from this plat. This criterion is met.
(3) The change wilt not result in any loss of open space or buffering provided in the plat. The
proposed modification does not impact the open space or buffering provided in this plat. The
original open space requirements are satisfied via a fee in lieu of payment prior to final plat
approval, and vegetative buffering that witl be planted along Norpoint Way is not impacted by
the proposed modification. This criterion is met.
(4) The change will not increase any adverse impacts or undesirable effects on the project and
that the change does not signifcantly alter the project. The proposed modification seeks to
amend the grading plan required by FWCC 20-179(a). That provision states "All natural
vegetation shall be retained on the site to be subdivided except that which will be removed for
improvements or grading as shown on the approved engineering plans... If development is to be
phased, clearing and grading shall also be phased. A preliminary clearing and grading plan shall
be submitted as part of the preliminary plat application."
At the time the applicant submitted the approved grading p(an, the expanded grading plan now
being proposed by the applicant was considered inconsistent with StafF's interpretation of a
Comprehensive Plan policy. Staff re(ied on the interpretation to prohibit mass clearing and
grading. However, in a subsequent preliminary plat recommendation for a different subdivision
project, the City's Hearing Examiner rejected Staf�s interpretation ofthe Comprehensive Plan
Norpoint I-ieights Preliminary Plat Modification Page 2
Staff Report to the Eederal Way City Council File 11-104523-AD/ua. �.n. sssa6o
policy. The Hearing Examiner found that the Comprehensive Plan po(icy was vague and Staff's
interpretation was in conflict with recent case law. Furthermore, the Hearing Examiner found
that the Comprehensive Plan policy was not mandatory; rather it only stated what a developer
"should" do, not what a developer was "required" to do. Therefore, the Hearing Examiner ruled
that the grading plans could only be restricted based on clear vio(ations of the code. Based on
this ruling, Staff changed its interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan po(icy. This change was
in effect prior to the City's preliminary plat approval for Norpoint Heights.
The applicant notes in the request for modification that grading the site based on the proposed
modification reduces the overa(1 impact to the public roadways by relocating and importing soil
material at one time rather than multipte times in conjunction with development of each lot. The
applicant further stated that cleaxing and grading the entire site will have minimal impact to the
public as the majority of the site sits above the major access roadway and only a small portion of
the site wili be visible from the roadway. Grading the tots during construction of the roadway is
an effective way to control erosion. Moreover, the proposed modification will not result in any
changes to approved road layout, to lot layout, to open space, or to the location of the stormwater
faci(ity, and it balances cut and fill quantities with roadway installation.
The proposed modification is also compliant with the City's significant tree retention
requirement that the subdivision applicaxion is vested to. The subdivision code required that
preservation of significant trees pursuant to FWCC 22-1568 shall app(y so(ety to the
development of each single-family lo� The 3.06-acre site is partially wooded with thick
shrubbery, and a mixture of conifer and deciduous trees. According to an "Existing Conditions
Survey" there are a total of twenty-seven trees on the subject property that meet the FWCC
definition of a significant tree. Under the approved grading plan, seventeen of these trees are to
be retained on future building lots and in a landscape buffer based on sheet PP-04 —
"Preliminary Clearing, Grading & Utility Plan". The seventeen retained trees exceed the 25%
minimum of significant trees that were required to be retained or replaced with a subdivision
proposat. As a result, tree replacement was not required with the preliminary plat approval.
The proposed grading plan would retain a total of eight significant trees at the rear of (ots 5, 9,
10 and 1 l, and retain one significant tree in the required landscape buffer between the plat and
Norpoint Way NE. These nine trees are more than 25% of the existing twenty-seven trees on the
subject property. Therefore, the modification request maintains comptiance with the significant
tree retention requirements of FWCC Section 22-1568.
Based on an analysis of the approved preiiminary plat, the requested modification, and related
decisional criteria, the Community and Economic Development Department concludes as follows:
1. The proposed modification will not increase the residential density of the ptat, will not result in
the relocation of any access points to an exterior street from the plat, and will not result in any
loss of open space or buffering provided in the plat.
2 It should be noted that in response to the Fiearing Examiner's decision (among other topics), the City's Clearing and Grading
code was amended and this issue addressed.
3 Under the EWCC, a significant tree was defined as 12 inches in diameter or 37 inches in circumference measured 4.5 feet above
the rootball, in good health and not detrimental to the community. Significant trees did not include red alder, cottonwood, poptar
or big (eaf maple, no matter the size. Significant trees were regulated unti( adoption of the Cteazing, Grading and Tree and
Vegetation Retention ordinance on April 7, 2009, which replaced significant trees with tree units per acre.
Norpoint E[eights Pretiminary Plat Modification Page 3
Staff Report to the Federal Way City Council File L 1-104523-AD/na. i.o. asssco
2. The proposed modification will not increase any adverse impacts or undesirable effects of the
project, and does not significant(y alter the project by: 1) adequateiy addressing erosion and
sedimentation control; 2) reducing construction impacts on surrounding properties and the
public roadway; 3) comptying with the significant tree retention code; and 4) complying with all
other code provisions the pre(iminary plat is vested to.
3. The proposed modification is limited to replace in sheet PP-04 "Preliminary Clearing, Grading
& Utility Plan" in Exhibit A with sheet GR-Ol "Clearing, Grading & T.E.S.C." No other part of
the preliminary plat approval authorized by Resolution 10-580 is to be altered by the
modification request.
4. The proposed modification to the preliminary plat complies with the criteria for a modification
as stated in FWCC 20-127(d).
Based on Staf�s review of this modification request with the preliminary plat application, related
code, and pertinent decisionat criteria, Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) affirm that the
modification request meets the criteria for a modification pursuant to FWCC 20-127(d); and 2)
approve the Norpoint Heights preliminary plat modification to replace sheet PP-04 "Preliminary
Clearing, Grading and Utility Plan" in Exhibit A with sheet GR-01 "Clearing, Grading & T.E.S.C."
(a) Reduced size approved "Pre(iminary Plat for Norpoint Heights: Exhibit A, pages 1 through 5"
(b) Approved Sheet PP-04 "Preliminary C(earing, Grading & Utility Plan"
(c) Norpoint Heights preliminary plat resolution # 10-580 dated Apri16, 2010
(d) Sheet GR-Ol "Clearing, Grading & T.E.S.C."
(e) November 8, 2011 modification request tetter from Brianne Gastfield, P.E., ESM Consulting
Engineers Inc.
Norpoint [-teights Preliminary Piat Modification Page 4
Staff Report to the Federal Way City Council Fite 11-104523-AD/n«. �.o. nsvseo
prepared for
P.O. BOX 26116
FEDERAL WAY, WA 98093-3116
prepared by
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� 339Y6 1stWay South #20p
Phone:;253) 838-6113
C17Y OF FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. 08-100329-00-SU
ESM JOB NO. 1433-002•007
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WHEREAS, the ownec, Land Mazk Homes, Inc., applied to the City of Federal Way for
preliminary plat approval to subdivide certain reai property known as Norpoint Heights, and
consisting of 3.0 acres into fourteen (14) single-family residential lots located at Norpoint Way NE
(Tacoma). & 25� Avenue SW (Federal Way) near SW 353 Street in F�eral Way WA; and
WHEREAS, on August 12, 2009, an Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance
(DNS) was issued by the City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) official pursuant to Chapter
43.21C; RCW; and
WHEREAS, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner on January 27, 2010, held a public hearing
concerning Norpoint Heights preliminary plat; aud
WHEREAS, following ihe conclusion of said hearing, on Mazch 2, 2010, the Federa.l Way
Hearing Examiner issued a written Report and Recommendation containing findings and
conclusions, and recommending approval of Norpoint Heights preliminary plat subject to conditions
set forth therein; and
WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has jurisdiction and authoritypursuant tfl Section
24-127 of the Federal Way City Code to approve, deny, or modify a preliminary plat and/or its
conditions; and
WHEREAS, on March 15, 2010, the City. Council Land Use and Transportation Committee
considered the record and the Hearing Examiner re�onunendation on Norpoint Heights. preliminary
plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way Ciry Code, Chapter 58_ 17 RCW, and all other applicable
Resolution No.10-S80
Page 1 of /4
City codes, and voted to forward a recommendation for approval of the proposed Norpoint Heights
preliminary plat to the full City Council, with no changes to the Hearing Examiner recommendation; '
WHEREAS, on April 6, 2010, the City Council considere� the record and the Hearing ;
Exazniner recommendation on Norpoint Heights preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 ofFederal
Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes.
Section 1. Adoption of Findint;s of Fact and Conciusions.
1. The findings of fact and conclusions of the Hearing Examiner's March 2, 2010 Report and
Recommendation, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference, are hereby adopted as the
findings and conclusions of the Federal Way City Council. Any finding deemed to be a conclusion, and any
conclusion deemed to be a fiading, shall be treated as such_
2_ Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the StaffReport and Hearing Examiner's
recommendation, and condiiions of approval as estabtished therein, the proposed subdivision makes
appropriate provisions for the public heaith, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage
ways, s�treets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary waste, parks and
recreation, play grounds, schools and schools grounds, and all other relevant facts as are required by City oode
and state law, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for
students who walk to and from school.
3. The public use and in#e�+est will be served by the preliminary plat approval granted herem.
Section 2. Application Approval. Based upon the r�ommendation of the Federal Way Hearing
Examiner and findings and conciusions oontained therein as adopted by the City Council immediately above,
Resolution No_ 10-580
Page 2 of /4
G .
Norpoint Heights preliminary plat, Federat Way File No. 08-100329-00 SU, is hereby approved, subject to
conditions as contained in ihe March 2, 2010, Report and Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing
Examiner (Exhibit A)_
Section 3. Conditions of Approval Intep ral. The conditions of approval of the preliminary plat are aIl
integral to each other with respect to the City Council finding that the public use and interest will be served by
the platring or subdivision of the subject property. Should any court having jurisdiction over the subjeci matter
declare any of the conditions invalid, then, in said event, the proposed preliminary plat approval gcanted in this
resolution shall be deemed void, and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the City of FedeFal Way
Hearing Examiner to review the impacts of tiie invalidation of any condition or conditions and conduct such
additional proceedings as are necessary to assure that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the
pubtic health, safety, and general welfare and other factors as required by RCW Chapter 58.17 and appticabie
City ordinances, rules, and regulations, and forward such recommendation to the City Council for further
Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be he[d to
be invalid or unconstitutional by a coeut of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstiiutianality shall
not affect the validity or constiturionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution.
Section 5. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make
necessary conections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical e�rors,
references, ordinance numbering, secrion/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 6. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the
resolurion is hereby ratified and affinned
Section 7. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal
Way City Councii.
Resolution No.l D-S80 Page 3 of !4
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WASHINGTON this 6�' day of April, 2010.
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FQ.ED WITH TI� CTTY CLERK: 3/30/2410 �
RESOLUTiON NO.: 10.580 I
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Reso[ution No. l D-S80
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Phi! Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner
RE: Norpoint Heights
08-100329-00-SU LAW AND REC011�NDATION
The-applicant zequests approval of a preliminacy plat to subdivide 3 ac�rs into 14 singlo-family
lots. The Examiner recoaunends approval, but contingent upon the drainage pond me�ting
Public drainage Pond standards- .
'l�e pcimaiy issue in this application was the slope of a disinage P�• ��P� �S�
pond satisfied stope standards for priyate ponds birt not for pubHc po� Public dedication of
�Be Po� ��� bY C�t3' �S��ons "as appropriate." City staff' Qrovided very
compelfing aad voluminous testimony on We need for pub6c dedic�ion of all .r�deahal
d�aimSe Poads. Staff recommended deaiat if tl�e applicant insisted on maiataining Private
ownerslnp of tbe po�s_ After the Examiner clo�sed the verb�l testimony patioa of the heazing,
staff and the applic�at submitted a writtcn ag�teed-upon concepqial plan for a drainagc pond that
at this stage appeazs to comply with public stope standards_ 'll�e pacties also submiHed some
rocomme�ded eondiGions af approval to covec private ownership shouW it not be pos�ble to
c�fo� the conceptua! draina8e Po� w the standards for public drainage ponds. Thece was m
��Y� �Planation as to why pdvate ownership for t6e ponds woutd be appc�e m
tltis case_ Unfoftunately, the staffs evidence for public ownership was so compelling that the
Exsminer has � evidentisry basis to conclude that a private owned drainage pond witf pmvide
for edequate � or be consistent with public health, safety and welfare as reqiured by
th� City's subdivision standards.
Daved Lee — Associate Ptanner for Fedcra! Way Staff
Mr. L.ee began by giviag a brief des«iption of t�e pivject proposai_ Staff finds thst four of the
6ve criteria for subdivision approva! have not bxn mct due to the extreme slope of t6e
stormwater facilities. Stom�water roq�rinments requae t6e dedicaaon of the stormwater facality
w We City. The City is unwilling to accept dedication due to Wc steep siopes. The siopes
constidue a mainteoance 6a�ard. Staff rocommends deoial of the "plat as desigood dne to the
stoimwater facility. Flovwever, Staff is willing to consider conditioniag for approval of We
preliminary plat upoa the applic�nt mecting stormwatcr faciGty tr,qairements. Staff
ar�owlodged that coaditioning approval on a facility that meets stoimwater standards coald
resutt in a redesign of the plat that would re�oire additiona( public revicw
tPeo�6rmDO�iwoa.9oa000� }
Prel�mary Plet Rewmmeada6on p. i Findings, Conclusions and Rxommendati�t
Resolutio�r No.10-580 Page 6 0, f l4
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atso areas within the FWCC which state that some facilities should be maintained privately and
Wat dedication is only necessary whea+e appmpriate.
'I�e prapetty cannot �commodatc a 3-to-1 (3:1) stope_ The mad is pushed as far south as can be
push�d, and the road is planned at its minim�an permitted width Forcing 3:! side stopes ia Uus
pond wouid essentially mean that the bottom of the poad wouW come to a point end the vohmu
ra�iremeats caanot be met. Because of this, the pond was desig�d with a 2-to-i (2:1) side
slope. Private ownexship is being advocated becausc tt�e property ownas cannot mcet the des�.
requicemeats for a City-maintained p�nd for that arr�
Additiooally, tl� applicanks are desiguing the pond 'm conformswce with We 1998 Surfsce Water
Manual. T'he difference arises in design due to differing reqttirements betvvecn puWicly and
Pr►vatelY owned Ponds- Where the requirematis that the City pointod out for publicty owncd
P°� ��. P�IY �� p�ds have much less stringe,nt stamda�ds, per the Manasl. In
regards to r,ont�e�ions by staff Wat maximization of lots on site are the driving force, that is
simply not tn�e, becau.4e even with the cemoval of lots 13 and 14, the pond reqtriremtnts still
cauld nat be md. ALso, the �Plicant believes �at there are instances whea the maoagemeat �d
maintenance of se�h sites is more appi+opciate in private ha�s. Private Ia�pe mainte�nce
of a 7,500-squaro-foot pond can likdy be done more efficieattY, �d P�bl3' 1� ��
the City. Safety concans arc l�lcely to ody relate w professional maint�ance vwociceas, b�e
a 6-foot f�cC is also re4uired. Noth�ng in the Federal Way regulatioos mandate publicly owucd
ponds and it is common in other j�uisdictions to allow private owne�ship. .
Upon rebattai: .�Mr_ I.eBrie would argue that die site in question w�ould have similar ca�sie�
� a�mme�ial pr�ertY and that water nmoff wodd be similar as welI. Fear of a HOA not�
existiag in tl�e funue should not be a reason frnr denial. In regac�ds to whether a c6ange woeiid be
minor ��t, a toductioa of lots woald result in a simply administrative aiteiation.
See list of nxhibits at p. 12 of the January 19, 2010, staff report preparod by David L,oe. In
addition, the following exhibits wese presented a� entered inw the record dncing the �blic
L: PowerPoinE by David Lee -
M: ?J3/10 Memo fmm David Lce regmding conditions of approvat.
N. ?J3/10 leaer fivm Brianne Gastfieid bu Dave Lee r�garding stotmwater desiga
O. 2/3/10 "Storm Drainage Pond Alroernative".
P. TJIO/10 Memo fmm David Lee regacding conditions of approval.
1. Applieant. David Litowitz on behalf of Landmsrk Homes, lnc.
{P�a,�mmGn,3o.t.v00000� y
Preiimioa�y Piac Recommmda6on p. 3 Findings, Conclusions a� Rxommeadatian
Resolution No.10-S80 Page 8 of l4
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Witliam ApQleton — Surface Water Manager for City of Federal Way
Mr_ Appleton be8an bY addre�iag whY the proposa} does not meet four of the Sve subdivision
ctitecia_ F.ssentiaily the pond do�s not meet the side slope standards aecessaty for C'rty
ovvnership and is therefore aot consistent witli the puWic health, safety, and welfare. The City
Snds t}�at it wovld be appropriate and nece�sary for the 6cility to be dedicated to the City, and
under the cuaent stope design, it does not meet the req�+emenis or standetds of saceptance_
Under We cim+ent design, one of the side slopes in the pond is approximat�ly fiRy perxat stapa
than is genecally allowed; which presenis safety and maintenance }�roblems.
In regards to why the City desires to have tt�se types of facilities under City control, retention
ponds serve maay importani services lhat the City can best manage. Additionally, thc ponds
im�pact othes City surface water facilities, and Wus if �t maintained properly, c� have negative
impad on City and eventually State waReis. If these facilities are priw�e, they ace required to be
meintaine8 aad operated at City staadaeds. in addition, responsibilifies for facilities, for wluch
We property owners are responsible, must be shown on tl�e plat documentation Ev�nh�elly, t6is
means that liomeowners in tl�e developme.nt wouid themselves be respon,4ible for mainteaance of
the faplity aad wuu[d also be responsible for costs of impmp� fimction Pa� ex�erie�ce has
shown that �xivate ownerslrip of such facilities has failed W meet City standacds a�d haa causod
difficiil6es for the City and homeowacrs. City ownetship also ens�aes quicZc and approp�iate
respoase to any spill or other concein.
In ttye pasE 20 yeacs, Mr. Appleton cannot tLinlc of a facility which the City bas not acoep#ed for
�aintenance. Although other cities talce othar means of maoageme,nt of stotm�tec �es,
Mr. Appi�on believes tbat taking oa the facilitits initiallY, rather than vvaiti�g fo�
noacompiiance of private owneiship, avoids inc�sed costs and damages ia the long tam:•' Not
ody the faciiity, but also the eatire plat, would likeiy need to be re�esigaod in ordcx to mect the
slope ?equiretn�t necessary for City ecceptaace.
In rESponse to the statements by thc applicant There are private stocmwater retention areas in
the City, bnt th�se were facilities accepted by King County prior to the incorporation of Fedeia!
Way. Commercial developments are permitted to have privately owned ponds, which � is
esscntially allowed because only a single entity is m charge of maintaining ihe facility which
�ovides greater assurance of appropriate mainte�ance as wett as simplcr enfon�emeat The
stormwater design ProPosed bY the applicant meets the I998 Manua) standards but does not meet
We City's mainteoance seandards. I.andscaping, ot maintenance of landscaping, is only one
aspect of the maintemuce necessary for upkeep of the pond facility.
Eric LeBrie — ESM Consulting Eng�s
Mr. LeBrie, and ESM Consutting, is gcneraily in agrecment with the majority of Smff's
c�ciusons within the staff n�pnrt, except for the stornnwaber slope crequirements. He pointed oirt
thst private owneiship of stocmwater facilities is peimissible �mder the FWCC end t6at there ace
pknty of privateiy owned facitities. Addirionally, if this project were for commercial
developme�, the pond would �t be at issae, because those may be privately awned and
maintained, thus allowing for fifty peroent siopes in the pond, or even vertical slopes_ Thera are
{rwm�rr.no�maoa.s00000� s
�' ����� p_ 2 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation
Resolution No.10-S80 • Page 7oj14
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2 Heacin¢. The Hearing Examiner conducced a hearing on the application at 2:U0 p.m: at
Federat Way City Hall on January 27, 2Q10. He left t6e record open through Febn�ary 3, 2010 in
order to p�uvide staff an oPPor�tY to provide c�nditioas of approval should the applicant
P�m►ide a stoimwater detcution facility with 3:1 slopes. The Exami�r ex� the rocord to
Febr�ary ld 20I0. in order to provide sta� and die applicant with additional time to ag�+ee upon
a stormwater facility design.
3. SitelPioposel Desccirnion. The applicant proposes to svbdivide an approuimate threo-
acre parccl of land into 14 lots for estabtishment of single-faanily residences. Sircd
improvanents, watea, sewer, utilities, stocm diainage co�o! improvements, and other relsted
infrashucxare impcovements wilt be iastalled to service ihe piat Cumently the site is
undevoloped and PartialiY wooded, with 27 si�nificaat trees a� thick �rubbery. Of the 27
tcees, - 11 wili be nemoved.
4. Characterisacs of tlu Area The propaty is situated in �e southwestan portion of
Federal Way and just noith of Tacoma. The acea is geneially developed with residential housing
of differing vazieties. T� tand to the east is mniti-family developments, and to the north, west,
aaa soum ate singlo-famity �n�g a;sh�ids.uim sunglo-ramily homes.
5. Ad'�'ers� Impacts. The W�oject has unitecgone a SEPA review and was iswed a DNS.
Staff received no comments or appeals. The'staff in their aoalysis of the pa�oject ideatifiod �o
significant advease.impacts a� none were discemable ftom the rxord except that tlbe ioiti�lly
pmoposed sbotmwattr det�tioo faciiity constituted a sefety and mainteaaooe Lazard, as fiut�r �
�scuss� below
6. Adeauaev of Infrastructure and Pablic Services. As mitigatcd bY sta� adoq�ate
u� will serve development as follows:
�: Stormwater design was the most contentious iss� of this a�lication. "Ihe
agplicants , proposed 2: i slopes for their storm drainage pond. Staff trsti8ed that a
meaimum of 3:I slopes was suthori�ed for publicly dedicated detsntion facilities.
Slopes that are 3:1 are consistent with the 1998 King County Surface Water Desi�
Manual (KCSWDl�, b�rt not with the requirementS for dedication to the C'rty. Staff
testified that since Federat Way has bcen incocporated, all stor�water detentioa
Tacilities are pubficly deciica�d. The E�caminer finds that, as testified by sta� Poblic
dedicartioa is neccssary w ens�re safe and proper mainteaance. As testified bY st�
home ow+n�r associations a�e often vncelisbte and ii becomac di�icult for City sta$'to
compel mainttnance. Covenanfs Can be added to allow staff W maintain the pond ai
the expense of the homeawnec assaciation, but these coveoants cam be very difficailt
to a�force siace ultimate resppusibilii}• is uhimately divided amongst the proP�Y
owners of du aibdivision.
In this case, after the verbal testimony portion of tlu hearing was ciosed, tlu appfic�t
and Staff were able to nego6ate a conc�uai �sign tl�at appears t� compiy with the
2:1 slope requirement of public detentioa facilities. T6is in pazt was aceomplished by
�PA076R737.pOC,1U30{I900000t }
Ard�inffiy Plat Reaommendeoion p. 4 Findings, Coaclusions and Recommwd�ion
Resolutioa No.10.S80 Page 9 oj14
displacing a 2:1 s(ope into an adjoining tract to be owned and [oaintainod by a
h�n�wner's association. [n case the stormwater facility ultimately coutd not mcet
pubtic facility requi�neats, the staff ag�eect to allow the facflity to stay in private
ownetshiP- There was no expianatioa in We post verba! hearing written matcriafs as
to how staff' could concludc that private ownership was safe and eppropriate aRer
havmg spent considerable time testifyiug that it was not In short, staff providod very
compelling and somewhat vol�inous testimonY Ju�ifY►nB m�atnr}' P���
dedication of residential stormwatar facilities, and then agr�ed to private dedicafion
with no explanation or evidence as to why this would be acoeptable in this particular
case- Tl�re is substantial evidence supporting a requirement for pubtic �dication
and none for private dodicatioa Give� We cvidence, We Eacawiner cannot 5� that
private dedicstion wili provide for sufficient and safe maintenance. T6e design of the
stormwate�' facility witl have to be publicly dedicaxed a�i meet pubtic facility
roquire�nts. ff ihe facility cannot mxt public dedica6on requirements, it will uot
setis£y d�e conditions of appcoval recommended by the Examiner.
Other d�an the stope issue for the dcainage pond, the stormwatet Facilities of the
P¢'o1� �� n9uirements of the 1998 Kiog Couuty Sur6ce Wata� Design
Msnual (KCS�VDIvn as modifiod by the City_ T�e facilities are adequate if Wey can
be publicly dedicated.
Transportatioa: As proposed and as required by the F�WCC, the subdivision will bc
accessod dmoug6 SW 353" Str�eet, wluch connects to Norpoint Way NE. All lots are
Wen � directly by SW 353'� Street. The Cit�s fiaffc enginar has reviewrd
ihe ptnjed a� concluded Wat the pcoposed st�t la}rouR is consistent with the FWCC
and comprehensive plan in place ax the time of the complde application. tn addiflon,
SW 353' Sh�ett will be constructed to City Stm�dard roadway section "W
requicranents, i�luding a 28-foot paved roadway with curb and gutber, a four-foot
planter � strip with street trees, stre�light4, and ertility strip. Strcet tighting is also
iequic+ed. The Pubtic Works Department and South Kiug Co�mty Fire aad Rascue
have aLso approved pretiminary roadway design and curve radii as proposod. -
• Vehiculaz Access and Circulation- Concuatncy �alysis was perfonned to determinc
whether ihae is adeq�ate roadwaY capacitY to accommodate the development and
aLro to identify �c mifigatioa The report identifies eight Tiansportation
Improvcment Plan projeds impacted by the proposai a�ud results in a 524,723 pro-rata
mitigation paymeni to address the pmblems (Exhibit A, page 5-6). The applica�
maq eitha make tlris payment or complete the identified improvemGnts.
• P�shian Svstem: As proposcd aad required, the plat complies with the FWCC
subdiaisia�n code nequirements for on- aad off-site p�ian cinvlation; aad as such
a sidewalk w�l be provided along the leagth of SW 353'� Streei. Full strcet
im�ovea�ts include a foiu-foot-wide plamter strip, 5vo-foot wide sidewalk, and
threo-foot wide utility strip. The Federa! V✓ay School Di.strict l� e�evievwed ihe plan
a�d did not have any comments iegffiding schooi �s or configucation
(PA076t757.D0f; t1l30419000001}
Pid��ry Plec Re�meada�o p. 5 F"indings, Conclusions aad Recommendation
Resolution No.10.580 Page 10 of l4
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• S e: The applicant 6as proposed to opt in favor of the permitted fee in Iieu
option rath�' than provide on-site open space. The fee in lieu of open space sball be
calculated at i5 percent of ti�e asses.god value of die property, based on KinB CotmtY
a�ssimc�t, at dte bme of fwal plat approval.
• The applicant proposes to serve the sabdivisioa with a public water st�ppiy
and distribarion system maoaged by the Lakehaven Utility Distric� The Jauuary 22,
20Q8, Certificate of Water Availability indicates Lakehaven's capacity to serve We
ProP� �elopment. If additional hydrants or other fire pmtection systems ere
iadicate�, a Developer Exteaseon Ageement (DEA) may be requirod.
• Sewag_: The applicant proposes to serve the P�P�� P� by a pub6c sewier syston�
�S� bY ��ven Uality District A lanuary 22, 2008, Ceraficace of Searer
Avsitability indicates the districYs capacity to save We pnnposod develoPmeat
through a Developer E�ctension Ag�ment (DEA) b�ween the applicant mnd the
• Schools: As pmt of the Cit}rs review of the proposal, We P����Y P� ��ion
was referred.w the Federal Way Scbool Dis�ict for review. A school access analJ�sis
sub�aitted by die appGc�nt indicaties that �e site is bcated in the service ac+eas of
Sherwood Forest Elementary, Illahee Junior High School and Todd Beama Senior
F�igh School. School service areas are review�ti� annually and may be adjusted to
accommodata enrollment growth and nevv development All �ts will be saved
br 1ws a�, ana tws scops are ac: 27�' A�ue sw 8c ssl�` Place for me eteme�y
and juoior high, and at SW 349 Piace 8c Comnado Park for the Irigh sc600L Bus
�OPs ��.1� � change, as sh�deut neods inc�icase and roads are dcveloped
School impact fees wili be colle�bed at the time of �ilding pernuit issuaaoe.
G�m�ently those fees amount to 54,218.00 per singio-family housing unit Sc1wo1
ia►P�t fees are deteimined on the basis of the Disirict's Capital Fa�cilities Plan aad
are subject to annual adjusument and t�pdate.
The applicant's School Access Analysis concludes that without pede�iaa
imProvemenis betwcen Norpoint Way and the end of 2'7 Ave. S.W "there is �
other realistic access to the ex�s6ng school bus siops" from th� pno�oeed
developm�k The project will be conditioned to ensure that this iss�u is �.
• Fire Prntection: South King Fue a� Rescne requires that a 5re hydrant be locabed
wit6in 350 feet of each !ot The Certificate of Water Availability from I�kebaven
U�n' 1�s�rict i�icatGS that water will_be available to the site in sufficieat q�antity'to
sadsfy fire flow standards for the proposed development The exact m�mber amd
locarion of fire hydcants will be reviewed aad approved by South King Fm �d
{riw�6am.noGt�sa�.saoaoo� �
Resolution No.10-S80
p. 6 Findings, Co�lusions and Recommardation
Page 11 oj14
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1- Arthoritv of Hearing Examiner. FWCC 20-110 (4) and (5) provide the Examiner with
die authority to conduct a hearing and make a recommendation to t6e City Council on
Pn�Y Plat applicatioa�
2_ Zoning Desig�tion: Single-Fasnily — High Density xs�.2 �a s�-F�y — t�
n«�;ty, Rss.o
3_ R�eview Criteaa and Application FWCC 20-126(c) governs the criteria for �melimioary
piat appa+oval. Those critexia arc quoted in itatics below and applied W thc appticatioa uoder
comesponding Conclnsions of Law_
FWCC 20.126(c): Decisfona! Criteria .! He�ing Exmnircer shaJ! use the jollowfr�g c�iteric in
reviewing the prelimiravy plat a� may recommend approval ojthe plat to the City Couacil �f.- � -
(I) !t is consistent with the comprehensive plan;
� 4. T6e application is subjecc to we saopced Feaaat Way G Plan (Fwc��,
which desigoates the property as Single-Family — High Density. The proposed land use of a
Singlo-Family housing developme�t is permitted within the RS 7.2 and RS 5.0 zone.s ae� is
�nsistent with dcnsity allowances a� policies applicable to this land use as est�blished in the
FWCC Z8-126(cx2): It fs consisterrt with at! appliarble provis�ons ojthe Cfttrpter, inchrdbig
timse adopted by reference front the comprehensive plcm:
S. As discussed in t�e staffreport, the projed wmplies with atl applicable crite�ia in FWCC
Chapter 20 except for stocmwater detention requirements tbst appiy to public facilities. FWCC
2U-183(a) providas that sb�mwater facilities must meet the requirements of the KCSWDM.
Sxrion 53J(c) of the KCSWDM, wtuch appacr.ntlY on1Y applies to public facilities (the staff
teport does not make this distincbon and the Examiner does not have access to t6e KCSWDivn,
req�i�res that at kast 25°/. of the pond perimeter will be a vegetated soii stope � steepa than
3H:IV. FWCC 20-183(c) provides that stormwater facilities will' 6e publiciy dedicated "as
�propriate." As previousty determined, all cesidential stormwater dcteaRion facilities are
pubficly dodicated a� public dodication is axessary in order to ensure consisteat, safe sad
adequet$ mainteoance. Conse�uendy. Public dedication is "appropriatc• and hence taryired
uader FWCC 20-183(a). As a publicly dedicated facility, the facility must satisfy the sfope
requiremeafs of KCSWDM Sedion 53.1(c). The pnoject is conditioned accordingiy. �
FWCC 20-116(e�): It is consistent with public healtl� safety, mrd welJcve.
6. The proposod txeliminazy plat would peimit developmeat of the site oonsistent with tbe
c+artnt Singlo-Family High Density lanci use classificati� of the FWCP and map. Proposed
Pre�mmay plst R000�wd�on p- 7 Findings, Co�lusioas and Recommeodation
Reaolution No. l D-SSD Page 12 of l4
y �
����� � 7 �....�.
xcess and fire hydrent locacioos must meet all requirements of South King Fire and Rescue, and
ali future strud�e,s are required to be sprinklered. Fuhue dcvelopment of du plat in accordan�ce
with applicable code.s an�d regulation� 1�Gtigation measures require paymetttv and/a
improvements for adequate infrastructure. As previously discussed, the Projoct will aLso be
conditio�d to provide for public dedicarion of its stormwater facility and in so doing will have
w meet the slope �+equirements for public facilsdes. �
One iss�u nelated to public t►eatth, safety anci welfare that is cmiously missing from the City's
oonditions of approvai are paleshian improvements for safe walldng conditioas to school bus
stops. The appiicant's own analysis indicates that there is no access to schoo! bus stops wtt�trt
pe�es�;an improvemencs be�weea Nocpoi� way and the e� of 27"' Ave Sw, see E�c I, p. S.
The projoct will bc coaditioned to provide necessarY P��� �i���euts.
As recommended with condi6ons, the project is con�stent with public heatth, safety, and
FWCC 20-1.Z6(cx4): It is consistent with the design criteria listed in FWCC 20-2_
7. The proposed preluitinary Ptat vwuuld promote �e purposes identified 'm FWCC Secbion
20-2 and the standards and regulatioas therein, as iderni5ed in du staff crport. including
effective use of laad, promotion of safe a� conveoient havei on strects. and provisio�n for the
housing ngods of the comm�nity. Ome exception is the desgn�srandards for the st�mwater -
p�nd. As di�ed else�ere, pubiic dedicatian is necessary, consequen@y oompliance adth the
�sign staadards of �ebGcly owned fac7ities is reqairtd. The project is co�itioned accordinglY-
8. FWCC 20-125(cx�: It Zr consisterrt witfi the developine�rt standmds listed in F�CC
ZO-tSl tfvough 20=15� aria120-178 t6rough 20-187
9. Dcwelopmart of this site is required to comply with the provisions of FWCC Chap� 20,
"Subdivisions," Chapter. 18, "Enviroomental Protectioq" Cl�apter 22, "Zoning," and al! oiher '
a�licabte locat and state development codes and regulations. As proposed, and as
recomme�ed by the Hearing Examiner, the prEliminary plat application compties with all
applicabte stadrte,s, codes, and reg�la6o�, with the exception of the pood reteation facility.
Howevec, as conditio�d, the application will be in complia�e.
The Examiner rxommends that the City Councit approve t6e p�efimmary plat as set forth ia the
�aff rtport of David Lee, dated January 19, 2010, subject to the foUowing conditions:
Poblic Wor1�s Condifioos:
1. Pedeslriaa improvemeets to assure safe waildng conditioos to school M�s stops as ddailed
in die Schoo� Access Analysis. Final locarion and design of the school a�ess path s6all bc
appcoved by tlie Fede�al Way School Distrid end the Fodecal Way Pablic Works D�t
prior to issuance of construcfion permits for in�ashucturc im�o�nea►ents.
te�w�bcm�ni3a�9aooaa �
Prel�iauy Plat Reoommmda�ion p_ 8 Findings, Conclusioas a�d Recommardati�
Resolution No.10-S80 Page 13 oJl4
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Ex�! �-�
2_ Design of the stotmwater drainage po� shall be coosistent with the conceptuat design
presented in Exhibit O. In addition the stoimwate�r draiaage pond shal! be subjcct w the
• It m�t be demonstrated through the Snat eaginoeriag design aad review process
tl� the de.vign meets ail design ctiteria for Public ponds, per the 1998 King
co�my s� w� n�� M��t �tccswn�.
• z'he cuy.W;u a�c me poaa t� op�atioas ana maintenance, after Final Piat
�g and upon s�xessfiil compktion of the City Code required post-
construction two-year maintenaace peaiod.
• Approval/agteemeat from the property aamec(s) oa the nocth side of the pand, for
a wall to be constcuctod on that adjacent pioperty, a� any walls b�riIt oa
parcels/propaty odier thaa within the pond tract will be owncd and maimaincd by
those adjacxnt property ownas.
• Tbicd �arty shu�aaf review/approval of all walls associated with the pond.
• Walls to meet design criteria set forth by a Licensed Professionai (ieo-Technical
Engincer and third party review will be requircd_
Plaen�g Conditionsa
1. Prior to approval of the finat plat, the applicaut must submit to the City of Fedaal Way
'• fee ia-lieu�f
op� spaoe, calculatod on 15 perceut of the �st ncent assessed value of
t� property at the time of final plat.
2. . A copy oftl�e Home Ownets Association (HOA)/Covemnt Agreement must 6e ra�orded
prior to recording of the ptat_ The HOA/Couenant Agreement must coadain language
which govans the responsiM'liry of owoing/maincaining common (andscaping tcacts
along Norpoint Way NE aud the aoa-public landscaping tract in and around th�
stormwaxer ddention facility.
3_ The power easement for Puget Sound Energy that nms north/south along We eastem
pa�tion of We pmposed preliminary piat must be showa on the final ra:orded plat.
Additiooally, the buildable areas of eaeh lot shal! be shown out4ide of the easemeat
Dated this 28'" day of February, 2010.
Phil Olbrochu
Iieariu8 Examincr
City of Fede.ral Way
P�et�mary Plat Recommendatioo p. 9 Findings. Conclusions and Recommmdation
Resolupon NoJO-580 Page 14 of 14
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November 8. 201 ]
Ms. Oeb Barker
Associate Pianner
Ciry of Federai Way - City Haii
P.O. Box 9718
Federa! Way. WA 98063-9718
RE: Fle # 08-100329-00-SU
Norpoint Heights Preliminary Plat
Dear Ms. Barker:
Job .No_ 1453-002-007
On behalf of Landmaric Homes, ESM Consulting Engineers requests a minor modification
to the approved preliminary plat for Norpoint Heights. We are requesting permission to
clear and grade both the p�oposed right-of-way and the proposed lots at one time as
oppose to just grading the right-of-way_ Please see the enclosed proposed Ctearing and
Grading Plan for the project The foilowing describes the reasons why clearing and
grading the site at one time is ihe most viable approach to the Norpoint Heights project
and meets the requirements of Ciry of Federal Way Code 18.35.180(4).
COFIN Code 18.35.18�(4)
As part of the final review, . the city counci/ may require or approve minor
modification to the preliminary plat if
(a) The chan�e wiU not have the effect of increasing the residential densi .ty of
the plat;
(b) The change will not result in the relocation of any access point to an exteiior
street from the plat;
(c) The change wil/ not result in any loss of open space area or buffering
provided in the plat; and,
�th this minor modification request,� the site layout will not be changed,
therefore the residential density, access points, and open space will
remain the same as on the approved preliminary plat
EXI����'�" Nov i o 20»
FSM Federal Way
181 5 333rd 51. 8ldq L. Ste 210
Federat Way. WA 98003
253.E38.6113 tN
800.365.5696 tolt free
253.83B.7104 fax
ESM Evereq
1010 SE Everett Ma11 Way. Ste 210 �""� `^9'reer;ng
Everetf. WA 98208 la�� S::rveyinq
425.297.99001e1 �� _aser Scann�ng
8d6.415.6164 toll free
425.297.9901 tac
la.^.0 Pla�n��q
Lands[ape Arch�te[tnrc
Nww.esmt+vil iom
Ms_ �eb Barker
Novernber 8. 201 1
Page 2 of 2
(d) The city determines that the change will not increase any adverse impacts or
undesirable effects of the project and that the change does not significantly
alter the project
The foilowing describes the benefits of grading the entire site at one time
as oppose to clearing a�d grading the lots and roadway separatefy.
• Reduces overall impact to the public roadways by relocating a�d
importing soil material at one time ratl�er than 15 times (one fo�
roadway and pond constructio� and once for each lot).
• Clearing and grading the entire site will have minimal impact to the
public. The majority of the site sits approximately 30' above Norpoint
Way and due to the angle of the site compa�ed to Norpoint Way only
a small portion of the site will be visible.
• Grading the lots during construction of the roadway is an effective
way of controlling erosion. The lot pads will be relatively flat
therefore reducing erosive velocities of storm water. !n addition,
mass grading allows storm drai�age to be easily directed to the
temporary erosion control pond.
This proposed minor modification is� consistent with the Ciry of Federal Way codes
regarding minor modifications and we request that the City accept the clearing and
grading concept proposed on the attached exhibit
If you have any questions or comments regarding this request, please let me know at
(253) 838-6113 or by e-mail (brianne.qasifield@esmcivil.com).
.� �� -�,'� -
; -�;
Proposed Clearing and Grading Plan
cc: Isaac Conlen. City of Federal Way
David Litowitz, Landmark Homes
11esm81engAesm-jobs 11453i00210071documentlletter-022.doc
NOV 10 201
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