HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEDRAC MINS 02-10-2004City of Federal Way
City Council
Finance/Economic Develop ment/Regional Affairs Committee
Tuesday, February 10, 2004 City Hall
5:30 p.m. Mt. Baker Conference Room
In a t tenda nc e: C ommit t ee M emb er s: C ounci l M emb er s Er ic Faison, Cha ir , Jea nne Bur bidge, a nd Jim
Ferrell; Mayor Dean McColgan; Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar; Council Member Jack Dovey; Council
Member Micha el Park; Assistant City Manager Donna Hanson; Dir ector of Community Development
Services Kathy McClung; Deputy Director of Community Development Services Patrick Doherty;
Management Services Dir ector Iwen Wang; City Attorney Pat Richardson; Assistant City Attorney Karen
Jorgensen; and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety.
Chair Faison called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm.
Ther e was no public comment.
A. Reebok Women’s Triathlo n Co ntr act Review and Approval – Mr. Doherty went over the
ba ckgr ound a nd out lined t he pr oposal. T he R eeb ok Women’s T r ia thlon Ser ies (RWT S) is a
char ity event, raising funds for the Ovarian Cancer Resear ch Fund. T he event current ly has four
venues around the count y and was looking for a fifth. The triathlon is proposed to be based at
Steel Lake Park. Tentative courses are for the swimming portion of the competition in the lake,
t he r unni ng por t i on c ons ist i ng of a cour se lea ding c ou nter -c loc kwis e a r ound the la ke a r ea a nd
back, and the bicycle course lea ding counter-clockwise around the lake area, over to Military
Road, down Weyer ha euser Way to 336th Street and back northbound to Steel Lake Park. Mr.
Doherty went over Federal Way’s participation, which includes a $10,000 site fee and in-kind
contributions as outlined in the F ebruary 3, 2004, memo to FEDRAC. He handed out a draft copy
of the contr act agr eement for the Committ ee’s review and discussion. It was m/s/c t o a ppr ove t he
a bove-ment ioned points of agr eement bet ween R WT S a nd t he C it y of F eder a l Way, as well a s the
corresponding draft contract, for the Reebok Women’s Triathlon Series event in Federal Way
Sept ember 18-19, 2004.
B. Federal Way Chamber Updates and Comments – Ther e was no Cha mber representative
present. Council Member McColgan commented that there are various forums for Chamber
involvement and Cha mber CEO Tom Pierson would like a mor e efficient wa y of disseminating
information. Mr. Pierson plans to attend a future meeting and present his suggestions.
C. City Center Redevelopment Strategies (discussion on work program items, including public
meeting, city center developers forum, etc.) – It was suggested that a date be set for the developer’s
for u m a nd t o wor k ba ck fr om t ha t da t e. A da t e wa s tenta tively set f or a T uesda y or Wednes da y in
the first or second week of June. Chair Faison deliver ed a report from a meeting he had with a
devel op er r ega r di ng r edevel op ment of some C it y C ent er pr oper t ies.
FEDRAC Minutes February 10, 2004 Page 1
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D. Other Economic Development Work Program Items – The Committee has been requested to
develop a priority list and work plan from the ideas presented at the City Council retreat and
items Mr. Doherty is working on. Mr. Doherty presented the Committee with a chart of Economic
Development Accomplishments and a chart of On-Going Economic Development Activities. The
Committee held some discussion on this issue and were asked to give Mr. Doherty any thoughts
and/or ideas they have on a work plan.
The next scheduled meeting is March 9, 2004, 5:30 p.m., in the Mt. St. Helens Conference Room.
The meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
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